Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1601: ?(*?)? People are so powerful

In the early morning of the second day when Annie, Uncle Alu and others arrived in the first reserve of IGO, they left the research institute located in the mountain and set out to hunt the legendary Ligaru hairy, which produces gem meat. elephant.

However, not long after they set off, they received another message saying that someone had caught the mammoth in advance. Therefore, the few people who had only walked more than ten kilometers had to stop. The ground was trimmed, eating a picnic and waiting for someone who caught the mammoth to come and meet.

At this time, everyone was waiting patiently on this open highland flat place, and because there was no need to hunt anymore, Uncle Alu and a certain bald uncle took the opportunity to take the opportunity to show how many people originally planned. Eat and drink plenty of food and drinks.


'According to the legend, in the depths of the distant southern ocean, there is a dense forest of trees that are very peculiar. What it seeps is not resin, but pure natural sap that is as sweet as honey. It is called a'honey tree'. '. ’


  ’On a certain prairie in the north, there is a kind of ‘sweety’ with only a few thick leaves growing, but as long as they are stacked, it is a ‘four-leaf clover hamburger’ of delicious burgers! ’




Annie didn’t bother with Uncle Alu and Uncle Bald who were eating, nor did she pay attention to a food news reporter who was chattering beside her, because she didn’t know each other, so she just watched her food from the sidelines. Magazine.

This has become a habit of her, because only this kind of food magazine can let her know the current situation of the food world as quickly as possible, so that she can purposefully choose the ones that need to be packed and taken away. Good variety of delicacies.


   "Annie, what's the matter with you?"

   Seeing Annie watching while sighing, the young lady who has a messy short hair and looks more like a man Ling'er walked over and asked strangely.


   "People are just thinking..."

   "If all these delicious things in food magazines were owned by someone alone, how good would it be?"

  Ε=)) alas

   After speaking, Annie sighed again.

   She found that there are too many delicious things in this world, and she can see the delicious food that attracts her almost every day, so she doesn't know how to choose it now.

   Of course, she is not thinking about which kind of food to take away, but about which one should be collected first?

   She doesn't want to do multiple choice questions at all, her original intention is to see everything, as long as it is delicious, she will take away everything!


"Ha ha!"

   "How can all the food be yours?"

   "Don't say it is exclusive, even if you have to taste all the 300,000 kinds of food that have been discovered, it is very difficult. If you really want to do that, you must at least become the president of IGO to be possible!"

   shook her head, Ling didn't take Annie's words to heart, just said as if joking.


  ! o

   "Sister Ling, what do people need to do to become the president of IGO? Can I kill the current president now?"


   Suddenly Annie became a little excited.

She is especially experienced in becoming the president and usurper. The slower method she has tried when she was the president of Fairy Tail, and the quicker way is to directly kill the president herself. In this way, she is a little bit ready to move now.

"of course not!"

   "In short, it must be impossible for you to become the president!"


   "If you have money, you can join IGO and become a major shareholder. That way, the power will not be much smaller than the president."

Ling obviously didn't take Annie's words seriously, and she didn't know that their president had really swung wildly on the verge of death just now. She thought that the little girl was just joking, so she also laughed and joked. Plotting advice with his lips.


   "Then what should I do if I join?"

  ∑? !


   "Maybe I need to go to the Foreign Affairs Department and Finance Department of IGO?"

"I remember that the organization seems to have dedicated investment councils in various big cities... but it's useless! Annie, the international gastronomy organization IGO is a branch of the United Nations. The franchise fee is at the national level. Three hundred and sixty countries have already joined, so you won’t be able to take care of you for your pocket money."

While speaking, Ling laughed at herself instead. Anyway, she didn't believe that anyone has the ability to join IGO, even the top rich, it is very difficult, because the initial fee is continuous, not just one time payment. After that, you can always enjoy all the conveniences of IGO in terms of welfare and power.

   "Do you need a lot of money?"


"Of course!"

   "Even if you catch hundreds of puffer whales and sell them all, it is not enough. It will only be enough for you to buy a few scattered stocks in the stock market. If you want to join our IGO, you don't have to think about it."

   Ling knew from Uncle Alu and others that Anne had caught more than one puffer whale, and that a puffer whale was worth 100 million yuan, but even 100 billion yuan was useless, IGO was not bad for that little money.



   Although Annie has caught more than a hundred puffer whales, she does not intend to send out the delicacies she has already obtained.

   And, let alone a hundred, even if there is only one!

   "What if you use gold?"

   "Can you join the bank with gold?"

