Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1427: (??'?`?) Response of the Council

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There is no doubt that Annie’s investment a few months ago (seven years?) was undoubtedly very, very successful, because it not only achieved a return of more than ten times, but also allowed her, or the current The entire "Fairy Tail", whose financial situation was a bit distressed, suddenly became wealthy.

What is even more surprising is that that investment is still sustainable.

Because the Hatfield consortium (or the Chamber of Commerce) is now Anne and Lucy, most of the equity owners, so it can be said: its equity owners and actual controllers are "Fairy Tail" "guild?

It can be seen that every year or every quarter in the future, it will continuously provide a large amount of and continuous income to the "Fairy Tail" Guild. Similarly, the "Fairy Tail" Guild will **** the Chamber of Commerce in terms of force. , This is a win-win relationship that both parties are willing to accept.

So, the "Fairy Tail" guilds who have suddenly become prosperous, began to celebrate today in the temporary guild station in Magnolia, just like that. In the terrible hall, eating and drinking.


"I am really happy to see that you have developed the guild so well... This is a guild that values ​​peace and everyone is like a family."

"Everyone is happy together, drinking together, sorrowing together, worrying about the family together..."

"The so-called companions are not limited to words. The so-called companions are partners who trust each other unconditionally. I set up the guild with that kind of mood and purpose. Lord and Zera together..."

"Like everyone now."

At this time, holding a large cup of ice cream in both hands, like Annie, with beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes, and a pair of cat-like wings on her head, the first generation eyes who like to be barefoot and look like a fairy will grow up. Limebis Viviamílio walked to Annie's side and sighed.

"you are wrong!"



"Where is wrong?"

Hearing Annie's answer, Mebis was a little at a loss, and the beautiful wings on his head couldn't help but stand up.

"It's not that'we' developed the guild so well, but I'm developing the guild so well!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

"Don’t you know, when Makarov was the president, let’s not mention how bad it was. He even let other guilds call the door and the guild’s premises to be demolished. If it weren’t for others to knock down all the enemies at that time. If it’s gone, maybe the guild would have been disbanded a long time ago!"

o(′^`)o hum!

Annie remembered that when she was fighting against the "Ghost Dominator", others had even sent out Mobile Castle and "Gundam", but their "Fairy Tail" had only a few poor ones, and they hadn't had time to drag them out. The tattered magical cannon that was broken up when the cannon was fired, Makarov was directly beaten to the ground at that time. If it weren't for her Anne will grow up, I'm afraid the final result would definitely not be too good!

"and also!"


"How long has they been away? That Uncle Macao almost closed down the guild. It's really stupid!"


After speaking, Annie glared bitterly at the two Makarov and Makaou who seemed to be eavesdropping on the side.

Those two guys called "Maca" are really worse than the other, and the other is more incompetent. They are completely hopeless, and they deserve to retire early.


"very sorry……"

Macao directly lowered his head in shame, because he was indeed the worst of all the presidents?


"Let's continue to drink the bar..."

Makarov laughed, turned his head slightly embarrassed, and greeted the hard-hit Makaou to continue drinking with him, not intending to be familiar with a little girl.

"That one……"

"Annie, actually Makarov and Makao are doing quite well, so you don't need to be too harsh on them."

"It's you..."

"Are you really going to go to war with the council?"

Mebes just followed Annie's example and sat next to Annie. Two loli, big and small, sat in a row, dangling their feet, eating ice cream and talking in a low voice.

"Now that everyone is back, let's continue to work hard. Let us build the guild into a guild that values ​​peace, values ​​all members, and lets everyone be together like family, isn't it good?"

"We don't need to fight for those things anymore..."

After understanding the current pattern of the world, she and Makarov have a little bit of worry, and a little bit worried about the outcome of the war with the council without authorization, so now, taking the opportunity, she intends to give it a try, can she Persuade the fourth little girl president beside him.



Annie didn't speak, just turned her head, and stared in amazement at a certain first generation head president who was a little taller than herself.

"what's happenin?"

"Did I say something wrong?"


"What's on my face?"

Mebis was a little overwhelmed by Annie's sight, and had to subconsciously touch her own face, thinking that there was ice cream or cream stuck on it.

"Of course I was wrong!"


"For those bad guys, you have to beat them all at once, beat them hard, beat them to death! Let them know that you are a very careful person who likes to retaliate, otherwise, they will dare next time. !!!"


In fact, Annie gets a little angry when she thinks about it!

If she knew it was like this, she shouldn’t have listened to Makarov’s negotiation with the council last time, but instead drove her Nirvana toy directly to the council’s headquarters and bombed the other’s headquarters. Then dissolve the council and organize a new and obedient new council. In that case, it is estimated that there will not be so many troubles now.

"Peace is not just talking about it. If you don't fight or defeat the bad guys, you will never want peace!"


Swinging a small fist, Annie retorted unhappily, not accepting the other party's kind advice at all.

Anyway, she never believed that peace was negotiated or compromised. Therefore, it was useless to persuade anyone on this matter. The council who dared to confiscate her nirvana platform and her guild account without authorization~www. you have to pay a heavy price for what the other party does!

Even if the other party really returns after Nirvana is restored, and compensates them 100 times for their losses, she will also hit the door at random, knocking on those guys and letting them know, just daring as she pleases. Acting "Fairy Tail" and daring to provoke her casually, what will it be like to grow up with Anne?



"Annie, I just hope you are right..."

After sighing, Mebis thought for a while, and felt that what the other party said seemed to make sense.

Besides, now the opponent is still the guild leader, and at the same time he is in control of powerful forces, including the dragon of the end, I feel that no matter how bad the ending is, I also think that there are still so many powerful demons in the guild. She didn't insist too much when the mentor was there.





"Ann, Annie! What are you doing?!"

Just as Mebis was thinking, she unexpectedly discovered that the little guy next to her suddenly reached out and lifted her skirt, looking at her back?

So, subconsciously, she immediately freed up a hand, pressed her skirt tightly, and blushed and asked angrily.

"It's nothing..."


"I just want to see, do you fairy have a tail?"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

The other party is the founder of the guild, and he also took the name "Fairy Tail", so Annie definitely wanted to see it.

And now, she saw that a certain fairy's **** egg was really white, as for the tail...

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