Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1576: ?(^?^)? Pratunam City



A certain wretched little girl was asleep in the dragon cart, and at this time the car had stopped steadily on a spacious stone bridge. Her maid seemed to be negotiating with some people. Who wants to wake her up at this time.


Emilia certainly didn't want to wake up the little girl who slept around and every straight, so she retracted her gaze and turned to look at the huge tower gate and the towering city wall.

At this time, after a few days' journey, they finally came to this destination.

This is the natural border line between the pro-dragon kingdom Lugnika and the Kararaki free trade metropolis, and the big river that flows into this vast sea-like lake in the distance is within easy reach. It is a tributary of Tigulasi that spans the entire continent, and the watergate city in front of you, the magical city named'Plistra', is built right in the center of this huge lake.

Now Emilia can see that the city of Prestera is built with towering walls enough to enclose the entire city, and it looks very impressive!

There are also four huge castle-like water gates and four bridges connecting the gates and the lakes in the four directions of the city wall in the southeast, northwest and south. To enter the city in front of you, you must pass through those four easy Defend the difficult gate.

If Emilia can now look down at the city with a gaze from the sky, then it is not difficult for her to find that the aura of Pratunam City is more like a huge water basin!

That's right, it's the water basin, and it's the kind that is sunken in!

And the buildings and roads of this city are located in this huge ‘big water basin’.

At the same time, the four directions of the'basin', that is, the high towers of the fortress at the entrance of the four gates are water gates or valves. The four high towers like castles are used as the power source for controlling the water source valve. Adjust the water level, and the name of'Watergate City' comes from this.

Looking towards the city, the four converging straight water channels neatly divide the city into four equal-sized blocks, and the people in this city live in such a'bathtub' that is divided into four. In addition, the living environment is generally lower than the water level of the lake outside, and I don’t know who is short-sighted who would design a city like this.

But anyway, today, because of being one of the five kings of the pro-dragon kingdom Lugnica, I have been invited by the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Anastasia Hexin, Emilia and Flandre. Ka, the twin sisters Rem and Ram, and a nasty little girl who wants to do something after eating and idle, finally came here together.

"Is the master still awake?"

At this time, Ram, who had just negotiated with Flandreka, followed him back, and he was still holding a piece of paper that he didn't know what it was.


"Master Emilia!"

"Now that the information has been registered, the supervisor at the main gate did not embarrass us too much. He quickly helped us pass the registration process."

Taking a glance in the carriage of the dragon cart with his toes on his toes, he found that his Master Anne didn't seem to be waking up yet, and Ram had to report to Amelia who was sitting by the door of the car.

"what is that?"

"Why, do you still have to register when you enter the city?"

Emilia said it was a little strange, because when they went to Lugonika's capital, they didn't seem to be as troublesome as they are now.


"This is the registration form..."

"The content is almost like an oath or a letter of guarantee. Only those who sign this form and express their willingness to comply with the relevant laws and regulations of Pratunam City can enter."


"A participant in the election like you, Lord Emilia?"

Ram did not say too much, but directly gave a copy of the information registration form that roughly registered the names, numbers, and items of all the people they need to enter the city on this trip to the curious Emilia. Hands.

"like me?"


"Ram, you mean..."

"It's not just us that Anastasia invited?"

Taking a look at the registration form, Emilia, who didn't find any problems on it, quickly recovered and exclaimed and stretched out her hands to cover her own lips, because she heard Ram's overtones.


"I just heard the supervisor at that gate say,'Why are these kings again? It seems that Prestera is going to be in trouble.'"

"From this, it is not difficult to infer that these days, the king of choice here in Pratunam City should not be the only one of you, Lord Emilia?"

"As for how many came, I didn't dare to ask more."

Ram did not conceal it, directly told what she had heard, and nodded in agreement with Emilia's guess, and also faintly felt that this time everyone came here not far away to do something that might not be too much. smoothly?

"It turned out to be so."

"okay then……"

Nodded, and after returning the registration form to Ram for safekeeping, Emilia planned to retract into the dragon cart.

