Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1205: (???)? Hello, I want to talk to my little bear 1...

Genius remembers the permanent address of this site in one second:

‘Call~! ’

'call! Alright, everyone, finally home~! ’

‘That’s it! ’

‘Speaking of which I didn’t expect, that the little guy Annie is so powerful, even the dragon can be caught. He is a guy who is deeper and more powerful than Mr. Momo...’

‘Isn’t it? ’

‘I said Niah, didn’t you hear what they said before? Before we set off, Mo Mojun and his other companion had some conflicts with the little guy Annie. In the end, it seemed that Mo Mojun and the others suffered, otherwise he would not have been caught several times along the way. Don't dare to do anything provocative! ’

‘Mo Mojun and Annie are both good. It would be nice if they could live in harmony together. Less conflict is better than confrontation. ’

‘Nya, things are not as simple as you think! ’

After chatting for a few words, the members of the Dark Sword smiled and surrounded Enfirea Barreare’s carriage, and began to help each other untie the reins of the old horse and the ropes that bound the medicinal goods, preparing Unload the cargo.


‘Peter, speaking of it, the three temporary teammates we were looking for were better than one! First, Mo Mojun captured the sage king of the forest with his own power, and then went to Xiao Anni to forcibly surrender the Frost Dragon in the Andesia Mountains, and even grabbed one of them as a mount... I want to take a look. Is our pitch black sword the weakest? ’


'okay! Lucrot and Nia, you still don't want to get depressed, at least we have met those amazing guys, and gained some insights, and then we can work hard in their direction to become stronger! ’

‘Can we become as strong as Mo Mojun and Little Annie? ’

'rest assured! Certainly possible! ! ’


'come on! ’

‘Help Enfilea unload these cargoes, and then our mission this time will be achieved perfectly! ’

‘Well, I’m here to unload these little bags, Dyne, you and Peter are going to unload the big bags...’

‘Without the help of the captain, I can do it alone! ’


The sky is completely dark. In the backyard of this pharmacy workshop of Enfilea’s house, when Enfilea lights up the lamp and opens the door and enters the room calling for his grandma who doesn’t know why, the four of the dark swords While talking about a certain little girl Annie and the warrior Momo, while talking and laughing, he helped Enfilea move the medicine from the carriage and prepare to put it in the room where the other party opened the wooden door. Inside and pile up.

After all this is done, their task this time is basically completed!

At that time, they can settle the commission with Enferea, and then send a copy to the soldier Momo and the powerful little guy tomorrow, and then go to the Adventurer’s Guild to settle and register the task, that matter. Can be regarded as a complete end.


"Is grandma not at home? But, it's so late, where else can she go? ’


‘! ! ’

'grandmother? ’

'Hey! are you there? ! ’

Originally, Enfirea felt that his grandmother was definitely not at home, because there was no light in the house... But when he was about to transfer out and command the Dark Sword to help unload the goods, he suddenly He heard the sound of footsteps or heavy objects falling in a room, which made him a little strange. Then after thinking about it, he brought the oil lamp forward and gently opened the door.

‘? ! ’

'what! ! ’

However, just after pushing open the wooden door and seeing the scene inside, Enfilea couldn't help but exclaim!

Because he found that the door didn’t seem to be a grandmother who he originally thought might be so drunk that the lamp couldn’t be lit, but a grinning grin, looking at him with weird eyes, completely ignorant Strange woman?

‘Hi~! ’

'Welcome back……'

‘Humph! You really made me worry about my sister for a long time, but I didn’t come back for a few days. People are very worried and have been waiting for you at home...’

As the woman continued to smile, she gently removed her hood, and then shook her long fluffy hair, revealing that although delicate, but full of fierce murderous expressions and hideous expressions Face, let people know that it is a character with a vicious personality!

