Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1336: Let's get rid of their president and occupy their...

This city is called Harujion, a port city with developed fishing industry.

Here, there are relatively few people who can use magic. It is said that less than one percent or even less of the total population can use magic? So, there are obviously fewer magic goods shops here than other places, and there is only such a poor one.

So, after coming to this city and wandering boringly here for a while, Annie, who had no money from the world in her pocket and was eager to buy delicious things, resolutely found this poor magic item shop and was going to be here Change for a little money!

That’s no way. After all, Annie doesn’t intend to break the rules of the game for the time being, she doesn’t intend to use other items of her own or take out gold coins directly. In addition, it seems that no physical gold coins are collected here, so Apart from coming to this kind of magic-related shop and preparing to exchange money with one or two spot-copy magics, she has no good way.

"Damn it!" 攫欝攫

"This is a spellbook for Firestorm and Pyroblast, so you only give that little money? Do you believe that someone turned you into a frog and cooked it for someone else's bear to eat?!"


I patted the two books on the counter that had just been hurriedly written outside, and even the ink was not completely dry. There were books about flame storms and pyrotechnics in them, and Xiao Anni threatened the shop owner.

Because, the price given by the other party looks very unfair to her little bear. Should we raise the price again?

"No idea……"

"Dear guest, as you know, there are very few people in our city who can use magic. Otherwise, this big city wouldn't be the only shop I opened... and I The things in the shop are generally only prepared for the magicians who come to travel or pass by. The passenger flow is too small. If the price is too high, once it is in my hands, I will not have it. Money goes to turnover."

"and so……"

"I am really sorry, although I also want to give you a better price, but I really can't help it!"

To be honest, in the eyes of the old man in this magic item shop, the little girl in front of him doesn’t know where he got these two magic books. They are indeed very good, and he has just used appraisal techniques to carefully appraise them. , They are all real and effective, at least they are worth twice or more than the price he just quoted!


That's the value in other places. In this city, they are just books with a price and no market. Otherwise, there would not be only his half-dead shop here. Therefore, in this place where there are no competitors and not many customers, he must deliberately suppress the price.


Hearing the other party's delay and earnestly said that, Annie frowned and thought about it.

Of course, she was not considering whether to sell at that price, because she didn't even know that the price was appropriate! Anyway, she would definitely not cherish the kind of things that can be exchanged for money by simply drawing a few strokes by herself. What she is considering now is: How many books of that look should be sold in exchange for them Can she eat and drink money everywhere?


"This respectable little guest..."


"You take them to other cities? I think in those cities with a large number of wizards, those big shops will definitely give you a more appropriate price?"

The shop owner deliberately tried to persuade him so thoughtfully.

He just heard what the little guy said, the other party has no money, and it takes a train or a boat to go to other cities. It is obviously impossible to do it without money, so he now There is no fear, but not to increase the price of the other party, love to sell, not to sell!

Anyway, except for him, other places in the city or other people will definitely not give a higher price than the price he just offered. Besides, the magic book, that is, he still knows the goods and has the method of identification. After changing the individual to try, those who see the crooked words in it, I am afraid that they will be thrown away as useless things. Right?

"no need!"

?o? Bang! !

"Here! At the price you just said, all these books will be sold to you!!"


Without waiting for the other party's reaction, Annie directly copied a lot of magic books that were not too thick, and said "Pyroblast" and "Flame Storm", and shot them all at once. Arrived at the other party's counter.

If it is not enough, Queen Anne said that she can write more and more on the spot, as much as there is, and it is the kind of magic that does not matter what type of magic?


"This, so much?!"

Now, the owner of this magic item shop was frightened.

He never expected that the little guy in front of him had come prepared, and he never expected that the other party would have obtained so many magic books that recorded amazing magic?

