Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1118: People want to be high officials! Boom if you don't give it? °(…

In the first era, there was a lord named Hakon in Skyrim. He was afraid of death, so he reached an agreement with the demon **** Molag Baal. He sacrificed thousands of his people to Molag Baar. , And Molag Barr transformed him and his family into vampires.

In this way, Hakon no longer has to worry about death and can live forever.

Since this vampire was transformed by the demon **** Morag Barr himself, their abilities are stronger than ordinary vampires. They don’t even have to worry about being burned by the sun, but their ability will be slightly weakened in the sun. This vampire is called Waukehal Vampire...

And now, according to the information obtained by the organizer of the Dawn Guardian Isran and the Vigilant Duran, it is the Waukehal vampire and his minions who are frequently active in Skyrim during this time!

Moreover, they also learned some news about the ancient scrolls, the vampires are looking for some kind of artifact, it may be some scrolls! And this is exactly what they are talking about at this time, even if two newcomers, one large and one small, broke into the lobby of the Dawn Guardian castle, they could not be interrupted.

‘Duran! ’

‘Why did you come to us? If I remember correctly, I have nothing to do with the vigilant...’

'Do not! ’

‘Isran, I think you know why I came, our vigilantes were attacked everywhere, and the harm of those vampires is more serious than we thought! ’

‘I understand, so you are now looking for the shelter of our Dawn Guardian, am I right? ’

‘But I clearly remember that Kasiti, the guardian of the vigilante, kept telling me that the Dawn Guardian fortress is an ancient ruin that would collapse at any time. It’s not worth paying people and money for repairs? ’

‘It’s fine now, you have annoyed vampires, knowing they are amazing, but instead they came here to ask me for help? ’


‘Actually...Kasiti is dead. In fact, everyone in the House of the Vigilant is dead. You were right at the beginning. Now the situation has been verified. Isn’t all this enough? ! ’

‘! ! ’

'what did you say? ! ’

‘Vampires, they continue to kill our vigilant! ’


‘I never thought things would go to this point... I’m sorry about that... But Duran, I warned you all before...’

‘It’s too late to say these, they are all dead! ’

‘Yes, it’s too late...’




Annie followed the spiritual brother Agmeier into the recruiting hall of the Dawn Guardian just before and after, and saw a bald uncle and another bald monster arguing fiercely about something, and it sounded like It seems to be related to those vampires?

However, she got a little impatient after only a few sentences.

Because, those messy things have nothing to do with her... Whether it's a vampire or a werewolf, or a dragon or other messy creatures, as long as they don't take the initiative to provoke her, she must be neither. Too will provoke them...

At least, don't you want to?

Therefore, after watching the two scorpions for a while, she just curiously looked around in this so-called Dawn Hall.



Looking at it, Anne soon became a little disappointed...

Because she discovered that this place really seems to be just a tattered, abandoned castle temporarily cleaned up?

Except for the few brand-new flags that were just hung on the walls of the old castle, the workmanship is slightly rough, here is the look of ‘family disciples’! Except for the spider webs that have not had time to be cleaned, there is only a mess of ancient **** that has been swept up and temporarily piled together. There is no time to clean up.

It can be seen from this that their group of warriors who claim to be Dawn Guards and are dedicated to hunting vampires and protecting the people of Skyrim must have just occupied here not long ago?

Since even the outermost hall is so dark, then, what are the passages and more places in the hall, Annie can guess out even without thinking or checking. .

So, at that moment, she lost the desire to take the opportunity to sneak in and stroll around, so she stood aside bored with that spiritual brother Agmeier, waiting for the two bald adults in the middle of the hall Finish those long-winded nonsense.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


‘But Duran, you also saw it. You know we’re here. Many people know that we’re here and what we’re going to do. I think those vampires must know that too, right? ’

‘I’m worried, will we have time to rebuild the Fortress of Dawn...’

‘If all of you guards are killed, I think, the next step, the target they will deal with is us! ’

'who knows? Maybe you are, after all, you guys are really too public...’

‘Or, Ishran, you don’t have to worry too much, because I recently discovered that those vampires, they seem to be looking for that important thing, I’m afraid there will be no time to take care of you in a short time...’

‘! ! ’

‘Duran! I don’t think this is good news...’

