Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1110: ????????? Snowman City where are you...


On the way to Snowman City, with the passage of time, with the evaporating cold, gradually, when the dark clouds began to diffuse, thick water vapor slowly enveloped the ground between this mountain forest and wilderness, and then The misty fog began to condense and form in the air, which immediately blocked most of the sight of a little girl who was wandering around between the mountains and wilds, and allowed her to originally scan without using mental power. The not so good sense of direction becomes more and more confused.





"Huh! Really, what kind of fog breaks up in this bright day... Does this prevent people from hurrying?!"


The fog came quickly and suddenly, and it came as soon as it said, with no signs at all!

So, it suddenly disappeared from Annie's wonderful mood that she was wandering around and watching the scenery casually, so that she was a little angry and raised her face, looking a little unhappy?

(But, dear little master, this place is close to the tributary of Lake Irina, and at the foot of the mountain. The water vapor is abundant, the air humidity is high, the atmosphere is stable and there is no wind, and the temperature in the morning is relatively low. Isn't this foggy thing normal?


——Tibbers knows that there are three important conditions for the formation of heavy fog: one is rapid cooling; the other is air humidification to increase the water vapor content; the third is that there can be no too much wind, and the flow of air should be relatively smooth... Now, all these important conditions are met, and the temperature in the morning is also low, so it's normal to get foggy or something. )



"Anyway, it is not normal for people to fog up when they are on the way! Because ah, they obstruct their way, if they accidentally get lost..."



=???? (???????)

While talking, Annie's expression suddenly stiffened.

Then, after a while, she stood still and didn't move. She just stood in place and looked left and right, just shut up and stopped talking.

(Report! The great little master, the little one must remind you: Now you seem to be lost... In fact, the little one thinks that you have been lost long before the fog... So, you really can’t Pushing his own responsibility to those mists that have just risen?


——Why did that nasty little master of my own family suddenly stop and shut up without talking? Where could Tibbers not know? Therefore, it unceremoniously took the initiative to speak out and reminded the other party to accept a cruel fact. )



"Tibbers...people suddenly felt, are you talking too much today?!"


Little Annie, who was originally lost because of the fog and suddenly found out that she was accidentally lost because of the fog, then ferociously grabbed a certain nasty bad bear by the neck, and then squeezed it tightly while holding her own. He raised his eyebrows and warned viciously.

Now she was very upset. If a certain bad bear dared to provoke herself for no reason, then Queen Anne said: It will definitely pay its due heavy price for its stupid behavior!

for sure! !



(No way, Tibbers is a little bit embarrassed, no longer dared to talk nonsense like just now. Think about it, how could the great little master of his house get lost? Impossible, it's all an illusion , Everything is the fault of those **** fogs! They blocked the view of the little master, they appeared when they shouldn’t, and they moved a wrong path to the direction of the little master’s journey. ?)





"Really...Hey! Tibbers, then tell me, what shall we do now?!"


Although I didn’t want to admit it, but now it seems that Little Annie, who is really lost, wandered around in the same place. She couldn’t find the right path with her eyes in a strange place, so she had to ask for help from her own little bear. Perth.

Anyway, she just asked casually, the other party's opinion is for reference only, she will not necessarily accept it!

(Or.... Honorable little master, you can just send it directly? You just need to "swish", close your eyes, and then open your eyes, and you will reach the Snowman City. How fast is that? ?


——For someone who has the ability to identify directions, scan the entire planet or the universe, even without coordinates, she can teleport to any place she wants to go with just one idea, but now she has to choose ordinary people Tibbers didn't want to vomit too much, the bad little master who was on the way, so he could only give advice so carefully and cautiously. )



"No more!"


"Teleport or something, that kind of thing is not fun at all!!"


If she could do it like that, Anne would have done it a long time ago, how could she have been so slow to do it now? Therefore, a certain bear's bad idea was directly rejected by her without even thinking about it.

(Well, let the little one show you the way next?)




"People are not lost, why do you want to show the way?!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Obviously, Queen Anne will never admit defeat to her bad bear Tibbers easily. If she needs the other party to show her the way now, doesn't it mean that she is really lost?

However, how could she get lost?


