Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1327: �第��

Its daybreak.

   The hustle and bustle of the street and the sound of someone walking in the corridor, which finally woke up a certain Irene, who was lying on this clean hotel single bed and wearing a thin suspender nightdress. After waking up, she slowly curled up from her bed and sat up on her stomach. Then, looking at the dazzling light shining through the window, she subconsciously stretched out her palm to cover her face.


   ‘It’s so hot here... I would have known it before I was in a hurry to go south...’

It took them a few days to fly directly from the winter in the northern hemisphere to the summer in the southern hemisphere on a broomstick. Therefore, at this time, there are dolls everywhere, even in the weird city where the hotel is so hot. So that Irena can lie on the bed without a quilt and sleep all night, even if she only wears a light suspender skirt.


  ‘Really! ’

  ‘Sure enough, in such hot weather, I am afraid that only the teacher can sleep so well, right? ’

I looked at the scorching sun outside the window, then turned to look at the other small bed next to the room, covered with a thin sheet, and the one who was curled up in the middle of the bed saw only a few strands of long golden hair exposed. Irena sighed and murmured a little girl from.


   "After waking up in the morning, it’s very comfortable to enjoy the sun with the morning breeze..."

Since a certain little teacher did not wake up, and depending on the situation, she would definitely sleep until noon as usual. After that, Irene did not go to do more, so she looked up at her that was more intoxicating than the summer morning breeze. Sitting on the bed, his face continued to enjoy the rare coolness that floated in from the window that summer.

   is a little weird to say!

They had just traveled in the icy and snowy city a few days ago, and in the blink of an eye, they flew to the summer city to enjoy the sun after a few days, which made her wear long gray hair and her beautiful appearance. And talent is shining, and even the beauty who can't help but squint when the summer sun sees it doesn't know what to say.


   This is the reason why she worked so hard. At the age of fifteen, she became the most talented official witch in the history of Loberta, and was able to bid farewell to her parents to travel the world, right?

   Isn't she the kind of travel and adventure career as rich and colorful as the witch Nicole in the adventure story? Of course, Irena now feels that her experience seems to be more interesting and meaningful than that of Nicole’s adventure, because she has done a lot of meaningful things with her teacher Anne, and also helped Many people have also exposed the true colors of many liars!

   Although, those things are mostly exposed after being deceived?

   But no matter what, those are some very meaningful and memorable experiences. At the same time, they were all written in her own diary. There will be a chance to spread and inspire people in the future.



Sitting on the bed Meimeida closed her eyes and blew for a while after the morning breeze that slipped in with the green curtains outside the window, Irena suddenly recovered, and then opened her eyes in surprise, and opened them wide. Looking at the window sill.

   "I remember, when I was sleeping, it was clearly related to the window. Why did I open it now?"


   "Did the teacher drive it by himself at night?"

   looked out the window, and then looked at a little guy inside who was still curled up on the bed and sighed, Irena sighed in a bit of complaint:


"My bed is leaning against the window, although the curtains are drawn, but if the wind blows, let others see my indecent sleeping face, it makes me as beautiful and beautiful as a doll It’s lovely. If the image of a beauty who would shine even brighter in the hot summer sun is damaged, how bad is that?”


When I thought of last night that I seemed to be holding a magic book, watching and watching, lying on the bed and sleeping till dawn, Irene couldn't help but a hint of red glow flashed across her face, the kind of shame called shame Emotions flooded my heart.

"do not care!"

   "It's so high here and there are curtains blocking it, so no one will notice it, right?"

   After comforting herself a bit, Irena quickly stopped worrying about it.

After all, regretting now seems to be useless, so she just put away the worries she had just now, and then slowly crawled to the edge of the bed, put on her own slippers, and stood up. Stretching a long, lazy waist, she showed her proud figure that had always been hidden under the plain witch robe.


   "I'm going to wash up first, so get up quickly!"