‘? ? ’

‘Enfirea, is she your friend? ’

'Wow! Enfilea, you are really amazing. It's not too much to have such a beautiful sweetheart as Enri in Kahn Village, but there is a tigress hidden in the family? Is it possible that you are the kind of guy Mo Mojun said that the red flag at home will not fall down and the colorful flags are fluttering outside? ! ’

‘Puff~! ’

'a ha ha ha! ’

At this time, the four people who were unloading the black sword of herbs outside the door of the house were obviously shocked by the woman who appeared suddenly. At the same time, they also heard what the other party said, so they subconsciously felt that the other party might be kind. They, who were some of Ferea's irresistible'female' friends, directly ridiculed the inconsistent employer.

To be honest, they thought that Enfirea was very honest, and was a good match for the beautiful village girl Anri in Kahn Village... But now, it turns out that they are a bit too tender, and this The world is also a little bit more acquainted! The other party already has a woman who looks very powerful and fierce, and the other party has the courage to go to Kahn Village to provoke the innocent and ignorant Enri sauce, she is indeed a beast scumbag!


'That one……'

‘Sorry, who are you? ’

However, what surprised the people of the Black Sword was that Enfirea did not refute or argue with their ridicule, but asked the woman strangely?

‘! ! ’

‘Uh...Enfirea, you! Don't you know her? ! ’

The reversal came too abruptly, and the captains of the Black Sword, Peter, Luclotte and others, stopped the ridiculous smiles, and slowly put down the medicinal materials in their hands, and they used solemn gazes. Looked at the weird woman.

"Hmm, hum..."

‘Of course I don’t know each other, because ah, what about me, actually...I came here to kidnap him! ! ’


The woman walked out of the room step by step, and when she walked under the light, she let everyone see her scarlet pupils and ferocious expression, as if she was talking about something irrelevant to her, just with one hand. He stuck his waist and tilted his head to explain.

‘! ! ’

‘Enfirea! Rewind! ! ’

‘Watch out! ! ’

Cang! !

Soon, the partners of the Dark Sword reacted instantly, and then drew out their weapons one after another, rushed forward to protect them in front of Enfilea.

‘Humph! ’

‘Have the ability to use any magic item...Dear Enfirea, we want you to help summon the army of the undead, and then flood the city, you say...can you help us with that little favor? ’

The four people who saw the Dark Sword surrounded themselves for the first time, but the weird woman didn't care at all, nor backed up or guarded. She just smiled faintly, and ignored the long sword that Captain Peter pointed at her throat. , Just squinted and asked with that **** and cruel gaze that a genius pharmacist was hiding behind the four.

'you! ! ’

‘I, how could I promise you to do that terrible thing? ! ’

For a moment, and then after knowing what the other party was talking about, Enfilea, who recovered quickly, directly yelled at the other party!

'Oh? ’

‘Don’t agree? ’

‘But it’s okay, I was here to kidnap you, and I didn’t expect you to agree! ’


With a yin smile, the weird woman slowly drew out a scimitar from her waist, and after playing a knife, raised it flat in front of her, and stretched out her scarlet tongue lightly on the blade. He licked it lightly, completely not paying attention to the people with the dark swords who were on guard.

‘! ! ’

‘Enfirea! Get out! ’

'but! ’

‘Nah! Take him out! This is not for you to exert your strength, go! ! ’

'what? ’

‘Go! ’

'what! Yes! ! ’

Although I don’t know what the opponent has to rely on, the four of the Black Sword are still more vigilant, and their captain, Peter, responded almost instantly, screaming to let their spellcaster Nya bring Enfi with him. When Leia went out, he directly gestured to his other two companions, and then roared at the dangerous looking woman in front of him!

They only knew that if the three of them couldn't beat each other reasonably, it would be useless for Nania and Enfirea to stay, so it would be better for the three of them to stay here! If they win, everything is fine, but if they lose, they can at least let the two of Nya and Enferea escape and call for help, right?

You know, this is the city of Ye Lan Tier, and the number of troops in the city has recently increased due to certain things. If the other party dares to mess around here, Nya and the others only need to go out and call for a large group of patrols. Soldier, the other party will suffer by that time!