That kind of boring thing, that kind of getting lost, is a false proposition in itself, it cannot be proved, no matter what form it is!



(Yeah! Tibbers suddenly doesn’t want to talk anymore... Because, it’s already completely utterly disrespectful to some nasty little master now, so let her toss! Anyway, as long as she wanders in the wild. Ten days and a half months or something, the patience will be exhausted sooner or later! At that time...Of course, maybe it won’t take ten days and a half months at all, because it’s too long and it absolutely doesn’t believe the other party has it. That kind of terrible patience, most...just a short period of time or less?)






??(?? ̄?? ̄?)????



"People know now, it must be the right path..."


"La la la..."


After pretending to wander around the place for a long time, and entangled for a long time, finally, she didn’t want to use any magic or other abilities to show the way, and she didn’t want to conquer a certain bad bear. Not very reliable intuition, directly stepped on his short legs, and began to trot over a certain path in a certain direction among the mountains and forests.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn’t want to speak, so it won’t tell the other person, her direction seems to have been wrong! Moreover, at a fork not far away, there is a very obvious street sign...Anyway, let it home That silly little lord of the sloping, rough and difficult route! Anyway, mountain climbing or wading is not a big problem for her, is it?)

"Aha! It must be correct!"


Little Annie, who went higher and higher, and the trees on both sides became more open, suddenly felt that the path she had chosen right now was definitely not wrong, must it be? So, she speeded up and jogged forward directly.


!? (?\'\'??)?


(* ̄△ ̄*)



However, before she ran very far, Xiao Anni had to stop again, because she found that there seemed to be no way in front...she seemed to have taken the wrong way again by accident?

Yes, she just went the wrong way, so she didn't get lost!

In any case, "lost" and "wrong way" are two completely different concepts. Whether it is written in Dragon language, Nordic, Azeroth, or the language of the people of the earth, they are all the same. Two completely different words!

"Where is that road, it's so hot, it's here just now, so why did it turn into a cliff when I turned around?!"


From this point of view, this Tamriel world is really too magical here, even the ruined place in Skyrim Province, even a small road is so playful, and she will make a joke with her Queen Anne. ?



(What can Tibbers say, is this Lu’s fault? Well, it seems that it’s Lu’s fault in the eyes of some mischievous master? Anyway, since she has already said that It must be, yes, yes, no...)



Annie was a little mad, and mist and ripples began to appear in those big blue eyes that seemed to talk like the surrounding environment.

Of course, it was not because of sadness, but because of anger...



‘Kill it...’

'Be careful! ’

'what! ’

‘Wait! I will tear you apart! ! ’

‘Lea look good! ’



‘Damn it! ’

‘You better be careful...’

'I know! ’


Just as Annie was at a loss, wondering if she should turn her head and turn back to choose another way, or simply do nothing but blast a way from the cliff, suddenly, she seemed to be from under the misty cliff , Heard the sound of clashing weapons and fighting?



"It seems...someone is fighting down there? What a farm there?!"


"Ha! I know! They didn't go the wrong way!"




Annie got excited all of a sudden, and then jumped directly under the rocky cliff, and just before landing, after a slow fall technique let herself touch the ground easily, she jumped forward. Speed ​​up and ran away.

Of course, she is not excited because she can watch people fight, but because: Since the sound of someone fighting in front proves that there is someone, and someone seems to be able to ask for directions? Anyway, as long as you don't cheat yourself and use magic or other methods to indicate the direction, or ask a bad bear, then there is no problem at all!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


On Pelagius Farm, in this piece of grassland surrounded by half-person-height logs, a guy holding a two-handed epee, even looking ugly, but wearing thick plate armor, is following One was as tall as two adults, his skin was slightly pale, and his body was still wrapped in sheets of animal skins. Although he held a handle in his hand, although it was rough, the thick and hard stone tied to it was a bit terrifying. The giant fought hard. With.

At this time, beside them, there were a lot of livestock that seemed to have been smashed to death, and a certain was lying in a pool of blood and wailing. Although he was not dead, even if he was rescued, he might raise him for at least ten and a half days. It’s only possible to recover in a few months, look like a herdsman’s unlucky one?

