Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1366: o(?^`)o Don’t ask, just say you don’t know...


The war between "Fairy Tail" and "Spectre Dominator", the two most powerful wizard guilds in the Fiore Kingdom, ended in a total victory of "Fairy Tail".

Because, the high level of "Spectre", including the president Joseph Pola, the "Four Elements", and the strongest Iron Dragon Slayer Jagiro Leitfox, etc., have all been A wretched little girl, was defeated by the faerie wizard who suddenly appeared!

Therefore, the war between the two sides came to an end.


Victory is not very good for everyone in "Fairy Tail."

It was not only due to the large number of casualties, but also heavy material and economic losses. For example, their original guild residences were all razed to the ground by the "ghosts" at this time, and everything was razed to the ground. Nothing left!

Although, the moving castle of "Spectre" is not much better, and it is still slanting in the bay not far outside Magnolia?

Of course, the casualties and economic losses are not the most serious. For the triumphant "Fairy Tail" guild, the worst thing is undoubtedly: just when they are enjoying the hard-won happily. The fruits of victory and the enthusiasm for the construction of their new guild station together, the trouble from the magic council came to the door.

After all, wars between the guilds of wizards are explicitly forbidden, not to mention that the two sides fought in the city of Magnolia, and then it was huge magic, it was the magic cluster cannon, and even the moving giant. The extremely nasty situation used by both the city destruction magic and the city destruction magic.

So, of course, the people in the "Fairy Tail" have just been so happy for two days, the army of the Magic Council, that is, the "Knights of Luen" came to Magnolia, and then they did that. The members of the "Fairy Tail" guild and some of the "ghost" senior officials who were still stranded (detained) were all arrested and controlled.

Then all the staff were transferred to a temporary military camp outside the city of Magnolia, and related investigations and interrogations of the ‘guild war’ that had an extremely bad influence were started.



Today, of course, a certain key little girl wizard who is a'main combat force', a'battlefield pioneer' plus a'combat terminator', is naturally again'invited' to an investigative court in the military camp. Once again, he stared at the two'run' officers and the'frogman' ambassador who were sitting across the table.

This is already the second day after the interrogation started.

And the little girl is still the same as yesterday, not only has a very bad attitude, but also seriously does not cooperate, which makes the officer in charge of her trial and the frog ambassador feel very headache.

So, as a last resort, they invited Makarov, the president of the "Fairy Tail" guild who was supposed to be a prisoner, to sit by and watch and supervise them so that their work can go on smoothly.


"So, shall we start now?"

I looked at the Makarov with closed eyes next to him, and looked at some cute little brow, sitting on a chair with a reluctant face and "you bother you." My little girl, the frogman messenger sighed, and after looking at the officer next to her, he announced the beginning of the interrogation.


"The name of the prisoner?"

The officer squinted his eyes and still closed his eyes. After Makarov gave no sign, he hated it, pretending to be that fierce, and while speaking, he glared fiercely at a little girl. In the past, I want to frighten the other party from the momentum, so as to easily achieve the purpose of today's interrogation.



However, the little girl sitting across from him didn't answer his question at all. Instead, she stared at him suspiciously like a fool, without being frightened at all.



In this way, the two sides started looking at me and looking at you, but they didn't say anything.


Perhaps feeling that the atmosphere was not quite right, Makarov quietly opened his eyes and took a look at Little Annie, then looked at the Judge of the Luen Army, and then found that the frogman envoy seemed to be pointing at him with his eyes, but he suddenly felt like I couldn't see the general, and soon closed my eyes again, pretending that I couldn't see the general.


"Little girl, the military judge is asking for your name..."

Makarov, who saw people and ghosts, didn’t know what he was doing. He planned to say nothing or make any statement. There is no way. The frog envoy from the Magic Council had to use that kind to make it clearer. Asked in a soft tone towards the little girl.

Anyway, he didn't want them to clash with the unreasonable little girl in front of him again today, and once again be turned into a real frog by this demon-like little girl!