‘Die here obediently, none of you want to run! Otherwise, I will be very troubled...’

Huh! !

Seeing that the two were about to run, the weird woman rushed out of the circle of the three at an extremely fast speed, and appeared directly in front of Nia and Enfrea, before the two escaped. With a single sword, the Nia who was about to cast the spell was cut to the ground, and the scarlet blood was directly spilled on the side of Enferea, who was standing in a daze with a full face.

‘! ! ’

‘Nah? ! ’

'hateful! ! ’

'Go together! Kill her! ! ! ’

‘Uh ah ah! ! ! ’

Seeing that one of his companions fell to the ground and couldn't move with a single sword, the other three of the Dark Sword roared, turned directly, and rushed toward the woman again!


‘I didn’t have to come alone, but unfortunately, that pesky guy went back because he was worried that someone would find the cemetery...


Although avoiding the attack of the other three of the Dark Sword, the woman still has time to say something like a mumbling, and like a slippery loach, the three of them just wield it in vain. Cut it, not even a single piece of her hair can be touched.

‘Forget it! ’

‘I’ll be alone. I can play a little longer without him here. So, are you tired? Now... it's my sister's turn to shoot! ’


After a charming smile, looking at the three men who had failed countless attacks before them and were beginning to pant, the weird woman finally stopped avoiding, but instead bullied herself against the attack of the sword!

Soon, a bright light flashed in this dimly lit room!


When the weird woman rushed to the opposite side and turned around with a smile, the other three people of the Black Sword, including the strongest captain Peter, screamed at the same time, and the other party didn’t know when to cut them. When they reached the meridians on the body and hands, while the weapons were released one after another, they also screamed and fell into a pool of blood.

However, none of them died immediately. It seemed that they were just badly injured and chopped by the weird woman and lost their resistance?

But anyway, it can be seen that that woman is very terrifying, and she has precise knife skills, which is definitely not something that they can compete with silver-level adventurers. It is not a battle between levels at all. The other party was playing like a cat and a mouse from beginning to end.


'you! ’

'you you……'

The situation took a turn for the worse. Seeing the tragic situation in front of her, Enfirea's eyes were so scared that Enfirea rounded her eyes. Then she completely ignored the blood from Nia that splashed on her body and face, but fell softly to the ground. She flinched with her knees, until she shrank into a corner, she looked at the terrible woman with trembling, not only couldn't even speak, but was so scared that she even forgot to escape.

‘Don’t worry~! ’

‘I’ll take you away when I have enough time for my big sister...just for a while, it shouldn’t keep you waiting...’

The woman turned her head and cast a wink at the already terrified Enfirea, and then sneered. While using the scimitar in her hand again, she sneered and walked to the first one. He fell to the ground. At this time, his hands were just in vain in front of the spellcaster Nia, who was dragging the blood in a pool of blood, and then kicked him face to the ground with one foot and turned him over.

'Oh? ’

‘Tsk tusk tusk! ’

‘Look! See what I found? ’

Under Nia’s horrified and desperate eyes, the weird woman first tilted her head and looked at him, then she smiled and stretched out her hand to touch it, and then she pulled open his clothes and revealed his chest. A large piece of snow-white and bloody... bandage! ?

‘Yo! ’

"She really is a delicious little girl, look at this face, this skin... but it's a pity, I like to practice my sword skills on adventurers like you the most..."

‘Do you think, can I cut off certain parts of your body before you recover...’

The knife in the woman's hand kept rubbing gently on the bandage on Nia's chest, and at the same time, she looked at Nia's eyes that were getting bigger and more desperate with a very satisfied expression. With.

‘For example...’

‘Your heart is still beating, pounding and pounding? ! ’

As she said, the knife in the hand of the weird and cruel woman did not stop, and between the ups and downs, she easily chopped all the bandages that Nia had tied with her heart, and gradually swelled up and On the chest exposed to the air, there were many shallow red knife marks.

