Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1564: (?ì_í?) Does a whale fly in the sky...

In the huge courtyard of the mansion castle, I saw that huge and terrifying lava giant returned to the magma pool and disappeared. I saw that the courtyard instantly restored to its original shape under the action of magic, and I saw the two strong After the sons of N'Zoth caught the culprit and slammed it to the ground before retreating into the forest, Ram and Rem first glanced at each other, and then quickly walked to theirs. Master Anne started to report to her work.

   "Report to the owner!"

   "Our mission has been completed."

   "Blessed by Mr. Tonzos, the action to protect the village is very smooth."

"Mr. N'Zoth is really strong and gentle, and he has a very good attitude towards others. He also summoned many, many heirs, just like the ones just now. They quickly wiped out the evil witches. The villagers have been well protected. They have stayed in their houses and suffered no harm or loss from beginning to end."

"The powerful heirs that were summoned are now restrained by Mr. N'Zoth. They have returned to the ruins of the witch cultists in the forest under the order. Without our summons, they would not voluntarily leave that. Locally, it is guaranteed that it will not cause any disturbance to the forest environment and the daily lives of the villagers."


   "Master, do you want to take Mr. Enzos back now?"

After reporting the general situation, he thought that he had already won a big victory at the moment. Ram, who had wiped out all the attacking enemies of the Witch Cult, was lucky, and hurriedly took out the one that is said to never be thrown from her own rucksack. The broken glass bottle was handed to their owner respectfully.

  In that glass bottle, it's not the one who is curled up inside, who just made a great contribution, but now behaves very well and honestly, who is the **** of nightmare and the demon of Thousandbeards, who doesn't dare to move?


  ! o

   "You said it is very gentle and has a good attitude?"

Annie first glanced at the ancient **** in the bottle, who was trembling with her glance, and then turned to the twin maidservants Ram and Rem, who was full of black lines. Sisters look.


Annie actually wanted to tell Ram and Rem's two dumb and sweet twin sisters, telling them: Enzos in the bottle is not what they thought, but the other party is the Void Lord who throws into Azeroth to erode the newborn Titan. One of the five ancient gods of the planet.

It is known as the God of Nightmare, the Demon of Thousand Beards, and it was extremely powerful during the dark empire of Azeroth. The faceless and nightmare armies under its command are endless, and they have had endless battles with C'Thun and Yogg-Saron. Melee.

Moreover, after being sealed by the Titan, it is still using all kinds of intrigues and the whispers of the ancient gods to turn the once incomparably wise black dragon king Nesario into the wings of death and surrender to it, and then in the upper elves When encountering a crisis, Shen Hai took the initiative to transform them into its own tools, into the kind of evil naga siren that runs through the endless sea and hates all creatures.

Not to mention, as far as Annie knows, what the Twilight Hammer, the Nightmare King Xavius ​​who is trying to invade the Emerald Dream and try to destroy the world, the Yakis, the Mantid of Pandaria, etc., all follow Enzos can't get rid of the relationship!

And like that, a bad guy who has been stirring the wind and the rain since the ancient times of the world of Azeroth, unswervingly dedicated to destroying and eroding the world of Azeroth for thousands of years, and wishing to corrupt all living things, how could it be? There is an overlap with the evaluation of'very gentle and very nice to others'?

"never mind!"

  Ε=)) alas

   "Anyway, they don't need things like them for a long time. Since you like them, and since they are willing to listen to you, you can take them first!"


After thinking about it, Anne was still reluctant to talk too much to the two twin maid sisters, Ram and Rem, because of that terrible thing, because she was not afraid of N'Zoth making small moves, and since they said it was'very The attitude of being gentle and treating others is also very good', so just give it to them to play for a while and see how long it can last?

"From now on, it will be yours. If it dares not to obey, just report it. When that happens, people will definitely burn it directly, or make it into teppanyaki octopus, and then feed it to Tibbers. Lose?"


  Although Annie didn't care about the ancient gods for a long time, she still threatened the bad guy who was huddling in the bottle'little' in order to prevent the other party from being a demon.


"Really can?"

   Seeing that his master didn't even intend to take it back, but also planned to let his two sisters take care of him, Ram couldn't help but feel a little surprised and at a loss.

After all, she knew that the Mr. Enzos in the bottle was very, very powerful. Even later, the terrifying group of Witch Cultists, probably one or two thousand in number, had not had time to start the killing. Mr. Enzos has been wiped out, and that level of power is beyond their imagination, and now their master has said to give it away?

   So, for a while, she couldn't help but have some huanglian. She didn't know if she should turn down first, and she didn't know if she should accept this important and powerful ‘thing’.

   What if the powerful Mr. N'Zoth is a ‘thing’?


   "Thank you Master!"

   "Sister, you should put it away soon, right?"

   At this time, Rem's eyes flashed brightly, and while thanking him generously, he did not forget to secretly stretch out his hand to pull at the hem of his sister's skirt.


   "Thank you Master!"