Of course, it doesn't matter how the other party got it. What's important is that he can make a lot of money soon! Although receiving these books will cause him a serious shortage of funds for a period of time, as long as he distributes these books to his colleagues in the surrounding cities for sale or resale at high prices, I believe that more funds will definitely continue to roll out. Into his account.厺厽厺厽


'That one……'

‘Sorry, excuse me? ’

At this time, a blond ponytail girl who just came here to buy magic keys but has not negotiated the price, and even wanted to lure a bad old man to lower the price, saw what little Annie did. Seeing that the boss swiftly put away the books and took out a wad of new and large bills for Little Annie from the safe, she finally couldn't help but also rushed up.

"My name is Lucy, I am glad to meet you!"

"!!!" 攫欝攫

"I don't want your money, although they are indeed a huge sum of money, but please don't look at me with that weird look!"

"I'm not as bad as this profiteer!!"

Just said something, and saw that the little guy quickly put those thick and brand-new money into the pocket that seemed to have the magic effect of space, and then he held his pocket and looked at him warily. After she looked like, Lucy waved her hand and explained:

"Is such that……"

"Excuse me..."

"Do you have any magic books or key magic items that open doors for sale?"

"If so, please sell it to me. I can give you a preferential price. In that case, there will be no middlemen to make the difference?"

Originally, Lucy wanted the 20,000-dollar'little white dog' in this store, but helplessly, she began to seduce each other, and the other party was only willing to lose a thousand jokers... just now she almost couldn't help it. I wanted to bite my teeth and buy it, but now that this little guy who seemed to have a lot of magic books came here to sell those precious books, she suddenly had an idea and came up to ask.

The other party is very young, and it looks like he is only eight or nine years old. Although he does not look like the kind of dealer who specializes in selling magic items, for Lucy, if he can spend a little bit of money, he can achieve her goal. If she can buy what she needs, she is still happy to do it.



"Door opening magic or key magic props?"



"The props are temporarily absent, but people can teach you the magic of ‘open the door’. It’s called ‘Alaho Cave Open’. It’s easy to learn. Do you want it?"


After thinking about it, Annie quickly said what the other party might need, because it wasn't too difficult for her.

"really have?"

"Alaho Cave opens?"

"Can the effect be better than it?!"

Unexpectedly, the other party actually had it. The young lady whose name was Lucy excitedly pointed out the ‘Little White Dog’ key that she had just brought over and put it on the counter.

Is that the ‘medium’ magic item used by the celestial wizards to summon the celestial spirits of the different world, or it can be said that it is the ‘contract’ that opens the portal to summon the other world? And things like that are very important to such astral wizards!


"Should be better?"


After all, one is a magic key for a specific lock, and the other is a magic key for a variety of locks and closed doors, and it can be used unlimited times without having to carry it. Therefore, Annie feels the value of that magic It should be above the key.

Anyway, she didn't even look at the specific attributes and functions of the key on the counter just now, because she didn't use her power at all now, so she thought the key was just some kind of universal key to open the door. That's it?


"That's great, please be sure to sell it to me at a fair price!!"

With little stars in her eyes, the young lady whose name was called Lucy hurried to Anne's side and begged excitedly.


"People won't give you a thousand J less just because they saw your thigh!"



"I won't show you this little bit of my thigh!"


"I'm going to invite you to dinner, and you'll count less. Isn't it all right?"

Thinking of the fact that she just wanted to seduce a bad old man just because she wanted to spend less money, Lucy couldn’t help but a hint of red glow appeared on her face, but she quickly left it behind and turned. And so suggested to the little girl.

"Invite someone to eat?"


"Okay, okay! That's the decision, let's go! What kind of delicious meal do you want to eat, eat seafood!!" 巘戅玩吧 Novel Online 戅



"Of course no problem, the seafood here is the freshest! Come on, I'll take you there!"

Lucy didn't lie, she patted her chest generously and led the little girl she had accidentally encountered outside.

Because Harujion is a port city with well-developed fisheries, it is really appropriate to eat seafood here. They are indeed very, very fresh, and they are still lively before being cooked! Of course, at the same time, they are also the least valuable. She probably only needs to spend a small amount of money to make this little girl who looks like a belly can't hold much to eat!


