Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1441: (???) The true gods in the world of swords (5)

 During this period, due to the arrival of a nasty little girl and reckless behavior, a series of things happened in the originally quiet and peaceful Shengyu Village, and gradually became less peaceful.

What makes the simple and honest villagers of Shengyu Village feel a little unacceptable is: I don’t know since when, those young children have all learned badly, and the men don’t want to find a good job and marry a wife in the future. Give birth to a child to support the family, but learn the inexplicable "fairy law"?

   As for some of the girls in the boudoir, that’s even more incredible!

   They didn't even cook anymore, and the female celebrities didn't do it. They knew all day long to go fooling around with those boys and children, and also to learn the so-called "Dafa" together?

   That kind of thing is that the honest villagers of Shengyu Village couldn't figure it out and couldn't accept it.

   Of course, compared to the villagers who only say a few words in words, the three Miao people stranded in the inn for some reason are actually the most uncomfortable group of people!

   Because, I don’t know what happened, the targets they chose have all become disciples of the so-called Flame Great Immortal Sect?

You know, the remote and beautiful Shengyu Village in Yuhang County, Hangzhou is not that big. Even if it is full, there are only a dozen households with more than 30 people. Among them, there are only a few people who are suitable for their plans. But the result?

  In the beginning, they wanted to attack Aunt Li, but Li Xiaoyao was a disciple of the flame fairy, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

Reluctantly, they just changed the object, they just poisoned the salt seller and the old king next door. In a blink of an eye, Wang Xiaohu became a disciple of the flame fairy again, and the poisoned old king was caught by the flame the next day. Daxian gave Lue a cure, and there was no need to go to Xianling Island to ask for medicine, and the three Miao people were so scared that they did not dare to breathe, for fear that their evil deeds would be exposed and be brutally beaten or something.

In the end, there was no way. The three Miao people had to look at the two sisters, Ding Xianglan and Ding Xiulan, after deliberating repeatedly in the village, choosing and choosing. They planned to attack their father, the old man Ding. , And then do some tricks to force the two sisters to go to the island for medicine?


  Before they could actually do it, the old farmer Ding himself was so angry that he lay down on the bed, and lay down for three days and three nights!

   And all this is just because:

The sisters Ding Xianglan and Ding Xiulan didn’t know which way they were mad, so they ran together with Li Xiaoyao and Wang Xiaohu, two unlearned swingers, and then they worshipped the fire fairy’s door. The sky is not home, and he doesn't know where he is going or what he is doing, so that Old Man Ding wants to find someone to carry water to cook, but he often can't find someone. Can you say he can't be angry?

   That's why Old Man Ding fell down like that, ready to pretend to show to some two daughters who didn't learn well!

   However, what Old Man Ding didn't know was that the three uneasy and kind Hmong travelers were obviously the most angry at this time.

However, the Miao people were angry, but when they saw a certain Flame Fairy recruiting disciples in this Shengyu Village, they seemed to be infinitely powerful. They hesitated again and again, and after all, they did not dare to raise any objections rashly and could only continue. Staying in their own guest room honestly, don't know what conspiracy is brewing again.

   So he cares, that's it.

The poorest one now is the old man Ding. He finally flew his daughter, whom he had raised for more than ten years, so that he was still talked a lot by the long-tongued women in the village, such as Aunt Laifu and Sister-in-law Wang Cai. God, he wants to have a real desire to find death soon.

Fortunately, Aunt Li from the old Li family was very good at carrying gifts, came to visit with a smile, and gave old man Ding a large sum of money, and also implicitly said that it belonged to the two sisters of Lilac Landing Xiulan. Betrothal gifts or something, plus some things that are not marginal and the characters have not been written, Old Man Ding got up from the bed that same day, and his whole body became full of energy, his waist was not painful, his legs were not sore, and his eyes were not sore. It doesn't cost any more, and I can still carry water and run ten back and forth by myself without taking a breath.


Recently, Shengyu Village has indeed been a little uneasy. Many things have broken the harmonious status quo of its causes, but at least there hasn’t been too much turmoil for the time being. It’s still remote, with simple folk customs, beautiful scenery and east facing. The sea, a great place away from the mundane.

   And the only bad thing is that after staying in this kind of place for a long time, there is definitely not much entertainment to pass the time...

   So, this day.

