Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1100: ?('?')? The latest battle of Zhiyuanxing!

At eight o'clock in the morning on August 31, 2552...

As of today, if the Valor and Cautious Fleet arrived at Reach on July 23 and began the preparatory work for the arrival of the Star Covenant’s main fleet, this event lasted for nearly forty days. The star fields near Tianyuan 4 and the planet that appeared to be very important to UNSC and mankind-the war on Reach, the touching "Battle of Reach", finally announced the official end.

From 07:28 on July 24th, under the order of Colonel Holland, the Noble team went to the paralyzed Wisgrad relay station to investigate possible rebel activities and discovered the trail of the Star Covenant and issued a "winter emergency" From the alarm, until the "Autumn Wind Pier" successfully took off from the Yasa Shipbreaking Yard at around 17:05 pm on August 30 and escaped from Reach, as the defending and defeated side, the humans of UNSC have paid a huge and heavy effort. Sacrifice!

According to incomplete statistics based on the data collected by the stupid AI of the castle base that has not yet fallen, as of August 31, the UNSC Poeza Fleet that originally had nearly 400 million military personnel who participated in and commanded the Reach Battle has paid a total of The heavy cost of the sinking of 134 warships, the missing of several ships, and the disappearance or death of more than 700 million soldiers and civilians...

(According to statistics: Among the dead, military personnel were killed and missing about 300 million, and Zhiyuan civilians, excluding those who successfully escaped and survived afterwards, got about 400 million massacred by the Star Alliance! At this time, because of avoidance The number of humans who survived the wars in various places on the planet or is still hidden in various refuges is likely to be less than 300 million.)

Before the start of the battle, UNSC’s Poeza fleet had a super aircraft carrier, a first class aircraft carrier, three cruisers, 98 destroyers, 17 frigates, 32 light frigates, and 20 orbital defense platforms and Eighteen maintenance and modification platforms!

However, after the end of the battle, the Boeza Fleet only had fewer than ten warships left, except for those ships that implemented the Cole Agreement and disappeared in random jumps and have not been contacted so far. Naturally, the orbital defense platform was completely destroyed by the Star Alliance, and only fifteen "people go to the sky" and the maintenance and modification platforms that acted as shields remained temporarily because there was no need to destroy them.

As for the loss of the Star Alliance fleet, it is even more severe...

As of 8 o'clock in the morning on August 31, the Star Alliance invaded Reach and Tianyuan IV’s heroic and cautious fleet of 13 warships, 100 warships of the Holy Sigh Fleet, 80 warships of the Justice Vigilant Fleet, and special The 341 warships of the Justice Fleet, including the flagships of the Long Night, the Truth Seeking, the Sublime Excellence, and the Truth and Harmony, totaling 534 ships The battleships were all sunk in the universe around Zhiyuan and paid the final price of at least four million soldiers of various races killed!

Of course, at this time the number of casualties of the invading soldiers of the Star Alliance is still increasing, because the battle on the ground of Reach has not completely ended, at least it will continue for ten days or half a month.

Perhaps, after seeing the battle damage data of the two sides participating in the Zhan Reach battle, many people may find it strange, why the Star Alliance fleet as the victor was annihilated, and the human UNSC as the defeated and fleeing side The fleet still has a little fleet left. This seems unreasonable no matter how you look at it?

But in fact, this thing is very simple!

Towards the end of the battle, escaping from Reach on the'Autumn Wind’s Pier', a little girl who was angry from her heart to the courage suddenly turned over the table, struggling to seriously interfere in the world and possibly cause plane fusion or The risk of a big collision, after directly opening the plane portal and summoning a part of the Reaper Legion, the Covenant fleets who were already celebrating the victory and prepared to pursue the victory of the human fleet and other planets would have nothing left.

Because the remaining Star Covenant fleets are under the violent bombardment of the huge number zero element reactor, extremely high energy intensity, thick and durable shield, and the overlord class Reaper battleship with the extremely powerful magnetic fluid cannon for this world. It disappeared without much resistance, and he couldn't even escape!

In fact, anyone who suddenly encounters a Reaper fleet with more than a thousand ships after a battle will only be destroyed, and there will be no better.

