Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1547: ?(???;)? You guys fight first, and they look for...

boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

From afar, the rumbling sound of thunder and shelling from the Li's fleet from the east reached the flagship of the commander-in-chief of the Spanish Invincible Fleet and the admiral of the Spanish Navy, Pietro de Barudis.

Then, watching the sound of rumbling shelling, they all smashed into the sea where the forwards of the fleet were, splashing a string of water and those terrible smashing on the deck of the armed clippers. Cannonballs!


Upon seeing this, after putting down his binoculars, Barudis' face couldn't help but darken again.

After encountering the Daming Li's fleet from the east in the Strait of Gibraltar, and being provoked by the Easterners from a distance, he decisively led his invincible fleet of nearly 300 ships, which were directly divided into the first, the middle and the back. A large fleet encircled and pursued the five abominable giant battleships in a half-moon formation.

But unfortunately, under the same headwind situation, he soon found sadly that the speed of the Li family fleet's ships in the rumors was not bragging. Their Spanish invincible fleet chased them for a long time, and they even continued. Sending out to fill the front, the Clippers squadron cannot catch up with the opponent, so they can only let the opponent keep a long distance and "kite" the opponent, and have to bear the opponent's one thousand yards in silence. Outside shelling?

boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

After a short while, after the reloading was completed, another volley of the Eastern guns slammed toward their side!

And this time the salvo, although most of the shells fell to the surface of the sea in vain and ignited a column of water, but a small amount of them hit their medium-sized military sails and weapons used as chasing forwards. On the Clippers, while smashing and wounding many sailors, he even caused a ship to explode on the spot, causing it to ignite directly and land on the sea.

Boom! !

"Damn Oriental!"

"I will catch you..."

"You wait!"

Barrudis, who was annoyed in his heart, saw this, and hit the side guardrail of his huge flagship with the Spanish flag with a fierce punch.

But chagrin is useless, because in any case, they must catch those **** Easterners, and then get the opponent’s ship or naval gun, which is not only an order from His Majesty the King, but also related to their Spanish Invincible Fleet. future!

Fortunately, this is the Mediterranean Sea, and there is no exit except for the Strait of Gibraltar.

Therefore, they just need to chase behind. If one day fails, it will be three days, three days will not work for five days, and five days will not work for half a month. He believes that sooner or later he and their invincible fleet will always be in the Mediterranean Sea. Somewhere blocked the opponent, and the loss of the current Clippers is still within Barrudis's psychological expectations.

As long as he could win those five ships, even if he paid the price of a hundred ships, he thought it was worth it!

"Report to the admiral!"

"Our forward fleet sent a semaphore. At present, the forward fleet's clippers have been destroyed by the enemy, and five have been damaged. The other ships are also somewhat damaged!"

"In the case of headwinds, their fastest sails and the Clippers couldn't catch up with the enemy at all. They were just passively beaten all the time, and the sailors began to feel a little upset!"

"Therefore, the commanders and captains of the fleet are requesting the admiral to issue new instructions. They hope to retreat temporarily, stay further away from the enemy and make necessary repairs!"

At this time, while Barrudis was observing the enemy's situation, an adjutant in military uniform came behind Barrudis and reported loudly.


However, Barudis did not reply immediately, but still stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the forward fleet and Li's ships with binoculars in the distance.

"Go tell them!"

"Continue pursuing, you must hold the enemy at all costs!"

"As for the loss..."


"Don't worry about it, but let them spread the formation a little bit to minimize the chance of being hit by shelling!"

After refusing the request of the forward fleet and watching the officer rush to pass the order, Barudis continued to pick up the telescope in his hand and began to observe the battle forward.

In fact, Barrudis himself could see that the Easterners must have deliberately dragged them, because the distance between their main fleet and the forward fleet and the ships of the Easterners has basically not changed. That can explain some problems.

Obviously, the opponent is planning to take advantage of the fast ship and the long range of the artillery to slowly encroach on their invincible fleet?

