Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1416: (? ''?)


"What's going on here?"

"Natz! Hobbit?"

"Why are you here...Could it be that Naz did you set the flame just now?!"

Arriving at the scene, Elisa saw Meester, Wendy, and the two black and white cats Pansa Lili and Xia Lulu who shouldn’t have appeared here on Sirius at a glance. Of course, there is also Naz and Hobby who were helping Wendy and Xia Lulu were two guys who didn't seem to have any injuries.

Therefore, subconsciously, I felt that the skyrocketing fire just now was most likely Elisa who had set off by Naz, so I couldn't help but hurriedly asked.


"No! Not me!"

"Habi can testify! We are just here too!"

Naz quickly argued loudly, causing Wendy who was in his arms to frown and woke up leisurely.

"Then what's going on here?"

After walking up to find that Wendy, Xia Lulu and others were all okay, Elisa couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and her tone of voice gradually eased a little.

However, since it was not released by Naz, how exactly did Wendy and the others get their injuries, and why didn't she see an enemy at the scene?

"I do not know either…"

"I heard that someone attacked them, and then Annie showed up in time to fight the enemy, then knocked down the enemy and took it away?"

"Here! That guy said it!"


"Let me tell you, he is not actually a member of our guild, but a spy sent by the council!"

As he said, Naz carefully leaned to Elisa's ear, and quietly reached out to a guy who was sitting on the ground, who seemed to be injured, pointed and whispered.


Elisa frowned, but in the end she didn't react too much.

"Let’s talk about Annie first..."

"Where is she?"

Now that Wendy and Xia Lulu have nothing to do with Elisa, she can rest assured. As for the Meester matter... Elisa thinks it would be better to wait for the matter here to be handled by the chairman after the matter is over?

Of course, she was referring to the former president of Makarov, not a horrible little girl who has never cared about things or cared about things badly, and will only add chaos and help more and more!

"How would I know…"

"I came here a little bit earlier than Elsa and you guys. When I came, I only saw a few of them. Annie and the enemy were gone!"

After handing Wendy into Jubia's hands, Naz waved his fists bitterly and said that he was very upset about the fact that he ran for nothing but didn't meet the enemy.


"Elisa, what is going on, why do people from the Dark Guild come here to attack us?"

"Is it because of the last time the "Six Demon Generals" happened? "

Then, Naz asked strangely, and at the same time the fist in his hand couldn't help but burn.

He doesn't want to find any graves and conduct the second S-level wizard promotion competition. He can't find it anyway, so he hasten to deal with those nasty dark guilds. Enemy, is it easier to drive those guys out of Sirius Island?

"I don't know for the time being!"

"If you count the guy who just attacked Wendy and Xia Lulu, three members of the "Devil's Heart" guild have already appeared on this island. We must all be vigilant! "

"ready to go!"

"Naz, you are responsible for bringing that guy, let's go back to the station!"

After groaning for a while, Elisa leaned over with one hand, picked up the black cat Pansa Lili, who was regaining her size, and the white cat Xia Lulu supported by Hobby, and sandwiched them in her arms. He signaled that Jubia was carrying Wendy on his back, and Naz was in charge of Meister, and decided to return to the temporary resident to meet everyone before discussing what to do next.

Presumably, after President Makarov saw the signal, he would definitely go to the station to meet everyone as soon as possible.



"Can you still stand up?"

Naz walked to the councilor, and asked a little uncomfortably when he walked to the Mestre's.


Meester did not speak, nor did he care about the hand that Naz extended towards him, but stubbornly stood up swayed by himself, indicating that he could act without Naz's support.

Now the Dark Guild’s "Demon's Heart" is attacking, and their new council’s strike fleet has been completely wiped out. Therefore, even if their identity has been exposed, as far as the current situation is concerned, stay with these people in the "Demon Tail" At the same time, the best choice is to wait until the enemy is repelled before making other plans.


"Everyone, follow me!"

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with everyone, and Wendy was also put on her back by Jubia, Elisa didn't intend to continue to delay time, so she took the lead and ran towards the temporary residence of their guild.

At this time, what Elsa and others didn’t know was that before the hidden cemetery of the first president of "Fairy Tail" Mébius Viviamílio, Makarov had already gone from someone who had rushed here. From the mouth of a miserable little girl, she learned about the current situation on the island.


He didn't speak, but just silently meditated in a certain direction in the sky.



"Makarov's **** old man, you already knew about Meester, right?"


"I heard that he seems to be a member of the council!"


After casually mentioning a few things about the bad guys of the dark guild on the island, Annie directly asked about the situation of a guy with a scar on his face.

At this time, her birdcage was just beside her, and there were three dumb birds who were trying to break away from the vine-woven cage and escape in vain. They didn't seem to be able to fly.


"I do know."

"Actually, Anne, Meester, he... he is not a member of the council."

For a long time, Makarov, who was silent and continued to stare in a certain direction in the sky, suddenly spoke.



"Isn't it? Is it from the Dark Guild?"


It was obvious that Annie had personally heard the guy say it, but now Makarov said no, which is quite rare.

"Hey! You guys be honest!"