‘! ! ’

‘They are here again! ’

‘Kill them! ’

‘No! refuses to die! ’

‘Here! Run! Stop shooting, they can't kill! ! ’

‘Run! ’

‘Robot monster! ’

‘I surrender...Uh! ! ’

‘Don’t shoot, don’t shoot! ’

‘Wow! ! ’


On the earth of Zhiyuan, a group of hands, heads, and legs are similar to those of the Querians, but there is a light-emitting device on the face, which can be seen clearly even in broad daylight, like a strong LED light. The flashlight-like Jies troops were holding Jies pulse rifles and the Jies' javelin sniper rifles, moving forward in silence and wantonly slaughtering the Star Covenant troops who were fleeing in embarrassment.

Under the absolute superiority of the Jies army and the powerful and advanced weapons, the defeated Star Alliance forces were swept across the land of Reach as if they were driving sheep, and they didn't even have the courage to turn back and resist. .

Because, the soldiers of the Star Alliance have long discovered that the weapons in their hands are completely unable to penetrate the shields of those terrifying robot armies, because every unit of the opposing team is extravagantly carrying that kind of light or heavy protection. shield?

On the other hand, looking at the Star Alliance themselves, those energy shields that were originally relatively advanced compared to the UNSC are completely unable to withstand the enemy's shooting? Whether it is a jackal with a shield, an elite with its own shield, or a Guru hiding behind a bunker, they are all easily killed and harvested in silence by those ruthless and accurate shooting robots. , Even if it is useless to drop the weapon and beg for mercy?

'Wow! ’

‘That terrible monster is here again, run! ! ! ’

'no no! ! ! ’

boom! boom! boom!


In a small camp on the plain in front of the Star Alliance, when the elites of the Star Alliance gathered a group of soldiers who used the kind of fortifications and fortifications, as well as the Phantom transport ships flying in the air, and the'Demon Ji' fighter planes stubbornly swept away from a distance. When the Jies soldiers fired and stubbornly resisted and knocked down a few enemies from time to time, they soon discovered in despair: In the distance, there appeared which kind was about one hundred and sixty meters high. The four and the five joints surrounding its head look a lot like the "Scarab" super-heavy siege platform of their Star Covenant, but are they even more terrifying? !

They have seen them before. The opponent has an extremely powerful heavy shell and unparalleled shield, whether it is a plasma rifle, a needle rifle, a fuel cannon, a howitzer, an assault gun, or the cannon of a demon fighter, or even theirs. Those shadow turrets, etc., can't cause any damage to them. The other party is completely immune to the firepower of their small arms and vehicles?

Corresponding to the opponent's terrible defensive power, it is the same terrifying beam attack emitted from the red energy emitter on the head like eyes! That kind of beam cannon, with its powerful destruction ability, can even cut an SDV-class heavy battleship flying in the sky into two halves and destroy it in just a few seconds!

As for the other small vehicles and aircraft of the Star Alliance, let alone!

In this time of the night, there is often no place where the horrible, powerful walking machine called the Destroyer appears, whether it is in the air or on the ground, there is no longer any place where the Covenant soldiers can stand. And this is what makes them panic.

Om~! !

Isn't this?

While the Star Covenant soldiers on the ground screamed and fled, the huge Reaper weapon, the Destroyer suddenly lifted its huge head, and the red light beam from the laser on its head The launcher blasted out, and it swept down several Phantom transport ships and enchanting fighters that were going to escape in the sky, and then swept toward the ground again, the kind of exile’s "Berbei" self-propelled artillery and revenant assault cannon. The platforms were cut in half by that terrifying beam of light, leaving a molten red glass-like gullies in the place. As for the soldiers of the Star Alliance who were swept, they were burned to the point of ashes and one. Pile of broken residue...

boom! boom! boom!


Soon, a continuous loud explosion began to sound in the stubbornly resisting camp of the Star Covenant. Then, after the Star Covenant no longer had any organized resistance, the Jies soldiers who had been waiting were silent. Following the one hundred and sixty-meter-high'Destroyer' harvesting machine slowly stepped into the enemy camp that was drawn by the laser in a straight line.


