Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1338: Wow! Burn me to death! ! ! !

Although, Little Annie didn't know who the "owner" that Miss Lucy was yelling about was, but in the end, she still reluctantly used her own specific fun and efficient way , To identify someone the other party is looking for.

Then, when the army from Harugyon showed up aggressively and prepared to outflank them, they were preparing to arrest certain mobs who had fought in the city, destroyed houses, and killed countless lives, although Annie did nothing bad. , But they still had to drag someone with her bruised nose and swollen face, plus the cherry-haired guy who was severely stepped on the foot, from the scene of the crime, and instead pretended to be someone else’s name. And the villains who abducted women were left to the local army.

As for the red flame wizard named ‘Pola’, what kind of tragic end and ending will be when facing those angry garrisons, they don’t know for the time being, and they don’t want to know.

Anyway, the unfortunate thing is someone else, so they are happy to assume that nothing has happened.


"Welcome to "Fairy Tail"! ’

‘Here! ’

‘Lucy, and Annie, this is the residence of our guild, how is it, does it look beautiful? ’

Pointing to this beautiful three-story building in front of you, pointing to this luxurious house mainly composed of beautiful red tiles, cyan pillars, windows and golden exterior walls. The two fairy decorations on the outer large doors and the top floor With the huge guild flag of the'Fairy Tail', a certain Meow who can only transform into wings and flies in the air said so proudly and proudly.


'cut! ’

As for a certain "Fire Dragon Slayer" Etelias Naz Doragnir who was supposed to be the recommender, at this time, he followed behind with his lips in anger, right. The two girls in front of him, especially someone who beat him up badly, made his face a little swollen, and one of the little girls who still had purple marks on their eyes was even more disdainful and unwelcome!

But there is no way. When traveling together these few days, he tried, and he seems... really can't beat the other party?

At least, it can't be hit?

Of course, he would definitely not admit that his famous "fire dragon" could not beat the opponent. It was just that the opponent was too cunning, and he didn't know why he was equally afraid of fire, and there was that kind of weird ability to fight He gave the weird magic to become a frog or other small animals!

If the real swords and guns were used in the face, he believed that with the blind and arrogant little girl who did not know the so-called, he was afraid that ten or eight would not be enough for him to punch!

However, the premise is: he can successfully get close to the opponent and successfully punch his unmatched "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist" on the opponent's small chin?

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but think seriously, and if he really wants to take revenge one day, how should he approach the other party?

Is it a sneak attack, or...



‘! ? ’

Perhaps he sensed his hostility, or his eyes kept on the other person, so at this moment, Naz was surprised to find that the magic puppet bear standing on the shoulder of the little girl turned his head. Come and give him a bad look?

'laugh! ! ’

Naz obviously wouldn't take that puppet bear or something.

Therefore, he just turned his head away, ignoring the threatening look that the other party was staring at him, but there was no substantive threat in the small eyes, and then moved on.

'Wow? ’

‘This is the Fairy Tail Guild Station? ’

"It's so beautiful..."

These words came from the celestial wizard Lucy Hatfield, who had always dreamed of joining the "Fairy Tail" guild. It was a sincere admiration from her heart.

Then, when she thought that in the future, she could officially join the guild and still live with other powerful members of the "Fairy Tail", take risks and perform various tasks, she couldn't help but clenched in excitement. Raised her fist.

Because, from now on, she will also be a member of the glorious "Fairy Tail", and no longer need to envy other people's colorful life and interesting experience in the guild magazine!

"It's here?"


"It's not that pretty, it's just so-so..."

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

This kind of small three-story wood-stone structure that is not big enough, not beautiful enough, and not magnificent enough, although a little bit worse, it doesn’t deserve her Queen Anne’s name and identity, but she also thinks Now that it’s all here, it’s still too troublesome to find another guild to join and seize the other’s guild leader.

Therefore, for Queen Anne, who is particularly afraid of trouble, it is still easier to look at this place for the time being, and think of a way to occupy it.

Bang! !

