Annie did not give Carlene, Populi, Mary, Ellie, and Lynn the opportunity to say goodbye to her, nor did she explain herself to a bad-nose old Mayor Thomas or anyone else. To leave the situation, she just left a handwritten letter from her home with a somewhat unattractive handwriting, and then took advantage of the opportunity for the young ladies to occupy the big bed in her family and slept quietly. , Leaving her ranch with Tibbers, who was transformed into a stuffed toy bear by her, and the weird little world of Ore Town.

She left a large "luxury" house that was renovated and renovated in Ore Town and the huge wealth of nearly two million G in the ranch account, and smoothly let those little sisters who usually play well with her All of us instantly became rich little women with a lot of money, and helped Lin and Perbury solve some small problems by the way.


   Of course, those people in Mineral Town knew how they would react after she left. Annie didn't know and didn't want to know, because at this moment, she had already entered another new world.

   Okay, actually...

   This time she once again came to a planet in this unknown cosmic plane, and once again came to this life planet in the Chiwu star system, that is, the earth ball.

   Yes, Annie came to earth again!

   It seems that there are always too many earths in the universe of endless planes. Just the kind of earth she has been to or the worlds related to the earth globe, she doesn't know how many of them have been encountered!

  Ε=)) alas

   But there is no way. Since they are here, she must be here for a while.


"Hey! Tibbers, this earth seems to have just finished the war...Look, the streets are messy, the reconstruction work has not been done, the shops and restaurants on the streets look very sluggish, and the entire solar system It seems that they have to be hidden in some way..."


   Annie was eating in a street restaurant near the floor-to-ceiling windows. While perceiving the changes in the world and the solar system, she discovered some strange things.



"The battle is over, everyone knows the specific orbit and position of the solar system, and now I want to hide myself, what's the use? Can it also change the orbit of the earth, the orbit of the sun, and related things? Is the force field, magnetic field and energy fluctuations impossible?"


   Obviously, Annie is not optimistic about what the earth people in this world have done to protect the earth.

Because even if they really tried their best to successfully hide the entire solar system optically, which is what they call the "red star system", they still can't change the position of the earth and the sun in the galaxy. Others think There are still many ways to find it, so instead of doing the kind of futile thing, it is better to build more lines of defense and more spaceships and warships!

   Of course, fortunately: They didn't try to change the earth's orbit while hiding, and if they did that, the earth would definitely have a big problem!

Because Anne knows that the development of the universe of this world to the extent it is today is the result of continuous evolution and adaptation. The interaction between various cosmic bodies is closely connected and maintains a delicate balance with each other. Make any changes to the earth's orbit, and once that balance is broken, the entire solar system will probably be chaotic, and the solar system and a large area of ​​stars will also be chaotic!

   Of course, that kind of thing changes in units of tens of millions of years. To a certain extent, even if the people on earth really change that kind of thing, it seems that it is not a big problem? At least for people on Earth who have a short life span but only a hundred years of freedom, it must have little impact, and even if there is an impact, they will not see it.


  Da! clatter! clatter!

boom! boom!

  'Ah~! ’

  ‘Yes, everyone who is a demon cult, run away! ! ’

  ‘Ohhhhh~! ’

   "Honey, wait for me..."

'Do not! ! ! ’

  Da! clatter! clatter!


  ‘Go! ’

  ‘Kill them all for the great Queen Morgana~! ’

  ‘Kill! ’

  ‘Mortals welcome your death! ! ’

boom! boom!

  Da! clatter! clatter! clatter!


Suddenly outside the street, there was a burst of noise, crying, screaming, and gunshots. Then Annie turned her head and saw from the French window of this hotel a group of terrorists wearing black caps and camouflage uniforms in the distance Armed with weapons such as AK rifles to drive pedestrians on the street and open fire indiscriminately to kill innocent people.

Many pedestrians who were caught off guard were directly beaten to pieces by the large-caliber rifle bullets from automatic rifles, or blood holes as big as bowls appeared on their bodies, and then they threw themselves on the roadside or were directly killed. Cracked glass in the car.

   Soon this already depressed neighborhood became chaotic...

  ’! ! ’

'not good! It's really those demons, run away! ! ’

  ‘Run! ’

  ‘Hurry up, run this way, there is a back door! ’

'you guys! Come in quickly! ’

  ‘Help! ! ’

  Da! clatter! clatter!

  'Ah~! ’

In less than ten seconds, at least dozens of people were killed and injured by terrorists holding guns on the street. Some vehicles that were shot by bullets that caused the drivers to die and lost control even ran into one another and started. The fire burned, and then far away, the pedestrians who were lucky enough not to be attacked flee in a direction away from the terrorists in exclamation. Even the guests and waiters in the restaurant where Annie was also looked after. Everywhere fled from the back door of the back kitchen, and in an instant, she was the only one who had the courage to eat and drink in the huge restaurant.