Looking at the battle scenes on the screen where although the locations are different, but the process and results are mostly the same, Noble 6 couldn't help but open his mouth and couldn't say a word for a long time.

"I really can not believe……"

"Annie, what are they?!"

Take a ride with a little **** the bridge of the Jies Community cruiser, which is said to be only 361.5 meters long, hover in the high sky of Reach, watching the battle scenes come from the Jies individual. We watched the live broadcast of the battle scene, looking at the guy who was countless times more terrifying than the "Scarab" super-heavy siege platform of the Star Alliance, Noble 6 stayed with the opponent for a night in a vague way, marveling at it all night, and After watching a night of the Star League defeat and even the soon annihilation of the entire army, the scene that made him feel extremely happy, even if he didn't sleep, he felt refreshed, he finally regained his senses. , Swallowed, and asked with difficulty pointing to the robots around those who looked exactly the same as the attacking troops.

"Are they?"


"They are a kind of robot called Jies!"


"It's a race of robots produced from a soft but unusually tough outer carapace and synthetic tissue like muscles!"


In fact, the uniqueness of Jies is mainly derived from their unique neural network.

It is said that they can allocate low-level processes such as movement and vision by ‘sharing’ the processing power to increase efficiency, so that they can carry out more complex thinking? Although Jies can't share sensor data like Reckner's worm nest, once the number of'individuals' increase, their thinking ability will be stronger! An independent Jies's thinking level is only equivalent to the intuition of animals, but if a group is formed, they can think rationally, analyze the situation, and make tactical decisions like organic life, even invention and creation?

300 years after the Dawn War, the Overlord of the Reapers arrived on the planet Jies was on, and then collected a part of Jies. From that time on, except for the Reaper’s troops that were uglier than the other Reapers. , And there is this kind of Jies units that are slightly more'good-looking', can't be'dead' and can be mass-produced!

But, when Annie went to play with the Shepard sister in the World of Mass Effect, and when she accidentally became the master of the Reaper, these "heretics" Jies who were the subordinates of the Reaper naturally became Her loyal men, and then this time she subconsciously summoned them to leave.

"I can see that they are robots..."

"But Annie...who are you, why can you command and summon them, and there are so many'overlord' warships on the orbit, but they wiped out all the Star Alliance fleets in a short period of time. Yes, why can you direct them?!"

Obviously, compared to those UNSCs that may have made it themselves, it is nothing more than the same as their Spartan fighters. Each one has to spend a huge price, and the final result is that the flexibility and practicality are slightly inferior to Jies. And those battleships, what he cares more about is the true identity of the little guy who was discovered at the Wisgrad relay station and mistakenly believed to be a family member of a rebel!

Only from the fact that the opponent can summon the fleet and order that these flexibility and combat effectiveness are not worse than the average elite UNSC Marines, but the shields and weapons are much stronger than their Spartan fighters, depending on the number. The seemingly endless and desperate robot soldier, Noble 6 knew that the identity of the opponent is definitely not simple, anyway, it will not be as they previously imagined, just a family member of a rebel family It's that simple.



"It might be a bit troublesome to say, hey, come here and tell him who I am!!"

(?ˊ?︶?)???.. .:*?

I felt a little bit shy to explain my identity, felt that my title was really too much and I didn’t know how to talk to the other party, Annie, so I had to greet a certain Jies crew member on the side. Scream.

'report! ’

‘This gentleman! The one standing in front of you now is the savior of the galaxy in our mass effect world, the friend of the human race, the owner of the **** fort and the reaper, the head of the heroic federation, the owner of countless parallel worlds and all realms, the world’s owner! ’

‘The above is the basic knowledge of our Jies’s of the great head Anne! ’

After finishing speaking, this Jie Si was slightly embarrassed at a certain little girl who didn't know that he still had such titles before saluting and then returning to his post in a daze.

Yes, just in a daze...

Because ah, the Jies do not need to use peripheral devices like other biological races to control their spacecraft, but only need to be there in a daze and connect the platform that carries them to the battleship. It's fine on the'platform'. As for more complicated operations and instructions, they can be completed silently and extremely efficiently in their own link ‘platform’!

