Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1420: ψ(*`??)o You're done, Newton has come...

"Who the **** is that guy?"

"That magic..."


"Why is it only raining heavily in his place?"

"do not know…"

"It's weird guy, I feel the hair all over my body is going to stand up..."

"Go away the male cat, don't come near me!"

"who is he?"

"I don't know. Isn't it Seref?"

‘! ’

"Kana, don't talk nonsense, it scares me!"


Seeing the weird appearance of the incoming people and the terrifying magical fluctuations spread out, everyone in the "Fairy Tail" guild, such as Hobby, Xia Lulu, Wendy, Lucy, Kana, Lisana, etc., are relatively weak and have no fighting power. People who are too suitable for fighting or Meow exclaimed.

"It would be the best if it were Seref!"

"I feel like I'm going to burn!"

"Be careful!"

"Naz, that guy is not easy to deal with!"

"I know! It's just a bad deal to fight, Elisa, don't fight with me later!"


"Sister, can you still fight?"

"Don't worry, Elfman, although my magic power is running out, it's okay to help you out by the side."

"That's good!"


"What a stupid guy, who dares to confront so many people in our guild alone, what do you think of us?"

Unlike the other people who exclaimed, the S-class or quasi-S-class powerhouses in the guild such as Naz, Elsa, Gray, Elfman, and Miraj walked to the side of the canopy, just like that. Through the rain curtain, he looked at the guy who was also standing in the distance and eagerly wanted to fight the enemy immediately.


"Children, be careful!"

"That guy..."

"I'm afraid something is difficult to deal with?"

At this moment, Makarov, who was sitting on the big wooden box in a bandage, spoke up.

But he is not too worried. After all, in his opinion, almost all the elites of their "Fairy Tail" guild are here, and there is only one person on the other side. As long as you don’t talk too much to the other party, let Ellu Sha, Naz and the others are standing side by side, and the other party must be picked up soon.


Elisa didn't talk nonsense, she put on a battle armor, and a shield and a long sword appeared in her hand at the same time.


On the side, Naz didn't say much at all, he just stepped forward, stood in the rain, and let his fists burn in the majestic rain.


"Stupid goblin..."

At this time, without waiting for the "Fairy Tail" people to react more, the weird man who dared to come here alone spoke up, and as soon as he reached out his hand, all the raindrops were suspended in the air, as if it rained in an instant. Stopped in general.


"Jubia! Can he control the water flow too?!"

Discovering the abnormal situation around him, and looking at the water drops floating in the air, Lucy looked directly at the Jubia who was on the side.

"Do not!"

"He didn't control the flow of water, he... he should have controlled..."

Jubia frowned, and when he reached out his hand to make the floating raindrops deform with his own magic, he couldn't help but frowned slightly in thought.

"It's gravity!"

"Everyone, be careful!"

"He controlled heavy...?!"

At this time, Elisa was the first to find out what was wrong. After all, she has a lot of armors, and there are armors that interfere with gravity to make herself faster and lighter. Therefore, she will be more sensitive to some of the powers she has touched. .

Huh! !

"Uh wow!"







However, Elisa didn't finish her words, and she didn't know what the weird person in the distance had done, so that everyone's heads suddenly lit up with magic circles. Then, almost everyone, even those who were seriously injured. Makarov and others all fell to the ground in an instant.

"Good, so heavy!"

"This, what's going on?!"

"I can't breathe..."

"It's gravity!"

"Hate! My chest is going to be squashed..."

"Damn it..."

"He, can he control gravity?!"

With just a wave of his hand, the opponent caused all the members of the "Fairy Tail" guild to fall to the ground in an instant, and people like Lucy, Mirage, and Lisana screamed even more shamely, because they felt at this time. By the way, the **** that had been heavy on weekdays are now pressing them so hard to stand up?


"Don't think about it!!"

Of course, under the sudden attack of the incoming enemy, not everyone can resist.

For example, Naz and Elisa, under the terrible gravity of the enemy, stood up stubbornly on their knees or swords, and stared at the enemy standing in the rain. Prepare to endure the tremendous pressure and launch a fierce counterattack against the enemy.


