Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1270: ?*. ?(???*)??*. Let's see the most...

When the sky gradually darkens, when the crescent moon has appeared on the horizon, and when Kai, the owner of the Sea House, uses the almost pleading way and promises that he will not charge any fees for the consumption, a certain person will be 80% full. The frustrated little girl and her puppy Tibbs left the store by the seaside contentedly, pushing the doors one after the other, and arrived at the coastal beach of the mineral town where the number of people was increasing.



"Tibbers, people suddenly got better...Look, a lot of people are here, even Uncle Jeff and Aunt Dik are here, and Rick’s little fourth eye is also there. ......Huh? He seems to have heard it!"

   "But what about the good fireworks? Is it because it is dark now that they haven't started yet?"

Annie ignored the four-eyed little brother who was glaring at her, so she ate the special apple worth 500G that she got from the merchant Huo An two hours ago and took her own Tibbers on the beach. Wandering around and strolling around.


   "Little Annie, you lazy fellow came too? This is really rare. I haven't seen you for many days. I thought you would definitely not come today!"

   "Why, did someone invite you to see the fireworks?"

   At this time, the Miss Karen who was carrying a bottle of red liquid beverage in her hand suddenly walked deep and shallow on the beach, saying hello to Annie, who didn't even take off her shoes.


  ∑? !

   "No one invited..."


   "Sister Karen, you are really weird. I can't watch the fireworks by myself. I can come by myself, but I can come whenever I want. Why do I have to invite someone?"

   Regarding Miss Karen’s remarks, Annie didn’t care at all, so she just turned back!

"is it?"

"But I don't think anyone will remind you of this... You don't know, Lin and I have planned it. After the fireworks show is over, we will go to your house for supper and in the big bathroom of your house. Soaking in hot springs and sleeping in a big bed, by the way, I laugh at you for missing today’s show. It’s a shame to see you here now..."

In Karen’s view, the fireworks show is dedicated to those young people who come to the beach to increase their feelings. Of course, there are also some good old and young people who come here to watch the fireworks secretly. Rarely are children allowed to appear here on this evening, and Annie, an eight-year-old girl, is of course no exception.

   But it's fine now, but this little guy who hasn't seen the figure suddenly appears for several days, how can she not be surprised?


"Huh, I heard the two brothers Gray and Kay who were hiding in the shop doing some weird things yesterday. They only knew that there was a fireworks show here tonight. You laughed!"

These nasty guys, knowing that there are fun things here, do not notify her, and want to partner up to go to her house to laugh at her and sleep in her big bed... Wait, Annie decides, if they really dare to go , She must catch a small snake or mud loach and throw it into their bed or bathtub! !

   "Kay and Gray?"

   "The two guys actually told you?"

Karen was taken aback for a moment, she couldn't help but raise her head and look around, and soon saw two beautiful faces in the distance, but she didn't know why she didn't hurry up to talk to her sisters on this important day, such as Populi and Mary, on the contrary, are weird guys talking with their backs and ears together...


   "No way? Are they..."

If Little Annie hadn’t said such strange things just now, Karen would definitely not want to be awkward, but now she looked at the two of them, and for some reason, she suddenly felt a chill rushing straight into her forehead from her back. Then he shuddered and took a step back subconsciously.


   "Hey! Sister Karen, what's wrong with you?"


"Do not……"

   "I'm nothing, Annie, you have to remember that Kay and Gray are not good people, you better stay away from them in the future!!!"

   Karen stared bitterly at the two people in the distance while talking flusteredly to Annie.

No wonder, it's no wonder she just heard Mary and Perbury say that the two didn't seem to invite them to watch the fireworks together at the first time. It turned out to be such a thing... She really never thought that a guy like them would be like that. people!



   "Why? People think they are pretty good, and Kai Yi can also make delicious pizza, barbecue and shaved ice..."

   "Not why! Anyway...Huh?"

   "Ann, Annie, this is the kind of ‘Super’ apple, ‘Hyper’ apple or ‘Angel’ apple that Huo An sells only once a month, right?"

   "That's right, I have bought it a few times, this scent is definitely not wrong, and you kept it until now?!"

