Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1202: ψ(`??)ψ is delicious, eat more!

'call! ’

‘Great, we’re not too slow this time, we should be able to reach Kahn Village by tomorrow morning at the latest, and then a little further north, we can go into the woods to collect medicine. ’

‘If the speed is fast, we can return to Ye Lantil the day after tomorrow at the latest! ’

'Ok! ’

When the members of the Black Sword found that they had gradually seen the dense mountains and forests where Kahn Village was located in front, and at the same time found that the footprints of human activities on the ground had become more and more obvious, they could finally relax a little. And discussed about the team of goblin attackers they met before.


'Speaking of, your fireball magic just now, Little Annie, is really amazing. You don’t even need to chant. You can kill a goblin with a fireball without chanting, even the ogres are scorched. Head... It's the first time we have seen such precise and efficient fire magic. ’

‘Yes, it’s amazing! ’

‘Little guy, I always feel that that seems to be far from your limit? Of course, that may also be my illusion, right? ’

On the way, they encountered a group of ugly monsters who wanted to rob them, that is, the goblins and ogres scattered all over the continent, but they had not waited for them to drive or kill those The monsters were overwhelming, and a little girl standing in the carriage with fireballs easily cleaned up the guys who ran out to make trouble, making them amazed until now.

"What's the matter then!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

"I’m telling you! A few days ago, they fought a big undead Lich with only one skeleton left and a beautiful female succubus black armor warrior. Then, that The powerful lich was burned into a flame skeleton by fire!"


Annie didn't mind showing off her first record after coming into this world, and in front of these dark sword adventurers, she directly yelled and yelled, and from time to time she carefully moved forward. Someone of the guy glanced.

There is no doubt that the hapless ‘skeleton undead Lich’ in her mouth is here, just in front of them less than ten steps away, and walking silently in front of the team.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers said that it also printed a bear paw'?' mark on the armor of the little succubus successfully caught by it at the time. That mark may still exist and demonstrate its achievements. The'Ghost Rider' burned by its bad little master has already extinguished the fire.)

‘! ! ’

'you! ! ’

Sure enough, Annie discovered that the big truths she pretended to accidentally uttered a certain pretty young lady who was irritated again.

'Humph! ’


Unfortunately, Annie also saw that before the opponent had time to react, the tall warrior'Mo Mo' behind the opponent squeezed her shoulders, and then shook her head appraisally. The opponent hated that. He continued to walk forward bitterly while panting, and it took a while to gradually calm down.

‘Don’t be impulsive...’

‘Remember who we are now, do you understand? ’


'Yes! ’

‘Mostly...sir. ’

After stabilizing his subordinates, the warrior Momo didn't say much, just turned his head slightly, and through the gap in the armor helmet, towards a little girl who was showing off to the players of the'Black Sword' After a glance, he continued to turn around and walked forward silently.


‘Momo Jun! ’

'please wait! ! ’

'what! And the beautiful Miss Nabe...’

At this time, after a long period of noisy, the archer and guerrilla scout Lucrot Polbu finally caught up from behind, and shouted to lead the way, never shouting tired, even Neither of them saw anyone who had eaten at noon.

‘What’s wrong, Luclotte? ’

'Is such that……'

'It’s getting late now, and it should get dark soon. The captain and our employer Enfirea have said that there is a safer place ahead. We plan to camp there overnight. Hurry up early! ’

‘Camping? ’


The soldier'Momo' remembered that his temporary teammates are all human beings who need to rest and eat. They can't be like him or Nabe, who can drive on the road vigorously without eating, drinking or sleeping. Therefore, he didn't insist on anything, just nodded gently, expressing his approval of the arrangement of the opposing team leader and the employer.

'Well! ’

‘The place is not far away, it’s on the hillside in front, where there is a clean river, the view is pretty good, and the woods are sheltered from the wind, we will stay there for one night! ’

‘At that time, Mo Mojun, you may be able to take off your armor and rest for a night. You must be tired after driving so long? ’


‘Thank you for your kindness, I can decide my own business! ’

'what? So...’

Seeing that the two of them seemed a bit out of sync, the Nabe had always been ignorant of herself, and the warrior Momo had not accepted her kindness. After that, Lucrot didn't say anything much, but just replied with a little scorn. To the back of the team.

He knew that it might be because the other party had a conflict with the little girl, so these two people would be so arrogant and lonely... But, in Lucrot's view, compared to the two people in front of him, they might still be the same. The little guy who has no airs, is good at talking to people, and is still very magical is more flattering!