Moreover, he believes that the Judge Lu Enjun, who was turned into a snake by the little girl yesterday, and was gripped by the other side and beaten a few dead knots with his body, certainly did not want to, nor would he want to see the barracks again. The opponent trampled and trampled it with that kind of huge magic, so the necessary mitigation work was needed.

"Didn't you all know it yesterday?"


"and also!"


"People are not criminals, don't talk nonsense! And ah, what does he mean when he speaks loudly just now? Is it true that he is a criminal? Believe it or not, he will beat you up again when he has nothing to do? !"


Annie didn't even look at the face of the judge who was flushed with anger by her, she just yelled at the frogman as if she was the interrogator in this tent, and Is the person on the other side a prisoner wasting her time?


The frog envoy was a little overwhelmed. Finally, he had to look at President Makarov, who was still hanging up on his own, with his eyes closed for help.

"Don't look at him, what his bad old man said hasn't been very useful here!"


"People said two days ago that they asked him to give up the position of the chairman, but he just wouldn't let it. Otherwise, they would have brought someone to beat you annoying guys into trouble. Where is it? What kind of nonsense will I come here to listen to you honestly?"


"You also know that it was obviously a "ghost" guild who attacked us first. If you have any questions, just ask them directly. How come we have good people like us and asked together? That's how you enforce the law. of? "


"Say! Did a hot "ghost" give you any benefit, or their president is an acquaintance of yours, so you plan to pull sideways and protect them from hot bad guys? ! "


Annie asked bitterly, and without concealing her suspicion, the face of the angrily judge became even more ugly in an instant.



Judge Lu Enjun, who was a little frustrated by the little girl, and the frog messenger who was speechless, didn't know what to say.

"Ann, Annie..."

After a while, Makarov finally spoke when he saw that the atmosphere was getting worse and worse, and he was likely to make another big noise like yesterday.


"You just cooperate a little bit, let them do a registration, and then everyone can go back earlier?"

"Otherwise, it's not a solution for everyone to be trapped here. Don't you always dislike the food and beds here?"

"Just say what they want to know, and then ask them to register early and go back early, so they don't have to see their nasty faces?"

"Am I right?"

A certain little guy has said what he wants to say but dare not say in his heart, and think about the other party has already promoted force to the council and expressed a certain attitude of their "fairy tail", so I do not intend to both parties When the trouble continued, he finally laughed with him, and persuaded the little girl with a kind of pleading tone.




Makarov breathed a sigh of relief because he knew that although Annie did not agree, she did not object, which meant that the other party had acquiesced.

Therefore, he hurriedly motioned to the frogman envoy with his eyes, motioned to the other party to continue and finish today's work quickly, so he should leave early so as not to be caught between the two parties.


"Your name?"

This time, without waiting for Judge Lu Enjun, who was still a little angry, to speak, the frog envoy hurriedly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then asked cheerfully.



"Annie Hasta..."


‘Where do you live? ’

"Voodoo Land..."


‘Identity? ’

"Which identity do you want to ask?"






"Just write like that, they are the queen of the flame kingdom!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Yes, Annie has always liked to call herself the queen, so it seems right to say that her main identity is the queen queen, so just write it casually. Anyway, she doesn’t like these guys, and she doesn’t bother to talk to them. many!

‘! ! ’

‘! ! ’

"Excuse me..."

"Your parents are..."

After looking at Judge Lu Enjun, the frogman envoy of the council asked hesitantly while recording the copy.



"It's the mystery sorcerer Gregory Hasta and the shadow witch Amorim!"


As she talked, Annie was a little sleepy, so she couldn't help stretching a long waist and yawning.

‘Mystery Warlock? Shadow Witch? ’

'Have not heard……'

The frogman envoy of the Magic Council exchanged glances with Judge Luenjun, and even looked at Makarov, and found that the three of them did not know the "Voodoo Land" and the "Fire Kingdom" mentioned by the little girl. After the key term, he couldn't help but asked again with some embarrassment.

