Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1127: (*/?\*) The trouble in Winterhold Academy...

Winterhold Academy, which is located on the huge towering reef platform in the icy sea north of the Winterhold collar. The Academy and the coast are connected by only a few rocky pontoons maintained by magic wells. When necessary, the mages even The pontoon can be controlled by magic and recovered to the vicinity of the castle and completely cut off the only passage between the college and the outside!

Because of this magical design and superior geographical conditions, it is impossible for the general army to capture the castle from the outside. In addition, the exterior of the main building of the academy is designed in the shape of a fortress. The lords’ fortresses are no different, so the Winterhold Academy is often called the Winterhold Fortress by outsiders?

And this is exactly the real reason why Winterhold Academy can be equal to the lord of the territory where the Winterhold is led!

For the mages with powerful magical powers and strong fortresses, they are usually completely free from the control and dispatch of the lord of Winterhold. For countless years, they have maintained a relatively detached position here in Skyrim Province, as if they were a country. The country of China is general.

Fortunately, the relationship between Winterhold Collar and Winterhold Academy is not too bad.

Normally, the mages also occasionally help the lords a little bit, and even send court mages to the lords of various territories or provide necessary magical assistance... Therefore, outside the Winterhold Academy, the small formed by relying on the survival of Winterhold Academy In the town, there are also soldiers from Winterhold who are responsible for guarding and maintaining the basic security conditions near the college.

At the same time, because it is built on a towering giant reef, under the limited geographical conditions, Winterhold College can't actually be built too large. It is mainly composed of two dormitory buildings connected together. , Composed of a large teaching building.

The lower part of the three main buildings is connected by a corridor, and the upper part is connected by a roof. This forms the basic appearance of just a fortress from the outside.

In the college, the teacher’s dormitory is called the ‘Face Hall’, and the other student’s dormitory is called the ‘Achievement Hall’, which is mainly composed of individual small dormitory compartments surrounded by a small magic patio.

Outside the three main buildings, there is a large courtyard surrounded by a large courtyard. In the center of the courtyard is a magic well with a beacon effect, and behind the well is a statue of the founder of the academy about five meters high. Behind the statue is the teaching building. The main hall of the teaching building is the classroom "Element Hall". The stairs on the right in front of the Element Hall lead to the dormitory of the Chief Master (Principal) and the foreign (Somo) consultant dormitory on the third floor. The left staircase leads to the library , The top floor is the rooftop...

the above,

It was all the basic information that Annie learned after the high-level wizard Mirabell took her new student to familiarize themselves with the dormitory and walk around the Winterhold Academy!

However, that high-level wizard Mirabelle doesn't have much time to spend with her, isn't it? After just walking around for a while, Annie was impatiently brought to the Hall of Elements, the so-called teacher who was going to throw it to her?

‘! ! ’

'Well? ! ’

‘Mirabelle? Excuse me, do you have anything to do? ’

The magician Tovdir, who was interrupted by someone just about to go to class, turned his head and saw Mirabelle walking in with a strange little girl and walking towards them. He felt a little strange and stopped the class, then asked a little hesitantly.

‘Hello, Tovdir...’

‘I’m sorry to bother you in class, it’s actually like this, I brought you a new shouldn’t have class yet, right? That's right. I just took her around the college. She is now a new student in the college. Her name is Annie. I have arranged her dormitory and beds. So I will give her to you now? ’

After smiling and saying hello to Toftdir, the high-ranking wizard Mirabell pointed to someone behind him who was constantly curious about the element hall of their Winterhold Academy, and looked at the little girl in this classroom. .

‘! ! ’

'and many more! ’

‘Mirabelle, are you serious? ’

‘Just her? A little girl, new student? ! ’

Tovdir looked a little unbelievable, and then, ignoring the three students in front of him, he pointed to a little girl who was walking around in the Hall of Elements and looking at the classroom, completely unaware of the conversation between them Exclaimed.

'Yes! ’

‘I’m pretty sure she is a new student of our Winterhold Academy! ’

The high-ranking wizard Mirabelle just smiled and nodded, but refused to say more.


‘But, she’s still so young, she seems to be only seven or eight years old, can you really be sure that she can keep up with our courses? ’

Tofdir doesn't want to teach from the most basic knowledge, he doesn't want to control a little girl who has no magic foundation and is still in the age of playfulness! Therefore, if the other party is a child of a certain lord or a powerful person, then the other party can take him away now, and he must not have so much time to deal with such a guy.

'Do not worry! ’

‘I’ve asked, she knows magic light, she has passed Farauda’s test, she has the qualifications and mana to become a student of Winterhold Academy. ’


'you sure? She is a little girl, is this possible? ’

‘But this is the truth! ’


"That's it..."

‘Tovdir, do you have any questions? ’

‘Not anymore, thank you...’

Although there is still some hesitation, and I am not willing to believe whether such a young girl can really learn a little when she comes to Winterhold Academy, but after hesitating, Tofdir, who can't think of a reasonable reason for rejection, finally still I had to nod my head, as he accepted the student.