After reminding him by his sister Rem, Ram also recovered in an instant, and while hurriedly putting away the glass bottle, he did not forget to learn from his sister and respectfully behave towards Annie, a generous master. A gift.

   "Okay, since it is given, you can hold it. Anyway, it is not rare!"




   "Amelia, how is your interrogation, you are so hot, did he say anything?"


After sending N'Zoth directly to the two twins, Annie then moved towards the leader of the enemy who was escorted by those N'Zoth’s heirs not far away, and the witch who taught the great sins to be lazy as Petitch. Asked Emilia in the conversation with Romani Conti.

If the interrogation is over, if there is nothing left here, then she has to go back to sleep, because it is past early morning, and she doesn’t want to stay here and stay up late for something the size of a sesame seed. .



   "It seems that Betty was right before, but it really was caused by me..."

Hearing Anne’s words, Emilia no longer paid attention to Pettigius Romanikandi, who was lying on the ground with only the strength to speak but no ability to resist. She straightened her body, and then frowned at Anne and her. Ram and Rem who came over explained patiently.

   It turned out that after interrogation, she learned:

Since Lord Rozval L. Mezas Frontier recommended her as a half-elf, the news of recommending her to participate in the election of Melia was spread. After learning that she was a silver-haired half-devil , The Witch Cultist who was instructed in the Gospel to be lazy, that Pettchius Romanikandi resolutely decided to lead the Witch Cult’s "fingers" and a large number of Witch Cult members in the "trial". Attacked the Mezas collar in name, which is now the Hasta territory.

Their purpose is nothing more than to test whether her Emilya is suitable as a container for the'jealous witch' to come back, because... the silver-haired half-elf is the image of the legendary jealous witch Satira, so they are Will be here tonight.

All of this was triggered by the full exposure of the image and identity of her Ami Liya, and the attack of the Witch Cult was just a test, and they were not sure whether she loved Melia or not. It is suitable as a container for the re-emergence of the "Envy Witch".

What’s more frightening is that in their plan, it doesn’t really matter whether it’s suitable or not, because if it’s suitable, they will catch her, and if it’s not suitable, they will follow her with other residents in the territory. Together, just kill them all?

   Fortunately, Rozval L. Mezas Frontier had already packaged and sold the entire territory to Annie. Now this is Annie’s private territory, and Annie is the master here!

Therefore, under the casual counterattack of the lord Anne, all the Witch Cultists who invaded the territory were wiped out within a short time. Even the instigator, Petitchius Romanikandi, who was the lazy priest of the Witch Cult, was also annihilated. After being emptied of all the power of body and soul by N'Zoth's heirs, she was thrown here as a dead dog and asked by her Amelia.

"So this is ah?"

   "Since I have explained it, now that I know the reason, then throw him to the octopus monsters, let them drag him away and burn him!"


Nodding, unlike Emilia’s face of fear, anxiety, and self-blame, Annie didn’t pay attention to that kind of boring little things at all. She first casually gave the laziness responsibility to the witch’s teacher of sins. After the final decision was made, he turned around and planned to walk to her house's castle.

   "Anyway, people are going to go back to bed, so please wash and go to bed early!"


   It's past early morning. Although the fog is gradually dissipating, the dew is still heavy. Annie felt a little wet on her body, so she didn't want to continue tossing in this open-air courtyard at all.


   Seeing that Annie didn't mind, she didn't care about the troubles caused by her identity, Emilia couldn't help but feel a little moved, and cast a grateful look at her tiny slender back.

Emilia still remembers that in the palace of the Lugnica Kingdom, the opponent showed her strength, defeated all the knights arbitrarily with an absolute attitude, and expressed her support for herself. Now, when the Witch Cult comes, the opponent shows her strength. She also helped herself withstand and eliminate all threats, and even apparently let herself continue to live here and continue to support herself, which made Emelia not know what to say.

   When she was moved, she couldn't help thinking, if Annie needs her to do something, she will definitely try to do it, even if the other party wants to spank her, maybe she will take the initiative to push it up, right?


   That kind of shy thing, she just thinks about it, she is the one who is going to participate in the election of the king, and it is very likely that she will be the queen of the kingdom of Lugonica in the future, how could she take the initiative to do that kind of thing?



  At this time, the twin maid sisters Ram and Rem seemed to suddenly feel something strange, and subconsciously and resonantly, they all raised their heads and looked in a certain direction in the sky.


   "Sister! What is that?"

"do not know……"

   "But, Rem, it seems to be coming towards our territory?"

"should be……"



First, Qi Qi exclaimed, looking at the huge monster that appeared in the sky under the full moon and was coming towards the territory, Ram and Rem, who didn’t know what it was, had to look at it. Amelia next to them and the master who had already walked far away.

"not good!"

   "It's the legendary beluga!"


   "Come here and take a look, there is a whale flying towards us, it's really big!!!"

Emilia recognized the giant whale slowly flying towards them at a glance, so she immediately exclaimed that she had walked to the door of the mansion and was about to push the door. Anne exclaimed as she entered the castle.

