Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1238: So, what kind of monster is that? !

"Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Journey(

Anakin really did not expect that ten years ago, he, his teachers and the Jedi masters were caught on this planet and almost shot to death! And ten years later, he grew up and successfully counterattacked from a slave child of Tatooine to become a rich and handsome Jedi. He was once again taken prisoner by the separatist alliance guys here, and he and Padmé And a certain Obi-Wan who was also caught here twice, was hurriedly tried and sentenced to death on the ridiculous charges of'engaging in espionage' by the Geonosians?

But it's okay now, he is not too worried...

That is not because Anakin is not afraid of death, but because he has calculated the time several times and came up with a slightly dangerous data for them? Anyway, anyway, at least, he feels that what is happening now is still within his acceptable range.

Because the **** Geonosians did not directly pull the three of them out to target the combat robots, but thoughtfully held a "farewell" ceremony, seeming to want to put them in this huge ancient arena. In the same place, let countless Geonosians witness the death of the three of them through a certain ritual?

And this is Anakin's opportunity!

Therefore, he happily cooperated with the actions of the Geonosians, watching them **** themselves to a suspended chariot and stroll around the huge arena, and let them end the demonstration. Later, he was tied to one of the four stone pillars in the middle of the arena and enthusiastically cheered and howled.

And when the insect-like Geonosians tied him up and flew away, he discovered that Padmé and Obi-Wan, who had arrived one step earlier, had been tied to the stone pillar for a long time?


"Great, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you..."

After watching the Geonosians fasten themselves to the stone pillars with chains and leave, Anakin smiled at the one beside him, staring at him with round eyes in disbelief. Padmé said with a big grin.

Although, what he kept saying, running to save Padmé seemed to be unconvincing at all?



"I don't understand, you are... wrong! Why are you here too? Shouldn't you stay in Naboo or have returned to Coruscant?"

Thinking about the situation where Obi-Wan detected that Anakin was still in Naboo before he and others were arrested, Padmé couldn't help but be a little surprised and asked with a trace of sadness.

Although she was very happy to see each other before she died, that should never be the case! !

"Of course I am here to save you!"

"The warships of the Trade Alliance have attacked Naboo again. I know this negotiation must be a conspiracy, so I will come to rescue you as soon as possible!"

Anakin quickly explained.

However, he did not say what happened on Naboo, nor did he say that his swarm had wiped out the trade alliance’s fleet to attack Naboo and was sending the extremely powerful Zerg warship Leviathan to Goo. Things about Nosis Star.


"I'm actually not afraid of death, it's just...but I didn't expect it to end up hurting you..."

"You shouldn't have come..."

The other party can come and rescue herself as soon as possible. Padmé said that it is impossible not to be moved, but she does not want to see the other party running to death like this recklessly, because it is not worth it. That will only make her feel even more sad and self-blaming when she is moved!

"What are you talking about!"

"Padme, do you know? If this world does not have you, what is the meaning of the existence of this world?"

"No matter where you are, even if you go to **** together, I will accompany you unhesitatingly. I won't know that you are indifferent and indifferent because you are in danger here, never!!"

Seeing the helpless and desolate look on Padmé’s face, Anakin couldn’t bear to look at the other person in such pain, so he hurriedly comforted him and said with confidence that he himself did not regret breaking into Geonosi. Si Xing is here, even if it is now tied here, it is the same for those Geonosians to watch that they are about to perform some kind of death!



In this way, Anakin and Padmé looked at each other so deeply.

At this time, they only had each other in their eyes, and even those Geonosians, the Earl Dooku, and the triumphant Governor of the Trade Union, Newt Gunley, did not pay attention to what they said on the viewing platform. Listen, they looked at each other affectionately amidst the cheers of the Geonosians.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Enough of you guys!"

Finally, Obi-Wan hanging on another stone pillar next to him seemed a little bit unbearable.

"I don't understand, Anakin, what the **** is going on with you, why are you here?"


"I mean: you fellow, what are you doing here?!"

Obviously, for Anakin, who was supposed to stay in Naboo or had returned to Coruscant, unexpectedly appeared here, and was caught by those Geonosians preparing to be executed with himself and others. , Obi-Wan said it was a bit difficult to understand.

"Of course I'm here to save you!"

Anakin replied frankly. Although his process of saving people was not perfect, he was even caught without seeing Padmé in the middle, but he still firmly believes that the final result of this incident. Shouldn't it be too frustrating?

"Save people?"

"Ha! That's how you came to save people? Well, you did a great job, you really deserve to be the apprentice I taught you!"