For example, at an average speed of one round per minute, the opponent is not hurriedly attacking his forward fleet from a thousand yards away, and the fleet of more than forty clippers, and then In a short period of time, several ships of the forward fleet lost their pursuit capabilities, and a dozen other ships were injured. Although there is no record of being sunk, the terrible range and precision are just It was enough to make him feel terrified.

Fortunately, the opponent has only five ships, and fortunately that the Ming Empire in the east is far enough from Europe. Otherwise, once the opponent can get enough support or mobilize more fleets, perhaps only a dozen of the same ships will be needed. , I’m afraid it’s really enough to defeat their Spanish invincible fleet from the front.

He would never allow that kind of thing!

Therefore, for the Kingdom of Spain, for His Majesty the King, for the great Spanish Invincible Fleet, Barrudis, as the commander-in-chief, must win this naval battle anyway!

Even if they can't get each other's ship, they must at least get some of the other's artillery!

Otherwise, the sea dominance of their Spanish and Spanish invincible fleets, the interests of the New World, Africa, East India and other places will no longer be guaranteed!


"What do you find about the fleet of those Orientals?"

I watched the chase ahead for a while. I watched for a while that my forward fleet was being beaten by the enemy’s overwhelming cannonballs in an extremely embarrassed but helpless manner. I saw that there were occasional cannonballs hitting the armed clippers. With the sawdust splashing on the deck and a touch of blood red, Barudis twitched the corner of his mouth before putting down the binoculars angrily. He couldn't bear to look any more, and turned to Lin next to him, who was observing while trying to record the data. The officer asked.

"Report to the admiral!"

"After careful observation by the subordinates, the enemy's ship has recorded a lot of important data and discoveries in addition to its fast speed, good stability, resistance to wind and waves, and long range of cannons!"


"Then talk about it!"


"Admiral, according to the observations of his subordinates, those oriental ships should be standard hulls. As you can see, they look almost exactly the same in the past, with almost no individual differences. They must be the large Spanish squares of our invincible fleet. A mass-produced ship with the same standard standard as the Galen!"

"At the same time, their hulls are still very beautiful, with slender proportions, and the length is 110 meters, and the width is about 25 meters. As for the height and draft, they are temporarily unknown. They have four main masts, as well as the bow and stern. Sails, the total number of sails is about fifty!"

"and also!"

"According to the observations and information obtained, they should have a total of five to six decks. The upper three decks are equipped with artillery ports, and the number on each side is about one hundred twenty to one hundred thirty. There are four to five doors in the bow and stern each. In total, each ship has a total of about two hundred and sixty artillery pieces. The number is very horrible!"

"There is no doubt that they are definitely military ships of the Ming Empire, and they are not armed merchant ships at all!"

"Subordinates speculate that they only sent five ships under the excuse of the Lijia Chamber of Commerce fleet. They just didn't want to trigger a head-on conflict between the Ming Empire and our European countries."

"But in any case, the subordinates are sure that they are warships, and they are super warships on top of the first class battleships. They can't be armed merchant ships at all!"


"We must be vigilant against the Ming empire in the east. Although it is said that they are now in civil strife and are implementing a very strict maritime prohibition policy, once they are relieved, our Spanish hegemony will be really dangerous!"

"You think, once the ancient empire sends an entire fleet, like they did that kind of thing more than two hundred years ago, at that time, it is estimated that only God can bless us Spain!"

Looking at the shocking data he had recorded on the parchment, the Spanish naval officer named Garossa warned their admiral with a serious expression on his face.


"There are about two hundred and sixty artillery pieces?"

"I thought there were only two hundred doors..."

Looking at the ships of the enemy and ours in the distance, and listening to the report of the officer beside him, Barudis could not help but fell into contemplation for a while and muttered to himself to ponder the terrible number.


"Garosa, maybe this is why I just rejected the request of the front fleet's commander to retreat?"

"Those ships are terrible..."

"In any case, even if we use ships to consume enemy shells and gunpowder, we have to leave them in the waters west of Italy!"

