Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1334: = ???? ('ヮ '3' ヮ'…



"Tibbers, do you think it's possible that these bad guys will survive one or two in the end and get rewards?"


Seeing that the group of people in the holographic screen is following a certain green goblin walking towards the Gurubashi Arena step by step, watching that they seem to be whispering to talk in the language of the earthlings, just avoiding the front. The little goblin exchanged something, and Annie, who had never thought about eavesdropping at all, turned her head and asked the little bear on the side.

(Reporting respectable little master, the little one doesn’t know...but the little one thinks that none of them can survive, right?)


(A group of people on Earth without any combat'experience', even if they have more or less acquired various strengths and fighting skills, but the courage to die can not be developed in a moment, so Tibbers is not optimistic about those levels High or low, but the real combat experience is basically zero, and the stupid earth humans who have never experienced any test of life and death.)



"Is it because the difficulty is too high this time, so why watch them being chopped one by one by their opponents?"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

Annie suddenly felt that her arrangements this time were a little improper. Maybe, in a few days, she should draw some people and throw them into other more fun worlds, to at least let them pass the test. Sex place?



"Are you ready to start?"


"Hey! It seems wrong, Tibbers, what are they doing?!"


At this time, Annie saw that the people in the holographic image, the remaining guys among the eleven people she had drawn, unexpectedly pulled out the weapons in their hands and began to brew them. The spell?

If you are preparing to start a duel match, then there should be no doubt that you have to go one by one, but now it's better, they actually pulled out their respective guys in one mind. What are they going to do?



(Tibbers was also a little surprised at this time, because it discovered that the so-called stupid earth humans who had just been looked down upon by it were actually planning to resist at this time, and were not prepared to follow the script prepared by its mischievous master To act?)


‘Power and glory! ’

"Roar~! ! ’


Finally, the group of ten'earth people' gladiators seemed to have finished their discussions, so after the guy who had drawn the Orc Overwatch card roared loudly, launched a battle cry, and increased courage for the companions, the first one The guy who drew the Druid of the Lifeweaver waved his hand, and after the green light flashed, a thorn art temporarily trapped the little man in front of him who was arrogantly driving along the way, Captain John Mithriel, the goblin. .

‘Everyone fight with them! ’

‘One of them counts as one, kill them all, let them know how powerful we are on earth! ! ’

'attack! ’

‘Fight against them, natives! ! ’

‘Kill! ! ’

After the sudden trouble, the ten people began to make trouble one after another. One of the guys who drew the hunter card took advantage of the little John Mithril goblin who was about to use a machete to cut and get rid of the thorns. Arrow nailed the opponent's knife hand to the ground.


Seeing that my plan to get out of trouble fell through, seeing the long arrow nailed to my wrist, and then looking at the ten murderous guys behind, the little John Misriel was stunned in an instant. Up!

He had never thought that the group of'freedom' gladiators who came this time would be so strange. In the beginning, not only one inexplicable guy ran away, but now the rest of the guys blatantly violated the contract. Not only didn't plan to go to the game, but wanted to kill him first?

Therefore, he didn't know exactly where he got it wrong, so he couldn't help but use Azeroth's lingua franca to yell at the weird people who rushed up:

"you guys!"

"There are all our people around here, are you all crazy? Kill me, none of you will survive!"

Captain John Misriel is the actual controller of this Gurubashi Arena, so of course there will be no less men around here!

However, the situation in front of him was unexpected, and he never expected that such a group of "free" gladiators who had signed up and signed contracts would suddenly violently rise in their own territory. Get into trouble and do it to himself, so even if he has deliberately roared with the loudest volume and attracted the attention of the surrounding men as much as possible, it is obviously too late to wait until they come to rescue him.


"It's all dead in the end anyway, it's the same if you kill you first!"

Huh! !

At this time, the thief'Ghost Stone' who had drawn the four-star Shahkot Engineer Card rushed over, and the short blade in his hand would take Captain John Misriel’s poor green His head fell to the ground, and then before others came forward, he picked up the scimitar dropped by the opponent one step ahead, held both hands and resisted the excitement and shock of the'killing', and moved towards the front Those two still looked at their two-headed ogres a little dumbfounded, sneaking towards the two huge arena guards and rushing up.

Five-star kidney shot!

Sinister attack!

Beheaded! !

With the power of the card blessing, before the enemy came back, he simply slammed one of the two double-headed ogres to the ground.