After confirming it, it was discovered that the other party was really Obi-Wan who came here single-handedly, and he mocked Anakin with a bit of hatred and irony.

Sure enough, what he said to Padmé when he was on the spaceship was not wrong. The emotion that shouldn’t have really ruined Anakin. Look at what the other party did. The most basic reason and judgment that the Jedi should have have been lost, so it's just such a person who came here to die?

"rest assured!"

"I'm here to save Padmé, not to save you!"

Listening to the other party's sarcasm, Anakin also spoke the truth without politeness.

It’s because of Padmé. If only Obi-Wan was caught, he might have notified the Jedi Committee as soon as possible, or secretly let the Insect Swarm come to the rescue, and he would definitely not come in personally. To this planet, right?

"very good!"

"Then my Excellency Anakin Skywalker, have you successfully saved it?"

Obi-Wan stared at Anakin with that **** expression, trying to see what the other party could say.

"This one……"

"I ran into our teacher and our teacher's teacher when I came in. I couldn't beat them, so..."

So Anakin was caught and caught here.

However, although Padmé has not been saved yet, he believes that as long as it is delayed for a while, it should be almost enough! Because he felt that his swarm had been close for a long time, and it was possible that he had sensed his situation, so he was speeding up to come?


"Anakin, you are so good!!"

Obi-Wan was so angry that he turned his head directly, seeming to be extremely ashamed of such a stupid Jedi he taught him?


"You two, who do you think is here?"

Without waiting for Anakin and Obi-Wan to continue to say something, Padmé suddenly reminded them in a low voice.

Because she saw that in the distance, a familiar figure was riding in a small suspended vehicle and came to the three of them, and jumped down, and then proceeded to the column step by step in silence. Come.

"Anakin, Obi-Wan, and..."


Looking at the three people in front of me, two of them are their own apprentices, one is Padmé Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo who I knew ten years ago and had a good personal relationship, and now Naboo-san The congressman and the leader of the peace faction, he didn't know what to say for a while.




Obi-Wan, Padmé, and Anakin did not rush to speak, they all looked at the Jedi Master who was standing in front of them with their cage hands, and they had mixed feelings in their hearts. , I never expected that they would come to this antagonistic situation today.

Of course, maybe it can't be said to be opposition, it's just a difference in philosophy?


Finally, after sighing for a while, Master Qui-Gang Jin spoke up, walked to the pillar of Obi-Wan first, looked at his first apprentice and persuaded:

"You still haven't thought about it?"

"You also know the identity of the Supreme Speaker Palpatine, and the Second Republic Army is also a conspiracy planned by him... Now, ten years later, the situation in the Galactic Republic is very dangerous, and the entire galaxy is also in an anomaly. In a terrible situation, the stubborn and conservative elders will not be able to save this country. Now only the Independent Galaxy Alliance can hope to defeat Palpatine and restore all that!"

"and so……"

"It's too late for you to choose to join us. As long as you nod your head, I will ask my teacher to let you go. You shouldn't put your hope on the Jedi committee that you cannot protect yourself!"

Qui-Gang King tried to persuade Obi-Wan to give up the stubborn and conservative Jedi Temple and the unrealistic ideas of the Jedi Presbyterian Church.

"No! Teacher Qui-Gang Jin!"

"Anakin and I both believe in you, but I don’t believe in your teacher. It is you who should wake up! He also said that he is the apprentice of Darth Sidious and has also studied The Dark Force, such a dangerous guy, how dare you believe him?"

"If he is really for the Galactic Republic, he should inform the Presbyterian Church of the facts early, and then cooperate with the Jedi Knights to eradicate the Supreme Speaker Palpatine, instead of gathering so many galaxies and separatists to form an independent galaxy alliance!"

"and also!"

"Teacher, it doesn’t matter if what he said is true or not, and whether or not he made a stab at Palpatine and turned his head against him, it’s not difficult to judge just by what he has done in the past few years. He may also be a follower. That careerist like Lord Sith!"

"So teacher, wake up, and quickly send the information back to the Jedi Temple, maybe everything is too late?"

Yes, on the day of their arrest, the Earl Dooku and the teacher Qui-Gon King in front of him had persuaded Obi-Wan to let him know the current status of the Galactic Republic and the true status of the Supreme Speaker Palpatine. Identity... However, when he was skeptical and did not choose to completely believe that he planned to send the message back to the Jedi Temple, he was locked up by them, and just like that with Padmé and Anakin. Here is the duel field of the Geonosians.

"Do not……"

"Obi-Wan, sir, he does have ambitions...but, I believe what he said, and, after so many years, you must have seen the status quo of the galaxy and the Republic. I think it's time to change."