   Therefore, Annie naturally thought of the useless metal at the bottom of the box.

   Anyway, she has too much of that metal, and she can't use it up. If she can use it to join and get all the food for herself, then she will definitely not mind.


   "That's precious metals, the best solution for trade settlement in all countries in the world, of course it is possible!"

   "But you ask what this does, how much gold can you have as a little guy?"

   "I will tell you!"

   "Don't steal your parents' gold jewelry in exchange for money. Gold of that level is definitely useless!"

   looked at Annie up and down, Ling found that Annie didn't even have a gold bracelet on her body, and then she hurriedly told her if she didn't know why, for fear that the little guy would be messing around.

   "People never steal gold jewelry from parents to exchange for money!"


   "People have always been rich!"


  Yes, as Annie remembers, since she started to remember, her money, that is, gold coins and gems, has never been missing.

The old dragon burned by her contributed her first fortune in her life. She became even older than the mystic wizard Gregory father and the shadow witch mother Amoryn in her family very early. When I have money, where do I need to steal jewelry?

   Apart from anything else, now it’s just the industrial gold ingots from the bottom of the box in her space bag, just take out a few pieces, it is probably enough for her to join IGO, right?

Of course, it doesn’t matter if it’s not enough. At most, she will go to the Kepulu region again and ask her subordinates to use a cargo spacecraft to find a few mineral planets. That kind of metal is more in the universe. I'm afraid that only these'earth people' who haven't made it out of the universe will treat that kind of thing as treasure.

   "A lot of money?"

   "I still don't believe it..."

   shook her head, Ling was a little dumbfounded, and then walked straight to the side, apparently no longer wanting to talk to a kid like Annie about the ridiculous topic of joining IGO.

That kind of thing is not something that the other party should know, and she should not be able to intervene. It is the world’s national institutions and heads of state that have the ability to talk about it. They are just ordinary people. That's it.

   "I don't want you to believe it!"


   Annie only needs to know the way. For other things, she can naturally do it by herself, but she hasn't figured out how to do it yet.

   But it is definitely not possible to go directly to the door and use gold bricks to hit people. It would be too troublesome to do so, and the efficiency is too slow. She must think of a faster and more efficient way.


   Soon, Anne was not careful, she spotted someone not far away who was eating and drinking with Uncle Alu, who hadn't stopped since yesterday.

   Then, an interesting idea began to brew in her mind.


   "Hello! Little Annie, is there anything I need to call this handsome guy?"

   Seeing a little guy's gaze towards him, the bald-headed Uncle Mansam, the director of the Food Research Institute and the director of the IGO Development Bureau, raised the wine bottle in his hand and gestured towards Annie and asked.


   "I'll talk about it later when I'm free!"


Annie doesn’t plan to talk about that kind of thing at this time. There are too many people here, and she still thought about it. If that kind of proper method doesn’t work, she’s going to do extraordinary things, so the people who know it are the most. Fortunately, the less the better.



   Suddenly, it seemed that something was coming. The food hunter Uncle Alu who was drinking was the first to stand up.

"That is?"

   "Good, so big..."

   "Is that the Ligaru Mammoth?"

   "It is indeed a food treasure that has been regarded as a treasure house of ingredients since ancient times. It is really shocking!"

   "It's incredible..."


   Following the movements of the Toriko, everyone who was waiting and resting also stood up and looked in a certain direction, and exclaimed.

   They all saw it. In the distance, at the intersection between the mountains, a huge black shadow appeared. What is it if it is not a Ligaru mammoth?

   Moreover, they also saw that under the Narigaru Mammoth, there was a small, looking like an ant, holding it with one hand and walking towards it at high speed?

"and many more!"

   "That guy holding it with one hand is amazing, isn't it? How heavy does the elephant weigh? A thousand tons? Or 10,000 tons? Is that guy still a human?"


   "Sure enough, that guy Sani?"


   "Sani, one of the four heavenly kings of gourmet food?"

"it's him!"

   "It's brother! I saw him!"

Between everyone’s exclamation and Ling’s yelling, it didn’t take long for the guy who was able to walk fast with one-handed holding the huge mammoth quickly came to the crowd, and when he used his force, he moved the other side. Perhaps at least a thousand tons of mammoths upwards were thrown at the crowd.




   "Help, help!!"

   Seeing this, he couldn't care more, and the people shrouded in black shadows fled in fright.



   snorted coldly, and then, the mammoth that seemed to be fainted by acupuncture and tapping hadn't landed and smashed down, and was hovered in the air by Annie with a finger.


   "Annie, you are still so amazing!"