And if they want to add one or two manpower to the "Black Sword", three of the four of them will definitely vote for that little guy, and he himself will vote for that iceberg beauty without hesitation. Miss Bei?


About an hour later, when this strange combination of squad and employer settled in this suitable camping place, the sky was completely dark. At this time, besides the bonfire still emitting fire, the whole world may only be left with the stars in the sky that began to appear faintly.



"You are too slow to walk, it took a whole day to get here..."


Unlike the companions who were chatting around the campfire with laughter and laughter, Annie was very, very dissatisfied with the current speed of the team.

You know, when she traveled from Kahn Village to Ye Lantil City a few days ago, it only took less than a long time to walk, but now, these guys are walking slowly and slowly. God, I only walked less than two-thirds of the distance, this is really outrageous!

"Little guy, this is not too slow anymore!"

"The main thing is that we only have one carriage from Enfilea. If there are one or two more carriages or everyone can ride a horse, I believe the speed will be much faster!"

"Haha! Peter, you want to be beautiful. Our Dark Sword doesn't have so much financial resources to buy a horse on the road for everyone. We are just a silver-level team. Don't think too much about horses. "

"It's true! But if you just think about it, it doesn't matter..."

"But what little Annie said is indeed slower... If we all have war horses and don't have to hurry, maybe it only takes half a day to get to Kahn Village, right?"


"I'm afraid Xiaobantian will not work!"


"Because Enfilea’s old cart is too slow, according to the speed of his old cart, except for the rest time, it will take at least a whole day and a little more time to reach the card. Encun!"


"That's right! Little Annie, we heard that you have a magical magic pocket, you can put a lot of things in it?"

I chatted with my team members, and suddenly, Lukelot Polbu brought the topic to a little girl who was still complaining loudly.


∑(′△`)? !

"So what, what do you want to do?!"


Annie suddenly became a little wary, for fear that the other party would make some excessive demands, and she would definitely reject the other party severely!

Of course, if the other party wants the biggest and heaviest piece of gold like some bad guys, maybe she will take one out generously and throw it to the other party?

What? What?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"It seems you really have it!"

"Actually, it's nothing... We are thinking, since you have the legendary and convenient magic baby, when we gather medicine tomorrow, if we find any valuable things or medicinal materials, can we also let your baby? Help me install the magic pocket?"

"And the ears of the ogres and goblins we cut off?"

"do not worry!"

"When you return to Ye Lantil City, we will definitely pay you an extra reward. What do you think?"

In fact, Lucrot Polbu is already thinking about it. Since a certain genius pharmacist is here, doesn’t it mean that the other party can pick up the herbs that they can’t finish or need not much, and they can also pick some and transport them back to sell on their own ? And if there is a magic pocket that can hold unlimited or large amounts of things, they believe that this time they will definitely make a fortune, right?

"No way!"


"Don't even think about this kind of thing!!"


Hearing that this was the case, Annie directly rejected the other party without even thinking about it.

What a joke, her Queen Anne’s own pocket is a semi-dimensional space, and it has always only contained her favorite food, clothes, munitions, coins, some funny little things and some messy things, such as How could some of the sealed tentacles or collectibles keep medicinal materials and those disgusting monster ears for these guys?


"Is it really bad? We will pay a good price!"

Lucrot Polbu wants to work网

"Absolutely not!"



"That's really a pity, we thought you would agree to it..."

After a dry smile, there was no other way. Seeing Lucrotte Polbu who couldn't persuade the other party, he had to shrink back in disbelief, and then shrugged his shoulders to his companions, indicating that he had worked hard.

"That's just what you think, it's not you!"


'All right! ’

‘Here comes, the food is ready... everyone, get ready to enjoy! ’

At this time, the forest priest of the Dark Sword will use healing magic and natural magic, proficient in the knowledge of herbs, and at the same time very good at cooking, Dyne Woodwanda, who is not far away from another campfire. Toward here, one by one dinner plates made up of wooden pots, wooden bowls and wooden spoons were brought, and the food that had been divided was brought in front of everyone and signaled that everyone could enjoy it.



"This thing looks weird..."


Can you eat it?

Annie didn't speak, she just frowned and looked at the soupy food in her wooden bowl, and she stretched out her little head and put her little nose on the edge of the wooden bowl and smelled it carefully. smell.

