Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1597: *:??(???`)??:*You can't find me

Puffer whales lay eggs once every ten years, and each time they lay eggs, they will migrate to a safe sandy beach in the depths of a maze-like cave on the seaside of the city.

Because that labyrinth-like cave not only goes deep into the ground, but it is also full of terrifying beasts. It can be described as an extremely safe spawning place for puffer whales.

However, when humans, such as creatures at the top of the food chain, appeared, the places where they lay eggs seemed to be not so safe.

But fortunately, the delicious puffer whale is still protected by the terrifying beasts in the cave, and it can't be captured so well.

It is said that there is a puffer whale hunting activity once every ten years. Generally, only one food hunter who enters the cave can walk out alive, and only one in a hundred can see the beach of the puffer whale, a thousand miles. Is there a puffer whale that can successfully complete the hunting activities and safely bring back that incomparably delicious puffer whale?

This shows that the difficulty of hunting puffer whales is still very high!

However, even so, hunting activities once every ten years can still attract countless companies, consortia, and individuals in various names, and countless teams of food hunters have also flocked to them. Into the cave.

This is not because they are not afraid of death, but because hunting puffer whales is not only an opportunity to prove their abilities and fame, but also allows them to obtain legendary ingredients that are incomparably delicious, and at the same time, they can also earn countless money. !

As long as you bring out any puffer whale that has been treated or not, you can make any food hunter or team get rich overnight. The probability of that is one in a thousand, that real wealth of money and silver is comparable. Certain vague lottery tickets are more attractive to food hunters.

After all, food hunters were originally the professions of fighting the ferocious food beasts in order to obtain all kinds of delicacies. Now that they have an easier opportunity to get rich overnight, they will definitely not give up easily.


Unlike the grand occasion when thousands of people rushed into the open day at the beginning, a few hours later, in the depths of the cave, the voices of the food hunters who had been full of voices were basically gone. It extends in all directions, I don't know what giant monster has drilled out of the dark cave like a maze. Only the sound of footsteps on the ground reverberates when walking.




Click~! Click~! Click~!

Here in the depths of the cave, the food hunter Toriko, chef Komatsu, and Toriko’s friend Coco are walking together.

The position here is obviously very deep. Anyway, they have never encountered anything other than the old man who passed by and rescued Komatsu as mentioned by Komatsu just now, except for the legendary one of the three "Jiro". People.

And it is not hard to guess that no one's footprints were found on the ground of the same dark and humid cave in front. Except for the three of them, no one has ever been here.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that other people may have gone to the beach where the puffer whale spawned from another channel. After all, this cave is like a labyrinth, and they cannot guarantee that the path they took is correct. , And there is no guarantee that they will be able to reach that beach along the way.


At this time, it was Toriko’s friend Coco who was talking.

He is one of the four heavenly kings of food hunters, known as the most considerate man among the four heavenly kings. He once practiced together with Toku, then for a while he gave up his job as a food hunter and changed to a fortuneteller. This time, he was specially invited by Alu to capture the puffer whale. Come to help, so I started the food hunter career again.

Different from the powerful power of Toriko, his ability is "poison", and his body is full of poisons, and he has up to 500 kinds of poison antibodies, which can convert the water in the body into venom and release it, and he can adjust the type of poison at will. , Such as paralytic poison, fierce poison, etc., and can even synthesize aqua regia.

In addition to poisoning, his handling of ingredients is also very exquisite, and special poisonous ingredients like puffer whales, I am afraid that only he can handle it with a certain degree of confidence among the three. The main reason for inviting him.

Just now, the two of them worked together to destroy a legendary beast "Devil Orochi", and then they ran into Komatsu who was lucky enough to get his life back, but after walking so long and so far, they still couldn't meet with them before. The little girl who entered the cave and then left.

"It's been so long."

"I still haven't met that little guy, is it really okay?"

"We really don't need to find her?"

And now, when Coco saw that Toriko was more worried about the puffer whale than the little girl, he couldn't help feeling a little confused, worried, and anxious.

"Didn't you ever see the'death' on her face at all?"

"On the contrary, Komatsu, who was seen as'dead' by you, really died once. Since she will not be in danger, why should I worry about her?"

Carrying a large piece of processed demon snake meat on his back, the prisoner walked in front of him and said without turning his head back.


"Although I did divination, my divination accuracy rate is only 97%, in case she happens to encounter that 3%..."

"You have seen it too. So many food hunters don't know how many will die in this cave. She is an eight-year-old girl. I really don't know why you feel so relieved of her."

"I always feel that she will definitely encounter that 3% probability..."

Unlike the careless Toriko, the gentle and considerate man Coco stopped suddenly as he walked.

He didn't want to go forward anymore. He always felt that the three of them should immediately turn their heads and look for those places with footprints. Maybe there is a chance to find the little girl who walked away with them not long after entering the cave. not always?


"At that time you should listen to my advice, we shouldn't bring her in."

"Trouble now."

Coco said with a guilty expression on his face.

He felt that if that little girl really had an accident in this cave or was permanently ‘missing’, he must have been one of the ‘perpetrators’, he would definitely have a conscience for the rest of her life, right?


"Coco, you really are..."


"Komatsu, you should explain to him!"

Looking back at the friend who was still serious, in the end, Toriko shook his head and said nothing, but continued to carry the meat on his back while moving forward in the dark, while letting Komatsu explain to him.

"Mr. Coco."

"Actually, Lui is right. We really don't have to worry about Annie at all. Let's worry about ourselves better."

"You may not know yet, do you?"

