Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1258: ?(???*)? Lively and noisy horse racing

Yesterday’s weather forecast on TV has already said that on the 18th of the spring month of the world in Ore Town, that is, today, the weather is set to be clear by the goddess, the sky is cloudless, and the southeast wind is three levels. It is a suitable outing or hard work for people. Good weather for work.

   Of course, it is also suitable for people to organize various outdoor activities!

However, I don’t know why, I woke up in a daze, then subconsciously glanced at the small alarm clock next to the bedside table, and then subconsciously glanced at the sundries and tools stacked on the other side of the house. Later, Annie always felt that something was wrong with today's things?


"Strange! It's almost nine o'clock in the morning, why hasn't the guy that Uncle Gotz come to take pictures and work? People remember that he usually came to make noises on time at six o'clock in the morning, why is it still not there? Seeing the figure, could it be because I slept too well just now that I didn't hear the door knocking?"

   After sitting for a while, Annie scratched her head and thought with some uncertainty, as if she wanted to understand what makes today's situation different from the past?


   "Could it be because they overslept today, didn't hear the knock on the door, and didn't open the door, and then the Uncle Gotz got angry and went back, not planning to help others remodel the house?!"



   "People really didn't hear the knock on the door... Could it be... that Uncle Gotz and the useless Uncle Zach are both sick and asked for leave?"

After thinking about it for a while, I even went back to the time with magic at an exception. I was pretty sure that no one had knocked on her door in the nearly three hours from 06:00 in the morning to now nearly nine. It was a little relieved and started to think again.

Regarding the uncle Gotz who was okay yesterday, worked super hard, super serious, and super punctual, Annie didn't think that the other party would be sick. Therefore, the other party did not come to her house to work on time today. This must be something else. She didn't know, or something else happened!

   "Damn it!"

   "It seems to have forgotten something very important..."

Annie sitting on the bed holding a blanket is struggling...Yes, she has a vague intuition, as if she accidentally forgot something very important and important, but when she thinks about it seriously, she seems to be unable to remember. And I also felt that there must be some subtle connection with that Uncle Gotz why didn't come to her house today?


   What is it?

  This problem is very serious. Her Queen Anne needs to think hard, think again, think hard...


  ! o

"Ah! That's right! Isn't it just the match in Rose Square when I think of it? Yesterday the bad-nosed Mayor Thomas also specially came to tell them how to wake up and forget that important thing? ?"


   After finally passing by his own Tibbers, he reminded Annie that she finally remembered.

   "No way!!"


   "Hurry up! Hurry up! Tibbers, let's hurry up, or it may be too late~!!!"

  Ε=ε= ̄\\/

After talking, Annie hurriedly jumped off the bed and put on her own shoes. Then the thoughts surged and she changed her clothes instantly with magic, and she was going to take her own dog-leg Tibbers to the east side of the town that was specially used for the festival. Run to the celebration’s Rose Square.


   "That's right! It seems that the old Thomas town elder also said that it started at ten o'clock..."

Annie looked at the small alarm clock on the bedside table. The time displayed is now 09:01... Obviously, there is still almost an hour before the official opening of the Ten o’clock Square. If she goes now, it’s relative to that. Is it true that the journey that can be completed in less than ten minutes' walk is a little bit early?



   "Forget it! Then just go to sleep for a while..."

  ヾ hey

Feeling that it’s still early, and finally knowing why that Uncle Gotz didn’t come to work, little Annie finally stopped being surprised, so she didn’t take off her shoes and spread her hands and feet again. Lie back on her little bed.

  Since something has finally made that Uncle Gotz no longer bother herself to sleep early in the morning, then Annie definitely needs to make up for a lazy sleep, even if it only has forty or fifty minutes, she doesn't want to let it go!

   "Tibbers, I will wake people up until 9:50. If you dare to make people be late, then you are dead!!!"


   After threatening the bear on the floor not far away, Annie closed her eyes and prepared to take a small retreat. Then she waited for her to wake up and washed her face and she was almost ready to go to the square to watch the game.


   What makes her look forward to is, I don’t know where the square is, do they guys provide meals? Since it is a large-scale event in Ore Town, there must be some delicious things for sale or direct free entertainment, right?


   The time soon arrived at 10:00 in the morning...

When the sun gradually rose, and the sun became more intense, a certain wretched little girl finally took her dog-legged Tibbers to the Rose Square in Ore Town and made peace on time. The other Ore Town residents who had been waiting here entered the stadium that had just been set up and officially opened to the outside world.

  ‘Hi~! ’

  ‘Little Annie! Let me tell you an inside story: The horses of Pastoral Farm also participated this time, and they won every competition in previous years! But in previous years, Mr. Mucci played in person, and this year they seem to have changed players, so if you want to bet, you must be cautious! ’

  ‘But I forgot the size of the horse on their pastoral farm. You can go to the front desk and ask for it later. I didn’t buy it anyway. ’

   Annie met the young lady Lin, who was holding some voucher that she didn't know what it meant, and then the other party ran aside after greeted her and ran to her friends.

   "Place a bet?"

   "But what's the use of winning?"

