Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1194: (?????) Who is the hot bone frame, why look...

Genius remembers the permanent address of this site in one second:

When Annie swayed the gold coins picked up around Arnoke Castle in the'Oasis' game world, it was at least the gold coins exploded by millions of players because the data was cleared to the leisure of the 79th district. In the entertainment area, after eating and drinking on that gourmet planet for more than half a month, after enjoying the supreme mouth and tongue pleasure brought by the hard-earned money of those players, I took all the things I found and the small money They all gave a brainstorm to someone who had re-established a new account and began to re-train the scapula warrior Aiqi, and then left the earth in 2045 directly into a new world.

After the battle and the successful capture of the easter eggs, there is nothing Annie needs to worry about in the world where the ‘oasis’ is located.

Because, the bad guy boss of a certain IOI company, the bad guy named Nolan Sorrento, has been suspected of multiple murders, illegal arms, illegal detention, participating in and directing terrorist attacks, and suspected economic crimes. He was arrested and taken away by the police on charges, and IOI was subsequently declared bankrupt and closed in the latest announcement of Oasis.

By now, the stock of the "Oasis" game operating company has been in the hands of the dead house Parsifal, and the five heroes of the easter egg have taken over the entire game, that is, Parsifal, Artemis, Edge, ah The five members of Xiu and Dadong also created the "Oasis" player council. The game guilds and individual players who participated in the final battle dispatched and elected a certain number of players to participate in the management and decision-making of the Oasis game. Hold a certain amount of shares in Oasis Game Company!

Of course, the original menu hero was six people, and Annie's name was originally among them...

However, because she left directly, it was only those five guys who jointly managed the Oasis game, and a bad old man, the library curator, was hired as the exclusive consultant for the game. Oasis Games To what extent it will develop, can those guys discover the mystery of the oasis, Annie didn’t interfere too much, let alone think about it, even after teleporting to this new world, she directly transferred the so-called'oasis' The game world has been left behind.

Because now, Annie is confronting and stalemate with her little bear over what she has to do to get out of this annoying place where she is!


Just now, a nasty bad bear Tibbers actually dared to say that Queen Anne was lost again... How could he dare to use the nasty word "again"? Doesn't it know that her Queen Anne never gets lost?

That's really outrageous...

As a result, Annie went to her bear Tibbers in this way, and was ready to prove it to her, proving that she was not lost at all! !


Annie is very confident, very confident, even lost, confident that she will not get lost, and has never been lost!

At most, it's just those nasty cliffs, rivers, mountains, or dense forests that appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time and incorrectly blocked her originally correct path. It's not that she was lost in that way!


Is it here? (?Д?≡?д?)! ? Or here

As for her wandering in the woods and whispering guesses and wandering around, it is just a way to confuse the enemy. In fact, she knows the way, although, she has never been Have never been to such an annoying place?



As she walked, Annie noticed another series of footprints on the ground, which seemed to be human? Therefore, she couldn't help but get a shock, and hurriedly followed her footsteps to catch up.



However, after she walked along the footprints in excitement for a while, she gradually realized something was wrong, because those footprints seemed to be exactly the same size as the soles of the shoes on her feet, and they could still fit when stepped on, even wet. The patterns on the soil seem to have just been printed from the soles of her shoes?

As a result, she couldn't help but stop again, and began to feel a little confused, not knowing which direction she should go in next.



(Tibbers didn’t dare to speak, and just let the wicked little master of his house wander around in the dense forest. Because ah, it had just made a bet with the wicked little master of his house and said she was using it Under the circumstances of any magic and perception abilities, it is absolutely impossible to get out of this forest... So, in order not to be settled by someone in the fall and beat yourself up after the fact, the best way for it now is to remain silent until Does the other party completely forget about this thing?)



After wandering in the dense forest for a while, Annie, who was about to go to the left, stopped suddenly and frowned and looked at her. Then her instinct told her that it seemed that the left was not the way out?

And on the right...



Well, she doesn't need to instinctively know that the right does not seem to be the way out!

Because there is no way at all here! And the fresh tramp marks on the ground are nothing more than the marks left by a certain animal or monster after walking, it is not the way humans or other human creatures walked out of it!

and so……

The current situation is: she accidentally lost the right way again? !



Sure enough, the roads are really cunning and cunning things, and they played hide-and-seek with her without paying attention. This is really unreasonable, it's simply too bad!