‘I know, but what else can I do? ’


After the two continued to talk for a while, the bald head named Isran finally noticed the situation at the gate of the castle, and signaled the duran not to continue talking about those things before his face became grave. come over.


"who are you?"

"Oh! Sorry, please forgive my attitude. I just talked with my friend about some heavy topics, so it made me feel a little unhappy..."


"You! Kid, don't hide, I mean you...Come on, stand in front of me like a man, don't be afraid, tell me, what is your name, and what are you doing here?"

After Yishiran sighed and stabilized his emotions, he beckoned to make the Agmeier, who had suddenly become a little cringe, walk in front of him and tried to put on a kind expression to the other party. Asked.

"Sir, sir!"

‘I, my name is Agmaier...’

'Ah! Relax, boy, do I look like an officer? ’

"You don’t need to look at me with that expression. I’m not a soldier, and we’re not an army here. We are just a group of brothers and sisters who have faith, honor, and share common ideals, and that’s all, that’s all ...'

‘Good, good! Lord Isran? ’


‘Forget it! ’

‘Stand up a little and see what you look like, is it from the farm? But what about your weapons? ! ’

‘Here, here! ’

‘Look? This is my father's axe. I have used it to kill several wolves and protected the sheep more than once! ’

Hearing the words of the bald Isran, the mental boy Agmeier quickly drew out the small axe from his waist.

‘Your father’s axe? ’

'Ah! May Standall bless us...’

Isran smiled bitterly, raised his head and prayed to the God of justice, mercy and kindness, to the human apologist before the Holy Spirit.

Obviously, the quality of the new people who have guarded the castle here in the past two days and reported to him and expressed their willingness to join the dawn guard does not seem to be too strong? Facing this kind of emptiness, most people are young ordinary farmers. Besides accepting them with a wry smile and trying to train hard, what else can he do?

‘Forget it! ’

‘Don’t worry too much, young man, go over there, pick up the crossbow over there, I will train you to be a qualified dawn guard! But, let me take a look at your accurate head first, and make sure you don’t shoot an arrow in my **** when the real battle begins? ’

It is absolutely impossible to want a farmer to become a powerful warrior as soon as possible and face those terrible vampires directly! However, if you want a farmer to build up combat effectiveness as soon as possible, then a crossbow with a strong offensive power is the best choice, there is no one!

After all, a crossbow does not require too much arm strength and various maneuvering skills like a bow and arrow. It only needs to wind the crossbow with its feet and place the crossbow, and then aim at the enemy and pull the trigger. It is very simple.

No matter how bad the farmer is, as long as he has enough accurate heads and enough numbers, he can theoretically be shot down even in the face of a giant dragon, let alone those filthy vampires!

'crossbow? ’

‘But, Lord Isran, I’ve never used that kind of weapon, I’ve only seen it a few times...’

‘Relax, boy, I know you haven’t used it, don’t worry, they are very simple, come here, take it, point the arrow at the box, and shoot a few arrows...’

'Hey! Hey! Be careful! ’

'listen! I want you to remember: no matter what, don’t use its front to point at any of your teammates, if you don’t really want to murder him? ’

'what! I’m so sorry, I don’t know...’

‘Okay, don’t get distracted, keep in touch, I will stare at you and train you to be a qualified fighter! ’

'Yes! ’




Tuk! !

A few steps away, a crossbow arrow was accurately inserted into a wooden box, but that kind of accuracy is not flattering...

'well! ’

‘I declare: You are now a new soldier of the Dawn Guardian! Practice hard, I will come over to check your results later, don't want to be lazy! ’

Instructed and signaled the young farmer to start training in a decent manner. After looking at the other's quasi-head, a certain bald-headed uncle Yi Shiran just wanted to turn his head away from busying his own affairs, and suddenly noticed a certain outfit. She was standing beside her in a blue long skirt, and was looking at one of their cute little girls with those blue eyes blinking.

"and many more!"

"Little guy, who are you and why are you here? Oh! I seem to be here with him, depending on your age and his age, are you his sister?!"

Isran was quite sure that there had never been such a cute and cute blond girl in their Dawn Guard Fortress, so he naturally stepped forward and asked curiously while asking.