"Probably that's it?"



"The master of countless parallel worlds and all realms, the owner of the world?"

If the titles in the front, such as ‘savior’ or the head of a certain country, can barely be understood by Noble 6, then he can’t understand at all!


"Are you God?!"

In the limited common sense and cognition of Noble 6, he felt that perhaps it could be called "the owner of countless parallel worlds and all realms" or "owner of the world". Is it the creator or the legendary god?

In this way, maybe Annie, this cute little guy, is not actually a little angel sent to them by God, but God himself has come down? Moreover, God is still a little girl? !

Of course, that kind of ridiculous thought just flashed through his mind and tried to ask, in fact, he didn't take it seriously.



"People are not God's troublesome guy!"


"Although people recognize him, he is not under his hands! However, some of the worlds he manages are now accidentally occupied by others...Anyway, the relationship is very complicated, you only need to know that they are Kepru The heads of the huge countries in the constellation that span several different planes of the world, and these guys are all under others!!!"


Regarding the question of identity, Annie didn't mind too much, she just wanted to play well in this world and be a passer-by. In fact, if it weren't for accidentally intervening, and helping humans fight wars in Reach and losing so badly, she might not have summoned the Reaper fleet and Jies army to come to this galaxy.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Is that so?"

It's okay if Annie didn't explain it. The Noble 6 next to her became more and more confused...

However, even though it is somewhat difficult to understand, Noble 6 still grasped the point, that is: this little guy in front of you is the head of a powerful and technologically advanced country! And those ‘Reaper’ overlord fleets that are now over Reach and the Jies army that is currently sweeping the Star Alliance ground forces on Reach, are all the forces of the opposing powerful country?

If you think about it this way, it seems much easier to understand.

"But Annie!"

"Now that you have defeated the Star Alliance fleet, I believe that within a few days, the troops on the Star Alliance ground will be cleaned up, but what are you going to do next?"

"Is it to help mankind fight back against the Star Alliance, or..."

When asked about this, Noble 6 stopped and looked at each other slightly nervously.

Because he didn't know, and was even more worried, worried that this little guy, after defeating the Star Alliance, the Noble 7 he was familiar with, would he attack the UNSC in turn or would it conflict with UNSC?

The opponent’s fleet and ground forces are so powerful, and even those star alliances that are stronger than UNSC are easily destroyed by them overnight. Then, if the opponent turns to attack humans, wouldn’t their UNSC A dead end?

He couldn't even think of the fact that the wolf had just driven away from the front foot, but the tiger came again on the back foot.


∑(′△`)? !

"Of course I don't know what to do next..."


Annie said that she hadn't had time to think so much. She was just out of righteous indignation against the unruly Star Alliance troops and then outrageously summoned reinforcements. As for the following things, such as what to do after the Reaching , Then she really doesn't know yet.





"Uncle No. 6, it's all like this now, so let's first completely defeat the star alliance on the planet!"


Annie has no precedent for withdrawing the troops after being summoned. Anyway, now they have been hit, and the summoning has been summoned. It seems a bit too late to regret or something?

Therefore, she felt that when the UNSC senior management basically escaped to death, formed a mess on the ground of Reach, and there were many Star Alliance forces raging everywhere and they might make a comeback, she and her men It seems necessary for those Reaper Legions to stay here to maintain order.

Moreover, there are still so many refugees on Zhiyuan now, and their cities and homes have been burned out by the warships of the Star Alliance, more or less she always needs to take care of them.


Nodded, thinking that I was just a frontline soldier of Noble Squad, thinking that I was just a lieutenant's No. 6, closed my mouth, then continued to stand aside, watching the pictures, and continuing to admire the Star Alliance Those cruel invaders looked unlucky.

Because, those things don't seem to belong to him, it's the UNSC high-level people who should worry about it, and he is obviously not a high-level, he can't even match the captain of a battleship.

"If you want to watch it, keep watching! I will find a place to sleep!"