Of course, besides the guy with the heavy armor and heavy sword, there is also a female archer who seems to be an accomplice and a single-handed sword and a light shield beside him, but they have no intention to help at all. Hilarious weird guy.

Cang! !

'Humph! ’

Bang! !

On the grass field, the man with the big sword on his shoulder was still fighting with the giant, while the other two women were still just watching the show and had no idea of ​​going to help.



"Hey! Look at the trick!!"



boom! !

After watching from a distance for a long time, Annie, who felt that those guys would have been a long time old from beating a giant, finally couldn't help it! So, after thinking about it, she resolutely ran forward directly, and at the same time a small fireball was thrown past, and it accurately hit the giant's head, instantly causing it to burst into a terrible flame.

Of course, Annie still curbed her strength a bit, and didn't let the other party completely burn the other party to ashes at once, so as not to scare the unfamiliar uncles and aunts.

‘! ! ’

‘Moo oh oh! ! ’

‘Oh! ! ! ’

Next second.

The giant slapped his body and head, which was suddenly on fire, frantically waving the terrible stone sledgehammer in his hand, and he was so scared that he was still beating it vigorously before, and was still in it. The heavy-armored and epee man with many hideous wounds hurriedly jumped away.

‘? ? ’

‘! ! ’

'who is it? ! ’

'what! Like a little girl? ’

‘She’s still a mage? ! ’

The trio's exclamations suddenly sounded, and then Qi Qi looked at a certain blond girl who suddenly intervened, wearing a luxurious fur skirt and carrying a stuffed toy bear in her hand.

They had actually seen the other party’s appearance just now, but they thought she was just a little girl from someone on this farm, but who would have thought that the other party turned out to be a mage who can set fire and has magic skills. The power seems to be very good?

‘Moo oh oh! ! ’

‘Oh la la ah! ! ! ’

But at this time, the giant was still beating the flames on his body desperately and wielding the stone giant hammer in his hands wildly, smashing the ground from time to time, and at the same time screaming miserably.

'Humph! ’

'I've had enough! ! ’



Maybe it's not because of the wretched posture of the heavy-armored swordsman, maybe it's cruel to let the giant be burned alive, or because the opponent's voice is too loud and noisy?

Anyway, when everyone was a little surprised at the appearance of a little girl mage and outrageously shooting, when the giant screamed and ran farther and farther with the flames in his body, finally, the one who had been standing by the side before, has not moved. The sensual female archer shot an arrow towards the distance, and accurately hit the back of the giant's head, and then a barbed one emerged from the eye socket in front of the opponent, and a blood vessel pierced it. And a gruesome arrow with the eyeball of some fragmentary object.

‘! ! ’


puff! !

Finally, after the body suddenly stopped for an instant and swayed from side to side, the poor giant, who was surrounded by three people and fought for a long time, finally fell silent under the shot of the sharp arrow. He leaped forward, and allowed the magic flame on it to burn its pale skin to black and burn.

'All right! ’

‘It’s probably okay then, are we considered the task completed? ’

At this time, the woman holding a shield and a short knife next to me thoughtfully looked at the little girl who was walking in, and then shrugged towards the female archer in the same place and asked easily. .

"Maybe! But..."

"Good abilities!"

"Little girl, although you just interrupted our training course for newcomers, but with your strength, with that level of spells, you can almost come to our comrades-in-arms group as a mage..."

Not commenting on her teammate's question, the female archer just turned her head and frowned at the little girl approaching.

Then, after seeing that the other party simply wanted to help them without showing any hostility, he put his bow and arrow back to the face with three slanted inks on his back, and the skin looked similar. Normal people are a little different. They seem to be darker. The female archer in the same black armor joked and laughed:

"Anyway, thank you!"

"Of course, we won't give you its bounty, because we didn't seem to ask you to help us?"

The one that frequently attacked this Pelagius farm, stole a lot of cattle, sheep and livestock, and killed and injured a lot of herders. The bounty on the other side was not too much, except for a part of Septim given by the ranch. In addition, there is only the other half of the Xueman City's official security assistance fund... Therefore, they will not generously give a part to the little girl mage in front of them.



"People have never thought about asking for your money! People just want to come and ask you for directions, and then see that you can't finish the fight for a long time, so they can't help but help you by the way."