Obviously, although she was a little restrained just now, she still accidentally injured Nia's tender skin, so that a little scarlet blood beads began to ooze from it.

‘! ! ’

‘Nah, you are...’

‘! ! ’

'stop it now! What's coming at me, let go of Niah! ’

‘Asshole! ! ’

Never thought that his companion was really a woman!

This situation shocked the other three people of the Black Sword, and soon recovered. Qi Qi yelled at the wicked, evil and terrifying woman with some canthus. Write.

It's a pity that they, like Nya, were cut off some important tendons on their hands by the terrible knife of the other party, so that not only did they lose too much blood, but they also couldn't exert any strength at all.

‘Don’t worry! ’

‘One of you counts as one, don’t miss any of them! Now, let me first dig out her throbbing thing, and then take a look at her careful liver, is there any difference from you guys? ’

'Hum hum……'

With a grinning smile, the woman raised the sharp blade in her hand high in the horrified and grief-stricken eyes of the other three of the Dark Sword, preparing to disguise a woman as a man’s magic chant, and to cast a woman The silver adventurer is tortured and killed, and is still blocking the opponent's companions?

Huh! !

In the light of the swaying dim kerosene lamp, the high-lifted blade flashed a bright light and then slashed hard!

‘! ! ’

'Do not! ! ’


The three people of the Black Sword directly exclaimed, and subconsciously closed their eyes, afraid to look at the miserable situation of their companions, and even less dare to face the one they clearly hated, but was completely unable to resist. Terrible enemy.


However, in the next instant, a woman who was still grinning quickly couldn't laugh anymore.

‘? ! ’

'who is it? ! ! ’

When she discovered that the scimitar in her hand that was supposed to be slashed towards the chest of the adventurer in front of her, she didn't know when it disappeared, and she jumped into a block with a violent spirit. Wall, and then stretched out his hand, he took out two short thorn swords from behind him, and at the same time bowed slightly, like a frightened cat, began to look at this with hideous and terrifying spiteful eyes. Glanced up and down in the hall of his Pharmacy Workshop.

Obviously, her weapon will not disappear inexplicably, there must be someone here! Moreover, since the other party can let oneself steal his scimitar unknowingly, there must be something unique about the other party, and she must not be cautious.



"I just met such a few dumb guys who can chat, but you are going to kill them now. Isn't that a bit bad?"


Suddenly, a very abrupt voice sounded, and then, the weird and cruel woman and the four people who lay on the ground with the dark sword that couldn't resist found: I don’t know when, in the dark corner of the hall, there was one standing holding one head. The little girl standing there with a stuffed bear?

‘! ! ’

‘Annie? ! ’

'Great! fast! Annie! Beat her quickly! ! ’


Seeing a certain companion arrive at a desperate moment, and he is still the kind of powerful guy who can subdue the dragon, the four of them finally screamed for help and hurriedly asked for help.

"The four of you can't beat her, it's so stupid!"


It turned out that Annie just refused to see an unknown guy named'the strongest warrior captain in the kingdom', and Anne, who was about to rest in the luxurious room of the hotel, suddenly noticed something unusual... and soon she knew it was a certain After some stupid guys were in danger, she felt that she could not ignore her, so she had to reluctantly come here for a time, ready to help these stupid guys once.

But this time, next time, if they can't beat others and get hacked to death by others, even if she knows it, she will never save them again! !


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(However, only Tibbers knows that this is actually all its credit. If it hadn't reminded its own mischievous master at a critical moment, I am afraid that these four stupid humans would have been affected by that fierce The female human is broken.)


"Huh! Who are you?!"

The fierce woman who was a little surprised and didn't know when the other party appeared or when the other party took the weapon from her hand, after hesitating for a while, she gritted her teeth and asked.


" don't even know her?"

"She, she is the first most powerful adventurer in the history of the Adventurer’s Guild with the'brilliant diamond' level above the stainless steel level. That is, today, riding a powerful dragon back to Ye Lantil City. ——Dragonmage Anne Hasta Archmage crowned!"