"That one……"


   Annie didn’t understand. It seemed that this world had already won the war with aliens. Why is it still messed up now, there are real demons and attacks everywhere?

Because, at this time, Annie saw a shouting fellow among those terrorists, and the other person turned into an ugly head in a roar, with horns, barbs, wings and dark red horns. Monsters with a layer of skin, and began to organize those terrorists to carry out further hunting and killing of those around who did not have time to escape, trapped in the car, hiding in the shop, or injured and not killed?


  ! o

   "Really! How can they be like this!?"


   Killing and setting fire or something, if it happened in other places, Annie would definitely not be able to manage it, because that kind of thing happened all the time, she definitely couldn't manage it, and she didn't have any obligation to manage it.

However, if the other party kills and sets fire, shoots randomly, kills around him, affects his eating, and even scares away the waiters and chefs who serve soup and dishes to himself, that would be a heinous behavior. Not to mention the unforgivable thing that happened when a stray bullet almost touched her hair!

   So, don’t care what happened to this weird earth to become such a chaotic and disorderly appearance, but now she has to take care of this matter.


  Da! clatter! clatter! !


  嗖~! Whoosh~!

  ‘Quick! ’

  ‘All units pay attention, block this ending and prepare to destroy them! ’

  ’Sniper No. 1 and No. 2 are in place! ’

'team leader! They found us! ’

  ‘Leave them alone, move slowly! ’

'Yes! ’

  ‘You guys, go and evacuate the people over there! ! ’

  ‘Hey! ’

  ‘The three of you go over there and block their escape, but don’t let them run away! ’

  ‘Understood! ’

  ‘Other people will attack me from the front, be careful not to accidentally get hurt! ’

  ‘Okay, sir! ! ’

  Da! clatter! clatter!

  嗖~! Whoosh~!

  ‘Destroy them! ’

  ‘Be careful of that demon, never let it go! ! ’

At this time, just before Annie was ready to take action, a large group of soldiers wearing black armor and flying in explosion-proof vehicles or special aircraft quickly appeared, and after dividing and encircling and circling through the entire block, they used the one in their hands. A weapon capable of launching an energy attack hit those terrorists and demons who had just suddenly violently slaughtered innocents and retreated, and then began to systematically and efficiently eliminate and suppress the maddening bad guys just before.



   After watching for a while, Annie knew that there should be nothing wrong with her. Because the soldiers who wear advanced bullet-proof armor, cooperate with each other and use energy weapons, they must be able to easily eliminate those who are shouting "Hurray", "Ula", "Queen Morgana" and so on. The messy slogans of terrorists, the world is not as bad as she imagined, so, she still shouldn’t take care of other people’s affairs. Although this earth is a bit messy, it should still be under the control of others. , She should continue to eat her lunch, right?

"That one……"

   "Police, you have to work harder~!"

   Come on

When I found two black-armored scorpions from the French windows next to their seats, they had just been punched with two bullet holes and the glass had been cracked, but they were not completely broken in front of the window while opening fire and slowly moving forward Pushing past, and still looking at herself in amazement, Annie didn't see her waving her small fist outside at all, cheering the two of them loudly before turning her head to eat what was on her table.

Now they are doing quite well, and seeing that those terrorists and demons should not be their opponents, Annie is naturally happy to be lazy. After all, the things of this world are naturally left to the people of this world to solve and compare. Well, she is a foreigner who will not take care of so many nosy and be a boring savior~!


'what! ’

  ‘Police, police? ’

  ‘Little guys, we are not police, we are special forces! Also, I advise you to hide inside, it is dangerous outside! ’

'Humph! ’

  ‘Lee Ann! Leave her alone, go ahead and cover me for shooting! ’

'Yes! ’

  ‘Quick! Attack that demon, let's take it down first! ! ’

  ‘Understood! ’

  嗖! Whoosh!

  Da! clatter! clatter!

   Soon, as the soldiers wearing black houses outside the window rushed forward, the violent gunfire and the muffled sound of energy weapons from both sides were mixed together...

   "This is pretty delicious..."

However, even if the fighting outside is full of enthusiasm, and from time to time there are black armored soldiers being knocked to the ground by large-caliber rifle bullets or terrorists wearing black caps and camouflage clothes are killed by random guns, Xiao Anni still feels at ease. Staying in this hotel that has run away long ago and feasts on it. You don't mean to leave without eating everything on the table?