"Whoever dares to peck at someone's birdcage, they will turn someone into a caterpillar and stuff it into the other's stomach!"


After discovering that a certain stupid bird in her cage began to peck those vines vigorously, Annie threatened it viciously, and then looked up again after seeing the other side stop, ready to listen to Makarov's troubles. The old man's explanation.



While speaking, Makarov sighed.

"Mester, he actually belongs to our guild, his own..."

"It's actually like this."

Makarov began to tell little by little what he had planned before.

After all, Annie is now the president, and her performance today is also very good. She caught a person of the "Seven Dependents of Purgatory" as soon as she shot. Therefore, before the arrival of the enemy's large forces, Makarov felt that he really should Talk to each other well in certain situations?

Otherwise, he can't guarantee that Annie, the little guy, will make a bold move and turn Meester into a bird, and then be locked in a cage.



After listening to the old man Makarov's statement, Annie was a little surprised.

"You mean..."


"Spicy Meister was originally a member of our guild, and he was dispatched by you. After erasing his own memory, he sneaked into the espionage department of the Magic Council, but now he was sent by the espionage department of the Council to sneak into us. Acting as an undercover agent in the "Fairy Tail" guild, is he a double agent now? "




"So he's back again, what good is it for you to send him as a spy?"


All this came and went, anyway, Annie really couldn't see the effect of the other's lurking.

"Do not…"

"It's still useful."

"Now he is indeed a member of the council. I did not relieve his mission or restore the magic. He doesn't know any memory that he is actually our "Demon Tail" guild. If he continues to lurch, he may be Some things in the future will play a key role? "

He shook his head. Although Makarov himself is now an honorary member of the council, he thought of his exclusion and isolation in the council, and wanted the "fairy tail" tree to attract the wind and the difficult situation. The warning he received not long ago made him feel that it is necessary for Meester to continue to lurch. Maybe when he will be able to play a miraculous effect?



"Then it's up to you... Although people still think it might be better to just defeat the council and let our people be the speaker?"


Annie had long seen that the council of non-fighting and dishonest was not pleasing to her eyes for a long time, but if Makarov hadn't been stopping her, I was afraid she would have called the door again and forced them to sign a series of more unequal. Contract.



"Are you still pecking?!"


"Dazzle you guys!"


Seeing that taking advantage of the opportunity to chat with Makarov, a certain dishonest bird in the cage started pecking at the vines of the cage again. Annoyed, Annie was so upset that she picked up the cage and shook it desperately. stand up.





Soon, the three hapless guys in the cage were lying there under the violent shaking, and finally calmed down.


Makarov on the side of course saw the terrible movements of Annie, but he did not make any comments, just turned his head stiffly in empathy.

He has lingering fears about this...

At first, on the first day when the other party came to the guild, he had already enjoyed the horrible feeling that the balance of the cerebellum in his own brain was thrown out alive, and he didn’t want to try the first day. Second time.


Suddenly, Makarov clenched his fists and stood up, frowning and staring in a certain direction in the sky.

He saw it, there, a black spot was firmly flying towards the forbidden land of their "Fairy Tail" guild, Sirius Island, and Makarov saw it at a glance. It seemed to be a magic floating ship. On the airship, there is a very conspicuous and easily recognizable red emblem of the "Devil's Heart" guild, and the speed is still very fast!

"Final forces have finally arrived?"


"What are they trying to do?!"

Looking at the small black spot appearing on the horizon, Makarov clenched his fist tightly and said as if mumbling to himself.

He had planned to ask Anne to release the captives just now to ask questions, but now he felt that it was unnecessary, because an entire floating battleship of the enemy had appeared, so it was definitely not a trivial matter.

Next, regardless of the other party's purpose, you must finish the fight first!

"I didn't expect to attract the enemy to this holy place..."


"The other children on the island will be handed over to you, I will stop the magic warship!"

With that said, Makarov, who did not intend to waste time, walked straight forward, intending to shoot down the enemy before he flew to the island, and would never allow the dark guild warship to approach their "Fairy Tail." The forbidden area of ​​Sirius Island.

After all, this is the sleeping place of their first president, Mébius Viviamílio, and the holy place of their guild. Of course their own guild can come here to evaluate the selected members, but outsiders want to come in. , Especially those evil dark guilds!

"Do you want to go alone?"



Makarov did not answer, and continued to move forward.

"okay then…"


Seeing that the other party didn't pay any attention to herself, and disappeared into the woods in the distance, Annie thought for a while, then looked back at a certain grave, and finally left here with the cage in her hand.

Originally, she wanted to tell the old Makarov man that there is actually another great guy on the island, UU reading www. is the thing called Jeff, but... now that the enemy's large forces are here, and the guy called Jeff doesn’t have the idea of ​​attacking others actively, then she will say it later. Isn't it a big deal?

"Let's go too, Tibbers!"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

"Let's continue to catch the sparrows. This cage was made up with great difficulty. How can we catch such poor three? It must be packed full!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Soon, shortly after Makarov left here, Annie also carried her birdcage in one hand and Tiber's leg with the other hand, and left the Mebis First Generation Conference so stumblingly. Long here in the cemetery, went into the woods to prepare for her bird-catching action.


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