Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1578: (O^~^O) Exercise after meal


"how come……"

When night fell, when Amelia and Annie Ramrem and the host Anastasia Hesing who invited them to come here, they had already bathed and changed their clothes. They all came out of the inn’s hot spring bath in dry clothes and dresses. When I walked to the big dining room directly on the floor of the inn, I was shocked to find that there are many more familiar guys here?

"Ferutkuerxu Karsten, and Priscilla Vallier..."

"Why are you here?"

So, of course, Emilia, who didn't expect the five throne candidates to gather at all, covered her mouth and exclaimed in exclamation.

"Please don't be too surprised, Emilia."


"Like you, Kursho and Firut are all invited by me. As for the specifics, let's eat and talk?"

At this time, Anastasia Hessin, who had put on a set of snow-white dresses, walked out from behind Amelia with a smile, and explained to Amelia and the likewise a little surprised Kursho and Firut. NS.

After a lot of hot springs and frolicking, she and Amelia and others have basically confused faces. Although she can't talk about being good friends, at least she can call each other directly and intimately. It’s a name, not just the competitor relationship before.

Of course, she didn't name the ‘Blood Bride’ Priscilla Vallier’s name just now, because the other party was uninvited, but she herself was not very good at rejecting and driving away the other party.

But it's good for the other party to come, and it just happens that the next thing is enough for them, the electors, to work hard for a while, and it's good to have more strength.


"So it's like this..."

With a soft cry, Emilia nodded as if she had realized something, and then did not continue to ask more.

"All right!"

"Emilia, since everyone is here, let's hurry up and take a seat?"

"Shuizhi Yuyiting Inn here is different from other places. There are no tall tables and chairs here, but can we kneel and sit on the cushions like this?"

With that said, for fear that Emilia would not understand and would be embarrassed, Anastasia as the host thoughtfully walked to her position first, then gently pulled the skirt and knelt down and sat down. Straighten the pole.


"We don't seem to be a formal occasion right now. Don't make it too grand. If you are not used to sitting like this, you can do it yourself?"

As he said, Anastasia smiled awkwardly.

Because she saw that a certain nasty little girl sat on the cushion half cross-legged at once, and she was rudely supporting one-legged knee, she didn’t get the kind of'correct' that she just said. 'The way of sitting is to my heart.




Emilia obviously saw Annie's appearance, but her face didn't seem to be as thick as the other person's, so she followed other people's appearances, followed by Ram and Rem, very ladylike In that weird way of kneeling, which would surely compress the blood vessels, he twisted and sat on the cushion.


e(′o`*))) Ha!

At this time, Annie changed to a more comfortable posture. She spread her short legs and sat on the cushion, and then lay halfway on her work with her hands, and stretched her legs directly to the small coffee table. Under the small table.


"Can't you just sit a little better?"

When I saw a sad little girl sitting in a completely different posture from others, she even wanted to lie down and sit down. Emilia couldn't help but turned her face slightly stiff and whispered to remind her. One sentence.

"That's great!"


"I just ate too much, and now my belly is full..."

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

After touching her small round belly, Annie ignored Emilia's reminder at all, and just managed to feel comfortable.

You know, the reason why humans have evolved chairs in countless worlds is because sitting is more comfortable and scientific than kneeling, and more in line with human mechanics, so she will not learn these boring differences. Like the natives of the world, they pretend to be arty and learn the tradition left by a strange guy who has traveled to this world to sit on their knees!

And ah, not only did she not learn, she also completely blocked the calling channel of this world with her backhand, so that no one could be sent here in the future.


Seeing that she couldn't help her, she had no choice but to sit up straight again.

Because at this time, as they took their seats, the formal dinner party finally began, and the waiters in the inn began to file in one after another, carrying all kinds of food, and put the various delicacies in the presence. On the small table in front of every guest.

Then, the people who were hesitant because of Anastasia Hexin's invitation to such a kingly candidate to come, gradually relaxed, and began to discuss quietly while eating.