   At this time, Karen noticed the apple in Annie's hand, and then asked directly in exclamation.

   In her opinion, a little guy who can't move when he sees something delicious is unlikely to keep this kind of apple from the beginning of the month until now, so she feels a little strange.

   "You mean this?"


   "Uncle Huo An just gave it to others for free before it got dark!"


   "Little guy, you guys don't want to lie to me, would the profiteer Huo An be so kind?"

Although Karen herself was given something for nothing by the ill-intentioned fellow Huo An, she knew better than anyone the nature of that guy, that guy with a very strong purpose, if it were her Karen, Ellie, When Lynn or beautiful girls like Mary and Perbury came to his store for the first time, he would definitely give something away. They had communicated and tried it a long time ago, and they knew what purpose the other party had.

   And if you change to Little Annie, a little girl who is just eight years old, then obviously there must be no such special offer of tears!


   "Under normal circumstances, it is definitely not given, but today is a special day, maybe he gave it as soon as he was in a good mood!"

Today is indeed a special day, but Annie is not in a good mood. And Annie didn’t tell the truth just now, because she promised that the other party can’t tell anyone about it unless she is willing to change it. Body skills turn yourself into a puppy?


  ! o

   "Miss Karen, what kind of drink is this bottle in your hand, can you give someone a sip?"


   Annie saw the bottle in Karen's hand, and saw the bright red liquid inside, she couldn't help but feel a little curious.

   "I will promise you a small bite!!"


   If it’s a good thing to drink, Annie promises that she will only take a small sip, probably the kind of suffocating a breath and then slurping it down, just take one sip, and definitely won’t drink more!

   "No way!"

"Because this is wine, it's the vintage wine I just bought from Uncle Dick's house. Children like you can't drink it! Anyway, you don't understand. On summer nights, you have to drink while watching the fireworks. That is the most enjoyable thing!"

   "Ha! Okay, little guy, you go play your own first!"

At this moment, Karen seemed to see the guy in the distance Rick looking sneakily towards her. When she saw that Annie was talking to herself, she could only hesitate and squeeze in the distance. Keep patrolling everywhere, why didn't you dare to lean over?

   So, after thinking about it, she refused the unreasonable request of a little guy to drink, and she directly planned to blast the other party away, so as not to be an eyesore? Anyway, it doesn't matter at other times. On this special day tonight, as the most popular girl in Ore Town, she must be unwilling to be occupied by a little guy in her private time. And if there is anything, you can wait after the fireworks show is over, then they will form a group to go to the big house on the other ranch, where they will continue to have fun together for the whole night?


   "Isn't it just wine, what's so great?!"

   Hearing it was wine, and the other party drove herself away, Annie turned around bitterly and strolled towards the south of the beach.

   Soon, she ran into Popley and Mary who were sitting at the beach talking some kind of whisper.

'Really been waiting…...'

  ‘Mary, how do you say fireworks are made? ’

  ‘I’ve seen this in the book. It’s said to be based on the principle that gunpowder will explode and produce different colors when different metals or metal salt compounds burn. ’

  ‘It’s really amazing, I’m looking forward to it... It’s getting late now, why haven’t we started yet? ’

  ‘It’s still early, it’s not until 19:00, the sky is not completely dark, and now you can’t see its most beautiful look even if you set off fireworks...’

  ’So too! But I really look forward to it! ’

  ‘Actually, Burberry... no matter how beautiful the fireworks are, they only bloom for a moment. Every time I see them, I don’t know why I always feel sad...’

  ‘Mary, it’s better for you to read less sensational books. You should think about how to watch the fireworks with Gray tonight! ’

  ‘Grey? I'm afraid it won't work...’

'what happened? ’

  ‘Did you not find out? Gray didn’t seem to prepare gifts tonight, and so did Kay... He stayed with Kay all the time. Look at them, they didn’t change their clothes. Does it look like you want to invite girls to watch fireworks together? ? ’

'what? ! ’

  ‘Publey, wait, they really don’t seem to want to invite us...’

'how come? ’

  ‘It will! ’



Originally, Annie wanted to say hello to Burberry and Miss Mary, but when she heard them whispering, and after studying and discussing things like Gray and Kay, she felt boring and disgusted. Go straight to the side.