And at this time, a certain person who was already dissatisfied with the cherry-haired guy who had accumulated endless resentment, that Naz, no matter what Anne and Lucy thoughts, this time he went out and felt that it was not going well, so Angrily walked to the front door of the guild residence, then kicked their own door open with one kick, and walked in first.

‘Everyone! I am back! ! ’

Then, feeling very upset, he yelled bitterly at the guys who turned their heads toward him after hearing the kicking.

‘Hi~! ’

‘Hello Naz. ’

'Yo! Are you finally willing to come back? ’

'Welcome back! ’

'Ah! ’

‘We just thought that you have been captured by Haruziion’s army and are considering whether to go to the robbery field and get you off the guillotine. So you weren’t caught? ’

"It really disappoints us..."

‘Hey! ’

‘By the way, what’s the matter with your face, why are your eyes swollen? ’

‘I was beaten so badly? ’

‘Naz, it seems that you are really going back more and more. You can’t handle such a small matter. ’

‘Oh, it’s good for him to come back alive, we are almost used to it, right? ’

‘Hahaha! ! ! ’

When the people inside greeted, ridiculed, or ridiculed and spoke, Naz didn’t want to be patient at all. He straightened his face, and then angrily rushed towards some guy, and grabbed him. There was a scuffle on the floor.

‘! ! ’

'hateful! You guy still has the face to say that the information you gave me is fake, fake! ! ! ’

'Hey! ’

‘Naz, don’t mess around! ! ’

'go to hell! ! ’

'what? ! ’

Bang! !

'hateful! ’

‘Who are you hitting? Go out and fight, don't hinder my old lady from drinking! ! ’

clang! !

‘! ! ’

'hateful! Go together and beat him up! ’

'what! ! ’

'stop! ! ’

Boom! ! !

‘! ! ’

‘Dare to come and dare to mess with the old lady? Sisters! Go together! ’

‘Beat him! ! ’

'on! ! ’

‘Uh~! ’

‘Go to hell! ! ’

Kang Dang~! !

Soon, after the cherry-haired guy, after the Naz had a fight with some big-fanged guy, and caused the rest or chatting and drinking people around to be affected more or less, more and more The members of'Fairy Tail' also joined the melee in anger.

And then……

Inevitably, a fight from pure strength and fist to flesh began to be staged vigorously in the hall of such a unique ‘Demon Tail’ guild.


'how so? ’

'Hey! What's the matter with them, why don't they look like normal people? ’

After sighing from the outside, Lucy led a certain little girl with an indifferent look and a certain meow into the hall, what she saw was this terrible scene before her.

Here, where is the world’s largest (one) and most famous (one) "Fairy Tail" guild now?

It seems to be a large-scale collective fight scene! !

‘! ! ’

‘Why, how can you still use magic? ! ’

So, seeing this in front of me quickly swept most of the people, and after hitting someone started to use magic brazenly because they couldn't do it with their fists, Lucy was a little bit uncomfortable.



"Here it possible that whoever fights hard can be the president?"


However, Annie is different from Lucy. She doesn't care about such small details at all. In her opinion, it would be great if all the problems can be solved directly with fists.

When the time comes, she will go and directly beat the guild leader of the'Fairy Tail' to the ground first, and then persuade everyone who opposes her, and then, this'Fairy Tail' guild will belong to her. Forget it, she will complete the task easily!

As for whether a certain'Lulu' magic can beat so many people, and whether it can beat the guild leader, she didn't think so much for the time being.

'hateful! ’

'Kill you! ! ’

‘You try? ’

‘Try it! ! ’

‘Ah! ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Dragon Slaying Upanishad·Red Lotus Blazing Blade! ’(To be sent!)

‘! ? ’

‘Ice Shape: Ice and Snow Cannon! ! ’(To be sent!)

‘Okay! ’

‘Look at my water flow! ’

‘Hot! ! ’



The battle here began to escalate, and many people revealed their magic, so that frost, flames, cards, petrified skin, etc. began to be staged in this hall.

Of course, they all just bluffed out their magic, and they didn't directly type it out.

