Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1152: o(*`??)?? You have the courage to be here...


At the moment when the duration of the'slow fall technique' to prevent death from falling was finally over, Annie also landed steadily on the ground at the same time, and stepped on the thick layer of fallen leaves deep in the Pandora's jungle, and made a soft sound. ring.

Of course, that sound is nothing compared to the loud noise and movement just rushed down by the guys who just chased her.



Although she was not injured at all, but now Annie is not happy at all.

Seeing her reluctant and unforgiving of the enemy, she just pursed her mouth, firmly grasping the holy white wand in her hand that was seized from some unlucky guy, watching those who walked within fifty meters of her and stood still. , And began to slowly spread out, surrounding his enemies in a semicircle.

Annie saw that there were not many enemies who came to attack her this time. There were only five in total, and they were:

In the middle of the head, is the leader of the fan league and is still dressed as a fox demon little matchmaker? However, when you look closely, the opponent has several tails faintly behind him, and he holds a magic orb with the soul of a fox in his hand. It looks like the thief is like a stupid fellow named Ari that Annie met in Ionia. .

As for the one on the other side’s left, it was the druid named Meng De who had escaped the life two days ago, and would become an eagle to escape. If it wasn’t for Anne rushing to watch the fun, I believe The other party had been pushed up by her a long time ago and a fireball was cooked through, right?

On the other side of the Erha, that Wang Xingren Annie said she didn’t know him at all. She didn’t know what occupation and ability the other party was, and it was hard to guess... and beside the Erha was a beautiful man holding a sword. Miss Sister, as for what the background is, Annie said she didn't recognize it.

The last one standing beside Gu Gu seemed to be a little magic boy dressed as Nezha? What I didn’t say, that guy definitely didn’t know what movies he watched or what games he played, so he became like a little Nezha. He also held a fire-tip spear in his hand and stepped on a hot wheel under his feet. It looked like a mockery. Decent and prestigious? It's a pity that the other party is not wearing open crotch trousers, and there is no Huntian Ling and Qiankun Circle, so the ability is definitely not good!



The five people on the opposite side, except for a mighty leader who made Annie’s Avatar clone unsure to win, the others, in the case of a single fight, might not be too embarrassed against any of them. !


If so many of them shamelessly get together and beat herself, then she has no chance of winning!

Therefore, in the situation where there is only one dead end, she has to think about other ways quickly.

'Well? ! ’

'Hey! Where are you now! ’

‘The Cyan Corridor in the guild just said, it seems that this Na'vi has attacked him! He also said that he promised that he did not admit his mistake, even if the opponent turned to dust, he would recognize it! ! ’

Seeing that the enemy didn't run away, Moed proudly took pictures of the opponent, and then immediately sent it back to the channel of the Fan League Guild.

Soon, he directly recounted some unlucky person who was said to have swollen and died. Now he has started to retrain the trumpet. He no longer intends to play a werewolf who is a little harder than the ruthless man. The reply of the superman guy wearing the kind of flying underwear.

‘Look at that staff...’

‘I don’t know why, I always feel familiar? ’

At this time, a certain player dressed up as a little Nezha asked with some wonder.


‘Can you not be familiar? That's the staff of that fellow Malgor Peter! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Goo! Is that dry tofu that only has a holy light technique, but is very strong in close combat? ’

‘Who else but him? ’

‘Hey! What I heard, he seems to have been burned to death by a little Na'vi girl with magic. It seems that we did catch the right person. It just happens that the old hatred and the new hatred are counted together? ’

‘Yes, I remember that even the last moonlight died in her hands that day! ’

‘Wow! ’

'wrong! wrong! Ben Wang remembered that the last moonlight was actually because of being kite, and he couldn't beat the opponent, and then he was shot to death by the Na'wei people when he ran away! ’

"Is that so? That’s what I remembered wrong...’

‘Goo! But, in this case, it should be correct in her head, right? ’

‘That’s true! ’

‘That’s right, brothers are ready to prepare, don’t let go! ’

‘Don’t worry, with Ben Wang, she can’t run away! ’

‘Goo! This time she was dead, and begging for mercy was useless! ’

'Humph! She doesn’t seem to want to beg for mercy at all...’