‘No, no! She is not my sister, I didn't know her before, she was actually I met on the road, and then came with me to guard the castle at dawn! ! ’

Without waiting for Annie's answer, Agmaier, who was still nervous, turned around and explained aloud.


"Damn it! Remove your weapon, newcomer!"

"Don't use it at my chest... and don't aim at my head, unless you really want to kill me and then go to trouble those vampires alone?!"

After yelling slightly and sternly, I asked a recruiter who has been taught to remove the dangerous weapon that had been wound up with an arrow, and after confirming that the other party would not make that kind of mistake again, Isran darkened his face and looked at someone again. A little girl who is looking up at her.



"Uncle Bald, hello! My name is Annie, who also came to join your Dawn Guardian!!"

(*????╰╯`??) Hey~??

Annie, who originally thought it was not fun here and was about to leave, suddenly changed her mind and changed her words after hearing the other party's question.

"Just you little guy?"


It is very rare. The bald-headed uncle Yi Shiran, who felt that he had heard enough bad news today, suddenly raised his head and laughed. Obviously, if he was not careful, he was amused by this clever, well-behaved little guy in front of him.

"Little girl, do you even want to join our Dawn Guard and hunt that kind of evil vampire? Although you are brave, but what will you do? A little guy like you, I'm afraid that even Can't even lift the crossbow?!"

"We don't want a guy who can only eat but not fight..."

With a smile, Yi Shiran took a step forward, wanting to rub the head of the cute and cute little guy in front of him.

It's a pity that he found that the other party didn't seem to accept his well-intentioned actions, but swiftly avoided him, and stared at him with a small dissatisfied look?

"Don't touch someone's head casually, they are not familiar with you!"


"OK then……"

"Little guy, do you want to try like him? If you can hit one or two with ten arrows like him, I might make an exception and let you stay here?"

It was only possible, even if the other party could do it, he would definitely not let a little girl stay in their dawn guard castle.

"But, can you afford that thing?"

After speaking, the bald-headed uncle Yi Shiran cast a joking and teasing look at the opponent. He didn't think that this little arm or leg, or which little girl from a rich family would be able to lift that kind of heavy crossbow machine, let alone step on it to wind them.



"People don't need to practice the clumsy crossbow like that useless guy, they will have even more powerful skills!!"


What's so great about being able to lift the crossbow, so Annie won't envy that stupid guy!

Moreover, she wouldn't tell this bald-headed uncle that not only was she accurate, she was actually very strong, and could even break the toe bones of that kind of giant dragon with a fist?

And if she could get it, she would have no problem smashing the dragon's head with one fist, let alone the kind of crossbow made of wood! For Master Anne, who is tired of guns from various worlds, that kind of crossbow machine is too backward, the attack range is short, it can't shoot continuously, and the lethality is too low, she disdains to play with them!


"More powerful skills? Tell me, little guy, what do you want? If you can't convince me, I'm afraid I can only send someone to send you back..."

"Trust me, our place is really not suitable for a little guy like you, because we are very busy and no one will have time to take care of you!"

Isran obviously doesn't believe that this clever-looking petty can have any powerful skills, so he is already thinking about who on earth will he send this little girl to her own home safely... …Perhaps, they can send each other to a farm near Rift Valley tomorrow when Duran and their Dawn Guards are ready to unite and send someone to the cavern crypt to find out what happened?

He believed that since this little guy can run to their castle guarded at dawn, her house must be nearby, right?

"Why don't you guess first?"


Annie is not in a hurry to say, because she is also urgently thinking, what kind of strength does she want to show?


"Sorry, kid, I really can't guess..."

Isran can't guess, and has no time to guess! Anyway, he felt that it was definitely not interesting, or a skill that would allow him to change his mind and agree to accept the opponent to join the Dawnguard.

In short, playing in the mud or peek-a-boo is definitely beyond count! !




(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Look! That's... this oh!!"

??????(??)╭???? Hey!

Annie turned directly towards the uncle who was standing in front of her, but fortunately, the bald-headed uncle, who was waiting to see her jokes with her arms in a leisurely manner, threw a radiant ball of light abruptly, and then succeeded in making a curve of light on the opponent's body. The barrier made him look shiny, like a holy light body, surrounded by a halo, protecting him from a certain degree of physical or magical damage.