"I introduced it just now, my name is Lucy, little guy, what's your name?"

While leading the other person outside the profiteer's shop, Lucy introduced it again and asked with a smile.

"It's Annie!"



"You are the same as me, and you are not from Harujion, but you are also from outside?"

"Hmm! Hmm!"


"You are not here alone?"

"Just one person!"


"You came out and run around at such a young age, aren't you afraid? There are many bad guys in this world, just like the old man behind."

With that, Lucy lowered her voice and glanced at an innocent magic item shop owner.

"I'm not afraid!"


"People are very strong!"



"Then you must be a very strong wizard?"

"Should be considered?"



"Then which guild do you belong to?"


"You didn't join the guild either? Great, neither did I! I was also looking for a guild, or, let's be together?"

攫欝攫. "That `s a deal!"

"Then, Annie, we are friends now. Which magic you teach me for free, and I can take you to find a powerful guild to join, what do you think?"

"You agree? That's great, it's a deal!"

"Let's go!"

"I'll take you to dinner first!!"



Seeing that the customer who originally belonged to him turned out to beg for something from others, and seeing the two big and small girls walking away with a smile, although the shop owner wanted to say something, but...seeing that little girl seemed to be considered worthy It was his big customer, and he had just completed a large order. After thinking about it, he could only stand aside in silence. Without saying much, he just watched the two people talk and laugh and push his shop away. Door and leave.


However, two hours later, Lucy still had to go back to the magic item shop in frustration, and spent another 20000J to buy the ‘white dog’ key.

Because, she discovered that the magic given to her by a little girl was not what she wanted at all? So, after finally meeting that ‘little white dog’, apart from going back to be slaughtered honestly and losing the originally stated offer, there seems to be no good way to do it?


Looking at the magic magazine in her hand, and then at the little girl lying on the chair saunting the sun, Lucy sighed heavily.

厺厽厺厽. "Ugh……"

"Mila Zhen's portrait is so beautiful..."


"It would be great if I could join Fairy Tail too, that's what I dream of!"

Flicking through the magazine and looking at the content that he was interested in, Protoss Wizard Lucy couldn't help but sighed in frustration.



However, at this moment, a certain messy little girl who was lying on the chair sang the sun suddenly came to her side.

?"Fairy Tail?"


"Is that ‘Fairy Tail’ guild strong and famous?"

"Of course!"

"Fairy Tail is one of the strongest guilds in the world!"

Lucy said longingly. It's not too sure whether she's specific, but anyway, in her heart, the status of the "Fairy Tail" guild is so lofty! Although, some of the other party's negative reputation is also quite bad?



"Then, Sister Lucy, let's find a way to join the "Fairy Tail" guild, and then challenge their guild leader!"


Annie waved her small fists and said grimly.


"I definitely want to join, but... why do we challenge their president?"

巘戅m戅. Lucy was a little bit inexplicable, wondering why the little girl next to her suddenly had that thought.

"Of course it's because they want to kill their guild leader, and then occupy their powerful guild!"

After all, now Annie is still thinking about the main task, and since it is a task, although she does not necessarily have to complete it, but as long as she does her best, even if she is not urged, she will do her best anyway. of.

Of course, maybe you don't need to burn it so cruelly, just defeat the other party, let the other party honestly hand over the throne of the president, so that she can continue the mission?



"Annie! Don't talk nonsense about that kind of thing!!"

"Forget it!"

"I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to go around and have a look. In the evening, let's go to the hotel that we just said meet?"

Lucy didn't take those words of Little Annie to heart. After all, it seemed to her to be nothing but childish words? So, seeing that the time had come to the afternoon, and there would be no chance if she didn't go shopping, she finally waved at a little guy who was reluctant to move, and walked towards the distant street by herself.

"Hmm! Hmm!"


"When you see something delicious, remember to help others buy it!!"


After yelling to the back of the other party, regardless of whether the other party heard it or took it to heart, Annie lay back directly on the chair in this street park and began to rest beautifully while basking in the sun.



? Ask for a ticket?

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