‘She will think about it later, and then we can reject her severely! ’


The current situation is five-to-one, and they have wizards, melee combat, T, thieves, and milk. The perfect five-person dungeon configuration. They can't think of a reason to lose, so they feel that they have already With the winning ticket in hand, the four people next to a certain leader ridiculed each other.



"Dream, how can people surrender like you useless guys? If you have the ability to single out, they will definitely burn you one by one!!"


Seeing the other party surrounding herself in a semicircle, and hearing those words from the other party, Annie curled her lips in disdain, and then she grabbed a fireball with such a grin and made some preparations. Talking out and teasing in turn must be agitation.

‘Goo! ’

‘Too arrogant! How about Ben Wang first? ’

'just you? forget it! Let me take a look at her first, Xiaoye's fire-tip spear is not covered! ’

'Do not! Let me go up and kill her! ’

‘Goo! Anyway, I am a therapy, I will definitely not single out with her! Ha, I advise you not to go...’

‘Why not let Ben Wang go? Is she so good? ’

‘Okay, when I didn’t say, can you try it? ’

"Try it..."

'All right! ’

‘Don’t go and talk nonsense with her, go together, take her directly to me! ’

Ruo Dang, who doesn’t plan to waste time and engage in meaningless verbal battles with each other like this, first reprimanded those unreliable teammates, and then flew forward, and at the same time the blue energy in her hand The ball was thrown directly at the little girl by her.

Orb of Deception!

boom! !


A loud noise!

Sure enough, the leader of a fan alliance really made reference to a character in an online game on the earth decades ago. Not only did he'realize' the appearance of that character in the Oasis game, but he also managed to get it. Some special skills of the character.

Isn't this?

One of her ‘Orb of Deception’ skills instantly smashed the roots of a Pandora’s giant tree that at least several people couldn’t fit together! This shows how destructive this skill is!

But it's a pity that her goal, a cunning little avatar girl, disappeared in a flash, and she didn't even have the idea of ​​hardening it.

‘! ! ’

‘It’s a flash! ’

‘Luan Yan! ! ! ’

Jin He Yi frowned, and screamed at the nezha kid on his right and the spear that was outflanked.

'Humph! ’

‘I saw her! ! ’

‘Eat my trick: Nezha makes trouble! ! ’

Relying on the rapid speed of the Hot Wheels, the oasis player named Luan Yan flicked the fire-tip spear in his hand and began to turn into a red flame, directly piercing the opponent's heart!


When he was about to give a shot to the opponent who had just flashed through, there was another flash of blue light on the opponent, and then he disappeared.

‘! ! ’

‘Is flashback? ’

‘Where is it now? She is yours! ! ’

A certain anime female character holding a big sword, the dark night flashing zero just wanted to rush to the original position where the opponent flashed back to the enemy, but when she suddenly remembered something, she suddenly shouted at their leader Scream.

'I know! ’

‘She is dead! ! ’

Nine-tailed little matchmaker today waved her hand violently, and when a towering tree groaned and began to slowly tilt and see that it was about to collapse, her deceptive orb began to slam in the opposite direction when it blasted out. Came back.



Prismatic barrier! !

In an emergency, seeing that the other party would use the same style of boomerang, Annie, who was completely ignorant of the counterattack, directly used passive defensive magic. Then she released the prismatic barrier once again and gave it to A transparent blue shield was formed in an instant, and she strictly protected her who had just flashed back to her original place.


'court death! ! ’

At this moment, the little nine-tailed matchmaker Jin Hezai snorted disdainfully, and then, her deceptive orb completely ignored the protection of the prismatic barrier, and immediately killed the Na'vi who still wanted to resist. The little girl exploded into a cloud of energy debris.

It turns out that when her deceptive orb is recovered, it will cause real damage to the enemy along the way! The real damage can completely ignore the enemy's shield or armor!


Seeing his deceptive orb successfully beat the opponent into a ball of debris, Jin Hezai didn't seem very happy.

'is fake! ’

'not good! That is a magic mirror! ! ’

'Where is she? ’

'do not know! ’

‘Find it! ! ’

‘Huh? ’

‘Damn it! ’

'Over there! Ben Wang saw it! ! ’

When Jinhezai was waiting for people to roar and search urgently, when the five of them looked up, they were shocked to see not far away, three identical figures actually took advantage of the opportunity of the big tree to groan and slowly collapse, counting She kicked her feet ten meters away and flew in different directions?