The wealthy little Annie is not short of money now, because after she asked Uncle Gotz to remodel the house, she still has a huge sum of more than one million G. Even if she has been eating, drinking and having fun, the money in those accounts is estimated to be enough for her. It took years!

After all, this world of Ore Town is only one hundred and twenty days a year. No matter what, she is unlikely to spend more than 10,000 G a day, so she is not in a hurry to bet on that horse race. The horse racers don't care much, just want to see if there are any interesting or delicious things here.


   "Little guy, if you buy it with me, you will definitely be able to win it. I'm sure you are right. My luck is always good!!"

   Annie met Miss Karen, who was showing off to her with a stack of bills in her hand, and motioned Annie to hurry up and buy according to the number she said.



   "That... Sister Karen, I just came here, and I want to go around and see..."


   Annie was a little afraid of the enthusiastic Miss Karen, so she didn't wait for the other person to come and grab her and let her buy that messy number, she hurried forward.


   "Did you buy the horse racing rolls? I just bought some! If you haven't bought them, go quickly, you won't be able to buy them later when the horse racing starts!!"

At this time, the far-away Annie said she was very familiar with it, and she often saw the other party in the hot springs fighting with sister Lin bare-assed, Miss Perbury, who was also waving a pile of so-called racehorse rolls to show off to her. .


  ! o

   "Look at it first, and buy it later..."


   As she said, Annie continued to wander forward without taking care of the other party.


When she saw that many people were buying racehorse rolls more or less, she couldn't help but hesitate. She was gradually eager to try it when she didn't plan to buy it... But fortunately, there is still a lot of time, so she is not in a hurry. , Can see again.

'Hey! Dart, the first game today, who do you think is better? ’


  ‘You mean? ! ’

  ‘I don’t know, originally I wanted to buy from Pastoral Farm, because they have the best horses! But you have also seen that Uncle Mu Qi is very old. He hasn’t participated in the competition for several years. Suddenly participated this year, and it is not his control. I always feel a little worried...’

'what do you mean? ’

  ‘Dick, I think we can be more conservative and buy more race rolls for two players! ’

   "But that would cost a lot of money..."

  ‘That’s better than nothing! I didn't buy it last year, and I have to buy it today! ’

  ‘Okay, I’ll buy it from you! ’

  ‘Let’s go! Let's go to the mayor to discuss which one to buy. ’

'it is good! ’

Not far away, the owner of the bar, Uncle Dart, was discussing something loudly with Uncle Dick, the owner of the vineyard. It was obviously about horse racing. So Annie just listened and didn't dare to go over and disturb them. They were concentrated and intense. The kind of horse racing ticket discussed.


   "So many people are discussing horse racing tickets, is it really that fun?"

   Now, Annie became more and more shaken, and she was going to stroll around. If she found that there was nothing delicious, she would buy some horse racing tickets to try!



   "Harris is bad, are you here too?"


   Annie met the police officer Harris who was passing by in uniform, hat and tie, and then she waved and greeted him.

   "Ann, Annie, it's you..."

"That one……"

"At the race meeting today, you can take a look at everybody’s horses. I heard that Uncle Mucci also gave you a foal yesterday? Then you really have to take a good look at how other people’s horses are raised. , I also look forward to seeing you and your horse at the autumn race meeting?"


   "You can take a look at it first, or you can buy some horse racing tickets, I have something else..."

   After greeted the little guy with a dry smile, police officer Harris, who was afraid that the other person would say something shocking in such a crowded place, hurriedly hid aside.


   "Anne, do you want to come over to watch the race with May? My horse has also participated in the race. You can definitely win by buying the horse racing ticket from our pastoral farm!"

'Hey! Little guy, don't leave, I want to explain to you some things about raising horses, hello! ! ’

  In the distance, the Mucci from the Pastoral Farm, that is, the bad old man who sent a horse to Annie, and the other's granddaughter, Mei, kept waving at Annie there.



   However, Annie now doesn’t want to be like the poor Mei, who can only be controlled behind the **** of that nasty old man, so she rushed into the crowd without waiting for the other person to say something...

  ‘Jeff, the weather is really good today, the sun is warm and there is wind! ’


   "But Sha Xia, I don't dare to ride a horse. I always think that those guys who can ride horses and can participate in competitions are amazing."

  ‘Don’t talk about that now, Jeff, how many horse racing tickets did you buy? ’

  ‘I bought Symphony No. 2 because it has the highest odds, a full 28 times! ’

'what! I only bought Marionette No. 1. Although its odds are very low, it is because of its low odds that it proves that it is the strongest! ’

  ‘Low odds may not necessarily win, don’t forget what happened last fall! ’


'Hey! Mana, how about you? Which race ticket did you buy? ’


"I...I bought the most beautiful No. 4 mangrove forest, but I have always lost at jockey clubs in the past few years, and I have never won... It seems that horse racing is not good by looking at the appearance, I don't know now What to see to buy. ’

  ‘Haha! I can rest assured that! As long as you are not the same as Mana, I still have a chance! ’


   "What is Jeff talking nonsense! Mana, ignore him, the jockey club is an important festival in Ore Town, we should have fun during the festival, winning or losing is not important, we only need to participate."