What's more, these trees and weeds are so spicy and tall, they also blocked her sight, so that she couldn't see the distance because she bet with a bear and couldn't directly use magic and perception. , Otherwise, where would she stay here for so long?

So now Annie is very angry, very angry, and very angry!

If possible, she even wanted to find some bad or good people, so she directly caught the heart of beating her out! However, if no one can be bullied by her, it seems feasible to beat a bear in her family who has a bad conscience for a while as usual?





(Tibbers suddenly had a very bad premonition, but, out of the principle of protecting itself from someone’s murderous hand, it continued to honestly pretend to be deaf and dumb and said nothing, not intending to cause someone Too much attention.)

‘! ! ’



!? (?\'\'??)?

"Wow! There seems to be a wave of magic power over there, which is quite strong, and there are horseshoes. Is that someone fighting over there? Great, they finally found a way out!!"


After listening carefully, Annie suddenly yelled for joy, and then took her villain bear, plunged into the woods, and ran to the place where she heard the sound.


Now, Annie is sure and sure that she has indeed successfully found a way out by abiding by some nasty agreement with her villain bear! Therefore, she is 10,000% sure that she is running in the right direction, and she is indeed not lost! As for whether there was any danger in the places with magical fluctuations, horseshoes, and shouts of killing, she did not put it in her heart at all.

After all, if it is really dangerous, those who are fighting are also in danger. It will definitely not be her Queen Anne!


(● ̄? ̄●)

At this time, outside the dense forest, not far from the village of Kahn, the frontier pioneering village, after some of the dying cavalry were transported away in time before being completely destroyed, they were replaced by a body shape. Huge, wearing a gorgeous black cloak, a helmet with bones and horns on his head, and a red scary mask on his face. The weird person who can't see his appearance is accompanied by a black armor with spikes and covering his whole body. , Did not show the slightest skin, but from the slender and bumpy figure, the two people who knew they must be women, suddenly appeared together in a circle surrounded by a certain group of priests and a large group of angels flying in the air.

Then, the priests saw that the original prey was moved away out of thin air, and two strange guys who couldn't see their appearance appeared. They were surprised and suspicious, so Fang stood up in silence.

'Humph! ’

‘Who are you? ’

Finally, the leader of the group of priests who felt that he had a chance to win could not help being the first to ask.


'first meet! Everyone of "Slien State"! ’

'my name……'

‘It’s Anzurgon! ! ’

‘If you can call me Ainz, it will be my honor...’

‘However, I have some fate with this village, so...’

‘! ! ’

'Humph! ’

‘So, are you here to beg me to let the villagers make a living? ’

The leader dressed as a priest asked with a grinning smile, before he waited for the huge guy who was wearing a gorgeous black cloak, a helmet with bone horns on his head, and a red horror mask on his face who was still pretending to finish. He interrupted the other party's unfinished words in a cold voice.

'no no……'

‘Actually, I just heard the conversation between you and the warrior captain. I think you are a bit ignorant and want to kill the villagers I managed to save before? So, do you know how unhappy I am now? ’

That huge body, wearing a gorgeous black cloak, and a helmet with bone horns on his head, the guy who claimed to be Ainzurgon paused, then began to reply with a gloomy husky tone.

‘! ! ’

‘Not happy? ’

‘Hahaha! How big is your tone, a magic chant just wants to come here to be nosy? So, we make you upset now, what can you do? ! ’

The priest leader was excited by the other party's words and laughed directly, and then unscrupulously ridiculed.


‘It’s easy...’

‘I want you to give up resistance and pay your life obediently... If so, maybe you can be spared more pain? ’

‘If you don’t do it, all of you will die in extreme despair and pain...’

Wearing a red weird mask and even gloves on his hands, the magic chant who claimed to be Anzurgon continued to smile with a gloomy, hoarse tone, and stretched out his right hand to make a fist slowly. With.

However, his sincerity without any negotiation, directly threatening others to give up resistance and obediently die, will definitely inspire greater conflicts.


"Asshole! Let the angels attack! Kill them for me!!"

Sure enough, the other party's statement that he and others were obediently sent to death, finally made the priest leader who came with a strong killing intent and didn't want to let any witnesses go to be completely angered! Therefore, feeling that the other party was a little arrogant and reluctant to live or die, he categorically issued the order to attack and kill the target.

