Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1251: My house cannot be so small!!! ∑(…

Although, this is not the first day that Annie has lived in this small wooden house, but when I think about it, this is indeed the first time that she has used a scrutiny gaze in the true sense to look at this building for nothing. The matching buildings that are presented to her ranch!

   It’s just that, maybe I didn’t feel so much before, but when I watched it right now, a little girl who was upset gradually became a little messy, and the more I watch it, the more I feel cold...



   "How come you are like this..."


   Yes, Annie seems to be a little bit unbelievable. What she sees today is actually such a bleak sight?

   And before, she lived in this house for a long time, even for several days, but she didn't seem to mind at all, or did she not notice the details at all? !

"How can this be….."


   "No cabinets..."

   "Tibbers, this is the first time people have discovered that the house where they lived for a whole week is so spicy that it is so small and so pitiful..."


   Yes, that's right!

After Anne rushed back straight from the library of Miss Mary’s house, she finally found out: her home in the corner of the farm, this building, seems to be just a poor one, only 30 square meters. It's just a small wooden house about a meter? Moreover, it is not only small, it only has a small broken bookcase, a TV, a single wooden bed, a storage box, a set of simple dining tables, a square table, a wall calendar and two bedside tables. That's it?

As for other things, such as those key items that are related to whether she can eat other delicacies in Ore Town, such as those stoves, refrigerators, cabinets for storing food, pots and pans, etc., there is no half of them. of! !



   "It's too stingy! It's too stingy, how can they be like this?!"

  Yes, Annie expresses her strong dissatisfaction with the nasty mayor and the old Thomas! Because, the other party didn't even prepare a stove for her? That is to say, her Queen Anne is now. If she changes her person to take over the farm, wouldn't she even have no place to cook, and she will be starved to death?

   "Tibbers, tell me, what should people do now?!"


   Annie doesn't want to go to the shop where Uncle Dart and Miss Sister Lin have a big meal anymore, because she is tired of eating! So, she now eagerly hopes to have a stove and various cooking tools, and then try to cook the kind of food that is said to be super delicious. Try to see how delicious it is?


  ! o

"Yeah! That Uncle Gates, the woodcutter, told someone a few days ago that he can help people expand their house... That's right, they should look for him now! Hey! Tibbers, you Hurry up, let's find the uncle bearded in the grove to the south, and let him build a big house for us!!"


   After finishing talking, Annie hurriedly opened the door of the room, and then the door was not closed, she directly greeted her little bear Tibes and ran to the south of her farm.

She remembered that Uncle Goetz had said that his house was on the south, after crossing the small river from her farm, on the east side of the small forest near the road, and there was also a logging yard. Very easy to recognize?


   "People don't care what his name is. Anyway, you know what it means!"

In fact, if it wasn't for Tibbers to talk about, if it wasn't for the big beard called Gotz Gates, and if the other party needed to help her expand the house, Annie might not know when she would forget the other party. maybe!

  Ε=)) alas

   "But Tibbers, you said, the money they have left should be enough to increase, right?"


   "I don't know this, I don't know that, Tibbers, tell me, what is the use of raising you?!"


   "Tibbers, are you thinking of anything bad about others?"


  ! o

"Really do not have?"

   Annie was a little unbelievable. While running south from the wooden bridge on the edge of her farm, she turned her head and squinted suspiciously at a little dog behind her.

  Because she felt that a certain bad dog must be making a bad idea or hiding something from herself! However, now she is busy looking for someone to expand the house and buy the stove and kitchen utensils. She doesn't have time to clean it... Wait, I'll be free later, see if she can go and clean it up!

Do not!

   At least... how many meals do you need at least? !

  : Wow!


   "Anyway, if people think there is, then there must be!!!"

   Obviously, Tibbers’ protest was invalid to Annie. She was just asking for confirmation. Since the other party does not admit it, there is no doubt that it must be! Therefore, she wrote down this matter in a small book first, and later she will clean up the other party.