   "After breakfast later, we have agreed to go to the next town. You can't be lazy! This time, I won't accommodate you anymore!"

   After she stretched her waist, Irene took her waist for granted, and warned a little girl teacher who was covered with a thin quilt and had no better sleeping posture than herself.



However, her teacher did not answer, just stretched out a small white and smooth arm from the quilt and waved it, so as to tell her Irena to get out of bed and stop disturbing her to sleep, it means that she has heard it. I don't know.

   But, Irene thinks, maybe the former is a little bit more likely?


   "Anyway, that's the deal. If you don't get up before ten o'clock in the morning, I will definitely tie you to the broom and drag you away!!!"

After speaking, Irene didn't care about the other party anymore, dragged her slippers directly, walked to the small bathroom in the double room of this hotel, and started humming songs with great interest. Washed up.



Anne curled up in the bed and turned over, and then fell into a deep sleep... I didn't say anything, she didn't seem to listen carefully to what a guy who just got up early in the morning said, nor did she give the other party's warning. Take it to heart.


  '? ? ’

   "It's weird, who is this..."

'Eh? ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘What, what? ! ’

  ‘Where’s my hair? ! ’

  ‘Why did you become like this? ! ! ! ! ’

   After immersing for a while, as expected, deafening screams soon sounded in the bathroom of this room, so that the entire hotel seemed to be shaking?



   "Post, what happened?!"

  ! o

Under the terrible movement and the glaring of a guy who rushed out of the bathroom holding a comb, Annie really had to wake up in an instant, and sat on the bed, holding her quilt and looking at someone dumbly. Asked the genius girl who seemed to have suddenly become more charming.

"whats the matter?!"


   "Look, what am I like now?!"

With a sullen face, raised brows, and a terrible murderous face, Irene put one hand on her waist and the other pointed her face, the little teacher who seemed to have no reaction to her. Asked.

"how you look like?"


   "It doesn't seem to have changed... Irena, your face was clean today, and it still looks beautiful!!!"

   In the blink of an eye, Annie tilted her head and looked again, and finally gave an affirmative answer.


   "I'm not talking about faces, I'm talking about hair, it's hair!!"

Seeing that her teacher's reaction was a little dull, Irena hurriedly stroked her hair, pointing to the kind that was completely gone in the past, as long as she held the root of the hair and slowly moved it towards the end of the hair. The short hair who can enjoy the continuous softness and satisfaction speaks angrily.

You know, her beauty and talent can not help but squint her eyes when the sun sees. She is not lost to the colorful flowers, beautiful and blooming like a doll, beautiful and cute like a doll, even in the hot sun in summer. If the genius and beautiful girl who will emit a hotter light without that smooth and beautiful gray long hair, then her beauty is undoubtedly inferior!

   And, if she wears a witch hat by then, who knows that she is the one with beautiful long gray hair who has won the official title of witch at a young age?



   "Huh? Irena, you look so cute after switching to short hair! This hairstyle really suits you, and it looks younger!"



   "Damn it!"

   "Teacher, I am only fifteen years old this year, I am already very young, OK?!"

   "Also, this is not the point!!"

   Irene talked with her waist in her waist, feeling a trace of anxiety for the dull nerves of her somewhat inattentive teacher.

   "The point is!"

   "My long hair, why is it gone?"

   "I just slept, why did I turn into such short hair the next day? What the **** is this, and who did it?!"

   That's right, this is where Irena feels frightened and angry!

She and her teacher slept here for one night, but in the middle of the night, a bad guy who didn’t know who had sneaked in and cut off her long gray hair that has always made her proud, and thankful for each other. It's just cut off the hair, if you do something, while it made her feel a little scared, it also aroused her endless anger.

   She decided, don’t let her know who did it, or... she will definitely let the other person know how terrifying and ruthless the anger is!


   "People seem to know it!"

   Annie thought about it, and suddenly Irena bit her finger in surprise and said.


   "You, you know?!"