The presentation of these foods was a bit unpleasant, some of which she had never seen before, so Anne, who was not sure whether it was delicious or not, decided to be a little cautious, take a closer look and observe carefully for a while.


‘Momo Jun...’

‘Have you had a team of adventurers before? ’

'what! ’

"It's not a team of adventurers..."

'what is that? ’

‘Should be a partner? ’

'partner? ’

‘Can you tell me? ’

'of course……'

‘At that time, I was weak and I was always alone until I was saved by a pure white paladin...and through him, I met for the first time those who can be called companions...’


When a tragic little girl was still rudely studying the food that others had worked so hard, and did not dare to start talking, other people in the team, including an employer, had already started talking to that Warriors Momo and Nabei chatted with each other rare.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!



"It's delicious! People are going to start!!"


After tentatively taking a bite, Anne found that the taste was unexpectedly good, so she ate and drank without any kind of politeness, regardless of what the people were talking about.


‘That’s a very good group of companions, very good...’

‘At the same time, also my best friend! ’

‘I will never forget the time we spent together, that is the most precious asset in my life...’


A certain big bone frame in armor began to sink into memories that only he could understand...

‘! ! ’


However, at this time, before he waited for long to remember, he suddenly discovered that a certain little girl ran up to him in an untimely way, interrupted his memory, and snatched him away. The food that Nabe and Nabe have not touched in front of them?


"Annie, what are you doing?!"

"How can you grab food from Mo Mojun and Nabei?"


"It's too rude, and I didn't even ask people first!"

Seeing a certain little girl's unreasonable and arrogant behavior, everyone condemned, and even those who did not condemned, frowned and looked at her.

"Anyway, they don't know how to eat it! So they helped them get rid of it!!"


Annie answered honestly and sturdily!

After all, Anne knew it. One of the two people in front of her was a big-boned lich, and the other was not a normal creature even though she was wearing a beautiful skin, so she was helping them both. The guys were so busy that they didn't deliberately grab their things to eat.


"How do you know they don't eat?"


"Just now Mo Mojun and Miss Nabei were just chatting with us, so they didn't have time to move the spoon!"

"Annie, you should put it back. There is no more in the pot now, but tomorrow morning I can remember to cook more for you?"

For a while, under the wicked behavior of a messy little girl, everyone was persuading, complaining, and screaming, but their meaning was obvious, that is, let her quickly replace the food she grabbed. So as not to cause unpleasant things or something.

"People just know!"


"Hey! Little Brother Momo, and Miss Nabei, you must not want to eat these things, am I right?"


Annie looked at the two of them with malicious eyes and squinted secretly. What she meant was actually very obvious. That is: She has seen through them. If they don't want to cause trouble, you'd better cooperate with her. Click it?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



The warrior Momo turned his head and looked at his companion Nabe, before he said slightly relaxedly:


"In fact, due to some religious reasons, we do not eat your food. We carry our own food, so..."

"But don't worry, we will solve this problem by ourselves later!"

Now that there are people helping himself to solve the trouble, the soldier "Mo Mo" is also happy to borrow a donkey to go downhill, and directly expresses generously that the two wooden plates of food have been given to the little girl. Because the other party did not say anything wrong, they really can’t eat, and it’s not because of the religious reason he said So that's the way it is..."

"In this way, I finally understand why Mo Mojun and Miss Nabei didn't eat at noon. It turned out to be because of religion?"


"What a religion with strange doctrine..."

"Alright! Dyne, let's not discuss the religion of Mo Mojun!"

"Ah! Sorry..."

Soon, everyone began to chat with joy and laughter again, just like this around the campfire, trying to talk about some relaxed topics as much as possible.

For these low-level adventurers, for them, who are nothing more than a group of mercenaries who run errands and do odd jobs, being able to live and eat a hot meal every night and rest and chat around the fire is happiness again. But something is up.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!



Annie, who is eating three-point food by herself, will not tell those people that the fact is not what they think, in fact, it's just that "Momo" is a bone frame. If you forcibly drink it, it will definitely leak from the sole Just come out!

And at this point, her bad bear can do a little better, because after it eats it, it will burn it directly. It will burn the "food" directly into ashes, and the water will evaporate, and then it will be put as a fart Come out, it won't leak from the soleplate of the foot!

Of course, if she restricts the opponent's strength and soaks directly in the water or bathtub, the water or foam will still leak out from the joints between the sole of the foot and the bear skin.


(● ̄? ̄●)


???(?)?????ヾ(⌒?⌒*) Ask for a ticket?

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