   Suddenly, across the bridge by the river, Annie, who ran into the woods, almost hit the thigh of an uncle with her head just like she had hit the glasses-wearing Miss Mary in the library before!

   But, fortunately, she has quick eyes and hands this time. When she saw that the other party was an unknown uncle and didn't plan to get close to him, she hurriedly jumped to the side, risking the other party to avoid being knocked over by her head.


"Hello there……"

   " should be the Annie in the ranch, right? What? Seeing that you almost fell down just now, are you not injured?"

   However, before Annie could speak, the uncle wearing a hat, uniform and tie smiled and asked Anne with concern.


  ∑? !

"Uncle, who are you? Are you the kind of bad guy who specializes in kidnapping children in the woods? If that's the case, you'd better be careful, because their dog Tibbers is very fierce, and they are not afraid. you!"

   After being blocked by the other party and making herself have to stop, Annie coldly hummed at the other party in a warning tone, and ignored the other party's smiling expression at all.

  Because she knows that, in such a wild place, if you encounter such a giggling and proactive guy, then you must be careful!


   The uniformed "Uncle Weird" glanced at the little milk dog behind Annie subconsciously, and then added dumbfoundedly:

   "Annie, you misunderstood..."

   "I'm not a bad guy. I am the police officer in Ore Town. The only police officer. My name is Harris. I think the mayor Thomas should have told you about me, right?"

   When we met, such a little girl was regarded as the kind of bad guy who tried to make a mistake. Harris didn't know what to say... Is it possible that the police uniform he was wearing was fake? However, seeing that such a little guy was so vigilant and did not pretend to believe in a stranger, Harris also nodded with satisfaction.

Although they have not had a criminal case in Ore Town for more than ten years, the public security environment is very good, but such a little guy is more vigilant when going out. It is always good to know whether to trust strangers and know how to protect himself. Yes, he does not intend to correct the other side's advantages too much.

   "Police Officer Harris?"

   "I don't remember... Anyway, I always feel like you are sneaky in the woods and want to talk to cute little girls like you at this time. I always feel that I don't look like a good person!"


Has that bad-nosed old man Thomas ever introduced this guy to Annie? I really don’t remember, because the other person said so much at the time, she found it annoying, she didn’t listen to a single sentence carefully, and how did she know what the old man said? So so so so?


"I'm not sneaky, I'm on a routine patrol, and I'm about to pass through your ranch back to town. I just came by the road from the east, and I also strolled around the back mountain and hot springs. This goes back."

   shook his head helplessly, in order to prevent such a little guy from thinking of himself as that sneaky villain, Harris still responded kindly.

   "Patrol this time? Hot springs?!"

   "Wow! I know, you shouldn't go to the hot springs to spy on Miss Perbury or Sister Lin, right? You really are a badass!!"


Yes, Anne has heard of it. Ms. Popley or Sister Lin generally like to go to the hot springs to take a bath at this time of the day, and now, this guy also goes at this time Hot spring patrol, then there must be nothing good!

"NO, I have not!!"


"Don't talk nonsense! I'm really patrolling, and I didn't go to the hot springs. There were people watching and I couldn't get in, and the soups for men and women were separate...and I What I like is Dick’s daughter Azo, although she lives in the city now..."

   "Anyway, I definitely won't like the little girls like Populi or Lynn, and I won't go to watch them take a shower. I guarantee it with my reputation!!!"

Harris suddenly felt very tired, especially when he met such a difficult little girl after a day of patrolling... and, what’s worse, he didn’t want to explain, or the other party ran out right. If someone else talks nonsense, should he stay here in Mineral Town?

   "You really didn't go to the hot spring to take a peek?"

"Really do not have!"

   "I'm a police officer in Ore Town, how could I do that kind of thing? In fact, I am a person who is specifically responsible for catching that kind of bad guy!!!"

   There is no way, seeing the other person staring at him with that kind of suspicion, Harris had to cheer up and pat his chest vigorously to make sure.