  Ε=)) alas

"Tibbers, although the chefs here are very skilled, the ingredients they use are still a little bit worse. People should have brought some hot spring crops from Ore Town back then. It's a shame to think about it now. !"

   Although this restaurant may not provide her with the kind of ‘customized processing’ service, Annie thinks that if she can bring some hot spring crops with her, it will always be useful! And even if she doesn't use it, she can eat raw food directly.

   For example, those onions that take more tears?

That thing is delicious but delicious, but it makes people feel a little uncomfortable and moved involuntarily...but other things are good except for onions, such as the pineapple watered in hot springs, which is sweet and sour. It's delicious, and her nest of bees that have stung many people. The honey produced in their nests is also delicious, at least much sweeter than the honey she has eaten elsewhere?

   It's a pity that she left in a rush that morning, and it was still an icy winter. After writing the letter, she left it on the table and ran away. There was no time to think about the things she regretted now.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘It’s coming! ’

  ‘Lee Ann! Be careful! ’

  ‘Quick! shot! Kill him! ’

  '? ? ’

'not good! Stop the fire, there is a little girl there! ! ’

'what? ! ’

  ‘Damn it, why is she still there, it’s too late! ! ’

  嗖! Whoosh!

  Da! clatter! clatter! clatter!



  !? Wow~!

With the sound of firefights and anger outside, and soon, with a terrifying sound of glass being smashed and the sky full of glass pieces scattered on the ground and spilled on the table, Annie was helpless at this time. Found:

The fierce-looking and ordinary energy bullet that was just outside the battle with those special forces soldiers and was about to be beaten to death could not harm its demon. At this time, it broke through the glass and rushed in and was destroyed. Not to mention her lunch, she also put a sharp blade made of what material she didn't know directly before her neck?



'what! ’

  ‘You guys stop me! ’

  ‘Stop now, or I’ll kill her now! ! ’

Finally, after seeing that such a little girl was successfully captured as a hostage as he wished, that woman had multiple gunshot wounds on her body, and even one of the horns on her head had been knocked off. The **** and embarrassed demon was going He threatened the difficult ones who were quickly encircling him outside the broken French windows, most likely from the black armored soldiers of the Earth Alliance from a certain force in the universe.

Now it has no way to go. Although he is not afraid of death, he also thinks that Queen Morgana will take his soul and give him a new life after death... But if you can continue to live, continue to destroy and enjoy It is always good to kill and enjoy the bodies of those wonderful women.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Devil! Let go of her, or we will shoot! ’

   A few black armored soldiers rushed to the French window, a few meters away from Annie and the demon behind her. As long as they shoot, they will definitely not miss.

  ‘Humph! Are you shooting? ’

  ‘Those weapons of yours won’t kill me even with a few shots, but I can easily kill her! ! ’

   Seeing the black armored soldiers approaching, the devil didn't care at all, so he continued to put the weapon in his hand by Xiao Annie's neck.

'Uh! ’

  ‘Asshole! ’

  ‘Devil! I order you to release her immediately! ! ’

Sure enough, I saw that the demon really successfully held a hostage, and put a sharp blade on the delicate neck of this cute and well-behaved little girl. Those black armor soldiers with different skin colors surrounded them. There were a lot of rat-throwing weapons, and he didn't dare to really open fire rashly. Even the leader of the team was just angrily shouting at the devil, and there was no good way.

  ‘Last warning! ’

  ‘You guys leave me immediately and go to the opposite side of the street, otherwise...’

  ‘I will kill her! ! ’

After speaking, the fingers of the other hand of the devil were also pointed at and still stunned. If it was the back of the little Annie who was frightened and stupid, the sharp nails on his fingers showed that as long as his fingers move forward slightly With one pass, it can easily penetrate the body of the very weak-looking little girl in front of you and dig out her heart.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Damn it! ’

   ‘Everyone goes back...’

After a stalemate, seeing that the demon might do anything at any time, the captain of the black armored soldier who was faintly unbearable in his heart finally compromised, and had to wave his hand in annoyance to let his men follow him. Slowly retreated, retreated to the outside of the hotel, and Yiyan retreated to the opposite side of the street. The two sides continued to confront each other at a distance of tens of meters.

  He had to do that, because he knew that the energy weapons in their hands could not kill the opponent in one blow, and once they shot, even though the opponent would die, the little girl was probably also dead! Therefore, he is going to find a way to get the best of both worlds, the best one can save the hostages and kill the demon!

   After all, the opponent is now alone and lonely, and this block is basically surrounded by them, even if they temporarily retreat from the opponent, they don't want to escape.