(Tibbers doesn’t need to guess more, why this bad little master of his family suddenly used the skill of a light mage named "Laksana Crown Guard"... nothing more, just afraid of being recognized She is just the terrifying demon **** who committed the terrifying'big crime' in Snowman City, it must be that way!)


"this is……"

"This, this is... magic?!"

After gently reaching out to touch the transparent golden ball of light surrounding him, and feeling the righteous guardian power like sunlight on it, the bald and rough man Yi Shiran was shocked, and then quickly used incredible Looking at the little girl, she couldn't believe that the other party would actually have this skill enough to make him change his mind.

"It's light magic!"


"They are very effective against vampires, just like the sun's restraint on them! How about, Uncle Bald, have you now agreed that people join your Dawn Guard?"


Annie knew that the other party could not refuse this temptation! Of course, it doesn't matter if the other party refuses, because she has more things that the other party has to accept!

Just like...

She can take out a large amount of gold, several tons of the kind, and then let them find someone to repair and clean this dilapidated castle, and buy a lot of sophisticated weapons and armor to arm all the dawn guards. ?


"No! Little guy, who are you? Are you a saint blessed by the Holy Spirit?!"

Surprised for a while, no matter what Duran or others thought, Yi Shiran directly exclaimed.

After such a small guy can learn spells, Yi Shiran is still somewhat reluctant to believe it! Therefore, he couldn't help but start thinking about things.

"Not at all!"


"People are just a mage, they are a great mage of light-Anne Crown Guard!"


Anxiously, Annie quickly gave herself such a resounding nickname and name temporarily, called'Annie Crown Guard', and said that for the next period of time, she would only use that kind of light magic. Deliberately lie to each other!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Light, Mage of Light?"


"This is defensive shield magic, right? It seems to be very useful... But besides this, do you have other moves?"

I pondered for a while. Although I think the opponent's skill is very useful, I still have a little hesitation about the opponent's identity and origins. I don't dare to fool a child into joining his just-created Dawn Guardian Isran. Then asked nervously.

"Of course there is!"


"People will still be'Bound of Light','Light-transmitting Singularity', and a little bit can blast your broken castle into a sparse'Ultimate Flash'. Do you want someone to perform it now?"


"However, that is a very large range of destructive spells. The power may be a bit big, and it may hurt or kill a lot of people!"


While talking, Annie has begun to look around, and is considering, who will be the subject of the experiment, or where is better?


"No! No need to try!"

"Mage Annie! I can now announce that you have successfully joined our Dawn Guardian!"

Now that the other party has proved that it is not lying, Isran still dare to let the other party show that kind of harm here, and can blow up their dilapidated ancient castle magic that they have finally found? Therefore, he hurriedly said out and stopped the other party.

As for the question of whether such a little girl who didn't know where she came from was good to join them, he just left it behind.

Anyway, they have recruited more members of the Dawn Guardian during this time. As long as they are not vampires, as long as they want to hunt vampires, they are all coming, let alone one that seems very powerful and very powerful. A gifted little girl! Besides, even if the other party's elders are found, he is not afraid! After all, they guarded and protected each other's safety in a sense, and they didn't really want to disadvantage them.



"What position is that person now?"



"We don't have any position... Maybe you are the first newcomer mage in our organization?!"

Isran hasn't considered this kind of problem, after all, the staff of the Dawn Guard has not been recruited yet, and he hasn't even determined what position his leader is.


∑(??△`)? !

"No way!"


"No matter! You bully people, people are so powerful, can there be just a newcomer? People should be high officials, and they shouldn't be new wizards who do not want to be troublesome!!"


That's right, the Archmage Annie said: With her such a high-end, atmospheric, low-key, luxurious and connotative light mage joining, it's fine if they don't beg and coax, why do they want her to be a one? A rookie mage, how can that be? !

Anyway, she must be a high official, as a high official in the "Dawn Guard", if you don't give it...If you don't give it, she will show it to them! !



ε=(????`●))) alas


"Well, don't worry, let me think about it first..."

Isran, who does not know how to coax children, has no experience, and has never had a good way to deal with some kind of unreasonable children, so he hurriedly stretched out his hand to signal and comforted, and then began to think in a hurry. Turning around, it seems that you really want to come up with a new position that can comfort the other party a little bit?


????(????`??)???????? Ask for a ticket??????(????`??)??????

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