'Ok! ’

‘Anne, I’m asking you, where is the land of voodoo and the kingdom of flame you talked about? ’

Some things must be asked clearly, otherwise, if they encounter certain unprovoked or powerful guys in the family, they must be careful and more careful when the council handles them.

For example, the Astral Sorcerer named Lucy Hatfield, who was the initiator of this incident, that woman is not simple, the other party is the Jiud Hatfield of the Hatfield Consortium. Leah’s only daughter is a powerful figure whose council is not willing to offend easily.

Of course, the little girl in front of me is the same!

Leaving aside the key words that many parties just said, the opponent alone upset the entire Luen Knights and wiped out the entire "Ghost" high-level combat power with one person's power. They couldn't help but treat them carelessly.

"Don't ask, just ask if you don't know!"


Annie suddenly didn't want to go on, because it was too troublesome to explain, and the point was that these guys didn't understand, so let's just go, she is already speaking very well, besides, her patience is also limited.


'also! ’

‘Then, now the last thing, that should have played enough, can you turn it in to the Magic Council? ’

After looking at the basic content of the record, the frogman envoy thought for a while, then suddenly pointed to the bright silver holy cross badge pinned on Annie's skirt and asked.

Regarding matters related to the incident, they already knew about it from the other members of the two guilds of "Fairy Tail" and "Spectre", and since the little girl in front of them didn't want to cooperate, they didn't have a good way, just Can skip the step of recording the "incident".

But no matter what, the badge of Joseph Paula must be recycled. After all, the "Holy Ten Sorcerers" is an honorary title awarded by the Magic Council to the ten most outstanding wizards on the continent. The entire continent There are only ten in total. Before being reviewed and awarded by the council, you can't let such a little girl just **** it and wear it to sway the market, even if the other party's strength is really strong and qualified to wear it.


!? (?''??)?

"This is someone's trophy, but I can't give it to you! If you dare to grab it, they will dare to beat you!!"


What's a joke, it was so hard for Anne to grab this badge, and in her own hands, how could she just return it back casually?

Anyway, she won't hand it over anyway, even if she gets tired of playing it and throws it away and burns it, she won't hand it back to the bad guys in front of her who upset her!


Seeing that the opponent refused to cooperate, and refused to hand in the badge, and in turn threatened the trial judge and the envoy of the magic council, Chairman Makarov, who had long guessed that such a result would be such a result, directly closed. I closed my eyes and pretended that I didn't hear or see anything.



At this moment, Judge Lu Enjun and the frogman envoy dared not speak, and they didn't know whether this so-called ‘interrogation’ work would continue. UU reading www.uukanshu. com



"I told you, the tents here are really bad! Even the ground has not been cleaned, and it is all soil, bugs, and grass clippings, and there is no place to bathe... So, they are now officially Let me inform you: I will go back to the city first, and I won’t live in this shabby place of yours. You’ll stay here as long as you like. If you dare to annoy others, you will definitely be beaten!"


Seeing these individuals not talking, Annie didn't bother to continue tossing about with them, so she just jumped off the chair and informed them of certain things she had decided, and threatened her little girl. After fisting, he directly ignored the two rows of Luen Knights soldiers standing by the door and in the tent. They were completely different from a'prisoner' and turned around and left with pride.


(● ̄? ̄●)



No way, the little girl is too powerful and unreasonable, and can't subdue it. At the same time, she doesn't dare to use strong military judges and envoys of the magic council. The other party returned home early.


Annie didn't know, and didn't want to know!

Anyway, she stayed in the garden villa in Magnolia, delicious and drank, and fell asleep. As for the others in the "Fairy Tail" guild, they were kept in a barracks outside the city until they were interrogated a week later. When the work was basically over, he was reluctantly released.


(*^▽^*)? Remember the ticket? (*^▽^*)

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