Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1603: Ku (^ _?) ??

Knowing that the matter was urgent and it was likely that the target would be picked up by some guys named ‘Gourmet Club’, Annie finally set off ahead of schedule.

She didn't choose to wait for those dumb guys who were more troublesome than Uncle Alu. Instead, she set off on her own. Super delicious gem meat.

Soon, without much time and effort, when Uncle Alu and the others were still on the road, she found the Narigaru Mammoth on a plateau and landed easily on the other side's like a mountain top. Above the huge head.

Annie was quite sure that the six-legged elephant in front of her was the female elephant that Uncle Alu they were looking for undoubtedly!

Because it looks exactly the same as the baby elephant that they captured before, which weighed at least a thousand tons, but, unlike the baby elephant, the current female elephant is more than 1,500 meters long and tall. It's also about a kilometer or so, and the weight is at least tens of millions of tons. It's not much different from a mountain that can move on its own.

So, at the moment Annie is worrying, what exactly should she do to deal with this huge and extremely huge monster in her eyes, which is about the same size as a Zerg Leviathan giant creature battleship?

Of course, horror is relative. For Annie, it's not horrible at all, it's just a little troublesome.



"Tibbers, what do you say we are going to do?"


"Are you going to kill directly and then dig up to get the meat?"


"But it's so big, it seems I can't finish it..."


Standing on the head of this Ligaru mammoth, Annie, who was moving forward with the rumbling of this super ‘mountain’, obviously did not attract any attention from the mammoth.

After all, her small body is insignificant compared to this thousand-meter-long ‘big mountain’!

Probably it is equivalent to a lice on a cat, or even smaller?

So, even if she was thinking about how to eat the other person at this moment, the angry elephant still did not find her, and was still roaring and moving forward.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers didn’t pay attention to the wicked little master of his family. It doesn’t matter anyway. No matter what the method is, even if the wicked little master of his family releases it, let it swell and become a kilometer. It’s so high, and then you can unload this elephant to eight pieces. It can also be easily done.)



After thinking about it, Annie, who was a little undecided in her heart, finally sat down on the ‘ground’ and opened a certain page of a certain food magazine on the spot.

Because she remembered that there seemed to be a detailed description of the Ligaru mammoth on that page. Maybe she could find a more reliable and good idea from the top?

"Found it, here!"


Soon, Annie turned to a certain page and began to browse quickly and excitedly.



The Ligaru Mammoth, also known as the "ancient food treasure", is a huge mammoth. It is currently known to inhabit the Ligaru Island. It is extremely rare and endangered. However, it is said that there are also wild mammoths in the huge food world. Mammoths exist?

Its growth rate is very fast, its body length at birth is about ten meters, and after a few weeks of birth, its body length can reach more than 50 meters, which corresponds to its exaggerated growth rate. It's the same exaggerated appetite.

Because it is a carnivore and has a huge appetite, under normal circumstances, wherever it has lived, it will become a land of bones like hell.

The Ligaru Mammoth’s fertility is not high but it is very long-lived. It can live for at least five hundred years. As long as it is alive, its body will continue to grow and its hunting level will increase as its body length increases. .

Somewhere in its body contains the ‘gem meat’ that combines the deliciousness of all parts of the body, but it appears in different parts according to individual differences, so it is quite difficult to find the gem meat.

Gem meat is an ultra-high-grade rare ingredient, extremely rare. It was the highest-grade food for hospitality in ancient times. Because it will shine like a gem, it will also be used for some special purposes, but In view of the strength of the Ligaru Mammoth, from ancient times to the present, the "jeweled flesh" has been a treasure in food that only the brave can obtain.




"But the above didn't say how to take it out?"


"Sure enough, it's definitely not visible outside. It seems that you have to kill you?"


On the head of such a behemoth with a length of more than 1,500 meters and a height of almost 1,000 meters, it must be impossible to see the jewel flesh in its body. Therefore, after tangling for a while, Annie became a little impatient. Now, ready to use the most simple and rude way to take out the meat she needs.



However, just as Annie was about to do it, she was surprised to find that a pink-haired, pointed-nosed robot with a height of more than ten meters suddenly appeared from somewhere in front of her?

"How come another..."




"Is it crazy?!"


Then, the other party didn't seem to find her standing on the elephant's head, but waited for the mammoth to enter the attack range, and then brazenly fired that kind of light energy weapon at the mammoth.

‘! ! ’

"Ho **** ho ho~! ! ! ’

Under the attack, even though the skin was not breached, the Mammoth was still irritated, and directly lifted a giant foot and stomped on the robot, which was only a few dozen meters high.

Rumbling rumbling...

Immediately afterwards, the two sides fluttered around here as if an adult was fighting with an ant.

A few minutes later, the pinky-nosed robot retreated as a matter of course.

The robot was not stupid. After a short battle, it was embarrassed to find that its murderous ray attack had a huge body like the Ligaru mammoth and a thick cuticle that might be more than ten to several tens of meters. As far as the skin is concerned, it has no meaning at all.

"Do not make jokes!"

"How can I deal with this kind of monster..."

"Sure enough, it won't work to break it forcibly, can you only use the traditional way?"

He dexterously hid aside, watching the frantic and predator in front of him, one breath can capture countless animals, and then one breath can spray the remaining bone remains after digestion to the Ligaru shaggy mother. Elephant, the pink-haired sharp-mouthed robot had to stop and hide behind, and bitterly watched the terrifying behemoth, which was thousands of meters high, slowly walked away.