"Do not!!!"

And when the other one finally recovered and was about to lash out at him with a roar, he was suddenly attacked by another companion of the thief, the book friend Xingye who had drawn the Samsung warrior'Lord Barov', and used The shield slammed into the chins of the ogre's two heads, causing the other party to stagger and sit on their backs on the ground.

‘! ! ’


Huh! !

Then, before the ogre who lost his balance had time to get up again, he was hit by the warrior with a hammer on the cheek and turned to the ground. Then the thief who had just harvested an ogre rushed over with his hands. At the same time, his sharp blade pierced the throat of the tall ogre who fell on the ground and was as tall as the two of them, causing the hot and stinking blood to spray out.


"They rushed over! The warrior and the swordsman came forward, and the thieves responded to them! Hunters pay attention to their spellcasters, the paladin quickly bless, the warlock quickly summon the devil!"


"Furthermore, aren't you a mage? Why does it take so long to rub a blasting technique?"

"Alright! Don't rush!!"

"May the Holy Light fool us!!"


"Okay! My blue fat is out! Give it to me!"

"Roar~! ’

"Witness the power of Mana Storm!!"



boom! ! !

The gate of the arena was directly beaten into burning ruins by a long-lasting flame explosion technique.

Soon, after a sudden attack and killing the little captain John Misriel and two ogre guards who guarded the gates, the group of “free” gladiators who “voluntarily” signed up to participate in the gladiatorial battle, the group of small The ten people of Germany, warriors, thieves, hunters, swordsmen, warlocks, shamans, wizards, and paladins, etc. rely on the ancient ruins of the Gurubashi Empire, and those from the surrounding ruins or It was the goblin troll pirates who emerged from the arena fighting.

In an instant, all kinds of fireballs, frost, sharp arrows, holy lights, charge, roars, rain of flames, arrows of chaos, or other messy natural spells raged outside the gates of this Gurubashi Arena. The ground slammed.

At the same time, the huge movement and the audience or the guys with ulterior motives who were affected by some attacks also participated in the battle at the same time. Let the two parties here, or several parties here, just like you come and me.



At this time, Rehgar, who is following the orc shaman spiritual leader and also the gladiator agent, has just finished Feralas’ tour of the Dire Maul and came to this Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale to make another profit. A certain amnesia warrior known as'Fish Food Lo'Gosh' is following his night elf druid companion Brol Bearskin, staring at the chaotic scene outside the arena.

They don’t understand, those guys who were supposed to be their opponents, those who seem to have uneven strength, and their fighting consciousness is not very good, but some individuals are very powerful, even if they are gladiators that they have to pay attention to. Men, how did you suddenly kill the owner of the arena, and then fight with the guards and those crazy crew pirates?

'kill! ! ’

'charge! ! ’


'fast! Master, DPS limit output, kill their remote first! ! ’

'what! ! ’

‘Okay, it hurts! ! ’

'cough! cough! ’

‘Paladin, please milk me... I, I can’t do it...’

‘Holy Healing! ! ’


‘Block them! ’

‘Eat my breath and calm down the flame explosion technique, my soul is light! ! ! ’


‘! ! ’

‘Barrage shooting! ! ’


‘Brain Remnant Arrow~! ! ’

‘Warlock! Control your blue fat! It blocked my charge! ’

‘I can’t control it, I don’t have time to rub my head and arrows! ’

'heads up! A thief came in! ’

'over there! ’

‘Damn it! ’

‘They came around again, there are still behind! ’

'what! ’

'not good! The little thief Ghost Stone was hacked to death by the goblin! ’

‘Get him up! ’


‘Resurrection! My warrior! Redemption! ’


"Oh, let me go, brother, can you change your line? ’

‘! ! ’

‘Stop talking nonsense, come on! ! ’

‘Kill! ! ’


In this way, a certain group of people fought fiercely with the angry pirates, who might be at least one or two hundred, and the number was still increasing, and the battle situation suddenly became anxious.


"Hey! Bearskin, what are they doing?"

Fish Food Logosh looked at the opponents who were supposed to stand on the arena to confront them for a long time, and then looked at the chaos in and out of the arena, and he turned to the people beside him in a puzzled manner. Asked fellow Broll Bearskin.

"I do not know……"

Although, this is not the first time I have come to the Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale, but Broll Bearskin said that this is the first time he has seen this weird and chaotic situation in front of him.

