Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1345: Who is the main force|????)?

Gunuji Station, here is already under martial law.

At this time, a group of fiore kingdom heavy plate armored soldiers were standing in battle here to maintain order and investigate the cause and casualties of the attack.

Because, not long ago, a terrible guy with a sickle and a group of terrorists raided this station and caused a serious panic. He also killed a lot of people. Right now, he was lying around the station platform. Those corpses on the ground are proof!

At the same time, their group of terrorists hijacked the train, and weirdly drove all the passengers off the train.

And according to the relevant confessions and descriptions of eyewitnesses, there is no doubt that it was the mysterious organization that haunted the city, that is, the dark guild of ‘Iron Forest’! As for the terrorist leader holding a scythe, it is of course the president of the ‘Iron Forest’ guild, the man known as the ‘Reaper’—Erigor!

Of course, whether it is necessary to continue investigations, inquiries, and verifications, the military has not yet reached a final conclusion.

"I don't understand. If it was hijacking a carriage or a ship, it would be excusable..."


"Hijack the train..."

"The train can only move on the rails. Where can those guys hijack the train and go? Send a magic message to the city or station in front of the rails, let the soldiers in front block the rails in advance, and then send someone to follow. After chasing them up, wouldn't they just wait for capture?"

"Are the guys in the'Iron Forest' Guild really that stupid?"

I found a certain "abandoned" companion Naz, and chased him up. He also looked at the Gunuki station that had been martialized by the soldiers from a distance. Lucy, who was standing next to the magic drive four-wheeler, was somewhat Exclaimed in disbelief.

After all, hijacking other vehicles or ships is plausible. You can escape and hide at any time. Under normal circumstances, you can’t find one without a clear clue. You can hijack the train and drive away all the passengers at the same time. Taking the passengers as hostages, facing this point, she really couldn't understand why.


"Habi didn't even think about the tools that can only be driven on the rails, where can they go after hijacking?"


"It's all to blame this guy, if he could stop him then..."


"You fellow, don't throw up on me!!!"


While talking, Gray and the silly Hobby looked at a certain ugly face in the magic four-wheel-drive car, Naz, who was in a state of motion sickness, and soon disputed over certain things. The noise started.

At that time, the opponent had a great opportunity to stop the enemy and **** the song of the'Lalabay' curse, but in the end, that kind of excellent opportunity to crush all the opponent's conspiracy in one fell swoop, then the opponent was caused by motion sickness. Because of this, I was abruptly missed.



"Could it be because there might be something delicious on the train?"


Annie felt that if there was something particularly delicious in the car, she might want to hijack the train, and then drive everyone off, and then take over those delicious things by herself.




"But the train has speed!"

Elisa directly answered Lucy and Hobby’s questions, and did not take much care of a little girl who was talking nonsense.

"You have seen it too, we galloped all the way, and we couldn't catch up with them..."

"If Naz, the idiot who let go of the enemy, is right, the skeleton-like walking stick with three eyes, and the song of the'Lalabayi' curse, I'm afraid it is their trust."

"With that terrible magic wand of death, no matter how many troops the kingdom sends, I'm afraid it can't stop them!"

The song of Lalabay’s curse was originally just a black magic item for cursing, but before, a dark wizard named Zelephan transformed it and evolved it into a The powerful magic flute, anyone who hears the sound of the flute will be destroyed, and their lives will immediately disappear. It is a very terrifying weapon of mass invisible killing!

As long as the user's magic power is strong enough, in principle, it can even instantly and invisibly curse all the residents of the entire city?


"I can't imagine what kind of crazy and terrible things he can do after the large-scale curse magic item falls into the hands of Eli Gore..."

Elisa exclaimed ugly.

They were chasing the train with a magic four-wheel drive vehicle and received Naz. After hearing Naz’s description, they ran all the way, but the four-wheel drive magic vehicle would definitely not be able to catch up with the train on the bumpy mud road. So, when they arrived here, the gang of'Iron Forest' had successfully hijacked the train and evacuated for a long time. All they can see now is the messy Gunuki station and that one. The army of the kingdom is under investigation.

"Could it be..."

"What is the important or other reason that the'Iron Forest' Guild needs to be very anxious to accomplish their goals?"

