Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1261: (?′·﹃·`?) Cooking festival? Food Festival? !

Unlike the Spring Horse Race in Ore Town a few days ago, it was necessary to use wood in the middle of the Rose Square to block and transform a large area of ​​competition venues. Today's Rose Square, in addition to some festive balloons and ribbons, only A long wooden table is divided into many areas.

When Annie came here holding her roast chicken, a lot of food was already placed in the separated area, and there were also many people gathered around the long table, pointing Pointing to the discussion, while patiently waiting for the start of the game.

  ‘Annie! ’

  ‘Are you here? Oh! I saw it. The dish you brought today seems to be a big roast chicken? Not bad, come on. This space is reserved for you. Put your cooking down. There is an insulated carbon stove under it to ensure that nothing will happen. Then you can go around and talk to everyone for a while? ’

  ‘We need to wait for everyone to arrive before we start. It’s still early, and you can eat specials later. We will make it into a semi-buffet to ensure that everyone can taste it...’

  ‘Come on, right! Just leave it like this, don't worry, we have a glass cover to cover it for you, there will be no problem. ’

  ‘It’s coming. After the game is over, we can open up and eat. Soon! ! ’

At this time, when Annie arrived with her own food, she was soon led to the long table by the enthusiastic old mayor Thomas, and asked her to put her own food on the long table like everyone else. After putting a glass cover in an empty grid in the table, Thomas the old man with a bad nose signaled that she could go to the side to cool off.


   "Damn it! That's the super champion roast chicken that was baked with great difficulty, so I didn't even let people try a piece first..."

   Annie, who was driven away from the long table by the mayor Thomas, murmured bitterly. Obviously, she had thought that as long as she brought food, she would be able to start, but how could she think that the other party would not let it eat now?

   If she knew this was the case, maybe she should first pull a chicken thigh to taste it. It wouldn't be like now, she can only stare at her.

"Really annoying……"

No way, after being chased away from the long table by Thomas’ old man with a bad nose, Annie had no choice but to stay away from the long table where the residents of Ore Town placed all kinds of food, to the surroundings of Rose Square and The other people got together to chat or dangled.


  ∑? !

   "Well... Uncle Dot, don't you like this kind of lively event? Why didn't you come to the horse race a few days ago but came here today?"

   Suddenly, Annie saw a guy who was wearing a white coat with a hearing device around his neck. She saw that the other person was doctor Dot in the hospital. She felt a little strange to her, and asked her.


   "Is it Annie?"

   "But am I that old? Why do you want to call me uncle?!"

   Yes, Dortmund was a little unhappy about this.

Originally, he just graduated from medical school this year, and he is still a high-achieving student who skipped grades. He is less than twenty years old. He is only two years older than Ai Li. Why is this little guy called his sister when he is called Ai Li, but when he is his turn My uncle, what is the truth?


   "Okay, then they call you "Dotters"!"

   Seeing that the other party didn't seem to like the title of "Uncle", there was no way that Annie had to change to another one that was slightly more cordial than "Uncle".


  Dott suddenly stopped talking because he felt that "Uncle" and "Shu Mi" sound the same old, so what's the difference between changing it or not?

   "You haven't said yet, Dort, why did you suddenly come to the square to participate in the competition?"


   Seeing that the other party stopped talking, and seemed to have acquiesced in the title, Annie continued to ask without caring.


   "It's nothing!"

   "Because I heard that Burberry's mother, Aunt Lilia, was also coming to participate in the competition. Her body was very weak. I was worried that she might have an accident, so I came to the square to prevent accidents."

   That's right!

   In Dort’s opinion, it’s better for Lilia not to leave the chicken farm, or even to come out of the house? On weekdays, it is best not to do anything on the chicken farms, let alone get too much stimulation. That is the safest treatment plan!

   But today, it is very unwise and undesirable for him to take part in the food competition with a weak body! If possible, he will warn the other party later, it is best not to eat indiscriminately here... Anyway, he will definitely stare at the other party, and once the other party makes an inappropriate choice, he will definitely come forward to correct it in time.

"So this is ah?"

  ! o

   "You have to pay attention to that duo special corn, I will go there first."

Hearing this, Anne, who knew that Aunt Lilia, Burberry's mother, was indeed physically weak, nodded, and then stopped entangled in the important thing in front of the Dorte, and just smiled and jumped. To the side.

  ‘What should I cook? ’

   ‘’s a headache...’

  ‘Mom! ’

"You don’t need to cook. You can come here for me or Populi. Populi has just gone to the hot spring to pick up the hot spring eggs that we soaked last night. I will be back soon, and it should be fine with my egg fried rice. Understand! ’

  ‘No way, Rick, your craft is definitely not Mr. Dart’s opponent. ’

  ‘But we don’t have to win, mom, you can’t...’