  ‘Hey~! ’

  ‘Little Annie! Are you coming over to watch the fireworks with us? I like to watch fireworks the most. My mood becomes ‘bang’ and my exhaustion disappears instantly~! ’

  In the distance, the sister Lin was standing on a blanket by the sea and waving vigorously at Annie, while behind her stood some guy who wandered to the church, that is, Cliff.

"forget it……"

   Annie felt it. The guy behind Lin's sister didn't seem to welcome her past and was a little hostile? So, she didn't plan to be suspicious, so she went straight to the south side of the beach.

  ‘Annie! Here! ’

  ‘I came to see the fireworks with Dr. Dort. Do you need to come together? ’

Just after strolling for a while, Annie ran into Miss Ellie and the only doctor in the Ore Town of the other side's hospital, Dort. The two came here in nurse uniforms and white coats. They must have just come out of the hospital. of.


  Oo hum!

Although the Doctor Dort is not hostile to herself and seems to welcome her to go over, but...Annie knows that Miss Ellie who invited herself to her mouth is not really inviting herself at all, the guy just shouted casually Just a word, if she really dared to pass, she would definitely be hated by that duplicity, cunning guy?

   So, she had to continue taking her little milk dog Tibbers to the southernmost side of the beach, planning to find a place where no one was there to watch the fireworks with her home Tibbers.

  Ε=)) alas

The night was getting darker. When the dim lights on the beach came on, finally, the fireworks show held on the seashore in Ore Town on the 24th night of the summer of this year began. A fireworks was hit by a ship from a distance to the sea. In the night sky, bursts of brilliant fireworks burst out.

  嗖~! Whoosh~!

   Boom! !

   Boom! ! !

   At the same time, some drunken guys who don’t want to drink have finally started their actions with a burst of sound...


  ‘This is a gift I prepared for you, champion hot spring egg, you can try it soon? ’

'what? Is it an egg? ’

  ‘What, don’t you like it? ’

  ‘No, I just think the red wine and eggs are a bit weird...’

  ‘Then I’ll change to another one now? ’

  ‘Forget it, the hot spring egg is the hot spring egg! ’

Next to the pier at the pier, Xiaosiyan Rick took out his gift and handed it to Karen’s hand, and watched affectionately at the other party unpacking the one. He went to the grocery store and spent 100G to pack it. Exquisite gift box.

  ’! ! ’

  'Ah~! ! ! ’

   However, what Rick couldn't think of was: when Karen opened the gift box, what he saw was not a hot spring egg, but a bunch of disgusting slimy bugs entangled together? Then, she was so frightened that she was trembling, and before escaping, she threw it directly onto Rick's head.

'this is……'

  ’Sand, sandworm? ! ’

   After a daze for a while, Rick grabbed one from the bridge of his nose and looked at it for a while and finally determined their identities.

   Sandworms are also known as light naked star worms, also known as sand intestines and square star worms. It lives in sandy and muddy seas along the beach. It drills out at high tide and lurks in sand and mud holes at low tide, hence the name sandworm. The larvae or adults of sandworms have no segmentation phenomenon, but they are more muscular. They usually live by swallowing grains of sand. The body structure is simple. Wash away the sand from the intestines, and the whole worm can be eaten!

In normal times, Rick does not come to the beach to dig sandworms. One is to take it back for his own food, and the other is to feed chickens or something. However, on this romantic night, he packs a large group of disgusting sandworms and makes the original The expectant girl grabbed it with one hand, but that was definitely not something he could do.

   It’s just that Rick, whose head and face are covered with the kind of live sandworms that are still a little twisted, can’t understand why the good-quality hot spring champion eggs suddenly become a bunch of sandworms? Could it be that Jeff, the owner of the grocery store, made the wrong packing and handed him someone's gift by mistake?

   At this time, the same thing is happening on this beach...

   For example: Lin carefully prepared a set meal for Cliff, but found that it turned into a basin of sand after opening the lunch box? After opening the package of a piece of white chocolate that Ally gave to Dr. Dort with the courage, a fiddler crab appeared, and it was so immortal that its terrifying big claws caught a lot of it all at once. Dr. Te’s nose is so painful that he jumps?