After shaking his head and sighing, Qui-Gon King, who knew he could not persuade Obi-Wan, turned to Anakin's pillar.


"Anakin, how about you?"

"You are the most talented apprentice I have ever met, and you should be able to go further in the future, so... can I know what you think?"

After a pause, Qui-Gang King stared at Anakin's eyes with a trace of sad turbid eyes and asked imploringly.


"I don’t actually have the same level of consciousness as Obi-Wan. I don’t care who the Supreme Speaker Palpatine is or what the Milky Way will become in the future. To be honest, I have certain rules and stereotypes in the Jedi Temple. I've already complained about the presbyterian church..."

"So, if you can release Padmé, the teacher, then everything is negotiable, really!!"

Anakin spoke solemnly with Obi-Wan’s extremely sad and indignant eyes and Padmé’s surprised and slightly moved expression, and he turned his head and gave them to the two of them. An apologetic look.

In fact, this is indeed his true word from Anakin, because as long as the Earl of Dooku and the trade alliance no longer trouble Padmé, he will definitely not mind temporarily changing his flag and joining the independent galaxy. In the league.

After all, in Anakin's opinion, it is the same for everyone now, anyway, sooner or later they will have to play again!

Moreover, it doesn't matter whether the Earl Dooku has ambitions, because he himself is an ambition, and has been planning to subvert and control the Galactic Republic at all times throughout the year in order to gain that supreme power? Therefore, it really doesn't matter what righteousness, position, or conspiracy, and the only thing that can make him scrupulous now is Padmé alone.


Qui-Gang King didn’t speak, because he couldn’t satisfy Anakin’s seemingly simple condition, so he had to calmly turn around and walk to the last pillar, which is Padmé’s stone. In front of the pillar.


"Do you know? I actually really want to save you too. Think about it ten years ago, we had a hard time together for a long time. We are old friends... It's a pity that those guys in the trade alliance hate you so much. , And the only condition for them to join the Alliance of Independent Galaxy and provide a large amount of funds and troops is to kill you..."

"So, I'm sorry, I don't seem to be able to save any of you..."

In fact, Qui-Gang King wanted to pull out his lightsaber to save the three people in front of him. However, on the planet Geonosius, besides being able to speak a little bit in front of his teacher, Count Dooku, he was absolutely nothing. Without any influence or power, even if he brazenly shoots now, it is estimated that he will only gain a life in vain.

Moreover, once he does that, even if they can escape, it may be difficult to monitor his teacher Dooku, and it is difficult to monitor and ensure that the other party can really do what the other party said. Great vision. Because like his teacher, Qui-Gang King himself hated the corruption of the Republic and the stubbornness and conservativeness of the Presbyterian Church.

"Master Qui-Gang Jin, you don't have to blame yourself..."

"I know, all of this is not your fault. If everything you say is true, then using my life in exchange for the Republic will not fall into the hands of Lord Sith, that is not too much. regret?"

"But you have to be careful of those guys in the trade alliance and your teacher. I always feel that if the galaxy is in their hands in the future, it will probably become a little worse than the current Republic. !"

Padmé doesn't care about her own life and death now. After seeing Anakin running to save herself even if she knew she might die, she had no regrets anymore.

So, after speaking, she turned around and sent a grateful and admiring look at Anakin on the side.



"Padme, Anakin, and Obi-Wan..."

"Really Sorry……"

At this time, Earl Dooku and the leader of the Geonosians on the arena's stand had finished their speeches, and the whole arena gradually became quiet. At the same time, there were several Geonossi at the entrance of the arena. The Sri Lankan released some monster from the cage, so Qui-Gon King knew that it was time for him to leave.

Although, he was a bit reluctant, very unwilling, and couldn't bear to see the three people die here...but unfortunately, he had no choice.


"Padme, don't worry, I will definitely save you out!"

Seeing his teacher turn his head and walk away step by step, Anakin hurriedly said to Padmé who was a little nervous because of seeing the monster in the distance.


"What I'm saying is true!"

"I feel it, the Force tells me that none of us will die here today!"


Padmé Qiang smiled to herself, she felt that the other party's reason was far-fetched, it was just to comfort herself?


"Anakin, why are you so sure? Did you notify the Jedi Committee or Palpatine in advance before you came, and they will send an army to rescue us?"

"No! I didn't remember to do that!"

"Then how do you know we won't die today?"

"Obi-Wan, the Force told me that there will be a savior to save us today!"

"On the contrary, Anakin...My force tells me that today we are all dead and we will definitely return to the force!"

Obviously, unlike Anakin's optimistic attitude when he opened his eyes and said nonsense, Obi-Wan had already been completely desperate and didn't think anyone would save them in this situation.