On this sunny afternoon, Xiao Anni could only take her little disciple, Wang Xiaohu, to the woods again, and began to beat the birds that did not know how many levels of protected animals would become in a thousand years. After plucking them and bleeding them, they are wrapped in lotus leaves and river mud, put a little star anise spice, and then they are thrown into the hot fire and roasted, ready to make a delicious and delicious chicken. Beat the teeth festival?


   At this time, watching the mud in the fire gradually hardening, smelling the smell of meat floating in the air, I don't know why, but Wang Xiaohu couldn't be happy.


   So, after waiting for a while, Wang Xiaohu, who was still feeling a little gloomy, finally couldn't help it, and began to look at his master Huo Daxian with that pitiful look.



   "Don't hurry, you are not familiar with it yet, the bird's neck and bird's **** are both yours later, and you will be divided into a thigh at most. Master, I will never treat you badly, so don't worry!"


   Annie waved her hand impatiently.

She herself is very hungry, but she also knows that the birds must not be eaten if they are not roasted, and the mud is so thick that it needs to be burned for at least half an hour. Almost, it doesn't mean that you can eat it when the aroma comes out.


   "Master, Xiaohu didn't want to ask this, Xiaohu wanted to ask you...when on earth would you be willing to teach Xiaohu the immortal method?"

   "You taught Brother Xiaoyao "Wu Zhuang Xianfa" more than a month ago, and a few days ago you taught Sister Xianglan and Sister Xiulan "Pansi Dafa", what about me?"


   "When will you be willing to teach Xiaohu Xianfa?"

   With his face down, Wang Xiaohu was so slouched and unrestrainedly asking a certain little girl who was upset.

   For Wang Xiaohu, everyone is a disciple of the Flame Great Immortal, and they are all Flame God Cultists. Then, why is it that only brother Xiaoyao and sister Xianglan and Xiulan have obtained the fairy law inheritance, but he has nothing?

Although the peach on the day of entry was really delicious, and after eating it by myself, I feel light and healthy, and I feel that the whole person is different. However, his most, most, most, most, most, most, most desired fairy is still No, this reminded him every time, or when he saw Brother Xiaoyao, Sister Xianglan and Sister Xiulan hiding in the grove and practicing swords together, let alone how envy and jealous he was.





   "Little tiger, you have to know that you are an extraordinary genius with a unique bone, a special talent, a wise root, and a rare encounter in a century. How can that ordinary fairy method be suitable for you to practice?"


   "So you have to wait, Master, I have to think about it again, to see which exercises are suitable for you, and then pass it on to you?"


   Annie just talked nonsense seriously.

Anyway, her own complete inheritance of the fairy method seems to be the only Wuzhuang fairy method that Zhen Yuanzi gave her and the set of pansi method that big sister Zixia made with her back then, but now they are all used by her. I threw my mind to Li Xiaoyao and Ding Xiulan and Ding Xiulan to practice. As for Wang Xiaohu, who was in front of her with "unique bones, extraordinary talents, wise roots, and a rare talent in a century", she still didn't think about what to do. How to teach.

   You need to know that Annie has never been a teacher. She can't even teach a genius, so how can she teach a dumb guy well?


   "Big Brother Xiaoyao, Sister Xianglan, and Sister Xiulan all said in private that it was because Xiaohu was too stupid, so Master, you refused to teach..."

   As he talked, Wang Xiaohu, who was sitting cross-legged on the grass, dropped his head lower, and the expression on his face was even more aggrieved, and he almost couldn't cry directly.

"How can it be!!"


   "How can people accept that kind of disciple like you...No, how can someone accept that kind of stupid disciple?"


Although Annie feels that although her disciple under the Flame God Sect of Cuiping Mountain is indeed unable to find a second guy who is stupid and less qualified than this Wang Xiaohu, she believes that she will definitely think of a good way. of.



   "Little tiger, don't believe what Li Xiaoyao and the others say nonsense, you have to believe that you are really that rare-featured wizard with unique bones, extraordinary talents, roots of wisdom, and a century-old rare!"

  (�2�9�6�2�5�3�6�2�2�9) Hey!



   "Xiaohu feels that Brother Xiaoyao and they are right, you are just playing me..."