'what! I thought about what to do, Rick, you can help me quickly. I need you to chop those onions into shreds. Be quick. ’

   "But mom..."

  ‘Stop it, please hurry up! ’


When Annie wandered to the other side of the Rose Square, she actually found that Aunt Lilia and the Uncle Rick in the chicken farm were busy in front of the few simple stoves nearby...the square is here There was even a stove, something that Annie had never thought of!

   Only then did she know that if there is a need, she can come to the square and then make it?

  ‘Haha! ’

  ‘Annie, are you here too? ’

'Let me tell you, today’s competition must be very exciting, I have a foreboding...I am very excited at this time of the year, because I can eat a variety of food for free, which is better than the rice cakes at the rice cake conference ate too much! ’

   Then, Annie ran into the uncle Gotz who was lazy and did not work for a day. The other party even prepared the table and chopsticks. It seemed that she was really waiting for the end of the game and then rushed to feast on it?

  ‘Yo~! Annie! ’

  ‘I heard, you seem to have participated in the competition? ’

  ‘Then you have to come up with your best and most delicious food, because the judges of our Ore Town Food Festival today are gourmets. If you take ordinary food, you can’t fool him. ’

  ‘But I don’t think you will win what you bring, no one knows better than me! ’

   Immediately after that, a certain uncle Zach, who has not been injured for a long time after healed, finally passed a normal period of time, after seeing Anne passing by, he smiled and greeted her.


  Oo hum!

   But what the other party said made Annie a little unwilling to listen, so she turned her head arrogantly and walked to the side with a cold snort.


  ‘Dad! Are you confident? ’

  ‘Of course there is! ’

  ‘Really? ’

  ‘Of course it’s true! Lynn, wait and see, I plan to use my strongest strength this time, and I must win the food festival championship, because that is related to the reputation of our store! ’

  ’! ! ’

'Hey! Uncle Dart, don't be too arbitrary. I, Karen, the fanciful chef king, also participated in the competition! ’

'just you? ’

  ‘Haha! Lin, come and take a look, your friend Karen actually wants to challenge the cooking skills of your father, the God of Cooking! Who doesn’t know, your father and mine have the best cooking skills in Ore Town? ’

  ‘Dad! Don't be too proud of you, I also participated! ’

  ‘Hahaha! Lin, neither can you, you are still a bit too tender...’


  ‘Mana, who do you think Dart or Karen has a chance to win? ’

  ‘I don’t know...but Sasha, I heard that Lilia is also participating. If she comes, I am not sure who will win. ’

  'Lilia? ’

'Yes! ’

  ‘She’s not good, you know, her body is too weak, I heard that she hasn’t been cooking for almost two years, she must feel strange, right? Moreover, her power can't change the spoon...’

'thats right……'

  ‘Then Dart will win? ’

  ‘Maybe, but I also participated! ’

'what! Mana, you...’

On the other side of the square, the fierce Uncle Dart and Miss Karen were arguing fiercely against each other, so that Miss Lin, who was caught in the middle, didn’t know who to help... And that Aunt Mana and Sha Xia The aunt was also talking quietly about something.

   "Hello, are you Annie?"

"Speaking of it, this should be the first time we have met. Last time I saw you found the church and took a look and ran away... After so many days, I never saw you go to the church again. ."

   "That's not good..."

   "Annie, don't you even need to pray?"

   At this time, a strange scorpion in black clothes and a black hat in his hand came to Annie and greeted her actively.

   Obviously, the other party is the priest in the church, and that Annie remembers the guy named Carter!


   "Well, Uncle Carter, the game is about to start, there are still things to do, let's talk later?"


  What's the joke, let her Queen Anne go to church to pray? Who can pray to, who can bear her prayer?

So, Annie, who felt that there were certain things the other party could not understand, she thought and did not think about it. She just found an excuse and ran towards the long table, because now Mayor Thomas has stepped up and started speaking, presumably the food festival competition will be soon To start, she must prepare for it.

However, she suddenly discovered at this moment that the names of some sorghum in this mineral town are really too easy to confuse, such as the uncle Dart of the bar, the sorghum of the hospital plus the current Uncle Carter... Sometimes she can't remember who the three of them are!


   Soon, without waiting for Anne to struggle for long, the food festival selection contest officially started under the announcement of the mayor Thomas!

   Although many of the residents of Ore Town have taken different dishes, there are not many people who are confident to participate in the competition. There are only six people in total? So, all of them, including Annie, stood at the competition table, stood before their respective dishes, and waited for the big mouth, and waited for the foodie who looked like a pig to come forward and judge one by one.