Annie has never been short of money. The gold coins in her bag previously seized from a certain old dragon’s house and the gold Jialong from compensation are enough for her to spend a long, long time. As for the travel from Kepulu. Not to mention the gold ingots you got!

Those things that haven't been used for a long time, but there are a large piece of several tons or dozens of tons. If they are taken out, it must be able to scare the guys who have never seen the world before you?


"Ask, ask for directions?"

"That's okay! Come on, kid, where do you want to go? As long as you are in Skyrim Province, trust me, there is no place that our comrades don't know!"

Hearing that the other party said that the help was only to ask for directions, the female archer relaxed a little and promised to the other party happily.

"People are going to Snowman City!"


"Do you know where it is? It's not far from here, where should I go?!"

|???ω??)! ?

Yes, Annie is going to Snowman City. As for what to do there, or what to do, she doesn’t know... Maybe, she just heard the villagers say from that nasty Hemu Town Snowman City is very big and fun, so she wants to see the excitement too?

Anyway, she is also idle now, it doesn't matter if she goes to the super fun big city that those guys said!

‘! ! ’



The female archer's expression was slightly stunned, and then she didn't rush to speak, but exchanged a slightly surprised look with her two companions who also had some inexplicable expressions who came by.

"That one……"

"Your Excellency the Little Mage?"

"Snowman City is just north of the Pelagius Farm, not too far from here... But can I take the liberty to ask, where are you from?"

Have already come to this Pelagius farm, yet can't find the way to Snowman City?

This kind of thing is very, very strange to the female archer and her companions, even if the other party is a child! Therefore, she couldn't help but ask a little bit.

"Of course it's from Hemu Town...what's wrong, is there any problem with this?!"


Strictly speaking, Annie actually came from another world. However, she felt that the other party was not asking that kind of question. After thinking about it, she directly disgusted her because a chicken drove her out. The name of the town was spoken.




‘Hemu Town? ’

'Ah! This is really surprising...’

After the three exchanged their eyes briefly again, the female archer continued to add with a little bit of laughter:

"The Master..."

"As far as I know, from Hemu Town to Xueman City, you only need to walk north along the main road and Baihe River. There are many street signs on the road. I have been there many times. How did you get from the main road? Came here?"

After speaking, the female archer shook her head helplessly.

If, from the direction when the other party first appeared, if you can't meet the three of them, and don't ask other people for directions, I'm afraid this little guy will definitely be able to walk to the Grey Swamp or Yinfeng Basin, right? At that time, it will be difficult to return safely from that place.

But, given the spell that the opponent has just cast that can easily defeat giants, maybe the opponent has the ability to survive and protect himself in those dangerous places? There is no doubt that it must be, otherwise the other party will not be able to safely run from Hemu Town here, after all, it is not very safe along the way.

"The road?"


"What's the big road? I didn't see a big road. The big river seems to be gone...Oops, it seems that they accidentally lost people..."


Anyway, Annie will definitely not admit that she is a path idiot or that she has lost her way. The blame can only be blamed on those road signs and arrows that are not tens of meters away. The blame is only that they are too cunning, and she is only slightly I divided my mind for a while, looked at the scenery, chased a few beautiful birds and animals and ran one or two hills, and they completely lost her...






Okay, when I heard a little girl say this, now, including the female archer, the faces of the soldiers of the three comrades in arms became exciting in an instant, and they didn’t know what to say. What is good.

"I seem to understand!"

"Well, it happens that we are also going to Snowman City to find Krakow to report and to the City Lord's Mansion to find the captain of the guard to receive the remaining bounty. Let's take you by the way..."

Hearing the other party’s ‘chic’ saying, where does the female archer still don’t know what the other party is doing?


So, after seeing the things here, she already understood, and seeing that the giant they intended to train newcomers and the target of teaching also had to be shot by her because of the other's brazen intervention, she sighed helplessly. Tone.

"Introduce it!"

"I am the huntress Ella in the comrades-in-arms group. This is our shield friend heavy armor master-warrior Fakas. As for her, she is a newcomer in our group, Leah! The giant originally planned to use it for training Her, Farkas is showing her a demonstration..."

"Well, let's not talk about that, little mage, what about you? What is your name, can you talk about it?"