"Could it be..."

"Is it a gladiator riot?"

Fish Food Logosh watched for a while, and saw that the two sides couldn't tell the victory or defeat in a short time. He saw that the group of people was just staying there and fighting the guards and pirates bloodily. He didn't think about running away or anything more clear After the purpose of fighting, he couldn't help being a little confused, wondering what those people wanted to do.


"No no no!"

"Fish food, you know, they are all freedom gladiators, they are different from us, why are they rioting?"


"makes sense!"

"But what are they doing? I don't rush out while I still have the advantage. Do I want to stay there for death?"

"do not ask me!"

"Fish food, I'm like you now, I don't know anything..."


After talking for a while, I first looked at the agitation around me, and there were already many orc guards affected by the chaos and the orc shaman who was silent, watching the excitement from a distance and didn't know what he was thinking. After Rehgar glanced at it, for a long time, a night elf druid named Broll Bearskin finally couldn't help it. Suddenly he reached the ear of Fish Food and asked in a low voice:


‘Now the opportunity is rare, do you want to run away? ’

‘! ! ’

‘Relax, don’t be nervous, they are watching, shall we speak quietly? ’

‘Bearskin, you...’

‘Are you kidding? ’

'Do not! ’

‘I’m not kidding! ’

‘I’m telling you, here in Stranglethorn Vale, I am very familiar, and the orcs have little influence here. To the north is your human territory. Taking advantage of the chaos, we have a great chance to escape! ’


‘You know, Valeira was sold by Regal for two thousand gold coins. His next stop is to go to Thunder Bluff, where the alliance of the orcs is the territory of the tauren! In the future, we may also be sold, or simply die directly and humblely in the arena? ’

'Now, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You see, some orc guards have also been affected by the chaos. They are not strong now, and others can’t take care of us. We just need to jump out and meet the group of people outside. I must be able to kill...'

‘Their warlocks, wizards and paladins are very powerful, even Rehgar probably wouldn’t dare to fight them easily! ’

Broll Bearskin was just persuading Yushi Logosh's ears to persuade him to persuade him to make up his mind earlier.


However, Fish Food·Logosh still hesitated.

Because, he also saw that among those people, the Paladin was indeed very strong, and the Wizard and Druid were also good, and the Hunter’s shooting was extremely accurate, but it was a pity that she was not cruel enough, she should aim more. Is it the heads of the trolls and goblins, not their chests?

But anyway, it is indeed an excellent opportunity now, so...


"Do it!!"

After making up his mind, Yushi·Logosh directly drew out the weapons equipped on his body because of the upcoming match, and drew out the two double swords from the orc sword sage Harku Steelblade!

Huh! Huh!

After two blows over the two orc guards who were watching the battle in the distance and were a little caught off guard, he yelled at Broll Bearskin, and then went out of the ruined arena window. Qi Qi jumped off the high wall of the arena, and after landing, he rushed towards the scuffled area at full speed.

‘! ! ’

‘Regal! They ran away! ’

Seeing that two companions were suddenly attacked by the gladiator slave Lo'Gosh and hacked to death, seeing each other jumped out of the arena and chopped down several goblin pirates and rushed towards the group of weird people in the distance , A few orc guards who rushed over reported aloud to the shaman Regal who was still not doing much in the distance.

'To shut up! ’

'I saw! ’

'Humph! ’

‘Since they want to be free so much, then I must let them realize that freedom is hard-won? ’

‘Go, kill them! ’

‘Don’t keep your hands if you can kill, we don’t need gladiators who defected! ’

After looking at the human gladiator and the night elf druid who had just won the title of'Logosh' in the distance, UU read the book www.uukanshu.cOM Regar groaned for a while and suddenly Waving his hand, he sternly ordered the orc guards under his hand.

'Yes! ’

‘Orcs, attack! ’

‘Power and glory! ’

‘Lar! ! ’

Soon, as the chaos gradually spread, as the entire arena began to fight inside and outside, a group of well-trained and elite green-skinned orcs finally began to join the feast of killing, they lined up The neat formation, like a green wave, furiously rushed towards the two gladiator slaves who fled in the distance and the weird group of humans.


o(*ˉ︶ˉ*)o? Ask for a ticket?o(*ˉ︶ˉ*)o

For more information, please see the author of ㊣ edition

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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