Not to mention that Anakin didn't send a message for help before coming here. Even if he really asked for help, the Jedi Order that had suffered heavy losses here would definitely not be able to launch another attack! As for the Speaker Palpatine and the Second Republic Army, if they were really talking to Count Dooku, they would probably not be so active in sending troops to rescue them. Therefore, the three of them really seemed dead. deal.


Anakin didn't explain, because he felt that the savior had arrived, and he would definitely not die this time. Although he was indeed a bit reckless in coming to Geonosis, he did record it! So, at this moment, he just frowned and looked at the three-headed monsters that were being driven by the Geonosians step by step, thinking about countermeasures and how to fight them and protect Padmé in the future. Try to buy a little time?



"what is that?!"

Suddenly, as battles and explosions seemed to sound in the distant sky, Padmé and Obi-Wan exclaimed and looked into the sky, and then they saw one...or a very huge ship. The warship with the huge weird creatures is flying above the planet, and many weird flying creatures are released to strangle with the robot space fighters of the trade alliance.

At the same time, the huge warship of weird creatures was facing down almost at the same time, towards the arena where they were, one by one, the same huge, tentacles-like things with countless crazily twisting tentacles, and quickly The speed is smashed towards the clearing of their arena and the surrounding area?

boom! boom!

Immediately afterwards, those sac-like objects with countless frantically twisting tentacles were like bombs, smashing fiercely into the open space of the arena and the auditorium, making the Geonosians and the fighter robots of the Trade Union present. While chaos and causing certain casualties, countless zipper, hydrangeas, etc. crawled out of the big pits that crashed in a violent posture, and brazenly fought against the Geonosians and those. The robot pounced on it.

boom! !

boom! boom! boom! !

Soon, as the sacs with countless crazily twisting tentacles were continuously thrown down by that terrifying giant biological warship, the lines of defense of the Geonosians and the fighters of the trade alliance became clear. It began to collapse, and was madly strangled by those brutal and terrifying monsters constantly rushing out of the big pits...

Fortunately, those terrifying monsters seem to be fighting with the army of combat robots that have been mobilized continuously and the same number of Geonosians, and they have completely ignored Anakin, who is being locked on the stone pillar. people?

"too frightening……"

"Then, what kind of monster is that?"

"never seen it......"

"Anakin, who are they? Are they the savior you just said?!"

Upon seeing this, Obi-Wan began to struggle and tried to open the chain in his hand, but he did not forget to shout at Anakin for the first time.

"I do not know!"

"Do you think they would seem to know me?"

Anakin said this against his will and asked back.

"Certainly not!"

"I have never seen those terrible guys!!"

"Anakin, Obi-Wan, can you stop wasting time! What should we do now?!"


"No matter who they are, let's run quickly while they are fighting!"

With that said, Obi-Wan, who seemed to be prepared for a long time, quickly got rid of the chains, and then watched vigilantly at the terrifying and unknown monster races rushing around, and found that they seemed to just want to find Geonosians And the troubles of those fighting robots. After he really didn’t want to fight them, he quickly picked up a blasting rifle that the fighting robot dropped on the ground, and after two clicks, Anakin was still hung on the stone pillar. And the chain in Padmé's hand interrupted and the two of them fell directly. UU reading

"Obi-Wan is right!"

"Padme, let's get out of here now!"

Seeing that it seemed that he didn't need to admit his relationship with the Swarm, Anakin was also happy to continue acting stupid, and he pretended to be very nervous and took Padmé's hand and agreed.

"My spacecraft should still be near a vent not far away. If we can find a means of transportation, we should be able to get there soon, and then we can safely leave this **** planet!"

Safety is definitely safe, because the swarm will definitely clear a passage for him. Anakin believes that the queen responsible for command should know what to do.

The premise is...

Don't they be so stupid that they send some stupid bug to him and ask him for orders at this time?


"How about that floating car pulled by that animal over there?"

Padmé pointed to the backward and advanced levitating chariot that was pulled by three people in the distance to protest.

"good idea!"

"What are you waiting for?"

"Hurry up, Obi-Wan, do you want to die here?!"


"Hey! You two guys wait for me!"

Seeing the distance, the teacher who saw them, Qui-Gon King, looked at them from a distance and took the vehicle to turn around and escape. After Obi-Wan did not dare to delay, he hurriedly jumped on the road that had already been taken by Anakin and The chariot driven by Padmé, the three of them relied on this animal-powered levitation chariot that consumed a handful of grass for a hundred kilometers and quickly fled towards the outside of the arena...


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