Then soon, the two holy flame archangels rushed towards the enemy...

In this way, the two sides started taunting each other, and at the same time they began to attack and show off the force of each other's mouth-cannon confrontation mode, and it started like this.

'Humph! ’

'silly! ! ’

Soon, the magic chanter, who was huge, wore a gorgeous black cloak and a helmet with bone horns on his head, stood in front of the priests and tore away two of the summoned holy flame archangels alive. ? !

‘! ! ’

‘Go together, kill him for me! ! ’

'Ants! ’3a Reading Network

‘Negative blasting! ! ’

‘? ! ’

‘Monitoring Angel! Come on! ’

'Humph! Hellfire……'

'you! ! ’

‘Don’t be smug! fast! Summon high-ranking angels! Majestic Lord Angel! ’

‘Use the strongest blow! Destroy him for me! ’


'too weak……'

‘? ! ’

‘Black hole! ’


'who are you? ’

‘It doesn’t matter who it is, are you enlightened? Hum hum……'

'Do not! ! ! ’

‘Wow! ! ! ’


Soon, the fierce battle that all the eyewitnesses thought would last for a long time, but it was like a joke, and it quickly ended with a victory called Anzurgon?



"It seems to look amazing..."


"Hey! The bone shelf over there, who are you? Also, how dare you be so arrogant, not only killing the angels summoned by others, but also arresting and killing the so many people. of?"


Finally, after watching the drama for a while, and watching the other party chop off the little angel, chop the archangel, chop the archangel, and finally use the magic to teleport all the priests to a certain place. After the plan was to kill, when the other party turned around and wanted to leave, Annie finally asked these two words.

Actually, when she first ran from the woods to the outside here, she thought about helping the priests who looked like good people go with the angels to beat up the boned big lich who didn't look like good people. With the little succubus next to the other party...but later, after hearing the conversation between the two parties, when hearing the clergy leader clamoring to kill all the villagers, the big bone lich turned out to be. She wanted to protect those villagers, who felt that she almost killed the wrong bone, so she was patient and saw the present.

‘! ! ’

'who is it? ! ’

‘? ? ’

‘Master Ainz! Be careful! ! ’

For a moment, that huge body, wearing a gorgeous black cloak, a helmet with bone horns on his head, and a red scary mask on his face, completely unable to see the appearance of the Lich Skeleton and the body beside him. The little succubus, who was wearing a spiked black armor and covering his whole body, did not reveal any skin, as if he had been frightened in some way, turned around, and made some defense against Annie.

Of course, the reason why the succubus is small is relative to the lich. If it were Annie, maybe it was not as high as the other's waist, right?



"Hello! Nice to meet you!"


Annie, who was sitting on a tree with dangling feet, first made big grimaces at the two weird guys who seemed to be shocked by herself, before she raised her little bear’s claws. The other party greeted friendly.

'what! ! ’

‘Master Ainz! She is weird, you have to be careful! ! ’

The little succubus, who was wearing a black armor with spikes and covering his whole body, ignored the little girl's greeting, but gave a slightly surprised exclaim, and directly summoned a pair of dark hands with long handles. The axe, and then guarded her guard in front of her'Azurgon-sama'.

Obviously, she knew, that little girl, that little girl who didn't know when to appear there, and if they hadn't ‘discovered’ them first, there must be something weird! Or it can be said that the other party poses a certain degree of serious threat or risk to her and Lord Anzurgon?

That's why she is so vigilant and nervous...

After all, until now, she has not been able to see the strength of the other party, and even more can not lock the other party's breath. Although the other party can sit on the branch and dangle the tender calf, it seems that it is not. Existence in general?

Anyway, that feeling was terrible, and it was something she had never encountered before, so she couldn't help but be cautious!

'and many more! ’

The bone frame of the huge body, wearing the gorgeous black cloak, pressed the shoulder of the little succubus, preventing the opponent from further displaying hostile behavior.


"Hello, sir!"

"I am Ainz Ul Kung, the ruler of the'Nazarek Underground Tomb', and this is the guardian of my'Nazarek Underground Tomb', Albedo, may I ask if you are... …"

I quietly took a peek at the opponent with the ability to monitor magic, and found that there was no magic fluctuation on the opponent's body, just like an ordinary little girl, but the weird hideous plush toy bear in the opponent's hand was exuding weirdness. And the powerful Shadow Power's Ainzul Gong hesitated for a while, and he who was not sure about the other party's details, asked tentatively.