However, as soon as she turned her head, she saw in astonishment: a nasty little girl who was supposed to be asleep in a dragon cart, but now she was nowhere to be seen, until she hurriedly turned her head and glanced outside. I was surprised to find that the other party had already been sitting in a water dragon boat near the city gate in the distance, and was waving with them excitedly?



"Emilia, Ram! You guys come here quickly, it will be more fun if we go into the city and take a boat!"


The sad little girl in the distance shouted loudly, and successfully attracted the attention of many people around who were also waiting to register and enter the city.


"When did she get there?"

"never mind……"

"Fandelica, can we really change ships?"

Opening her mouth, Emilia didn’t plan to argue with Annie in the end. Instead, she turned her head back and prepared to consult with someone who seemed to be very experienced, was sorting the car, and had been with the fellow Rozval to various places in the world. The opinion of the maid.

"Yes, absolutely!"

"Master Emilia, Pratunam City is built on a lake after all. Of course, the roads here are mainly waterways. Although you can go by land, you can go through channels..."

"It might be a little detour and complicated, and it's a bit narrower than the waterway?"

Pointing her chin with her finger, Flandreka frowned and thought for a while, finally grinning awkwardly and showing her fangs.


"Now that you are here, Master Emilia, you can go to the inn "Water Yui Ting" by a water dragon boat with Master Anne, and enjoy the scenery along the way. As for the dragon cart, there are gifts and items on board. , I’m going to meet you slowly by myself."

"Surely there won't be any problems!"

"Ha ha……"

After speaking, Flandreka couldn't help but laughed awkwardly.

Anyway, she would definitely not say that she herself did not actually know the road to the "Water Pavilion", nor did she know the specific location of the place, and she was not familiar with the roads here in Pratunam City at all!

However, she didn't think that was a big problem. If she was the only one, she would just ask while looking for the way, and she would always be able to reach the destination by looking slowly.

"Is this okay?"

"okay then!"

"Then please come to Flandreka!"

Originally, Emilia wanted to turn down, but saw that Ram and Rem were walking in the direction of the water dragon boat, and seeing that a tragic little girl had already begun to move in impatiently again. After they waved and urged, she herself was a little eager to move, so after thinking about it, she agreed, accepted Flandreka's kindness, and jumped directly from the door of the dragon cart.

They have been in the dragon cart for several days, and now they are changing to a boat or something, which is really a very novel experience for her.


"Be careful on the road?"

Only in time for an exhortation, Flandreka waved her hand without looking back, and drove the dragon cart along the land of the bridge into the main entrance.

As a last resort, Emilia had to slyly turn to walk quickly towards the three of Annie.

"Let's go!"

?*. ?(ˊΩˋ*)??*.

"Let's find something delicious!!"


Soon, with the cheers of Annie, the water dragon, under the command of the'captain', began to twist its snake-like body to swim quickly in the water, and then pulled the water dragon boat to enter along the magic valve. This cyan city, the city of water-the city of Pratunam, Prisstra!

Soon, Annie, Emelia, Ram, and Rem were surprised to see that this place, like the legend, is a huge ring-shaped city, and the more you go to the center of the city, the more it exists. With an outrageous height difference?

Anyway, at this time, they can clearly tell with their naked eyes: the city center is really much lower than the outside water surface, and if it weren’t for the city’s magic and the water gate controlling the water level, it must be built on the lake. , And the big bathtub that is still sunken inward has been completely submerged by the turbulent lake long ago?



"It seems so fun!"


Annie doesn't care if the city is in the shape of a bathtub or a tomb bun. Anyway, she only knows that there must be fun and delicious things here!


"What a strange city."

"I don't understand. Since it is a city, why not build it on the water, but instead waste magic power to control the water level, and then build the city under the water?"

"If it is purely for the purpose of defending the enemy, then the four bridges, tall towers, and the surrounding lake will be enough, right?"

"But now..."

The more I look at Emilia, the more I feel something is wrong, and the more I think about it, the more I feel terrified!

"too crazy!"

"They even designed the city in the water. In such a big city, with so many people, what if there is any accident?"

"Even if there are a lot of dragon boats, once a lot of lake water is poured in, everything here will definitely be rolled under the lake!"