A certain Gray, who was very afraid of heat because of the cold magic, took off his clothes and exposed his upper body from the car window and leaned out his head to try to guess.


"For whatever reason, let's catch up along the tracks first!"

"Annie, hurry up, get in the car!"

"This time, you will provide the magic power."

Eliza, who was eager to stop the conspiracy of the'Iron Forest' guild, and eager to stop the other party from using that'Lalabay' to do some crazy things, did not want to waste time here, so she directly greeted everyone to get in the car, and then She also waved to a little girl who still wanted to watch the excitement, and wanted Annie to sit in the driving seat next to her.



"But, why should someone provide magic power? Isn't that shirtless guy also okay?"


Hearing asking herself to provide magic power, Annie was obviously a little unhappy.


"There may be a fight later. They are the main combatants and must retain enough magic power!"

Elisa shook her head with a stern face, rejected Annie's proposal, and explained the reason.



"People themselves seem to be the main combatants... Or, let Sister Lucy provide her magic power? Anyway, as you said, she, like Hobby, is just to join in the fun and make trouble, isn't she?"

?? (??◇??)?

Annie directly said the kind of words that made Lucy and a certain cat black face, and at the same time, the mind was also critically hit to varying degrees.

"Lucy is even worse!"

"She is a celestial wizard. She can barely fight with the help of a contract. That magical power is of no use at all! Hurry up, don't waste time, just decide it is you. If it's late, I'm afraid we won't be able to chase her. The guys in the Iron Forest."

With that said, Elisa stretched out her hand without any doubt, grabbed Annie's arm, and carried some unwilling little guy into the car.

Because Elisa herself also needs to retain a certain amount of magic power to fight, so in order to deal with the battle that may happen or is about to happen at any time, especially when the enemy still holds the terrible song of the'Lalabayi' curse , She needs to recharge her energy and keep enough power that can be used to fight.



No way, the other party said that. Annie had to let the other party use the energy transmission tool of the magic four-wheel drive, so that the handcuff-like thing was directly put on her little wrist, and began to move towards the magic of the magic four-wheel drive. The engine outputs its own magic.

‘! ! ’

‘Wow! ! ’

‘Slow, slow down! ! ’

'So fast! ’

‘Oh~! ! ’

Then, in an instant, this magic four-wheel drive accelerated so frantically and flew out directly, causing the three people in the carriage to scream frantically and make noise.

‘! ! ’

‘Ann, Annie! ’

Fortunately, Elisa reacted fast enough and had amazing driving skills. Otherwise, if she changed her personally, the car just flew for a while, and with a terrible acceleration of three seconds to 100 kilometers, she would have to go directly to the bottom of the cliff on the side!

'too fast! ’

‘Don’t be so wasteful, quickly reduce your magic output, make it smaller, it’s too fast, if this continues, the car will fall apart! ! ’

However, seeing the car still speeding up and speeding, so that the screaming wind had blown her red hair away and breathing was a little difficult, Elisa tried to manipulate it. While driving the car to make sure it would not overturn, he urged loudly to the little guy on the side.



"It's a very small magic output now, it can't be smaller anymore!"


"Besides, Sister Elisa, isn't this good? Look, it's much faster than it was just now!"


It would definitely not work to let her Queen Anne slow down. Who told her to transmit energy to this broken car just now?

However, in view of the fact that the road conditions are indeed not so good, it is not the kind of parking road suitable for high-speed drag racing, and the sturdiness of the broken car is still to be questioned, so Annie still slowed down a little bit and changed the speed To maintain a relatively stable value.


‘! ! ’

'not good! ! ’

Even if Annie has been very careful to control the magic output, but the terrible speed is still a little beyond the range of Elisa's ability, so that after seeing a corner in front, she actually subconsciously Let go of the joystick and want everyone to abandon the car and run for their lives?



"There is a turn ahead, be careful!!"

!? (??''????)??

No way, seeing that the opponent's driving skills were not good enough, Annie had to grab the steering wheel like the steering wheel of the opponent, and controlled the magic four-wheel drive to make a dangerous turn around the'S' shape. Leaning on the edge of the cliff, the two wheels on one side were thrown out of the cliff, and they were pulled back dangerously by the exclamation of everyone, and soon a beautiful drift amid the sharp friction of tires After the tail flick, he drove away.