"I think you know, as our intelligence officer said, the Ottomans are now glaring with those Orientals, and they are even allowed to go to various ports in North Africa and Greece to supply supplies. Their malicious intentions are already obvious. "

"If we can't keep them this time and allow them to be consumed like this, even our Spain, an invincible fleet that claims to have thousands of ships, may not be enough for them to fight!"

boom! boom!

At this time, another ship in the vanguard fleet in front was hit by Oriental artillery fire and smoked, but Barudis ignored it at all, as if he could not see it, still watching silently. Towards the front.

"Your Excellency, don't worry!"

"Now the fleets stationed in Algiers, Valencia, Marseille, Tunisia, Genoa, Naples, and the port of Siracusa must have also received the news and set off. We just need to continue to pursue and drag. Enemies, as fast as one or two days, as slow as seven or eight days, we will definitely be able to stop them near the sea area of ​​the Tyrrhenian Sea!"

"Those Orientals still have their boats, so they definitely can't escape!"

"This time, our Spanish Invincible Fleet has been carefully arranged and dispatched, and it is impossible for their ships to run into the waters of the Ottoman Empire!"

"God is with us!"

Of course, Garossa knew the concerns of their commander-in-chief, but he still firmly believed that God would continue to care for their sacred Kingdom of Spain.


"You are right, God is with us!"

"The conspiracy of those Orientals and heretics will certainly not succeed!"

After such a conversation with his subordinates, Barudis became more determined that he must defeat the Easterners and seize the opponent's ships and artillery.

But then...

Three days later, after a chase, the commander-in-chief of the Spanish Invincible Fleet, the admiral of the Spanish navy, Pietro de Barudis, and his fleet, as well as the squadrons that departed from various ports, and Chentli, who returned to Spain Nearly five hundred ships including the European Fleet, under the'led' of the Li's fleet, were surprised to find that in this sea area south of Rome and north of Tunisia, which is not on the main route, the commander-in-chief of the Ottoman navy was lying in ambush. A huge fleet of nearly three hundred warships led by Dem Afmeedo Pasha and the King of the Sea of ​​North Africa, Barbarossa Fasr Heredin?

As a result, the two sides who were extremely jealous when the enemies met, began to fight in this sea regardless of their concerns.

boom! boom!

The cannon is roaring!

The two sides who had been confronting each other did not hesitate for too long. The ship quickly approached within three hundred yards, and then began to entangle each other and launched shelling.


boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, the smoke from the gun and the fire from the muzzle easily shrouded the sea in the black mist.

Although both sides were caught off guard and confused by the appearance of the other party, they couldn't take care of that much at this time. After all, in this case, no one dared to order a retreat easily! Therefore, they really had no better choice other than rushing towards each other and fighting together.

Perhaps the fleets of the two sides are too large, so when they fight, the two sides basically have no rules and systematic command.

The warships of the two fleets huddled with each other, without specific orders, began to use their own methods to attack the enemy by all means.

At this time, command and tactics have completely become furnishings!

boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of cannons keeps coming and going...

Amid the gunpowder, fire, and the sound of shouting and killing, the ships haunted in the thick smoke were ramming and shooting single-handedly at this time, or gathered in groups of three to five to confront the enemy on the battle line. Or simply rush toward the enemy's warship and use the collision angle to smash each other, and then start a more **** and crazy close-range gang fight.

With the fermenting of the heat war, soon, this sea area was tumbling like boiling.

The two sides combined close to a thousand warships, at least two to three hundred thousand sailors, navy soldiers, and pirates began to fight each other frantically here, and the surface of the sea was soon stained red by the blood of both sides.

At this time, the five largest and most conspicuous warships of a certain instigator drew a beautiful arc. After the consternation of the'friendly forces' and enemy ships, they accelerated directly to an incredible degree. Quickly throw away the chasers and rushed out of the core area of ​​the battlefield, and began to violently open fire on the Spanish Invincible Fleet from the periphery.


Ha ha(*)

"Yes! It should be like this!"


"Let Pasha and the pirate chiefs go ahead and fight them. We can just hide in the periphery and bombard the enemy fiercely. Remember, don't let the enemy ships near the periphery!"