Seeing that Farkas had already packed up his spoils, and seeing that the scorching giant seemed to have no more'oil and water', the huntress Ella asked her companions to follow up, while facing Asked a pretty little girl who was following her happily.

"Annie! My name is: Annie Hasta!"


"Tell you, Big Sister Ella, she is the most, most, most, most powerful, arcane archmage!!"


Annie likes this very witty elder sister who helps her lead the way, even though she is not a normal person or something.


"You are still an arcane archmage like you?"


She smiled and shook her head. In the eyes of the huntress Ella, the other party's spells are indeed quite powerful, but it is just that, and the other party's boasting of the "arch mage", she must not be I would believe it too much.

No matter what, the other party is just a little girl.


"Little guy, I hear your accent and your last name... You don't seem to be from Skyrim Province, right?"

Whether a person is a Nord or not, the huntress Ella can tell from the other's skin color and appearance at a glance!

And now, the little girl who was following Pidianpidian next to her, no matter her accent, skin, hair color, or eyes, she didn't look like a Nord at all!

Maybe the opponent is a Brighton from High Rock Province, northwest of Tamriel? After all, those guys have the ancestry of the ancestor elves and the indigenous Ned people, and it is not surprising that they have the same exquisite appearance as the high elves of the ancestral China.

Of course, these things are not important, because their comrades-in-arms will not care about the empire, Nords, Talos, or other broken things. They don't care about those, let alone those stupid racists!

"Of course not!"


"But is there any problem?"



"I just ask casually!"

"Okay, please hurry up, now the fog is starting to dissipate, we have to go to the farmer to collect the first bounty...Then take a rest, have lunch, and then we can set off back to Snowman City. Would you mind?!"

The huntress Ella was noncommittal, just beckoning to the other party, and then ignoring the herdsmen who looked at herself and others with different expressions, and went straight to the biggest, best and most luxurious house on the Pelagios farm. Go.

There, they will first receive their harvest today, and eat a free lunch that the stingy old guy prepared for them, because they deserve it! Otherwise, the elder brother farmer will lose more livestock and herders, and that kind of thing will cost him a lot of money!



"Okay, okay! Of course they don't mind! Because they happen to be hungry now! But at lunch, can I have that delicious snowberry pancakes and cream rolls?!"


Hearing that there is lunch to eat, how could Queen Anne, who is a snack, mind?

So, while she cheered and followed each other, while preparing to eat and drink, she did not forget to ask about the content of the lunch.

"I do not know then……"

"Anyway, there must be whole lamb grilled on charcoal, because this is a pasture, and the giant just killed several livestock. The stingy old guy will make us eat well no matter what!"

The little girl’s question, the huntress Ella is somewhat noncommittal, because for some reason they don’t like the vegetarian food they say too much. They prefer the delicious meat, whether it’s raw or cooked, or even whether it’s. Not for animals?



"Sister Ella, what was the comrade-in-arms group you just mentioned?"


"You don't even know about the comrades-in-arms group?"

"Ha! Look at me, I almost forgot that you are from a different place..."

The huntress Ella, who just wanted to say something, quickly reacted, and then began to explain:

"Our comrades-in-arms group is an organization composed of the strongest and brave fighters. Everyone in the comrades-in-arms group is a group of brothers and sisters fighting for honor!"

"Of course, just like today's thing, if the reward is good, we will occasionally come forward to solve the problems that ordinary mercenaries cannot solve."

Ella was referring to the giant who came to Pelagius Farm to make trouble and caused serious trouble to the people here! But now the other party is no longer the source of trouble. If it has no other accomplices, this matter may end here.

Presumably, even if the other party really has an accomplice, after seeing the end of the giant who died tragically on the farm, he must not dare to come here to make trouble again?

But anyway, their mission this time was perfectly completed! After all, the commission only wrote that they wanted them to kill the giant who came to the Pelagius Farm to make trouble. The number written above was one, and if there were more, the rewards would be more than just those.

"So this is ah……"


Annie was just asking casually, she didn't even worry about that kind of thing, because now she is more concerned about Gohan's affairs! Although it is a bit early before noon, it is possible that she will wait for an hour or two, but she will definitely not mind!