'Ok! Sha Xia, you are right! ’


The hostess of the vineyard, Mana, the owner of the grocery store, Jeff, and the hostess of the grocery store, Shaxia, also discussed the race horses in the middle of the field and the horse race tickets in their hands. This finally made Annie Can't help it.


   "No! Everyone buys them, so they buy horse racing tickets!!"

Seeing that the things discussed by those guys were all related to horse racing and horse racing tickets, and looking at the time as it was about to start, Annie finally couldn't help it, and directly took her dog-legged Tibbers to the mayor in the upper left corner of the square. Thomas ran to the official organization platform of the jockey club, planning to buy some kind of horse racing tickets that he didn't know what it was for.

   Anyway, don’t worry about it. Since others can buy it, why can’t her Queen Anne buy it? !


"Annie, I thought you would sleep in at home! Now the jockey club is about to start the race. Do you want to buy a lottery ticket? That is the horse race ticket. If you buy it, you will pay it back when the race is over. You can come to me to redeem goods!"

   "However, in each round, each person can only buy a maximum of ninety-nine tickets of each type of horse racing!"

   Finally, five minutes before the game, the mayor Thomas saw their new member of Ore Town. After seeing that the little guy who performed well or not finally appeared, he hurriedly explained to the other side enthusiastically.

   "Of course I want to buy it!"


   "But Grandpa Thomas, is there any difference between them?"

   Actually, when I was walking around, listening to those guys discussing so enthusiastically, Annie was already a little itchy! However, buying is buying. Before buying, Annie always has to listen to some of the rules.

   "Of course there is a difference!"

   "For example, the No. 1 racehorse'Marionette' has the strongest overall strength. It is an excellent racehorse from Pastoral Ranch. It is the most popular with everyone and the most people buy it, so the odds are only eight times!"

   "As for the "Symphony" of the No. 2 horse racing, it is a little bit worse. The test data is not outstanding, and it is not favored by others, so the odds are surprisingly high, a full 28 times!"

   "The remaining No. 3'Achilles' and No. 4'Mangroves' are nine times and eighteen times, respectively. The data is relatively balanced, not too prominent, and the single is not bad..."

   "So Annie, are you ready, which one do you want to buy? But you'd better hurry up, it's less than three minutes!"

   It's getting late. I looked at my pocket watch and saw less than three minutes left. The mayor Thomas urged Annie anxiously.

   "It turned out to be like this. It sounds simple, but don't worry, Grandpa Thomas, you have to think about it first..."


   The rules are very simple, Annie understands it after listening to it, but now she is thinking, how can she buy without cheating in order to ensure her best interests?

   "I have decided to buy 99 tickets for all four horse racing tickets!"


   After just glanced at the redemption list of that product and the price of those horse racing tickets, Annie quickly came up with a purchase method that would maximize her profit in the first race.


   "Annie, it seems...can't do this, right?"

The mayor Thomas was stunned in an instant. He did not expect such a little guy to be so wealthy, he would buy ninety-nine copies of four copies per mouth. You know, even Dart and the others, who spend a lot of money every time, are just buying. One or two, and then twenty or thirty of each kind is the best.

   And now, this little guy is good, his mouth is ninety-nine, and he still buys all kinds, it seems that he can win without losing.

   "Why not! Is there such a rule?"


   Annie directly threw the card that she used to keep her account on the counter on the counter, indicating that the other party could help her with the settlement, anyway, she has money, she is not in a hurry!


   "That's not the case, but you will lose out in this way, and there is no fun in the game..."

Hesitating, and looking at the time again, Mayor Thomas wanted to persuade the little guy in front of him to stop him from doing things that spoil the fun of horse racing...Although Thomas knew that there were definitely not many people in Ore Town I can have enough money to buy so much with the other party, but it is always not good to save it like this.

   "I don't care about it!"


   "Anyway, they have to buy ninety-nine tickets for each horse racing In that case, they can win every time and they can exchange a lot of things!"


Horse racing is not important, winning or losing is not important, and the large amount of money spent is even less important. Now the most important thing is: her Queen Anne wants to maximize the redemption of the prizes in the opponent’s list, so she will It's useless to buy it like this! !



No way, although I don’t think that would be great, but seeing that the time is already in a hurry, Thomas, who has to give orders to the players to start racing later, had to accept the account card of Annie’s ranch and had to deal with it. This cunning little girl compromised and let the other party directly spend a lot of money to buy all the contestants to win.

  Ε=)) alas

   "Don't look at me, everyone, the game is about to start!"


Soon, under the stunned eyes of the residents of Ore Town, a certain little girl so arrogantly bought a lot of them from the mayor Thomas’ counter, full of 396 chapters. The horse racing ticket, and then walked to the guardrail of the horse racing, waiting to see which horse won.

   Of course, for her Queen Anne, it doesn't matter which horse wins, because she won even if she didn't cheat! Because, unlike the residents of Ore Town who were still in heated discussions, she had won at the starting line before the game started.


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