   Irene was a little unbelievable, and she asked with her eyes widened.

"last night……"


"It seems that Tibbers told others that the doll you threw into the cabinet suddenly crawled out by itself, then cut your hair directly with magic, put it on, and ran out from the window sill! "

   That's right, that's it!

   If you open the empty cabinet now, it is not difficult to find that the original hair of the doll was discarded there after being replaced.

"Oh I see……"

   "Yes, but!"

   "Teacher! Since you were reminded, why didn't you stop it?"


   "Why didn't you wake me up and let it run directly from the window?!"

   Irene was a little stunned. When she first got up, she thought it was her disgusting little teacher who opened the window without authorization because she felt hot. But how can she think that the truth of the matter turned out to be like this?

   "Because they were very sleepy at that time, of course I didn't bother to move!"


   "Besides, it's just cutting your hair, and it doesn't want to hurt you, plus it's not your own hair, so..."

   "So people treat it as invisible!"


   Annie answered with a frank and strong voice, and didn't even think there was anything wrong with her doing that.

   "Furthermore, Irene, your short hair is also very beautiful, anyway, it will grow again after a few months, cut it and cut it!"


   thought it was a big deal, so after figuring out why the other person would yell early in the morning, little Annie simply lay down on the bed again, ready to come back to sleep or something.



   "You speak lightly, if it cuts your hair, what would you do?!"

   I don't know what to say, Irena, after thinking about it, she asked angrily.

   "In that case..."

   "Of course I burn it!!"


   What's the joke, how could her Queen Anne's hair be cut off casually?

So, without a doubt, if the weird doll who didn't know who controlled it last night really wanted to do that kind of evil to her, then it must have been burned by her to the point Left!

  Ε=)) alas



   "I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to find someone to help. I must catch the bad guy and get my hair back!!!"

Seeing that my teacher was playing double standard with myself, and I didn’t seem to know what words to use to argue with each other, and at the same time, knowing that I would definitely not be able to compete with each other, Irene stomped her feet severely and reached out to call He took out his magic wand, and before he even had time to change his clothes, he strode directly to the door of the room.

When they came to this city last night, they heard some rumors, and they also knew that there was a witch from a magic coordinating association who was always in charge of investigating the'murder', so now that the'tragedy' has happened If she touched her Irene's head, then she would definitely not be wrong if she went to the other party for help and clues the first time.

   "As for..."


   "Irena, your short hair looks really good-looking, besides, it will grow back in a few months at most. After you cut it, cut it, what's the big deal?"


   To be honest, Annie still thinks that Irena's short hair looks a little better, and it looks more playful, and she doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.


   "It's so good!!"

   You know, hair is the second life of a woman, and her Irene will not be touched easily anyway!

   And now, at UU reading, her beautiful long gray hair was cut off for some reason. How could she easily forgive such things? Therefore, she must find out this matter clearly, and give the **** a severe lesson, let the other party know that her Irene is great!


   "Should we leave at noon then?"


   "If you don't leave, you won't leave, what's so great! If you don't leave, people can just go to sleep right into the afternoon!!"


   As she said, the angry little Annie directly lay back on the bed again, then pulled on the quilt, and directly covered her in the quilt.


   It didn’t take long for it to seem to feel that sleeping with a certain plush toy bear was uncomfortable in such a hot day? Therefore, she lifted the corner of the quilt again, kicked a certain bear to the floor, and fell asleep again.

It’s a pity that Anne’s task of regaining consciousness was still not fulfilled, because ah, she was just about to fall asleep, and a wicked short-haired witch brought another unknown witch into their room and began to investigate She got up, so she had to sit up from the bed again.


   "Nice to meet you!"

   "His Excellency Anne Hasta, I am Sheila, the title. I have heard your name in the Magic Coordination Association. It is a great honor to see you now."

   smoking a pipe...


   ask for votes

   More exciting, please see the author of ㊣ edition

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