"Can you still stand up..."

Seeing Naz, Elisa, Miraj, and more people start to force themselves to stand up, the weird man waved again.

boom! !

With the roar of the earth, all the people were once again severely crushed to the ground, and even plunged into the ground, making it difficult to even raise their heads.

"Wow, uh~!"

"Being, being overwhelmed with breath..."

"me too…"

"My breast is suddenly heavy and uncomfortable..."


"Shut up!"

"Think of a way..."

Obviously they hadn't started struggling, but they followed Naz, Elsa and others to enjoy greater gravity once again, and Lucy, Lisana and others began to cry in exclamation and wailing.


"I can't forgive you!"

Gritting his teeth, Naz, whose head was stretched with blue veins, once again stubbornly supported himself with the strength of his hands and legs, ignoring the cracked ground and the huge gravity, he stood staggering again. stand up.


However, before he wanted to launch an attack on the enemy, he was surprised to find that a nasty little girl not far from the side was still standing there, looking like she was completely unaffected. ?

And that little guy, who is President Anne who is not theirs?


"Strange, Annie, why are you okay?!"

So, in amazement, he didn't care about the idea just now to attack the enemy and crack the opponent's gravity magic, but hurriedly exclaimed at Annie.


"Yeah, Annie, how are you..."



At this time, everyone also discovered that when everyone, including Makarov, was suppressed by the terrible gravity and could not lift their heads, that little guy was still standing there for a while, completely okay. Look like?



"Why do people have something to do?"


Annie bluntly confessed to these guys who were screaming when she saw that she was okay.

Originally, she wanted to pretend to be suppressed by the enemy's gravity to the ground, and then when the enemy approached, she suddenly jumped up and frightened the opponent and turned the opponent into a bird.


Look at the muddy ground after the rain, and then look at the muddy ground of Lucy, Lisana, Miraj, and Elisa. The muddy ground turned into a muddy and pitiful appearance. After that, she hesitated at first so zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero 0 She didn't want to be like Peppa Pig and run into the mud to roll around!

The kind of tricks in cartoons that are specially used to deceive children to make parents angry, how could she be fooled by the grown-up Anne?




At this moment, Elisa slowly stood up again stubbornly.

"Strange, Annie, does that kind of gravitational magic have no effect on you?"

"how did you do it?"

At this time, seeing Elisa standing in an extremely relaxed pair of Annie, she couldn't help but exclaimed and asked.

If she knows how the other party did it, she will definitely be able to work with Naz and others to bring down the guy who can control gravity, instead of doing her best to stand up, so much more. Let alone whether you can rush over and launch an attack on the enemy.

"It's not completely invalid anymore..."


"It's just that people have stayed in a place with a gravity environment that is many, many times stronger than now, so I have long been used to it!"

() Hey!

That's right, when she was in the Kepulu region, Annie once wandered around on some messy planets, such as some huge planets whose gravity is dozens or hundreds of times higher than that of the planets in this area?

However, that kind of place is not very fun, because there is nothing on it, except for the stones, it is still stones, and some have huge bugs or monsters, and I don't think it is surprising after seeing more.

Of course, more reasons are...

Annie’s current body cannot be crushed by a little bit of gravity. In fact, it’s useless to throw her into the core of the sun. You know, she used to take the initiative to let a red giant explode. , I played with myself by blowing it up!


"How can there be such a place?"

Naz obviously didn't believe it, because it would be difficult for him to stand up under the current gravity. If there is a place that is many times stronger than the gravity, wouldn't it be directly crushed?




However, Annie only replied. The other people, including Naz and Elsa who stood up, were crushed again, and fell directly face to face, and even the whole person was crushed. There was a deep humanoid impression.

Obviously, the weird person in the rain screen also saw the anomaly here and heard Annie's words, so he strengthened the gravity magic once again, who could not believe it.


Annie still stood upright, she didn't seem to be restricted from moving or under great pressure at all.