For him, who was waiting for the server to close in the game, but suddenly crossed into such a weird world, if he can, he really does not want to do it when it is unnecessary, especially now when he does not know the outside world deeply. To make enemies with others, and to deal with the priests just now is a last resort, it is his certain kind of "righteousness" heart that is at work.

"So this is ah……"


"How are you guys! My name is Anne Hasta, and she is the most, most, most, most, most, most, and, most powerful, arcane archmage!!"


Although it is not clear why the bone-shelf lich in this world is a good person to protect the villagers, and the priest who summons the angel is a villain who kills and sets fire, but seeing that the other party has already reported the name first, Annie also responded politely.


"Arcane Archmage?!"

Hearing that the other party was not claiming to be a magic chanter but a great mage, Ainzul Gong couldn't help being surprised, and then he couldn't help but become suspicious.

"How about this!"

What? What?

"People just saw that you are pretty good, or else, let's play and see?!"


After finishing talking, Annie sent a flicker to the distance of about 30 meters in front of the other side, and then subconsciously stretched out her hand, she caught a shattered fireball. She still likes this kind of material world where her power can directly interfere, and like in the oasis game world, the behavior of reading spells and consuming MP when casting spells is really something she is not used to!

Actually, Annie doesn’t have to fight with the other party, but the other party’s attitude just now was too arrogant, and she was still a bonny lich, with a tall look, which made her a little unhappy, plus I just lost my way...No, it's because the'Road' lost her just now, so she is a little frustrated and annoyed. If she doesn't want to continue beating her own bear, she will always find a guy to savagely. Bullying!

And now, the ugly bone frame in front of me looks a bit small and powerful. It seems to be a good bone, but it doesn't look like a good bone guy. It must be a good target for bullying?


"Magic teleportation?!"

Ainzur was surprised, knowing that the other party had just used a certain skill of magical teleportation, such as blinking, different-dimensional movement, or short-distance transmission, etc. However, what made him even more puzzled was that the other party except for the hand Apart from the stuffed bear and the small fireball in his hand, he still couldn't detect any fluctuations in the other party's magic power?

This feeling is very bad...

Because that means that the opponent either has some kind of props or magic to cover up the magic, or the strength is far beyond him! Of course, he prefers the former, otherwise, his future life in this real alien world will be a bit difficult.


"His Excellency Anne Hasta Arcane Archmage, there doesn't seem to be any contradiction between you and me, but why do you want to attack me?"

"and also……"

"Are you a player?!"

Seeing the other side's inexplicable threat of force, Ainzurgung was a little dissatisfied, but still tentatively asked. Because he knows that some players are really unreasonable, and they also like to PK with people and then kill them for treasure at the first sight. If that is the case, then he may be inevitable today.

"Player? What player?"


"Hey! Are you fighting or not? Even if you don't fight back, people will beat you to vent your anger, and may break some of your bones!!!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Annie has been a player for a long time, and now no one should mention any players to her, it is useless! Because, she just wanted to beat the weird big bone on the opposite side and let it go, nothing more!

'Humph! ! ’

‘Extremely rude! ! ’

‘Arrogant guy, dare to speak rudely to Ainz-sama, come on! ! ! ’

Hearing this, the little succubus wearing a jet black armor full of spikes swung her jet-black, green-ray giant axe in a desperate manner and rushed up at an extremely fast speed!


"not good!"

"Albedo! Be careful!!"

Seeing that his guardian chief rushed forward in spite of it, Ainzurgon could do nothing except cast a tenth-level defensive magic'Glory Green Body' on the opponent in a hurry. , I could only watch Albedo instantly rush to the little girl mage and raise the giant axe high.

"Oh! Are you the succubus first?!"


Annie said It doesn't matter who comes first, as long as someone comes to give her a meal to vent her anger, and she promises that she has a strong control, and she will definitely not be killed easily. Oh!

Of course, it doesn't matter if you accidentally beat her to death. If you make her happy, she may be kindly resurrected, and then... be beaten up again?


ε=(′?`●))) alas

(Tibbers knows that the bone frame is definitely going to be bad luck now! But... he doesn't mind, because bad luck is better than his uncle Tibbers bear?)


(???)? Ask for a ticket? (???)

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