‘! ! ’

boom! ! !

At this time, when a larger-scale conflict was about to break out, a huge black shadow appeared abruptly above the heads of Annie and Lucy, and a certain cherry-colored hair was straightened by one foot. The triumphant guy stepped under the floor, and the other huge **** foot stepped directly in front of Annie and Lucy, making them all startled.

‘You idiots! ’

‘Stop it all! ! ! ’

Then, a terrible roar resounded from the mouth of this huge black monster.


!? (?''??)?

"Damn it! You almost stepped on someone!!"


Isn't it just becoming a big magic? That kind of magic Annie doesn't know how to do it!

Even if she abides by the rules and cannot use her powers, the madness of the fairy witch alone is enough to achieve the same effect. Moreover, as long as the magic power she provides when she casts the "Wild Wild Long" is enough, she can grow as much as herself or others!

So, seeing the bad guy in front of me who didn't know who it was suddenly grew bigger and scared me, and almost stepped on me, how could she easily forgive such a thing?

"Ha! Get smaller quickly!"


puff! !

Almost instantly, a guy who grew bigger and still had his back to Annie, before he had time to go wild and say a few more words, he was directly hit by the tall **** by Annie’s magic, and then the powerful magic power was instantly It wrapped its huge, black monster body like a demon.

Then, without giving it a chance to react and resist, it was instantly shrunk by the magical power of reshaping reality and changing the essential structure of the world, and soon turned into a squirrel and fell down before landing. , Was caught by the quick-eyed Annie.

‘! ! ’

‘? ? ’

‘? ! ’

At this moment, after seeing Annie, a strange little girl who turned a huge black demon into a squirrel and caught it, the group of'monster tails' who were still hesitating to continue fighting. 'The members were stunned instantly as if they had been cast a hold technique.



Then, they stared at each other and kept their original various postures without saying a word. They looked at someone who had caught the squirrel with disbelief and not knowing what to say. Prevent the other party from resisting or biting her hand while carrying the other girl in circles and shaking vigorously.


That kind of expression, that kind of weird change in the instant cold field, made Lucy on the side startled, and then subconsciously quietly moved aside two steps, trying to keep enough distance from a little girl and draw a line. Want to prove that she doesn't have much relationship with a little girl?

However, fortunately, this state did not last long. It was soon broken by a woman who turned out from a side door of a hall with a handsome waist.

‘Now! ’

‘You two, the two new people that Naz told us about to join us, right? ’

‘Welcome to you! ’

At this time, a certain person wore a long white soft hair, combed his bangs to the top of his head and tied a pigtail, with a pair of brown-blue pupils, and was also wearing a red dress-like dress, with round and smooth shoulders. And the surging waves of a certain pair of giants showed their graceful shapes. The woman who suddenly showed two cups and came to Lucy and behind a certain miserable little girl who was'flapping' something, and used that sweetness. In a sweet and considerate tone, they greeted softly the two people who were being left out.

'Hello there……'

'what! You, are you Mira Jane herself? ! ’

"Big sister, so are you!"


Lucy and Annie greeted the people separately. However, unlike Lucy who was exclaiming, Annie did not stop when she said hello, so she worked clockwise and counterclockwise. Shifting the clock hand to grasp the small thing on her hand and circling it so hard that she almost couldn't see what she was holding in her hand.

And the reason why Annie is like that is because that method she found is the most effective method that can effectively subdue an enemy who has been turned into a small animal, but will not damage the opponent’s body and cause the transformation to fail. The method is very useful and fun?

‘Oh! ’

‘Really, so many things have been broken... But why did you suddenly stop breaking? ’

'what? ’

‘Why do you all look so strange, what’s wrong, what happened? ’

"Where is the president? ’

Miraj Strauss, nicknamed "Mila Jane", is an S-rank wizard of the Fairy Tail Guild, this "signature girl" with a gentle and sunny smile is called Fairy Tail. Once published in the magical'Sorcerer' weekly magazine, a'sturdy' photo album, even Lucy couldn't help but envy the jealous and the women who were downwind. After seeing the weird situation on the scene, she couldn't help using her fingers strange Lit her **** lower lip and asked.