For example, some of the main issues that Anastasia Hexin invited everyone to come this time, the threat of the Witch’s Cult, the Deacon Sword Demon Wilhelm van Astraia of the Karsten family turned out to be Firu’s firm support. The grandfather of Reinharut van Astreya, etc.?



However, Annie didn't pay attention to what the people around her were talking about, she just lay on her side with her hands half-heartedly looking at the food in a daze.



There is no doubt that the food must be delicious, and you can smell it only by smelling Annie, but...


e(′o`*))) alas

Thinking about what she had done in the hot spring bath, Annie had to sigh again.


If she knew earlier that there is a big dinner here now, she would not do that kind of thing just now. I really regret it!

Anyway, she was already thinking about whether she should secretly use the ability to rewind time and go directly back to the time they just entered the bath?


( ̄? ̄)



"His Master Anne, I remember, isn't your favorite food?"

"Why don't you move the tableware much now?"

At this time, a bad old man sitting not far from Annie, the guy named Wilhelm van Astraea, who also had the title of'Sword Demon', was the deacon of the Karlstern family suddenly Turned his head and looked at Annie strangely.

Obviously, the other party has been paying attention to Annie's every move for a long time, but he has endured it until now, until all the king pickers present have finished talking about some things and started to be a little cold, and then suddenly asked in a low voice.


o(′^`)o hum!

Glancing at the other person, Annie didn't speak, but turned her face away with a cold hum.

Now she was sad, and didn't want to talk to the bad old man she didn't know and who still likes to be nosy.


"I can explain."

"Your Excellency Wilhelm, and everyone..."

"Before coming here, Annie had eaten at the bathing side."

"And there are a lot of portions, so..."

Seeing that the eyes of many people were all looking over here, Emilia on the side hurriedly said to the questioning Wilhelm and the people who were paying attention.

At that time, in the bathing area, Anastasia asked them to prepare pre-dinner snacks and some appetizers for them for four people, but in the end... the guy Annie actually ate them all by herself, and didn't give them anything. The rest of them.

It's good now. These sumptuous dinners for the dinner party are definitely not enough for convenience. Presumably this is the main reason why the other party is sulking and doesn't want to talk to people, right?

Of course, Emilia dared not use that kind of thing to tease Annie's bad-hearted little guy. Otherwise, God knows if the other party will suddenly violently violently, and then, all the rich food on the table of everyone in the room To be overturned?

This kind of thing, in the eyes of Amelia, there must be a great possibility that it will happen!

"So it is!"


"Your Excellency, Master Anne, it's an old and troubled one."

After listening, first nodded in gratitude to Emilia, then apologized to cast an apologetic look at some tsundere girl, Wilhelm stopped asking more, just enjoyed it intently. The ones in front of him are very exotic, but they are weird foods made of raw meat.


At this time, as the sword demon Wilhelm succeeded in putting everyone’s attention and attention on a wretched little girl, a slender figure, fiery red hair and clear blue eyes, and a straight face. The handsome young man finally couldn't help standing up directly from his seat and walking around the table with his sword hilt and walked in front of Annie.


"Reinharut, you..."

Seeing his grandson walked up to the little girl in public, Wilhelm opened his mouth, who had already guessed what the other party would do, but in the end he still didn't open his mouth to reprimand or persuade the other party.

He knew that with his own tense relationship with the other party, the other party would definitely not listen to him.

Moreover, Reinharut is now the knight of Lord Filut, and he himself is the deacon of the Karsten family. The two sides have different positions. No matter what he is in, he is not suitable for interfering with each other too much. many.

"Your Excellency Anne Hasta!"

"I am Reinharut Van Astreya, the contemporary swordsman of the Astreya family, and the first knight of Firut, the 42nd candidate of the Kingdom of Lugenica!"


"I challenge your Excellency in the name of the contemporary sword master of the Astreya family!"