  ‘While the ingredients are rich, the flavors are well blended, the cooking techniques are experienced, and the heat is well controlled? ’

  ‘Anyway, it’s very delicious and delicious! Great! ’

   The first one to be evaluated was Uncle Dart’s cuisine. After that, he opened a restaurant and needed to cook for customers every day, so he naturally got a very good and very high evaluation.

  ‘As for this one...’

  ‘After adding green pepper, the whole taste has matured a lot. Are you the daughter of the Dart player just now? Not bad, it seems to have really inherited some skills. Although there are a little flaws, it is still very remarkable to have this foundation at a young age. ’

The second is Uncle Dart’s daughter, Lin. She also received a relatively good evaluation, but from the foodies who can tell her cooking is a similar evaluation of Uncle Dart’s, she must be inferior. Uncle Dart's.

  ‘Yah! ’

  ‘This one is really special. Although it is relatively light, it has a strong fragrance. The lamb chops are fried very delicately. There is no mutton smell at all, and it is not greasy. The taste is also very refreshing, which is awesome! ! ’

   Immediately afterwards, Annie saw that the third contestant, the weaker Aunt Lilia, received a very good evaluation for the other's little fried lamb chops, even faintly above Uncle Dart?

'this is……'

  ‘Aha! ’

  ‘I’ve eaten it. The soup is mixed with juice of three kinds of vegetables, and a little bit of milk. I asked it to be gentle. Although it has a little bitterness, it tastes very good overall! ’

   It's a pity that the soup made by the fourth contestant, Aunt Mana, seems to have such a slight flaw, so Annie heard it. That big-mouthed gourmet didn't give the other side a good comment?

  ’! ! ’


  ‘What kind of weird smell is this... hey... ah! Sorry, this dish is too weird, I don't know how to evaluate it. ’

When the foodie with big ears and big mouth finished evaluating the dark dish that Miss Karen had overturned, and spit out the food in her mouth, she ran away from Miss Karen. Finally, It was finally the turn of Anne, who had the courage to come to the competition, to cook her own dishes.

   "Is this roast chicken?"

   "It smells good and looks good, but I'll try it first..."

Standing in front of Annie’s cooking table, holding the single-sided glasses on her right eye and studying the roast chicken for a while, the gourmet was not in a hurry to come to a conclusion easily, but directly pulled a chicken wing, and then moved towards The tenderest meat was bitten up.



"I ate it. Although I did not add salt or any other seasonings, I have a very good grasp of the heat... Hmm... This roast chicken is fat but not greasy, fragrant and not burnt, and this chicken is good It's really fragrant and tender, and the mouth is full of the most primitive umami. It should just be washed with hot spring water, right?

   "It's amazing, I have never eaten such a delicious chicken. This alone is a lot ahead of other players in the selection of ingredients..."

   "Little guy, what's the name of this dish?"

   originally thought that a little girl’s cooking must be a mediocre gourmet, but in the end he was surprised by surprise!

   So, while asking the little girl’s name, he thought for a while, and unexpectedly reached out and pulled off the legs of the chicken wing he had just pulled.

   "It's a barbecue champion chicken!!"

I was not the first to eat the dishes I made. This kind of thing made Annie a little uncomfortable. Therefore, while answering, Annie also unceremoniously reached out her hand in an unceremonious manner. Pulled one of the largest back thighs, so as not to be robbed by others, and cause you to not eat?

   "Champion roast chicken?"

   "Um... not bad, not bad! It is indeed worthy of the name'champion'!"


   "Now that the tasting is over, I should also announce the names of the winners of this food festival competition!"

   "The winner is..."

   Soon, when Annie unexpectedly defeated Uncle Dart, who was supposed to be a sure winner, and Aunt Lilia who was a little regretful, and won the final victory, the food festival in Ore Town finally officially began!

People flocked to the food festival with all kinds of tableware and started to share the food that others brought to the food festival. They quickly ate and ate, turning the Rose Square in Ore Town into an open air and bustling. Buffet party.

   "Hey! Wait!"


   "Mayor Thomas, they have won now, but what about their prizes, have you forgotten something?!"


   When others are busy eating, Annie gnaws on her chicken thighs, while rushing to a certain Huobizhen who is also eating, and sternly questioned.


   "What prize? What are you talking about?"

   Thomas, who was grabbed by the little girl's oily hands by the corners of the dress, asked inexplicably while feeling distressed about his clothes.

   "Of course it is the prize for the food festival. People are the first. Isn't it the same as horse racing can be rewarded?"


   "Who told you that it is the same as horse racing?"

   Hearing that the other party was grabbing him, Mayor Thomas woke away from the other party's grip on his clothes and asked back.



   "Then you mean, there are no prizes at all in today's competition?!"


   Annie suddenly felt a little disappointed, because she felt that she herself seemed to have made some mistakes?

   If she had known this, she would have never brought such a good roast chicken! She can completely eat the champion roast chicken at home by herself, and then bring other things to make up the number, such as grilled fish, and then just go and eat and drink by herself?