After a fight, Master Anne, who stretched his waist, said that after fighting **** Zhiyuan for so long, now she finally has the opportunity to return to the kind of food she used to be fond of thieves. Sleeping, waking up and eating and doing nothing all day, so now all she has to do is to find a cabin on Jies’s battleship and get a good night’s sleep!

These robots from the hands of the quarians, the layout of the warships must be the same as those of the quarians, and will definitely retain the functions and living quarters of the captain's room? Therefore, Annie did not feel that she could not find a place to sleep comfortably.

As for the Reapers and the Jies army, they will find the trouble of the enemy themselves, and there is no need for her to command blindly! Of course, Annie also remembered to confess the harvesters before, and did not allow them or those Jies to educate or transform the corpses of the Star Covenant’s crooked stars. She just let them perform their most basic functions and destroy the stars. The ships of the Alliance guard Reach.

"You have to work hard!!"


Before leaving the bridge, Annie had not forgotten to learn from some leaders, and pretended to explain to those who stood still.

'understand! ’

'understand! ! ’

The explainers said in unison, and a little startled Noble 6 who still didn't want to leave.

After the world of Mass Effect was brazenly incorporated, it is very rare that the Reapers finally no longer carry out the high-end atmospheric grade talent work that harvests life in the galaxy once every fifty thousand years. Instead, they begin to work in the galaxy of this world, in Tianyuan. The Fourth Reach star here, plays the role of the protector of mankind and the vanguard of the counterattack against the Star Alliance...

Have to say, is this really a big irony?

But there is no way. Now whether it is these Jies or the harvesters, they are nothing more than the private property of a little girl, and they are still the kind that do not care about food or salary, have no rest days, and need to go all day and night. Working overtime, and at the same time, you have to work hard for her, and you are not allowed to complain?


At the same time, in a command room in the underground fortress of the castle base, the survivors of the Spartan Red Team, Dr. Halsey, and several senior UNSC base officers were stunned watching those outside their base who were attacking them. The base, but now it has been beaten by a group of robots of unknown origin and fled and collapsed!

This happened last night, when the Star Covenant fleet was wiped out and Reach began to be taken over by unknown forces, these UNSC officers and doctors probably knew about it.

However, the more they understand, the more they are puzzled and jealous. They have no idea what the forces that suddenly appeared and attacked the Star League suddenly, but they also knew what the UNSC human robot army and fleet were all about. What happened!

Therefore, they still huddled in the castle base, still carefully passing through the satellites in the orbit of the Reach star, carefully observing the new arrivals through the little things that are difficult to be destroyed by the Star Alliance, like giant bugs. The fleet and those robots are obviously robots, but they are extremely sensitive and equipped with extremely "luxury" robots.


‘I suggest to continue to observe while keeping the soldiers on their guard? ’

‘Don’t do any aggressive behavior until they show obvious hostility to and don’t take the initiative to contact them! Everything, just wait until our communication is restored, wait until we connect with the superior, and wait until we figure out what they are and where they come from before we make a decision. ’

After a long time, Dr. Halsey, who had also watched a big reversal at night, sighed and turned around, and suggested to the top commander of the castle base and the colonel Holland.


"I see, doctor, go back and rest first, I will continue to stare."

Nodded, Colonel Holland no longer said anything. For those powerful mysterious visitors, he himself was as cautious as Dr. Halsey. Therefore, he was going to observe carefully for a period of time, everything, just Wait until the solar system has a reply, and wait until they figure out everything before talking?

'Ok! ’

‘Let’s do this first! I’ll go to the bottom of the base to take a look...’

Dr. Halsey did not intend to go back to sleep, but just nodded towards Holland and the Spartan soldiers of the red team, and walked directly to the base of the castle base.

Because they found a passage underneath, she wanted to see it. After the door was cracked and opened, would there be any valuable forerunner heritage inside?

After all, this universe is too dangerous. There are so many dangerous enemies and potential enemies, and it seems that one is stronger than one, and one is more cruel. Then, she must prepare in advance, mostly UNSC, for Mankind should prepare more knowledge and weapons! The most efficient method is to obtain it from the ruins of the forerunner!


(*?′╰╯`?)? ticket? (?′╰╯`?*)

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