Seeing that his disagreement was easily resolved, the girly-looking Killer Matt with colorful long hair said with a chuckle like this, not caring about what crazy and dangerous things he did just now. .



   "Non-mainstream man, you are still so messy!"


   Of course, Anne also knows the person here.

Because, she had seen it on Hankelila Island, and used magic to teach the other party severely in the pudding battle, letting the other party know what absolute power is, even if the hair has super powers, it is It is impossible to defeat the omnipotent Queen Anne.


"This is…"


   "Liu, she is..."

   However, seeing what Annie did, and seeing the faces of A-Liu and Killing Matt Sani, Ling and a certain female reporter who had just rolled down from a height and escaped for their lives were not calm.

   "It's magic!"

   "Annie's magic is very powerful, don't you know?"

   At this time, the chef Komatsu with big nostrils came over to explain in shock.

   "Of course I don't know, you haven't told me!"

"Me too."

   When Ling lost her temper, the bald-headed uncle also raised his hand in agreement.

"Me too."

   "Is there any magic in this world?"

   The female reporter said that she saw it for the first time, but before she remembered and raised the camera, Annie had already thrown the mammoth aside.



   "Since the mammoth was really caught by him, can we eat it now?"


  Annie can't wait for the jewel meat in the mammoth.

"No way."

   However, a certain bald-headed uncle made a noise.


  !? ?

   "Look at..."

   "This is a baby elephant. This kind of baby elephant is likely to have no gems in its body. What we want to hunt should be an adult female elephant!"

   "So, it can only be temporarily raised by our research institute."

  Although there is no gem meat, the bald-headed Uncle Mansam doesn't mind at all. He can't let go of such important research materials for free.


   "Such a big guy, or a baby elephant?"

"how come…"

   "How old should the adult be?"


   Seeing that the bald head pointed at such a big behemoth and said it was a larva, everyone was shocked again.

   "How can I know if I don't plan it out and see?"

   "Definitely not!"

   "However, it is not useless. I can take it back to the research institute to study it slowly. You can hunt the female elephant yourself."

   "Maybe, after we research, we can mass produce gem meat, that's a good thing!"

   After finishing speaking, the bald head Mansam was stunned again by others, and slowly carried the larval mammoth which weighed more than a thousand tons with brute force.


   "How long will it be?"

   "I don't know, maybe more than ten years?"

   Bald head said uncertainly.



   Annie retired directly.


   "It's so decided. I will take it back while the acupuncture effect is not invalidated. If you catch a female elephant, remember to notify me as soon as possible."

   "Be careful on the way!"

  While speaking, Bald Mansam lifted the behemoth over his shoulder.




   Suddenly, before the bald-headed uncle could take a step, a certain uncle who dyed his hair into a non-mainstream flew out with a muffled hum.


"elder brother?"

   "What, what's going on?"


   Everyone exclaimed, and Ling ran over.

   "Don't worry, he must have tried to touch Annie with his tentacles again."

   "This is what he deserves!"

   "It's not the first time, it's so messy..."

   Toriko and Komatsu weren’t too surprised, because they had seen a similar scene on Hankelila Island, and the other party wanted to ‘lick’ Annie with that kind of tentacles, but it turned out to be like this.


   "I don't want to, but her body is too fragrant, I always want to try..."

   At this time, not far away, a certain ‘non-mainstream’ who was helped to stand up by Ling spit out the mud in his mouth and smiled in a jealous manner.

"do not!"


   "Don't try again, UU reading may die if you try again!"

   Toriko shook his head.

   He himself was touched by the opponent's tentacles on his body skin. The feeling was as if he was really licked by the opponent. It was super disgusting and uncomfortable!

   But he has no way to resist, he can only accept it silently, and protest is useless.

But a little girl is different. She knows magic. Sani’s methods are of no use to her. The same is true in the'kitchen restaurant' area. The invisible'tentacles' can't touch her at all, and once they want to She could still be discovered by being close, but they couldn't understand it.



   "Have you finished talking? We should go catch the bigger mammoth after we finish talking!"


   Annie doesn't care about those things. She just wants to know now, is the gem meat really as delicious as the guys say?

   If it is really delicious, then...



   "Although the director has gone back, if there is Sani, it should be enough."

Look at the old friend who is leaving with the mammoth baby, and look at Sani, who is annoyed by catching a baby elephant. After waiting here for a long time, the food hunter Alu, who has already eaten and drunk, shouted loudly. Announced.

   "Then guys, let's go now!"


  ?????? The end of the month, the monthly pass is going to be moldy.

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