Obviously, the enemy whom they had finally caught, the dark girl, the little girl worth tens of millions of bounty, the cunning and wicked guy didn’t even intend to fight with them, but took advantage of it. When they were encircled, they didn't know what method was used to put a mirror image, and then the real body finally took this opportunity to run away?

"Aha! You can't catch me!"


"Come after me!!"


"They are all fake, they are real here!!"


The three identical little avatar girls were just under the eyelids of the five people. At the moment when the towering giant tree groaned and collapsed, they cheered directly and swiftly moved in three completely different directions, like a wild monkey. After going out, he disappeared in the dense forests of Pandora.

Mirror: Summon three mirrors around you, you can cast spells and attack your enemies for forty seconds.

Invisibility: Makes you invisible, reducing a certain threat value every second. When invisible, you cannot be the target of the enemy for 20 seconds. If you make any actions, the invisibility effect will disappear.

It turns out that when seeing the opponent's enemies violently jump out of the Millennium Falcon to surround herself, Annie has quietly cast mirror images, and then controlled one of the mirror images to confuse the enemy in place, while the other two mirror images Then he waited for the opportunity in stealth not far away.

This kind of simple control technique may be difficult for others, but for her, whether in the game or outside the game, he is the most the most the most the most powerful the most powerful arcane archmage, for her This is not a big problem in terms of being able to fight and fight with his own mirror clone before.

Therefore, seeing that she is incapable of the enemy, and seeing that she can't get any benefits in a fight, and she may even be beaten to death by the enemy, she uses the remaining two clones to protect her without any ethics. , Turned and ran away gorgeously!

"If you have the guts, continue to wait here!"


"I will go back to find a helper now, and come to clean up you later!!"


Although, a certain avatar girl ran behind her with her little tail and her hair straightened, but she still didn't recognize her and put on cruel words... As for the enemy not to run after her, She is really going to move rescue soldiers, I am afraid that only she will know.

‘! ! ’

'Humph! Mirroring must have a time limit, I will chase the middle one! ’

‘Meng De! You and Husky go to the left! ’

‘Luan Yan! You and the dark night flash to the right! ’

‘Once you find that it’s fake, go and join others immediately! ! ’

Seeing that the little girl was as cunning and difficult to deal with among the players of the'Oasis', some unwilling, and some angry, Ruo Dang in the afterlife, and now here is the first to brandish her own magic ball, and then The'Spirit Assault' was started, and the guy in the middle who didn't know whether it was true or not was chased swiftly, and at the same time, she divided into groups and gave orders to split and attack which seemed to her to be relatively safe.

'understand! ’

‘Haha! Go! ! ’

‘Wang? ! ’

‘Ben Wang is a Husky, But Ben Wang is nothing different! ’

A cuckoo-like, Meng De, who had not had time to show his healing talents, fell short, and then instantly turned into a black panther, then took a husky behind him and ran towards the thief on the left. The fast little Na'vi girl chased after the rustling jungle.

'Humph! ’

‘Dark night, hurry up, I won’t wait for you! ! ’


And a certain little Nezha drove his Hot Wheels almost instantaneously, and directly shook the guy holding the Taisword behind for several tens of meters, and flew so close to the ground, leaving behind a burning flame. The trajectory was not afraid of causing a forest fire or something, but he kept chasing to the right.


Rumble rumbling! ! ! !

At this moment, although a few people had just played for a round or two, the giant Pandora tree that was blown to pieces by a certain nine-tailed matchmaker with the deceitful orb Qigen was able to groan and suddenly fell down. Came, and made a huge roar, and also made a huge movement, scaring all kinds of Pandora creatures in the surrounding forest, like those hammerhead thunder beasts, viper wolves, Pandora monkeys, peacock deer or rotary fans Lizards and spine bats, etc., fled in panic towards the place far from the sound and vibration, making this originally peaceful forest suddenly become lively and noisy.

Of course, what’s even more lively is the three groups that are running and fleeing from three completely different radiation directions in the shape of a person at a very fast speed in the jungle at this time, and the three groups that attack and make loud noises from time to time are obviously not input. The guys on Pandora.



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