Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1363: = ???? ('ヮ' = ????)…

A certain "fire frog" Naz, who had been wafting since just now, was still alive and wafting away the precious time to win the one-minute transformation time. At this time, he finally flew back in an extremely embarrassed manner and landed dangerously on the dam. On that piece of ground, began to fight with other companions against the guild members who were chasing him, who seemed extremely violent, and the more black ghost soldiers.

'what! ’

  ‘Good job! ’

  ‘Naz, great! ’

  ‘Without the Jupiter Cannon, everything would be much easier! ’

  ‘Now their castle is ruined, the loss must be very heavy, we absolutely can’t lose this time! ’

  ‘That’s right! ’

  ‘Oh! Don't be eager to be happy, hurry up, and wipe out those nasty ghosts first! ! ’

  ‘But, what should I do, they seem to be constantly reborn! ’

'Humph! ’

  ‘Keep on attacking! Their energy cannot be infinite, nor can they be reborn infinitely! Therefore, please try to eliminate them as many times as possible without letting them draw our vitality! ’

  ‘Understood! ’

  ‘That’s all we can do! ’

'let's start! Fight them to the end! ’

  ‘To wipe out those enemies! ’

'Yay! ! ’

  ‘The fairy must win! ’

  ‘We must win! ! ’

  ‘Drink! ’

'kill! ! ’

  ‘Start to fight back! ! ’

Although, Naz was rushed back, but the current situation is not too bad for the guild, so their morale is still very high, and it is as if they will soon win the final victory. general?


   However, Annie is not as optimistic as they are.

Because, at this time, I put a layer of fairy shield on myself, so that the ghost soldiers can't rush in at all, and from time to time they still shoot. They are like walking in the battlefield, letting a series of small missiles take away the trouble. Things dissipated and reorganized, reorganized and dissipated, she was frowning and looking at the distance, watching the changes in the castle lying on the sea by the enemy.

  Smelly brats!

   Don't be too proud of you! !

   Now, it's our giant's turn to take the initiative, and witness this great magical technology!

  Our giant...

   It was awakened! !

At this time, as the distant castle that was originally destroyed and beaten by Naz and fell into the bay and nearly half of it was still soaking in water, finally completed the steps of transformation and transformation, and then followed the broadcast. The violent scream of guild president Joseph Paula, a huge giant made of metal and broken walls of the castle, or it can be said that it is a metal giant with a castle hanging on his body, unexpectedly from the bay. Slowly stood up?



   "This... Is this cheating?"


   "Tibbers, take a look at you, how can they still be like this, they can still put up high in the magical world?!"


   Annie is not too surprised, in fact, she is just a little uncomfortable!

Because, the one in front stands tall on the bay, bigger and taller than the giant that Naz has just accepted her "wild and wild growth". It is made of huge metal limbs as a skeleton and a castle. The outer wall is a body and pendant. What is it if it is not a "Gundam"?


   "It seems to be right to say that to you, it looks a little too clumsy indeed..."

   "Forget it! Then don't take our Gundam out to teach them!"


After discovering that it didn’t seem to be a Gundam, it was just a huge magical puppet used to scare people, Anne had to temporarily extinguish her collection, such as her own'freedom','justice' or 'Flaming Gene' gave the idea of ​​letting the enemy open their eyes.

   After all, since the other party didn't foul the rules first, she herself, Queen Anne, who has always been known for ‘becoming the rules’, certainly wouldn’t, nor could she easily violate that kind of ‘rules’.

   In the noise, the giant took a few steps forward.

But fortunately, that huge'Gundam', that magical device, and that giant magical puppet did not go directly to the shore, and then smashed the crowd and the guild station with one foot. It stopped so far, and stretched out the giant hand with only three fingers, and then pointed it so far in the direction of Magnolia City and used magical power to portray it in the air.