'well! ’

‘Then you’re busy, so I won’t disturb you in class. ’

Seeing that the other party finally expressed her willingness to accept the little girl student she had brought, the high-level wizard Mirabell was finally relieved. Then, after completing her task, she turned her head and walked outside, no matter what. The little girl who has annoyed her for a long time.

Now that the handover work has been completed, she has to do her own things, and she believes Tofdir will handle the rest.


"Little guy, have you seen enough? Come here first, believe me, you will have time to observe and study here in the future...but we are now ready for class, you'd better come and stand here first."

"By the way, your name is Annie, isn't it?"

After watching the high-ranking wizard Mirabelle leave, Tovdir had to be patient and stretched out his hand to the little girl who was still looking around the Hall of Elements not far away.



"Hello! Master Tofdir!"


Hearing the other party calling her name, Annie, who had already seen it almost, wandered from the other side of the hall with pillars surrounding the hall, floor-to-ceiling windows and a magic well in the middle.

There are no seats in this classroom, it is just a hall. If the steps around the pillars can be called seats, maybe students can sit on it when there are many students?

However, this is not without commendable places, such as those magic wells in dormitories, courtyards, and classrooms, as well as the rich magical arcane energy that escapes. I am afraid that there is only Quelsa in the world of Azeroth. Can the Rath High Elves and their Sunwell have similar effects?

And unlike the strong and unusual Arcane elements of the Sunwell and the large area encompassing the entire Quel'Thalas, the numerous magic wells in this Winterhold Academy are just barely able to fill the entire winter. Fort Academy also provides a certain degree of convenience and assistance to students and professors when learning and studying magic.

"Hmm... Did Mirabell introduce me to you just now?"


"I won't be long-winded..."

"First of all, you are welcome to join us. It just so happens that we just planned to have class, and we haven't had time to start, so you should stand up and listen to it... Yes! Just stand here, don't be too restrictive."

After beckoning the little girl to come and stand, Master Tofdir continued to say:

"Anne, this is Angmond, this is Brelena, and the one over there is Jay Zag. They are all students just like you. Now there are not many students in Winterhold Academy..."

"But if you have anything you can go back and talk about, let's start the class first."


"Listen carefully..."

"First of all, as I said in the last lesson, the first thing you do when you learn magic is to understand the nature of magic, and its nature is a very unstable and dangerous existence!"

"And if..."

After briefly introducing her three other classmates to the little girl, Master Tofdir began his long talk profusely, but what did he say? A certain little girl just listened to a sentence and then went on. Did not continue listening.





After a little owe, Annie rubbed her eyes, feeling a little sleepy.

She was not deliberately distracted, but because she felt that the knowledge about magic that the other party said was full of loopholes and mistakes, felt that the other party's ability was not good, and it seemed that she did not listen to anything nice, and did not want to correct it. The other party’s mistakes, just like this, in private, expecting the other party to finish speaking and dismissing get out of class as soon as possible, while thinking about it in a wild way...

Although, praying for the end of get out of class just now is a bit bad, but she is really a little sleepy, this one can't blame her!







However, Anne, who felt that her speech was not good when others were in class, and she was a little uncomfortable with standing and sleeping, began to get distracted and turned her head to look at her'classmates'.

The first one standing on his right is the handsome boy named Onmond. As for his skills, she doesn’t know what to do, but she can get mixed up with the need to come to Winterhold Academy as an apprentice and learn the wrong magic knowledge. , Presumably the ability is definitely not good.


As for the second one, the pretty Miss Brilena...maybe the situation is similar, right?


As for the Jay Zager on the far right, that seems to be a cat, but he doesn’t know whether it’s a male or a female...Well, Annie gave up after a glance, because the other party seemed to watch Annie on TV before The super cute cats that I arrive are completely different. They look fierce and ugly, and don't have the cute sense of sight at all?




The cat looks like this, I'm sorry for the audience at all... Even her bear cubs are a little better than the other!




"We must carefully control our desires, otherwise disaster will come..."



"Classmate Annie?"


"Classmate Annie? What are you thinking about?!"

Finally, after a long time, I didn’t know that when Tofdir, who was about to talk about an important content, was about to continue speaking, suddenly he saw that a certain student didn’t seem to give his sight and attention at all. On him?

Therefore, he had to sigh, interrupted the speech, and began to call out a certain little girl who was wandering away from the sky...



"Eh? You, hello! Is there anything else? Honorable Master Tofdir?!"


After being touched with the arm by the little brother named Angmond next to her, Xiao Annie reluctantly recovered, and blinked her cute big eyes, with an innocent look towards someone If you don't learn well, you don't want to go to the class to explain, and the magic professor who has to be distracted to disturb him asks back.




"Student Annie, I think you just seemed to be ‘intently’ thinking about certain things. Do you have any different views on what I just said?"

Tovdir sighed.

Actually, he didn't want to embarrass a little girl, but since the other party came to Winterhold College, since the other party was attending classes under his own hands and paid expensive tuition, then he must do his best and work hard. Teach each other some practical and effective magic skills.

Besides, from now on, the other party can be said to be a wizard of Winterhold Academy. If the other party can't learn it in the end, and after going out, they say it is the wizard of Winterhold students, then they are more or less people. Wouldn't you be embarrassed with it?