As a half-elf, Melia with excellent eyesight has clearly seen it in the moonlight: the huge white whale swimming in the air, with horns on its head, and a terrifying red light in its eyes. A huge pink magic circle aperture, absolutely more than fifty meters in length, is even bigger than the lava giant that Annie summoned just now, and may be at least several times or more than a dozen times taller!

   In short, the other party is exactly the same as the legendary monster that she learned in the book and other oral accounts, so it can't be wrong!


   "Impossible! How could whales fly in the sky? That is something only found in the sea. Our territory has only forests and no sea. Do you think people are the kind of ignorant?"


   Annie didn't turn her head back, and she retorted with her lips in disdain.

She directly preconceived that it was the two twin maid sisters who came to play with Emily and tricked herself into playing, just like she used to point to the sky and say something when she played with Tosaka Sakura and Tosaka Rin. She was tired of playing tricks a long time ago, and they definitely couldn't lie to her.

   Besides, they said there was something wrong in the sky, and they even said there were whales flying in the could she believe that kind of thing?

   You know, she doesn’t know what a whale is, and she has eaten a lot of whale meat!


   "Master, there really is, don't you believe it, look back for yourself?"


   "Rem promises you!"


   "Really, how could I be kidding you!?"

"not good!"

   "It speeds up to fly over, it seems to be coming for us!!"


When Annie pushed open the door of the mansion, raised her foot, and was about to go in and return to her room on the third floor to sleep, Ram, Rem and Emilia behind her exclaimed once again. stand up.

   "If you dare to lie..."

   There is no way, the group of guys behind them are bluffing, with a silly look, Annie finally couldn't help stopping and turning her head slowly.

She was already thinking that if the three of them dared to cooperate and lie to her, she would definitely arrest them all, and then ask Tibbers to pump their **** directly in the courtyard, so that their **** would not be swollen and swollen. Never give up when translucent!


   However, Anne soon discovered to her shock that in the sky, under the full moon, there really seemed to be a huge white creature swimming fast?



   "This...this is impossible! This is unscientific!"


  Finally, Annie also followed and exclaimed in exclamation.

   She suddenly felt that the creator of this world seemed too lacking in physical common sense. Look, how could a whale as big as a spicy one be made and let it fly into the sky?

   That kind of thing, Annie said, even if she behaves like her, it is estimated that she can't do it, and that's too counterintuitive!

Although, she can also use magic as a driving force to make any object fly, but a huge whale, tens of meters long, may have hundreds of tons of spicy weight, and let it fly without wings. It flies around, is it so self-willed?

  With that thought, to get a winged dragon or a floating castle, isn’t it more economical and less magical?


"How to do?"

   "That should be the legendary beluga whale, very scary!"

   "Also, now it is coming towards us!"

Emilia doesn't know what'science' is, nor does she want to know what physics is common sense. Anyway, she only knows that if she doesn't think of a way as soon as possible, the other party is likely to cause their territory to be more terrible than the Witch Cult just now. That’s what she didn’t want to see anyway.

"All right!"

  Ε=)) alas

   "People know, they will burn it now, and then go back to sleep, is this alright?"


   Anyway, so many people taught by the witch have been burned, and Annie doesn't care about burning another whale or two now.

   Of course, before burning the other party, she might first cut off one or two pieces of the other party's meat, and then let Rem try cooking tomorrow. Will that kind of beast meat be particularly delicious when cooked?



   "Need our help?"

   Ram and Rem asked aloud with some worry.




   "Annie! Remember to be careful!"

   Knowing that she might not be able to help much, Emilia had to be with the twin sisters, looking worriedly at Annie, who was slowly floating in the air, and exhorted.



   "It must be careful!"


With that said, Annie took her bear bear Tibbs, and under the worried eyes of Ramrem and Emilia, she swished directly towards the huge white whale above the sky. Fly at high speed.


That night, after experiencing the uproar and reminders of the invasion of the Witch Cultists, the villagers in Hasta Territory such as the villagers in Naaram Village saw an unseen and unheard of horror. scene!

   That is:

A huge flame-burning whale was howling frantically and flying around in circles above the sky of the territory. It screamed for most of the night. The sound was terrifying and miserable, which made the villagers startled again. I was afraid that I couldn't fall asleep no matter how I went to sleep, and I didn't even dare to go to sleep, so I could only stay in their respective houses and hug them tremblingly.

   Because they didn't know what terrible monster it was, and they didn't even know what the huge monster that was full of fire would do to them next!

But fortunately, after a full few hours, before dawn, the monster and that kind of strange noise finally disappeared, and there was no more big whale dragging flames flying around in the sky, nor was there anymore. The terrible sound that made them tremble.

After   , the villagers who had been frightened for the whole night were finally able to sleep in a daze at the darkest hour before dawn.

   Another hour or two passed, until the sky slowly lit up, until the morning light shone on the roofs of their houses, but the village of Alam was still quiet, because most of the villagers were still asleep.

   When the morning sun gradually became dazzling and hot, and when the shadows of the trees and houses gradually shortened, in the village, people finally began to carefully open the wooden doors of their houses, and looked towards the outside with their heads.


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