(● ̄(?) ̄●;)


"Little guy, if you want to join us, you can go to the Warrior's House in Snowman City to find Krakow Whitemane. Only his pioneer can do that kind of thing."

They have just seen this little guy's ability, if they can join them and train well, they will be stronger, right? Although, their comrades-in-arms group does not seem to have a precedent for a mage to join... However, she just talked casually anyway, and she herself didn't care too much about whether the other party would really do that.



"People don't want to join you werewolves!!"


An accidentally, Annie explained the details of these guys who were a bit more ruthless than the ruthless ones.



‘! ! ’

‘? ? ’

'you! ? ’

Sure enough, Anne's words just fell, including the huntress Ella, the warrior Farkas, and the newcomer Leah Bin Qiqi, standing and looking at some unobstructed little guy with incredible eyes.


∑(′△`)? !

"Did someone say something wrong? But, you are a group of werewolves, what's so strange?"


Annie didn't understand what it meant by these guys looking at her with such weird eyes.


"Little guy, how did you find out?"

After looking at the pretty face that was staring at the other party for a long time, Ella asked slowly.

This kind of thing can be big or small, after all, some secrets of the comrades-in-arms group are still not acceptable to ordinary people! And if Ella didn't seem to have any malice when looking at each other, if it wasn't for the farm and the crowded eyes, it's very likely that they would have the desire to kill people.

"Didn't they just say it!"


"People are one of the most, most, most, and most powerful arcane archmages, so your simple disguise and bloodline are definitely not hidden from them!"





After the three of them looked at each other in silence, Ella was a little relaxed before frowning and asking:

"Little guy, can you keep us secret, don't tell outsiders casually?!"

The huntress didn’t know how to deal with this kind of thing for a while, so after seeing Farkas there seemed to be no good way, she asked cautiously, and at the same time stared at the other side's bi-color. His eyes want to see the answer from the other party later.

"Of course you can!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"Anyway, such small things are no big deal. You don't want to let others know. They promise you won't go and talk nonsense."



"Thanks a lot! But..."

"Forget it! Let's wait until we return to Snowman City!"

Huntress Ella couldn't make up her mind, so she still planned to take her to Snowman City to their warrior's house, and then let Clark Whitemane or Skoyol discuss it? Anyway, the old man saw people very accurately, and he could almost decide how to deal with this matter with just a glance.

And if this little guy can really keep secret as she said, they will certainly not embarrass her too much, after all, they are getting along well now, and the other person’s impression of her is also very good. She herself definitely didn't want to embarrass her.





"Uncle Farkas, people have always been weird, why is your face so ugly?!"


Looking at the big sister Ella, she seemed to be upset. Annie, who didn't know what the other party was thinking, didn't bother, but while continuing to follow the three of them, she suddenly turned her head towards the heavy armor on the other side and asked Fakas temporarily. Tao.


ε=(′?`●))) alas

(Tibbers knew it, and had a hunch for a long time... the messy little owner of his house would definitely ask that kind of boring and insulting question! Look now, I can’t help but start Did you ask?)


"my face?"

Farkas was Obviously, this was the first time someone asked this question and said that he was ugly...


"Little guy, this is a symbol of my honor! I fight for those who can't fight to keep them!"

"The ones who can leave scars on my face are all powerful enemies whose martial arts and power are beyond your imagination! However, they still lost! Because wherever we go, blood will splatter! And our blade praises the glory of Ethgram!"

For the scars on his face, Farkas doesn’t think there is anything wrong with it. Anyway, the scars on his face are much better than those on his body, because others can see it at a glance and know that he is a well-rounded person. Fighting warriors, and then negotiate or do some other things, it will be much smoother.

After all, a fighter who looks very fierce and powerful when facing a stranger outside will definitely have more advantages than a little white face.



"Couldn't you be bitten by another animal when you became a werewolf? People seem to have a lot of imprints on it..."


Seeing the other party opening her eyes and talking nonsense, Annie directly exposed the other party without being polite.


"Little guy, you are not cute at all..."


"Fakas, she is very exciting, don't try to fool her!"


"Alright! It's almost here, don't say anything, be careful of being heard!"




(*?′╰╯`?)? Ask for a ticket? (?′╰╯`?*)

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