"I, I don't know anything!!"

Realizing a trace of weirdness and fearing that she would be implicated in some bad things by innocent Lucy, Lucy hurriedly raised her hands up and said that she really didn’t know anything, even if something bad happened. There is absolutely nothing to do with her.

Although Lucy doesn’t know what this weird situation is all about, but she only knows that it’s definitely right to get rid of the relationship and keep a distance from a messy little girl, especially now that she’s just now Come, before you have time to officially join the "Fairy Tail" guild?



Seeing that the president is not here, the'Mila Jenny' looked around in confusion, but besides seeing the mess in a place, the one who didn't see them should have been there to preside over the order. Where is the president of

"Didn't the president just come down to teach you?"

"What about others now?!"

Miraj Strauss asked again.

However, everyone still did not answer her question, but subconsciously cast their eyes on a certain little girl.

To be more precise, should it be put on a little hand that a little girl is still shaking?



"You... are you looking for it?"


Finally, Annie had to stop her movements, and instead lifted the poor little squirrel in her hand that had been stunned by her and could not even resist or bite.



"This squirrel looks familiar..."


"It, shouldn't it be the president?!"

Soon, from everyone’s eyes, reactions, and a certain little girl’s jealous expression, Miraj Strauss quickly came back to his senses and figured out what happened. He just covered his mouth and asked in exclamation.


"How did it become like this? And how can it be changed back?!"

Then, I carefully took the president of my family from the little girl and put it on the table. I found that the other party didn’t have any serious injuries, but I didn’t know why I couldn’t even climb up. , She asked nervously at a little girl.



"If you want to change it back, you only need to give it a little damage, and it should be able to recover!"


Anyway, Annie would never tell these people that as long as the time arrives, as long as she doesn't continue to cast the spell, the other party will be able to restore the original state by herself later.

Under the recommendation, I’m using the book-chasing app recently, [\Mic\Mic\Reading\app\\] cache reading, offline reading!


"How to do?"

Miraj didn't know how to do it, so he could only look at a little girl who was lying on the table again.

"It should be fine like this!"


Annie didn’t know the specific degree of injury she had to declare. So, after thinking about it, she directly picked up the two cups of hot drinks that were still steaming hot from the beautiful white-haired lady just now. The one who fell on the table was stunned by her just swiping in a circle. She couldn't even stand, but was lying on the back of the poor little squirrel.




"Wow ah ah ah!!!!!!"

"So hot! So hot!"

"I'm burning to death!!!"

A sorrowful cry began to sound in the guild hall of Fairy Tail, and then, a small, awkward old man wearing a nightcap popped out of the heat, and then he stumbled while clutching his back. The ground rolled from the table to the floor. After UU read and walked forward a few steps staggeringly, he could no longer maintain his balance and fell to the ground.

Obviously, after Annie held the little squirrel he had just turned into and swung her arms for countless laps, he could no longer control his own body balance in a short time.

‘! ! ’

‘Meeting, chairman? ’

‘President! ’

‘You, are you okay? ’

‘President? ! ’

Finally, the people around who had been looking at this side dullly at this time finally reacted, and then they surrounded the bad old president president in their mouths, and greeted them with concern.

"Meeting, president?"




"I didn't do anything just now!!"

?( ̄??)?

Upon seeing this, Annie, who found herself accidentally in trouble again, was agitated, and hurriedly stuffed the cup into Lucy’s arms, and then held her hands high, indicating that the cup of hot drink did not seem to be She fell down!

Anyway, she would definitely not admit it!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



"I did nothing!!!"

Seeing a certain little girl’s pie, and then seeing an old man’s president subconsciously looking towards herself, Lucy hurriedly threw the cup in her hand aside, and then said with her hands high. .

"I swear!"

"It really wasn't me!"


???°益°??? Ask for votes????°益°??

For more exciting, please see the author of ㊣ edition

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