  ‘Captain, you can’t see it in sniper position one! ’

  ‘Damn it! ’

  ‘Sniper number two, how about you, can you kill it? ’

'it should be OK! But Captain, I can't guarantee the absolute safety of that little girl hostage. Do I need to shoot now? ’

'Do not! Stand by for now! ’


  ‘Lee Ann, go there and see, have the second team cleaned up those terrorists? ’


  ‘Report to the captain, they have been cleaned up and all the terrorists have been killed! ’

  ‘Very good! ’

  ‘You and the second team go around behind the hotel, surround it, don’t let it run away! ’

'Yes! ! ’

   Although he retreated to a distance, the black-clad captain did nothing. Instead, he started to arrange manpower in the communication and formed a circle of the demon who held a little girl in the restaurant.

  ‘Bah! ’

   ‘Maybe I’m really going to see Queen Morgana today...’

Seeing those difficult soldiers in black armor finally retreat one by one, the hideous demon slowly pulled a chair and sat on it to rest... However, the weapon in his hand never Leaving the little girl's neck, he can definitely cut off the hostage's head once the soldiers outside have any trouble!

   He firmly believes that he can do it!

   But, now he is not in a hurry, he has to rest first, and then see if he can rush out surrounded by the soldiers in black armor?


Annie was a little upset, because the guy in front of her broke her lunch and threatened her with a broken knife impolitely, so she is now to retaliate and go back is better. Should the fire burn the opponent, or should he beat him out first, and then burn it out?

   Of course, let Tibbers come out, first grab the opponent and violently ravage him for a while, and then tear him apart or something.


  ‘The **** scum, actually took the gluttonous army away, otherwise, how could our devil be so sad these days? ’

'Hum hum……'

'Well! ? ’

  ‘Little things, what do you look at, you are looking for death! ! ’

While rested and regained his strength, while thinking of a way, he bitterly cursed at a certain scum king who had taken away all the gluttonous battleships not long ago. After a while, seeing the hostage girl dared to use that kind to make him very Staring at him with uncomfortable eyes, the demon roared angrily, ready to reach out and use the claws of the other hand to dig down the opponent's eyeballs, and by the way, to those outside who should secretly surround and aim at him with a sniper rifle. Soldiers get off the ground one by one?

   "Looking for death?"

   "Shu...Don't you know that people are very angry now? Also, when did they agree to let you put the knife here?"


Seeing that the other party dared to reach out and stretched out the ugly paw towards her face, Annie unceremoniously raised her hand and directly grabbed the one that the other party raised up and planned to hook down towards her own eyes. Cut the **** of your nails.

'team leader! ’

  ‘We’re ready to attack at any time! ’

At this time, the black-clad soldiers in the distance saw the change in the restaurant, and they couldn't help but become agitated, because they knew that the little girl hostage was very dangerous now, that the demon might hurt her at any time, and her resistance It is doomed to be in vain, they can't bear to see that tragic picture.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Attention snipers, as long as the opportunity is right, authorize you to fire freely! ’

  ‘Understood! The sniper is ready...’

'and many more! ’

  ‘Gosh, how is that possible? ’

  '? ? ’


'what's the situation? ! ’

'my God……'

Soon, those black-armored soldiers who were prepared to attack and plan to save the hostages from the hands of the devil screamed in their channel because the magnified picture of their advanced helmet eyepiece appeared strange. The scene: The little girl broke the devil's **** directly, and then knocked the demon upside down with one punch!

And then……

As soon as she waved her hand, she threw the **** of the demon who had just broken directly treated the fresh demon finger as a flying marker, and nailed it accurately In the eyebrows of the demon who couldn't get up for a long time.


  ‘Team, Captain! The target demon has no signs of life. It has been inserted to death by its middle finger. What should we do now? ’


  ‘Go over, take the devil’s corpse and see if you can take the little girl back! ’

'Yes! ’

'not good! ’

  ‘Sir, that little girl is gone! ’

  ‘Missed? Why didn't you see it? ’

  ‘I disappeared in the blink of an eye, really disappeared in the blink of an eye, I don’t know why! ’



When the group of black armored soldiers rushed into the hotel and surrounded the end, they didn't even know how they died and the devil's body was silent for a long time. After a long time, the captain of the black armored soldier sighed. He said to one of his communications soldiers:

'you! ’

  ‘I’ll report to the superiors what just happened here. I think the officers of the male company on the Mangdang Mountain should be interested in the little girl. ’

'Going right now! ’

'Yes! Don't worry, sir, I will go now! ’


   Soon, the black-clad soldiers began to clean up the battlefield in an orderly manner. As for the little girl just now, it would not be theirs.



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