  ’! ! ’

'that is……'

  'Hey, what are you kidding me? ! ’

  ‘Why does the guild still have that kind of thing? It must have been ordered by the Magic Council to ban the production and use, right? ’

  ‘Damn it! ’

  ‘Really a magic giant! This is troublesome, that kind of thing, I am afraid that even the kingdom does not have it! ’


   At this time, maybe it is because you know that a futile attack does not have much effect, or is there a better way to control the enemy? Therefore, the large number of ghost soldiers actually withdrew most of them. They were in the shocking eyes of everyone, and hovered above the giant's head, like a huge black black ring.

   At the same time, a proud and arrogant voice rang again:

Hum hum……

   admit defeat and beg for mercy! Smelly brats!

   understand the gap between your humble power and ours, right? Now, feel your own last moments in despair!

Following the voice of Joseph Paula, everyone soon saw that a huge magic circle appeared under the fingers of the magical giant in front of the stopped giant, and then, without waiting to see that clearly What is the magic circle, more ghost soldiers rushed toward the shore again, and became even more ferocious than before, as if they had just received some kind of energy after returning?

  ’! ! ’

   "That magic circle is..."

'not good! ’

  ‘It’s Purgatory Broken! ! ’

  ‘Are they crazy? That is one of the taboo magic! ’

  ‘God! ’

  ‘What I’m more worried about now is, if such a magic is used by the magical giant, what kind of power is it? ’

   "I'm afraid..."

  ‘Hey! ’

  ‘That size, I’m afraid the entire city of Magnolia will be razed to the ground! ’

'and also! ’

  ’Hundreds of thousands of citizens will die in an instant! This of course also includes us! ’

  ‘Then, what should I do? ’

'do not know! ’

  ‘How long will it take to complete that magic? ’

  ‘Huh... it may be launched in ten minutes at the latest! ’


   Looking at the huge magic circle that was slowly completed in front of the giant in the distance, everyone didn't know what to do for a while. After all, such a huge fellow was beyond their ability.

   Unless, a little guy can use that huge magic'big move' again before the other party completes the spell, in that case, maybe they still have a chance to stop the other party?



   "Annie! What are you going to do?!"


When everyone was at a loss, suddenly, I just wanted to run next to a little guy, wanting to tease the other person and give myself another chance to transform, let myself tear down the giant, and promise that this time I will never Naz, who was wasting time, was surprised to see that the little guy, together with Tibbs, the puppet bear on her shoulder, was held by his hobbit and flew straight to the one that was parked on the sea in the distance. giant?

  ‘Damn it! ! ’

  ‘What’s wrong, Naz? ’

  ‘It’s Annie! ’

  ‘Habi took her to the giant! ’

'what? ’

  ‘She’s crazy, she dared to run towards the station alone, does she know how many enemies and those ghosts are there? ’

'All right! Elfman, now is not the time to talk about that! ’

  ‘Let’s go! ’

  ‘Let’s help her too! ’

  ‘Natz, follow you too. Face that terrible huge guy, I’m afraid it’s only possible to destroy it from the inside! ’

  ‘That’s the only way! ’

After hearing the conversation between Naz and Elfman, he had just repelled another wave of ghost soldiers’ attacks. Gray, who had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief, learned that a little guy dared to charge towards the enemy camp alone After going, he made a decisive decision.

   Then, before discussing with others, the three of them rushed into the sea, using Gray's magic of freezing sea water, and taking advantage of the chaos, they ran towards the huge giant standing in the bay far away at high speed.

  ‘But! ’

  ‘Let Annie make me giant again. Wouldn’t it be easier to defeat it? ’

  Naz also followed behind, but he was obviously still reluctant, because the reason why he flew back just now was to get Annie to give him that ‘big move’ again.