"Woman! You are dead, she is our friend of the Dark Sword!!"


Seeing that woman didn’t seem to know Little Annie. The players who lay on the ground with the pitch-black sword with only their mouth able to move could not take care of their injuries. They all spoke up, warned or proudly, and tried their best to respond. Some savior-like little guy is flattering.



Annie feels that she and them don't seem to be friends, right? At most, it's just acquaintance, and it's not annoying, and you can help out when you meet. Where are friends?



For the sake of their good-sounding words, she doesn't even bother to explain it now. Whatever they say is what they say!




"Is that dragon knight? Maybe... But what kind of **** is that ‘brilliant diamond’ level, do you think I’m a fool?"

The woman yelled. If it wasn't for the little girl who was still staring at her, I'm afraid she would have plucked out the tongues of the guys who fell on the ground and the blood was about to drain. !



"Hey! Bad guy, people are angry now..."


You know, that ‘Brilliant Diamond’ brand Annie was a brilliant idea that was hard to come up with, and now, the villain in front of her dares to slander her hard work in person?

and so……

"Um... have you played with my little bear? It's super fun!!"


Obviously, Annie was not going to do it herself, because she had just washed for nothing, and she would lie down on the soft bed to sleep when she went back, so she didn't want to get her hands or shoes dirty at this time.


"What are you talking about? What kind of **** bear? I don't know my old lady!!"

Obviously, that ferocious woman had never seen the little bear in Annie's house, and did not know the cruel tricks of a certain bear uncle named ‘Tibbers’?

"It seems you haven't seen it before, so..."


"Come out, Tibbers, kill her to me!!"


Annie, who didn't want to waste time with the other party, and didn't want to toss for too long here, directly threw the little bear in her arms toward the other party!



(I don’t even know the famous Benxiong, and dare to rant and scold Benxiong in front of so many people. This is really unreasonable!!)

Soon, the four people of the pitch-black sword lying in a pool of blood on the ground and a useless genius pharmacist who was still curled up in the corner saw in horror that the little bear who was thrown away by the little Annie suddenly unexpectedly Getting bigger, still surrounded by dark red flames, and while smashing the wall and rushing into the yard, it also grabbed the thigh of the murderous woman who wanted to avoid or escape?

??????: Wow~!


It was originally the ninth seat of the "Black Sacred Code" of the Slian Church, "Breaking the Wind". Later, he betrayed the Slian Church and seized the treasure of the Wind Flower Sacred Code and fled. Now, Ke, one of the officials of Zhilanon Lemontine is dead...

And he died miserably!

She was not bitten to death or eaten by a certain bear, but was torn in half alive after a certain bear pulled two white thighs. After a red, green, and yellow object dripped on the ground, It was only burned to ashes by a certain bear with shadow flames and no longer exists in this world...

Then, the next day, when the four of the Black Sword wanted to understand the true identity of a certain little girl, they knew that the other party was the one outside of Kahn Village. They defeated Anzurgon and burned the other party into a flame skeleton. The powerful flame caster of, and when he planned to come to the door to thank him after healed, he was shocked to learn that the opponent had already left early in the morning, and he also asked the Frost Dragon to go outside the city when he left. After the breath attack, he burned the cemetery outside Ye Lan Tier to ashes for no reason. It is said that he also burned a powerful necromancer? !

As for where the other party went now, it is not known for the time being. Therefore, after the four people of the Black Sword finally inquired and found no results, they had to give up regretfully, and instead continued their stay at Ye Lan Tier. The life of adventurers in the city... However, after all sorts of things, their reputation for the "Black Sword" has gradually spread. Some people with ulterior motives know that they seem to have friendship with a certain "dragon mage", so they are also interested. He approached them unintentionally, and wanted to learn more from them.


??????: Wow! Is this bear fierce? Those who don't give tickets will kill you! !

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