‘Ah ah! ! ! ’

‘Slow, slow down! What's the matter with you guys? ’

"The stuff in my stomach is shaking out..."

'vomit! ! ! ’

‘Elisa? ’

'Hey! ’

‘Elisa? You slow down! ’


‘It’s none of my business, Annie is driving! ! ! ’

With a sullen face, holding the iron rod beside the open-top driver's seat in front of her tightly, it took a long time for Elisa to face those gusts of wind that sunk the muscles on her face, and she tried to suffocate such a word. Come.

‘What, what? ! ’

‘It’s Annie? ’

'she was? That little guy? ’

'not good! ’

‘Stop it! I want to get off! ! ’

‘Hobby too! ! ! ’

'Look! ’

‘That, that is...’

'cliff? ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Be careful, there is a cliff ahead, there is no way! ’

'what! ! ! ’

'Do not! ! ! ’

‘Stop it! ! ! ’

"Aha! Go!"

??*. ??(??)????*.

In the exclamation and screaming of everyone, Annie not only did not stop, but accelerated, and rushed directly towards the cliff in front.

‘Ah! ’

‘I’m going to die! ’

‘I don’t want it! ! ’

‘Oh~! ! ’

"Meow~! ’

boom! ! !

Cang Dang! ! !

Soon, it stayed in the air for less than two seconds, and the vehicle that was about to fall off the cliff fell dangerously to the opposite ground under the action of inertia, and then it did not fall apart strangely after making a loud noise. Driven by a little girl, she galloped straight ahead.



"This is so fun!!"


There is no doubt that in the eyes of a little girl, this kind of kart-like thing is really fun.

It’s a pity that the shock absorption system and riding experience of this magic-powered four-wheeled vehicle are not very user-friendly, so whether it’s the three people sitting in the car or sitting beside the driver’s seat holding on to the iron pillar guardrail. Elisa is very uncomfortable!

However, Annie doesn't care about their feelings!

Right now, who was having fun, she continued to control the vehicle to rush forward at a super high speed on the dirt road of this mountain stream, and at the same time, she bumped the passengers on the car.

At this moment, except for Elisa who was holding the iron pillar tightly in front with her arms and not being too embarrassed, the three people in the carriage had already rolled into a ball.


ε=(????`●))) alas

(Tibbles, standing on the shoulders of some nasty little master of his own house, first glanced at the three crowded in the car behind him, then looked at the strongest S-Class in front of him who had already turned his face away. Sorcerer, it doesn't even know what to say.

But there is no way. These people asked for it. Who told them to let this messy little master output magic power to control the speed of the vehicle and touch the joystick smoothly? )


At this time, at the Gunuki station behind Annie's vehicle, the heavy armored soldiers of the kingdom and the passengers who were still a little shocked due to the atrocities of the dark guild of the'Iron Forest', they saw not far from the station After the long smoke and dust rising on the mountain road, I can't help but feel a little surprised.

'report! ’

‘Sir! Suspicious situation found on the mountain! ’

‘Suspicious situation? ’

'Well! ? ’

‘That kind of movement, those flying dust, wouldn’t it be dragons or other large animals flying by at low altitude? ’

‘Sir! I do not know! ’

'do not know? Don't know if you should send two cavalry teams to see it soon? ’

‘But sir, UU reading can’t catch up with the speed of the cavalry, right? ’

‘Anyway, go and see! ’

'Yes! ’

‘Yes! ! ’

Soon, a group of hussars quickly jumped out of the Gunuji station, which was under martial law, and then started chasing horses along the mountain road and the ups and downs, trying to see what it was. There was such a big movement.

However, at this time a certain little girl had already controlled the vehicle to jump over the cliff, and no longer knew where to go.

So, the cavalry who followed the dust to investigate the situation, soon had to stop in front of the previous cliff, and looked at each other for a long time, looking at the long string of dust traces that disappeared on the edge of the sky. Speechless.


ε??(????????)??з?? Happy New Year????(ˊ〇ˋ*)??


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