"They chased us and we ran away, they didn't chase, and we turned around and continued to beat them fiercely!"


boom! boom!

At the same time as the rumbling of the artillery, on the command podium of the Super Battleship Xiang Feihu, a lawless and unruly little girl, the Grand Admiral, saw that the friendly army was successfully pitted by herself, and she had to start following her. After the Spanish invincible fleet launched a decisive battle, she smiled triumphantly and at the same time urged the artillery to hurry up on the enemy’s outer warships that wanted to approach, and let the dense shells sluggish towards the Spaniards. The large Galen ship departed.

"That's it, I'm mad at them!!"


Some sly old man wanted to stealthily rape, want her Grand Admiral Anne to take the lead and consume the enemy's strength, but they secretly hide here and don’t move... Now it’s alright, she and her fleet are indeed taking the initiative. I went to look for the enemy, but they must have never expected it. While consuming the enemy, she took the enemy's large fleet back here without delay.

She believes that a certain bad old man must have had his jaw dropped in shock?

However, without waiting for a careless little girl to be proud, the first mate on their flagship walked up to the front and reported loudly:


"Grand Admiral, we are running out of shells and gunpowder!"

The first officer said blankly.

Although he didn't clearly say what to do next, his expression undoubtedly expressed his attitude, that is: it's time for them to retreat and find a way to supply them first.

After all, they have been fighting the enemy for three days and three nights, and they have dragged the enemy for three days and nights. Now that the barrels are hot, the ammunition has run out, and the artillery and sailors are very tired and tired, it must be time to leave.

Otherwise, after a while after the shells are completely burnt out, they guess they will have to rely on jumping to help fight and fight the enemies desperately. Obviously it is not what their Li family's fleet is good at, and they don't have to do it. That degree.



"Spicy, soon the shells will be over?!"


Annie was a little surprised, but also a little uncomfortable, because now the two sides have just started the big sea battle, the good show has just begun, but they have no shells, this is indeed quite a bit of a response.


The first officer did not speak, and continued to look at his chief admiral, waiting for the other party's order.

"All right!"


"Then let's withdraw first..."

ε=(ο`*))) alas

No way, Annie also knew that without shells, once their big ships dared to rush to the front battlefield to play close combat, they would definitely be targeted by the enemy and blasted into smashed ones, which was not what she wanted.

Therefore, apart from a temporary retreat, she herself has no other good solutions.


"Grand Admiral, where shall we go for supplies?"

"Is it Athens, or Tripoli or Tunisia to the south?"

Nodded, seeing that his chief admiral didn't intend to continue to mess around, the chief officer was finally relieved and tried to ask.

The current battle is estimated to be indistinguishable in less than a day or two. Tunisia to the south is relatively close and can be reached in half a day with a tailwind. However, it is too close to the battlefield and is still the sphere of influence of the Spaniards. , The supply may be somewhat hindered, and at the same time it is likely to be involved in the war again.

As for Tripoli, it is a bit farther away. It is the site of the North African pirate King Hairedin, so there will be no major problems with supplies!

Of course, it’s okay to go to Athens, Greece. It’s just that the wasted time would take more than three to five days. In that case, they would definitely not be able to participate in this great battle. .

"Why are you going to those places?"


"Aren't all the Spaniards' boats coming out to catch us? That's right, now we go north to Genoa, directly along the coast to the west end of the Spaniard's nest, and grab supplies by the way!"


Although it is necessary to retreat from this, Annie does not want to stop the fight. In addition to pitting the two sides and allowing the two sides to fight in advance, she is also prepared to give the Spaniards a grievance. Let them who dared to declare war on them know how powerful Admiral Anne is!


"Grand Admiral Wise!!"

At first, I was shocked, then took a breath, and then the first officer reacted quickly, thinking that it would be a good idea.

"Then go!"

*. (⌒⌒*)*.

Soon, the Li family’s devil fleet was stunned by both sides of the war, and began to accelerate again. With the help of the crosswind, the sails were raised on one side, and they galloped straight to the north. Soon out of the battlefield of the war.


(=^▽^=) ask for monthly pass


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