However, Annie’s comforting words have been said many times, so they can no longer have the desired effect, so that Wang Xiaohu continued to lower his head and bit his lips tightly, and his eyelashes began to be tears. It's wet.



"okay then……"


   "Then... that person will teach you now!"

  Ε=(�0�7ο`*))) alas

   I can’t help but feel that I can’t make it up. Annie can only compromise temporarily and start racking her brains to think about all kinds of bad ideas.


  (● ̄(�1�6) ̄●)


   "Really, really?!"


   "You didn't lie to me?!"

  , Wang Xiaohu jumped up directly, and then stared expectantly, ignoring the teardrops that were about to pop out in his eyes.

"of course it's true!"


   What was promised by Annie, how could it be false?

   "Then Master!"

   "What kind of magic do you want to teach Xiaohu, is it "Five Zhuang Xianfa" or "Pansi Dafa"?"

Wang Xiaohu asked excitedly. He couldn't help clenching his fists with his hands subconsciously. He began to imagine that he could also practice exercises with Xiaoyao, Xianglan and Xiulan and made rapid progress, and threw the three of them far away. Behind him, and then admired the way they were when they died.



  Anni was a little embarrassed because she was sure that Wang Xiaohu was really not suitable for practicing those boring fairy techniques, but it was not good if she didn’t teach it, which really made her very embarrassed.


   waited nervously for a while, then Wang Xiaohu asked in a low voice.

   "Don't hurry! Let people think about it first..."


At this moment, looking at the hair on the other's head, Annie suddenly thought of a guy whose body and appearance were similar to those of the other's now, and then she had an idea, and suddenly thought of a good way that is not a good way. .

   That is: since the aptitude is not enough, then you can use the equipment to get together!

   So soon, in the shocked eyes of Wang Xiaohu, Annie waved her hand and four shining magic weapons appeared in front of Wang Xiaohu.



   "This, this, this... these things are for me?!"

Looking at the four treasures in front of him who knew that they weren’t ordinary things at a glance, watching the beautiful spear, the windless red silk, the two fire wheels burning with flames, and the big golden circle, Wang Xiaohu not only had his eyes They were all rounded up, and they couldn't help trembling even when they spoke.

   "That's right!"


"This is a fire-tip gun. The tip of the gun can breathe fire. The body of the gun is more than eight feet long and can be changed at will. There are two shots, which can be combined into one. The other end is the snake spear blade, which contains infinite power. , The magic weapon for slaying demons and demons, slaying soldiers and slaughter generals, it is very powerful, and it is an extremely rare weapon of the fairy family!


   "Also, this is Hun Tian Ling. It is a treasure of the body. It can automatically bind enemies, change the length, and automatically repair it even if it is cut. In the future, you can use it to catch a fairy or a lady sister or something, it would be better!"


"This is the universe of the universe, and even the treasure of the King of Steel. It is indestructible and extremely hard. Throwing it can critically hit everything, and can change its size; its power is unstoppable, and it has the immense power of turning the river into the sea and shaking the universe. See whoever is not pleasing to the eye, go to smash whoever, and keep the one smashed!"


"At last……"


"These two are called hot wheels, step on their wheels, chant spells, fire on the wheels, generate wind under your feet, and spin and move. They can travel at high speeds, go into the sky, travel thousands of miles a day, can fly, fight, and have nowhere. No, there is no obstacle in the vertical and horizontal world, how about it, super powerful, right?"


"Little tiger, your talent is so'good', so good that people don't know what to teach you, so these four magic weapons are given to you, and you will be the little magic boy in the teacher's door from now on. Now, to prevent the world from being destroyed, the important task of protecting the peace of the world is left to you!"


   "Go and It's enough to practice how to use them, immortality or something, just go and learn a little fur with your three senior brothers and sisters!"

  ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)o

With that said, she put a brain into Wang Xiaohu’s arms with the four copies of the magic weapon that she had obtained, and instantly helped the other party to complete the recognition of the magic weapon, Anne hurriedly waved to drive away the stupid opponent. , Ready to be out of sight.

   After all, those pieces of mud in the fire are almost ready for the test. If the other party hurries off, maybe she can eat more later?



   "Thank you, Master! Master, you are so kind!!"

   After finishing talking, Wang Xiaohu held the things in his arms and ran towards the village like crazy. As for what he was going to do, Ann couldn't care about it.

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