   "People don't seem to look like that kind of bad guy, so let you go for the time being!"


   Annie wouldn't tell the other party: She had already heard that the other party was telling the truth, she just deliberately teased the other party! So, after speaking, she nodded directly, and continued to raise her head and walk towards the south of the forest with her own dog-legged Tibbers.

  Ε=)) alas

"and many more!"

   "Anni, where are you going, aren't you going to dig in the mountains again? The sun is very big today, maybe there are venomous snakes, and Zach was bitten the other day. You must pay attention to your feet!"

   Seeing that the other party was going to leave, police officer Harris, who didn't know whether the other party was going to the back mountain or the hot springs, cared and asked vigilantly.

As the police officer in charge of this three-acre land in Ore Town, Harris certainly knows some important things a little girl has done, so he is a little worried, for fear that a little girl will do that kind of hollowing out again. After the mountain, the irrational things that others don't have to eat, come out.


   "People are not as stupid as Uncle Zach! People don't have time to dig mountain products now, they are going to find Uncle Gotz for something!"

Annie said that what happened to Uncle Zach and the other party who had just taken two days off because of a bee sting and then had to take four days off because of a snake bite has nothing to do with her. , It's all because the other party is too stupid, so she won't feel guilty or careless.


   "That's good, then you go!"

"Don't worry, the security in our town is very good. You can live here with confidence. You only need to be careful of dangerous animals when you are walking in the woods or mountains. If you have any questions, you can directly contact me or the forest guard. Member Gotz, I believe you already know him, right?"

Hearing that the other party was looking for the guy Gotz, Harris was relieved, and then when he saw that the other party just waved his back to him and did not answer, he sighed, stopped saying anything, and went straight to Going north, the one who was going to cross the other side must be still very dilapidated pasture, and then returned to the town.

Speaking of it, Harris was actually against the mayor Thomas who hurriedly assigned the ranch to the other party without an investigation. Now, let’s see that his original concerns are not unreasonable because the little guy is too young. , It's really not a material for farming... It's been a week, he passed by the other side's farm every day, he didn't see that the other side had cleared even a small piece of field and tried to plant any crops!

   It seems that the second specialty of their Ore Town, those delicious blessed agricultural products want to be re-shipped and start the sign of Ore Town, it must be nowhere in sight.


   "I just forgot to tell that little guy something..."

   At this time, the police officer Harris, who had just walked a few steps forward, suddenly stopped, and while exclaiming, he quickly turned and looked in the direction where the little guy had left.

   But it's a pity that the little guy who made him so embarrassed just a few words has already hopped around and didn't know where he was going. Where can I see half of the other person?

   "Forget it!"

   "Anyway, she can see by herself later, so let that nasty little guy run for nothing!"

   After hesitating for a while, he had been tired for a day, and then the police officer Harris, who felt that the little guy was a little unpleasant, shook his head, turned around, and continued to patrol the pasture to the north.


   Half an hour later, Annie arrived in front of the big house in the woods just beside the road. UU reading


   "Is Uncle Gotz at home? People are coming to you today for something to do!!"

   However, Annie knocked on the door of the other side's house made of logs for a long time, only to find that the house was still quiet, it didn't seem like someone wanted to open the door for herself.


   "Aren't you at home?"

No way, after knocking for a long time but I didn’t see anyone coming to open the door for myself, and the house was quiet, even the lumber yard with piles of wood around the house didn’t look like people, Annie So he turned around hesitantly and looked at a small number plate beside the gate.


   Business hours: 11 am to 4 pm

   Closed on Saturday to go out.




   "How can you be like this, but today is Saturday?!"

   "I hate it! People came here on purpose~!!!"


Soon, a shrill wailing sound from a little girl rang out in the small woods south of the ranch, and flocks of birds flew away from the branch in dismay, as if they were frightened by something terrible. To the general.



  呱~! Quack~!



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