Σ( ̄д ̄;)

"What's your opinion? Did you just say something very important? But people haven't been listening from the beginning, so no one knows what you are talking about..."


‘! ! ’



It’s okay if you don’t say that Anne’s very honest sentence. As soon as you say it, not only the face of Mage Tofdir turns black, but also the one on the side who just reminded her, and the little Blarina. Both my sister and the cat Jie Zage looked at her with that kind of disbelief.

Although in the past, they often dared to raise different opinions in class, or questioned some of the views of teachers... But, like the other party, they directly used that kind of extremely rude words to contradict. , This is really the first time I have seen it.


"OK then!"

"Maybe what you said just now is right, we can try it now, I think we can do some more practical magic exercises?"

Maybe it was because of the little girl's anger, maybe for some other reason, Tovdir suddenly sighed and looked at a little girl who was still confused.



Annie still doesn't know what happened.


ε=(????`●))) alas

"Now, continue our defense course from the previous lesson..."

"We will start with the magical protection barrier. The barrier is an effective spell that can defend against spell attacks. It can save your lives when necessary!"

"and so……"

"Student Annie, do you know that kind of magical defense barrier?"

Maybe it's to imitation, maybe it's to teach a little girl student a profound lesson? Therefore, the Mage Tovdir once again pointed the finger at a newcomer who hadn't listened to the lecture from the beginning of the class and was still distracted.


∑(??△`)? !

"Yes, there are many people in the magic defense enchantment, what's wrong?"


Annie doesn't know what kind of magical protection barrier the other party is talking about. Anyway, Annie knows many kinds of things. For example, in addition to the lava shield she is best at, and the curved light barrier used to flicker the dawn guards, there are Those prismatic barriers, flame guards, ice guards, Power Word: Shield, Dark Shield, etc. are all messy, can be called defensive enchantment spells, but she rarely uses them.

"many kinds?"


"Since you sound familiar with enchantment spells, can you help me demonstrate it to other students?"

"right now……"

"Just stand there, and then I will cast a spell on you, and you need to use the barrier you are best at to defend, let us start quickly, okay?"

A little girl dared to say that there would be many magical defense enchantments, and she even dared not to listen to the lectures. This made Master Tofdir feel that she must teach her a little bit?

However, he will be very careful to control the power of the spell later, so that it can not only play a demonstrative effect, but also make the opponent have a deep enough impression without harming the opponent!

"The best..."


"Is this okay?"


With a wave of his hand, a dark red, translucent lava shield appeared beside Annie, directly covering her inside. What she is best at is obviously the combination of offense and defense she created, and whoever hits her will be the unfortunate lava shield!


"I can see that it is a very good fire defense barrier, right?"

"So, let's get started..."

"Don't move, don't talk, hold it well, you just stand there, the others are scattered, I don't want you to stand in the middle and get hurt by me."

"Very good! Annie, I can see that this is indeed the magic enchantment you are best at. You seem to be very relaxed? So, let's officially start now!"

"You must continue to maintain your magic enchantment, otherwise it will be meaningless. Although I will try to restrain my strength, I really don't want to hurt you..."

After speaking, after looking at the fiery red magic shield on the little girl's body for the last time, Mage Tofdir pondered for a moment, and then he resolutely caught a fire sight in his hand, while the little girl could still With the opportunity to maintain the shield, he directly smashed it towards the opponent.

Although he doesn't know the strength of the opponent's magic enchantment, he knows that the fireball in his hand is not powerful. Even if it can penetrate the opponent's shield, it is estimated that it will not cause too much damage. As for the little guy This kind of magic problem is so small, and you can only wait to explore it later.

"and many more!"


Suddenly, Annie seemed to have thought of something, and just before she could speak, the other side's small fireball smashed into her front viciously, hitting her lava shield!


The fireball exploded in an instant. From the shield that didn't move, like no effect, Annie could see that the other party did consolidate her strength, but...



The other party’s tightening of power does not mean that Anne’s lava shield will also be tightened. Therefore, I saw a flash of fire on the shield, almost at the moment when the opponent’s fireball exploded, another fireball instantly reflected at a very fast speed. And back, and hit the opponent's face severely...

Huh! !


After a light sigh, although it may be because of some enchantment or defensive methods on his body, the mage Toftdir was still burned with red face and curly eyebrows, staggering and falling to the floor of the Hall of Elements. I didn’t move anymore soon.

‘! ! ’

‘? ? ’


In The Sanming students, Na Angmond, Blarina, and Jay Zager all looked at a little girl with unbelievable gazes. .



"I really didn't mean it! It's the shield he insists that people are best at... and they just forgot to say that this lava shield can automatically reflect ordinary close-range physical attacks and magical attacks. ..."


Annie really didn't mean it, she really just didn't have time to say it, she dared to swear in the name of her little bear Tibbers!

And ah, this can't be all to blame for her, who made the opponent's attack so simple, it was just a small ball of fire, and it was instantly cracked by the magic mechanism and talisman reflection array on the lava shield? If the opponent uses a more complicated magic, it will definitely not be countered.


( ̄?? ̄;)

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