'Do not! ! ! ’

  ‘Why is my game cassette missing? Gray, is this what you said is already hidden? ! ’

  ‘I don’t know, it was still inside when I just put it in...’

'what about now? ’

'I do not know! Really! ’

  At this time, two friends in the distance who were going to play games all night long, and were not planning to find girls to watch the fireworks, also wailed and exclaimed.

Then soon, more accidents or mischief happened and were discovered. The originally harmonious beach of Ore Town became chaotic, and then everyone didn't have the mind to watch it continuously hit the sky. Those fireworks.



   "Ha! Tibbers, sister Lin made a delicious set meal, and the champion hot spring eggs from brother Xiaosiyan's house are also pretty good!"

   "Also! The white chocolate made by Miss Ai Li is also very good, would you like to try it?"


Sitting on the southernmost side of the beach, Annie didn’t care about the chaos of other people’s homes on the north side. She secretly ate in her place and watched the most beautiful fireworks blooming in the sky, and at the same time completely ignored that dogs can’t eat. About the chocolate, you plan to stuff that piece of white chocolate with half of the leftover into the mouth of your Tibbers dog?

'Hey! ’

  ‘Karen! You listen to me, Karen? ’

  ‘I’m not listening! You go away, I don't want to see you! ! ’

  'Karen? I was wronged...’

'Do not! you are not! ’


'Humph! ’


  '? ? ’

  ‘Who is in front, is Annie? ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Wait, what you ate was eggs and there were so many eggshells? ! ’

'what! Karen, look, that is the hot spring egg that I originally intended to give you, there are four in total, all of which are painted in heart shape by me! ! ’

'Hey! Karen and Rick, you guys... Ah! Isn't that the white chocolate I made for Dr. Dort? ! ’

  ‘And my carefully prepared set meal! ! ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Kay! Look, our game cassette was thrown into the sea by her! ! ’

'what? ! ’

   I don't know how long the chaos has been, and finally, when I don't know who is arguing to the south, the things that a messy little guy did are finally revealed.



"That one……"

  ! o

   "Why don't you listen to someone explain it first?"


This situation was indeed a bit unexpected for Annie, because the night was so dark and so dark, she was hiding on the southernmost side of the beach. She originally thought that no one would notice until the end of the fireworks show, but she was proud of it. , She accidentally caused people to bump into and catch a current?


  ’! ! ’

  ‘Annie! ’

  ‘You should explain? ’

  ‘It’s damned! Doctor Dot's nose is bleeding! ! ’


   However, Annie's words didn't work at all. Those who were in anger or sadness didn't mean to listen to her explanation at all, and immediately surrounded them with a bad face.

"okay then……"


   "Goodbye everyone~!!!"


Seeing that the opportunity was not good, and seeing that those guys were not willing to listen to their own explanations and were coming up in silence, UU reading Annie didn’t care about anything else and jumped directly from the beach blanket. Got up, then twisted and ran to the north!

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Catch her! Mary, she wants to go there! ’

  ‘Stop! ’

  ‘Damn boy! ! ’

  ‘Quick! Populi! Gray! Go and block the steps on the beach, don't let her run away from the intersection! ’

  ‘Karen! You and Rick go over there! ’

  ‘Chasing! ’

  ‘Everyone hit her with sand! ! ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘You still dare to run? Chase everyone! Caught her and threw her into the sea? ’

'Do not! Or bury her in the sand for one night, and dig her tomorrow! ! ’

'good idea! ’

  ‘Quickly chase, wait till you catch it! ’

   ‘Little guy, stop now...’

  ‘Don’t run! ’

Soon, after knowing the whole story, a nasty little guy used a prank to stir up a good thing once a year, and more than a dozen men and women were so angry on the beach to coax against some nasty little guy. The girls chased and blocked, and made this beach where there was only the sound of fireworks explosions rare to become lively and noisy.



   "It's just to eat a little bit of your food, and I want to bury them in the sand..."


   Obviously, Little Annie would definitely not listen to them and stop, she just flew northward so hard.


  Σ>―→seeking tickets

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