  ‘No way! ’

  ‘I just tried it! ’

  ‘Anne said, her big move has a CD, so it’s temporarily unavailable! ’

  ’CD? ’

What does   ‘CD mean? ’

  ‘It means that the magic is not enough! ’

  ‘Not enough magic power? That is to say, which one can you use today? ! ’

'Ok! ’

  ‘Damn it! ’

  ‘If I knew that their broken castle could still be transformed, I should just trample it to pieces! ! ’

In this way, after running and learning the reason from Gray’s mouth, someone with messy cherry-colored hair, wearing black short suspenders and sandals, wearing a black brace on his left wrist, and always surrounding his neck. The heartless-eyed guy with a white checkered pattern from the fire dragon king Igunil and a scarf like dragon scales wailed loudly.

   Of course, it’s too late to regret anything now!

So, seeing that a little guy has flown into the giant's body and has long since disappeared, Naz was annoyed by his previous actions and missed opportunities. At the same time, Naz, who also had the idea of ​​making up for it, hit hard and started under his feet. Accelerate, directly past Gray, and plan to quickly rush into the enemy's mechanical fortress in one step, and then help the little guy to destroy the enemy's magic giant, especially the opponent's magic power source or something!


  噗通! !

   Just a few steps away, Naz suddenly felt something wrong with the sea under his feet, and then fell into the sea, and had to drink a big mouthful of the salty and bitter sea water.

  ‘Cough! cough! ’

  ‘Damn it! ’

  ‘Grey! What do you want to do? ! ’

   Then, Naz, who was caught up by the quick-eyed Elfman, pulled it up and put it on the ice, naturally, while continuing to run forward, he yelled at someone in front of Gray who was against him.

'Humph! ’

  ‘It’s not what I want to do, but what do you want to do? ! ’

  ‘I will use magic to freeze the sea under my feet, but that can only last for a short time, so you must run behind me, not overtake me, and not too far behind! ’

'do you understand? ’

   Seeing that the other party dared to surpass himself without the ability to run on the sea, Gray turned back angrily and glared at the other party fiercely.

Although, he himself is really at odds with Naz, and he often fights and quarrels, but he is not so stupid that he is so stupid that he will drag the other side recklessly when he is alive or dead. !

'you! ’

  ‘Then you run faster! ’

After discovering that the sea in front of the opponent was indeed not frozen, and found that where the opponent ran, the pieces of frozen ice were indeed quickly washed away by the waves or broken and decomposed, Naz Then he urged to the other party in a bit of a jealousy.

'Humph! ’

  ‘Would you like to swim by yourself? ’

   Gray is not used to each other.

  Because, the reason why he maintains the current speed instead of being faster is just to take care of the two behind him, so that the ice left by the sea he ran over can be larger and longer lasting.

   If he speeds up, he can only take care of himself. Then, when the time comes, the two behind him can only fall into the sea and then swim slowly.

'okay! ’

  ‘You guys don’t say a few words! ’

  ‘Grey, pay attention to your magic power, don’t consume too much, there is still a big battle to be fought later! ’

  ‘And Naz! ’

  ‘After you just became a giant, you also wasted a lot of power, right? ’

  ‘Don’t even think about Let’s run over and quickly restore our magic power. Later, other people and the fate of the entire city, I’m afraid we can only look at us! ’

  ‘This is something we men must do! ! ’

'let's work hard together! ’

After Alfman Strauss stopped the conflict that was about to erupt between the two with his heavy words, he followed the still-unsatisfied Naz and followed Gray unhurriedly. Toward the huge magical giant in the distance, circumventing the enemy's interception and ran away.

   "This is it, right?"


   By this time, Annie and the Hobby who took her to fly had already reached the place.

   "Hey! Hobby, you can wait here first, or you can go back first. I have to go in and get rid of the bad guys!"


So, after giving an explanation to the blue cat who seemed to be a little scared, no matter what the other person thinks, Annie was alone, carrying her bear cub, and rushing directly towards the entrance of the broken castle. Entered, and soon disappeared without a figure.



  Habi didn't stop, let alone follow up.

  Because it saw the three of Naz, Gray and Elfman who were running towards here on the sea behind and fighting the ghosts that intercepted them. Therefore, it felt that after the three of them came, it might be safer to follow the three of them in?


  ☆⌒v ask for a ticket

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