Originally, Emilia would not care about this kind of thing, but since she is now one of the five kings of the Lugonika Kingdom, based on the principle of seeking her own power, she must compare Ordinary people think about more things.


"Rem thinks they should have designed this deliberately. Maybe this city itself is part of the trap?"

"Master Emilia, think about it..."

"Once the enemy breaks through here and enters the city, and the defensive side suddenly opens the four water gates when it is unable to reverse the situation, so that the entire city is completely submerged under the lake, the enemy will also be completely annihilated?"

Rem didn't know why this city was designed this way, but anyway, she only knew that if the enemy attacked this city, it would definitely pay a heavy price?

Even if it is captured here in the end, it will be a lose-lose situation!

In that way, many potential external threats must be frightened by this terrible design that can die with the enemy, so it becomes safer?


"Intentionally? How could they do this?"

Emilia couldn't help taking a breath, and then couldn't help exclaiming.

In fact, she is not opposed to taking special measures to defend against the enemy or certain threats, but she strongly opposes destroying a city in response to the enemy and ignoring the lives of the tens of thousands of people living in the city!

That is very inhumane and evil!

If one day in the future, if she really succeeds in becoming the queen of the Kingdom of Lugonica, surely, she will definitely work hard to change this cruel status quo?

"Rahm thinks this method is good."

"To deal with some cruel enemies, this method of flooding the entire city is the best way!"

The red-haired and red-eyed twin maid sister Ram also spoke at this time, and supported her sister Rem's speculation just now, thinking that such a method is very practical, especially when dealing with enemies like the Witch Cult.

"Some enemies, they won't leave anything alive, trying to die with them, but the most effective way to stop and destroy them!"

"You can only do that..."

At this time, Ram seemed to remember the incident that their village was slaughtered by the Witch Cult and caused her to lose the ghost clan horns, so that his face became a little difficult to look.

Perhaps that is the reason why she agrees with the design proposal of this city of Watergate?

"Can not!"

"That's terrible!"

"Using the method of destroying the city to protect the city, don't you think this is a bit self-contradictory?"


"Annie, what do you think?"

Seeing that the two twin sisters did not see the terrible, tragic and evil aspects of this design in Watergate City, Emilia had no choice but to look at a sad little girl lying on the side of the boat playing in the water. , I want to get a little bit of recognition from the other party.

But then...



"What? Did you guys discuss something delicious just now?"

!? (?\'\'??)?

"Where is it? Where is it?!"


After speaking, a certain little girl who was upset began to look around.

Obviously, Annie must have not paid attention to the topics between the three people, and even less noticed the pleasing urban scenery on both sides of the waterway. As for what she was doing just now, I am afraid that she could only be pushed to the surface of the water. A certain bear underneath only found out.



"never mind!"

"Let's put aside the topic just now for now!"

"I'll talk about it when I have time tonight!"

At this moment, Emilia was very angry, so she had to hold her arms and close her eyes and sit in her own position bitterly, not planning to continue discussing that topic.


"Sister, that house is so beautiful!"


"Rem, the fountain over there is so big..."


"That water park is so beautiful!"


"It's amazing. The waterway behind us looks dangerous like this. How did the water dragons pull the boat out?"

"Maybe there is magic?"



(ˉ▽ ̄~)~~

"Then what's so interesting, it's better to look at the big fish under the water!"




"Ann, are you doing?"

"do not want!"

"I don't want to play with you, stop it!!"

At this time, the entire water dragon boat shook violently. It turned out that a certain messy little girl felt bored, so she reached out her hand and picked up the water from the side of the boat, and then went directly to Emilia and the two. A maid pouring on?

Soon, in the worried gaze of the ‘Captain’, the four women made a fuss on the boat.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

And when the four women, big and small, on the dragon boat shuttled in the spacious waterway were frolicking, in a tall building on the far shore, a person was secretly locking them in with his sight from the window.

But in the end, the person who was spying on them still didn't dare to do anything. He only sneered contemptuously after looking at the water dragon boat for a while, and then arrogantly waved his hands and raised the curtains.


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