   "Of course not!"

   "Because the food festival cooking festival is just for everyone to take what they eat to share and celebrate the festival, plus by the way, who can make the best food, where are there any prizes?"

   "Of course not without it!"

   "The name of the strongest chef in Ore Town is the best reward?"

   shook his head and looked at the little girl in front of him who was shocked as petrified by his own words, Thomas didn't know what to say.

"All right!"

   "Annie, you can hurry up and have something to eat too. Today, you can eat with your belly open all day long. I have heard what Lin and Dart have said. It is said that you, a little guy, can still eat?

   "So, hurry up..."

After the explanation, Mayor Thomas patted the greasy marks on the corners of his clothes that were caught by the other party. After a few seconds of distress, he held up his same fat figure and filled the distant ones. The long table of various foods paced away.


   "How can you be like that? If I knew that there was no reward, I would have eaten up the chicken alone, and would not bring it at all!"


   Annie started to regret...

She slowly roasted the champion roast chicken for one night with a low fire. She actually only ate one thigh...Looking at so many people around the long table now, she knew that the chicken was probably too It's just enough for those people, and she will definitely be gone when she goes there later.


   At this time, not all of them are gathered around the long table of champion roast chicken, such as the Perbury family, the three of them seem to have no idea of ​​eating chicken at all?

  '? ? ’

'Hey! Populi, the champion chicken that Annie baked is delicious, won't you eat some? Its portion is not much, I was lucky to have only one chicken wing just now, it is fragrant and delicious! ’

'Do not! Lynn, I would never eat it, thank you! ’

  '? ? ’

  ‘Don’t eat? Come on, I'll give you a bite to try? Anyway, it’s not your chicken, so what do you resist? ’

   said, Lin, who was carrying a chicken wing that had been gnawed in half, stretched out the delicacy in her hand to Populi's mouth, indicating that the other party could taste it.

'Do not! Lynn! I won't eat it, please take it away! ’

  Publey took a big step back and almost spilled the contents of the dinner plate on the floor.

  '? ? ’

  ‘Strange, Burberry, why are you doing this? ’

'No reason! ’

  ‘I always think you are weird today...’

'I do not have! I just don’t like eating that champion chicken, really! ’

  ‘But, it’s not your chicken, why can’t you eat...’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘How do you know it’s not mine? ’

  ‘Because Annie said that she bought it and it cost a lot of money! ’

'you! ! ’

'what happened? ’

'Do not! I'm fine...’

   However, Lin didn't know that the chicken was indeed raised by Perbury before, and she had been a champion chicken for several years. She has feelings! So, where can their family members who know the cause of the matter and the source of the food have to talk about it?


  ‘Na Populi, I’m going to find other delicious things first! Come and talk with you slowly later? ’

Lin didn't know the source of the cooking materials of a nasty little girl, but faintly felt that today's Perbury was a bit weird... However, nowadays, there are so many delicious things in food, she has no time to pay attention to the other party. What do you think, after just saying hello, he hurriedly walked towards the dining tables around him, intending to fill his stomach first.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Annie! I saw this piece of twice-cooked pork first! ’

   Soon, the last piece of twice-cooked pork on a dinner plate was snatched by a little girl before Lin planned to pick it up, which made her exclaim.


   "So what if you saw it first, people got it first!"


  I got what I had in my hand, and it was delicious, how could Annie return it?

'you! ! ’

  ‘Return me quickly, that’s another dish made by Aunt Lilia. I didn’t get the fried lamb chops. You must give it to me! ’

   got angry, Lin jumped on it, as if she was planning to bully the weak to grab the food directly from a bad little girl?


   Chew! oo=3=3=3

   While turning around and running away, Annie directly threw the piece of meat into her mouth.

  ‘No! ! ’

  ‘Spit it out, bastard! ! ! ’

   Lin rushed up in fright, planning to open a certain little girl's mouth and **** the meat out of the other's mouth?

   "I have swallowed it, I can't spit it out!!"

  ‘Stop! Don't run! ’

   Lin, who was angry from her heart, was so angry that this was the scene of the food festival, and directly waved her fork and rushed towards Annie.



  ’! ! ’

  ‘Damn it! Annie! Lynn! What are you doing? ’

'what! This is my new dress! ! ’

  ‘You guys stop! ! ’

  ‘Quick! Stop them! ! ’

'what! So hot! ’


  ‘Little Annie! My soup! ! ! ’

  ‘Stop! ! ! ’

   Soon, the Rose Square, which was originally lively but in good order, was thrown into a mess by Lin and Xiao Annie, who was rushing from left to right, and the whole venue instantly became chaotic! Then, for various reasons, more people had to join the chasing and playing games...

  : Wow~!


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