"is it…"

"Now it's ten times the gravity, and there is nothing to do with you?"


"Twenty times!"

Seeing that under ten times the gravity, the people in the "Fairy Tail" guild were completely unable to stand up, and the little girl still looked like a lonely person. Nothing else, the weird had to cast his magic once again to make A purple magic circle lit up on Annie's head alone, and instantly adjusted the gravity of her body and surroundings to twenty times the standard gravity.

Under normal circumstances, for every doubling of gravity, a person will be compressed by one centimeter. Under ten times the gravity, if a person does not train for a long time and has a strong physique, it may not last a few seconds.

boom! !

The sudden increase in gravity made the ground under Annie's feet unbearable and cracked, and under her huge weight, the ground under her feet began to sink.



However, Annie was still standing pretty, still looking at the weird person in the rain with that curious look.



"People just don't fall, uncle, are you surprised?"


Under twenty times the gravity, Annie not only didn't fall down like others, but provocatively, humming the ballad and swaying wildly on the spot.


"Fifty times!"

boom! !

Suddenly, the earth shook suddenly.

Annie’s feet gradually sank to the ground and submerged to the ankles. At this time, she is now equivalent to fifty times her weight, that is, almost a ton of weight is pressed on the area of ​​the two small footprints, so , The ground must be unbearable.


"People just won't fall!"


Annie stood upright amidst the stunner of the weirdo and the fallen guild members around her, and made a big grimace at the other side.


"One, one hundred times!!"

The purple magic circle lights up again, and the weirdo, under the irritation and anger, directly exerted his gravity magic to the extreme, and finally succeeded in making the parts above the ankles of Annie's feet slowly sink into the mud.

However, that doesn't seem to be of any use?



" soiled other people's boots!"


Annie was angry.

Because she suddenly found out with great joy and sorrow that after her boots were not in the ground, the muddy mud made her ankles and calves dirty, and the muddy water poured directly into her boots.


"who are you?"

The visitor felt very unbelievable, because under his gravity magic, even if the president of Hades, who was stronger than them, would definitely be crushed to the ground by him if he didn't use magic to counter or offset it. Where is it like that little girl who can hold on with her body without any resistance at all?


"That is our President Anne Hasta, she is the most powerful Saint Ten Magician!"

"Boy, you realize, no one is hers right..."

boom! !

Laughing Naz did not finish speaking, and was once again overwhelmed by the enemy's gravity magic, and he could only smoke there, unable to speak a word.

"I didn't ask you!"


"Little girl, I heard your name..."

The weirdo first overpowered Naz, who dared to yell indiscriminately, then looked at Annie and frowned slightly.

"is it?"


"But weird you know? You got someone's boots dirty, how can you pay for it?"


Carrying the bird cage in her hand, Annie walked into the rain screen step by step, and walked firmly towards the other side.


However, before the other party got close enough to a certain distance, UU Reading first flashed to a boulder farther away, without giving her the slightest chance to get closer.

Obviously, the other party knew what she was going to do, so she was guarded, and she wouldn't give her a chance to get close.

"Really annoying!"


Annie saw it, and the enemies began to become cunning. They knew what she was going to do, so...

"Kill you!!"


Shining spear!


Since there was no way to catch the enemy relatively simply, Annie raised her hand very rudely, and then let herself and the bear Tibes on her shoulder send out two dazzling piercing missiles, making them move towards in an instant. Where the enemy stood, he blasted towards the huge rock.

Since you can't catch alive and kicking, then you can catch it after being disabled. She won't mind anyway.


boom! !

After two consecutive loud noises, where the opponent was standing, the huge rock was instantly shattered.

"Dare to soil other people's boots, you're done, and Newton won't be able to save you!"




During the explosion, the weird man appeared in another place.

"Who is Newton? I don't know him!"

"There is no need for him to save!"

Then, with a wave of his hand, a horizontal air burst open, and at the same time countless boulders, rain, mud, etc. suddenly blasted towards Annie and the guild members behind her.



It's almost a monthly pass

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