"Annie is a super powerful guy. So far, no matter what beasts or monsters she encounters, there is nothing she can't deal with."

"Sometimes I still think that she might be even more powerful than Mr. Coco and you two combined?"


"She also said that she is the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful arcane master!"

"That's a magician, the kind that really knows magic!"

With that said, while Komatsu signaled Coco to keep up, he did not forget to tell what he knew. For example, a tragic little girl alone defeated a whole ship of cruel pirate gangs, and a chain lightning wiped out dozens of them. Glorious deeds such as roasting whole pigs, flying high in the sky to hunt down the brutal Hankella bird, chasing away a large group of coco koalas, scaring away the giant apes that dominate the rainbow fruit, etc.

Of course, Komatsu didn't dare to say the kind of thing that the other party stole the rainbow fruit while chasing away the giant apes and blamed them on the apes.

After all, in any case, they seemed to be ‘accomplices’ who benefited from that matter. Once they were publicized, they would definitely cause them big troubles.


"Really, will there be that kind of magic that can fight monsters in the world?"

Seeing that Toriko was so relieved, and Komatsu said the same, although Coco felt a little relieved, he still felt a little skeptical after all.

"Why not?"

"Cocoa, can't you also divination?"

"You are allowed to divination, but you are not allowed to use magic?"

The Toriko who led the way in front suddenly turned around and ridiculed such a sentence. Of course, it was a relatively well-meaning one, and he didn't mean anything else.


"All right!"

"Toru, and Komatsu, I hope you are right."

Coco first frowned and groaned. He felt that Toriko was not like that kind of unreliable person. He probably wouldn't casually put a little girl in a dangerous place like Komatsu just now, so he felt that he would stop saying anything. Began to follow the two of them intently.

Anyway, it’s useless for him to worry now. Thousands of food hunters rushed into this huge cave and then fell silent. In such a huge, complicated and dangerous terrain, the three of them are really going to find a little girl. , It must be a huge time-consuming and labor-intensive project. If you really want to do that, it is probably not necessary to fish for puffer whales.

"Do not worry!"

"Maybe she is already waiting for us at the deepest beach in that cave. If we don't hurry up, we probably won't even get a bit of puffer fish in the end."

"If she has tasted the sweetness, she will definitely grab all the puffer fish meat!"

Yes, instead of worrying about the safety of that nasty little girl, Toriko felt that what they should worry about now is the safety of the puffer whale.

He is not sure where the little guy is now, but he only knows that if the other party really arrived at the legendary beach first and ate the delicious puffer whale meat first, then there would really be none. Someone else’s thing.


"No way?"

"Even if she has the kind of power you said, but the puffer whale can't be eaten without special treatment, and even I have only a few levels of assurance that it can perfectly deal with the puffer whale's venom sac. Even if she can capture it, she probably wouldn't dare Isn't it nonsense?"

"If you eat indiscriminately, it will kill you!"

Coco obviously didn’t believe that the little girl who had met and said a few words before could have the ability to handle puffer fish meat perfectly. In fact, as far as he knew, there were people who could handle puffer fish and whale meat perfectly. People, almost a slap can be counted, and he happens to be one of them.



"You remember!"

"Remember what to live?"

"You should never underestimate that little guy. Faced with what she eats, especially delicious food, she can do everything."


"what do you mean…"

"It means literally."


"You mean, she even dared to eat puffer whale meat directly?!"


"Who knows?"

"Anyway, let's hurry up, I seem to have a bad premonition again."


"Mr. Coco, I also think that Torture is right. Annie is not the kind of person who needs us to worry about. We are the ones who should be worried about."

"All right!"

"Hurry up, Coco, Komatsu, keep up with you. If it gets slower, we're afraid we won't really see the puffer whale."


"It's unbelievable."

"Ha ha!"

"Wait, when you have been in contact with her for a long time, there will only be more things that make you unbelievable."

Soon, as the voices of Toriko, Coco, and Komatsu were talking more and more distant, as the rustling footsteps became weaker and weaker, finally, the three of them went deeper into the cave, and just now they The area passed by was once again plunged into deep darkness.

However, only ten minutes later, the three of them turned back angrily.

"Liu, I said, that's a dead end, you still don't believe it..."

"You didn't say it!"

"Do not!"

"I said! You must go on."


"Then you lead the way this time?"

"No problem! I must be right to lead the way. Let's go this time..."

"Go here!"

"Hey! Toriko, Mr. Coco, is it really okay this time?"

"Surely no problem!"

"Why are you so sure?"

"I can smell a different smell here, and unlike Lu, I can still see things in the dark."


Komatsu was very surprised by Coco's confidence and ability, and finally felt relieved.


Before long, after about half an hour, Komatsu didn't think so much, because the three of them turned back in embarrassment.

Obviously, the road just changed doesn't seem right?


"It's definitely okay to go here this time!"

Coco, who was able to see things in the dark, patted his chest, and once again assured the way.



Toriko and Komatsu did not speak, but followed each other weakly.

Now, let's not say that they are looking for the legendary beach or looking for a tragic little girl. They are even lost at this time. Where can they be in the mood to think about other things?

What they didn’t know was that while they were still struggling in a dark and deep cave like a maze, a certain wretched little girl used teleportation spells to arrive there early. The legendary beach.



"Tibbs, this is so beautiful, should it be here?"

?( ̄??)???

After that, Annie, who was not lost this time, cheered and rushed in...


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers didn't speak. It obviously didn't want to take care of someone who used hundreds of teleports to be worthy of a bad little master who came here...)


(?︶?) Hehehe...

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