"I hope your Excellency can fight the next fair and face-to-face, please!"

After uttering his request aloud in a tone that was guaranteed to be heard by everyone present, Reinharut van Astraea, the contemporary swordsman of the Astreya family, gave a knightly courtship. Annie bowed slightly.

That's right!

Now, known as the strongest among the sword saints of the past, with the strength at the apex of the world, the'sword saint' who can be called the strongest human being has unparalleled strength, usually only by nickname and patrol can play in the king's capital. The role of maintaining law and order, with more than forty types of protection, Rein Harut'Lai Ao Tian', who can completely crush all casters, just wants to compete with Annie in a fair and just manner.

He has been brooding about the fact that Annie was knocked down and fainted in the palace that day. Therefore, now that he saw the opportunity to be ashamed, he finally couldn't help it.



Blinking, Annie didn't answer the other party.

Because she couldn't remember when she had met the other party at all. She seemed to have a little impression, but she didn't seem to have it, and she didn't know why the other party would challenge herself inexplicably.


"Annie, everyone is waiting, what is your answer?"

Seeing that everyone was attracted by the changes here, and seeing Annie seemed unmoved, after a while, Emilia finally couldn't help but whispered to the other side and reminded each other.

The Reinharut van Astraea standing in front of him is known as the strongest man on the ground, plus the first knight and supporter of the little girl Ferut, who is his own competitor. So, if possible, Emilia certainly hopes that Annie can agree and suppress the other party again.

Of course, if Annie was unwilling, she wouldn't force it.



Different from Emilia’s noncommittal attitude, at this time, the twin sisters Ram and Rem, who were also sitting aside, stared at Lai Aotian angrily, not believing that the other party would dare to be defeated once. To which of their great and honorable Master Anne made that kind of excessive request.



"Is it the one that can be killed directly?"


Annie is full now, she is angry (because she can't eat anymore) and is in a state of having nothing to do when she is full, so for the guy who comes to pick things up, she definitely doesn't mind moving a little.


Of course ‘Lai Aotian’ Reinharut also heard Annie’s words, so his expression couldn't help changing, and his expression gradually became grim and determined.

But in the end he still stubbornly didn't say anything or refute Annie's words. He just subconsciously grasped the handle on his waist that was passed down from generation to generation. Only the sword master can take it. There is self. Consciousness is the hilt of the dragon sword named'Leide' with the highest status in the world.

"Beat it to death?"

"Do not!!"

"That's definitely not possible!"

"Annie, this is just a challenge. It's a competition or a competition. It's not a duel. It's absolutely impossible to kill!"

I was afraid that Annie would really go crazy, so Emilia hurriedly waved her hands and explained aloud, finally making the one on the side Wilhelm and the one in the distance looking at Ferutzzi nervously. With a sigh of relief.

"So it can't be?"




"It's okay to beat me up, right?"



"As long as it is a non-fatal or crippling attack, it is allowed in the competition!"

"Since it's a challenge, it should be okay to get a little injury?"

After taking a look at "Lai Aotian", after seeing that the other person's face looked better, Emilia quickly nodded and added That person accepted his challenge! "


Anyway, sitting here can only watch these guys eat. Anyway, now she is idle and doing nothing, so Annie jumped up in cheers and waved her small fists to indicate that she had accepted the other party's challenge request.

"Where are you going to fight? Is it here?"


With that said, Annie still didn't forget to look around, planning to find a weapon on the spot that could beat the opponent badly but would not be easy to kill.


( ̄(?) ̄)

Soon, as a wretched little girl reached out and broke off a small table leg as a weapon, as everyone present expressed their willingness to be witnesses and referees, the rumor was terrible. The little girl, the mysterious little girl Arcane Archmage who had made trouble in the palace alone, killed the white whale and captured the big rabbit of Warcraft and wiped out the witch’s teaching. The cherry blossom garden is ready.


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