After the temptation just now, it has discovered that it is definitely impossible to hunt the female elephant normally. It must think of other ways.




However, just as he was about to control the robot to wait for an opportunity to use a more traditional way to obtain that kind of gem meat delicacy, a rock that didn't know where it came from flew into his robot's head and slammed. 'A sound, and successfully attracted its attention.



"The scorpion who is controlling the robot, hello!"


"Can someone ask you a question?"


It turned out that it was Annie who had just shot.

I don’t know when, she has already flown off the head of that huge Ligaru mammoth, and at this moment she is floating in the air more than ten meters above the ground, just like that pink-haired mammoth. The pointed-nosed robot stared at each other.

And based on the other stone that she just let go of without time to throw it out, it is not difficult to guess that the one that hit the robot's head just now must be her masterpiece.


The robot did not answer, but looked at the little girl floating in mid-air with a little surprise and doubt, and didn't know what was thinking in his mind.

"Is such that!"

☆? (o*?ω?)

"Shu, you seem to know what to do to find that kind of gem meat from the elephant's body, right?"


"Originally, people wanted to slaughter it directly, but it is too big. But slaughtering it directly seems to be too wasteful. You can't finish it. So, can you tell others that way?"


Annie asked playfully.

Obviously, and don’t know why, she now seems to have given up the simplest and most rude way of direct killing, and instead is ready to seek something not mentioned in the book from the seemingly capable robot in front of her. It can be less violent. The way to achieve the goal.

"Gem Meat..."


"Are you from IGO?"

The eyes of the pink-haired sharp-mouthed robot flickered for a while, and then suddenly asked coldly.



"Should it be counted as well?"


"Anyway, they are very familiar with the uncle bald head and the uncle Alu!"


Annie didn't mean to conceal the slightest, she directly told the names of certain bald-headed uncles she knew.

Anyway, in order to obtain a variety of food, she has now decided to invest in shares and join the IGO organization, but now there is no time to implement her plan, so the other party said she is an IGO person, Shouldn't it be wrong?


"Arrived, and Mansam?"


"Then you can go to death!!"

It's okay for Annie not to say anything. As soon as she revealed her relationship with the international food organization IGO and a certain uncle Alu, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Food, the robot did not hesitate, opened its mouth suddenly, and then, a powerful penetrating ability The killing light shot from its mouth.



However, Annie, who saw the attack, did not evade.

She was just a small frowning movement, that terrifyingly lethal ray hit some invisible shield, and then instantly bounced and deflected into the sky, without knowing where it hits. went.



"It's the ability of gourmet cells..."

"It seems that you are not an ordinary person, right?"

The robot was not annoyed when he realized that his killing light was not working, but it did not continue to launch in vain. Instead, it accelerated and rushed to Annie at a very fast speed. Then, when he stretched out his hand, the giant mechanical palm was Grabbed Annie in the palm of his hand.


"Caught it!"

"Gourmet cell owners with special abilities, it will definitely be a great achievement to catch you back!"

"Of course, so is gem meat!"

Feeling that the big hand of the robot had indeed caught a certain little girl, and then looking at the huge mammoth in front, the pink-haired robot smiled gloomily.

He thought, this time the action seemed to be unexpectedly smooth, and it was easy to find the mammoth, not to mention, it would make another great contribution as soon as it was shot. There was nothing better than this.





However, before he could be happy for long, he was shocked to find that the palm of the GT robot he controlled had unexpectedly reopened somewhat uncontrollably?


When I took a closer look, I realized that it was the little girl who stretched his robot fingers with her bare hands.

"How, how?"

"This is impossible!"

You know, his GT robot with a height of more than ten meters is a power type. It has the horrible grip that can squeeze a gourmet tank directly with bare hands, and a little girl with small arms and legs can actually use brute force to squeeze her own machine. Open your palms, what's the joke?

"Shu millet!"


"Just now, the robot that was knocked down by others was also with you?"


"Didn't it tell you how he was defeated by others?"


While opening the palm of the opponent's hand, Annie still stared at the pointed eyes of the robot's head and smiled playfully.

That’s right, before she found the Ligaru Mammoth, she did come across a GT robot with a different color and a smaller size. Then the guy wanted to attack her as well, and then the guy was caught She was blown to pieces.


"So Zaiba was destroyed by you?"


Hearing this, where does the pink-haired robot still don't know what's going on?

So, without thinking about it too much, and without waiting for the little girl to escape from his palm, he opened his sharp mouth again and let a thick murderous light shoot towards the palm of his robot once again!


boom! !


With an exclamation, the pink-haired robot staggered back amid an explosion after being hit by the reflected light. The little girl who had just been shot by it was still floating there unscathed at this time.

What’s even more frightening is that she did not know when a section of its mechanical arm had been cut off, and one of her hands was still holding a huge finger of that section of the mechanical arm. Are there several tons of broken arms carried in mid-air?

"Shu millet!"


"Let's talk! Tell me how to get gem meat, people may not dismantle your cute little robot."


After losing that piece of mechanical arm first, Annie, who looked like a little devil, interrogated the one-armed "Divine Eagle" pink-haired olecranon GT robot in front of her as a mockery.


"Don't think about it!!"


"go to hell!!!"

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

Seeing that the powerful manipulator's grasping power and the killing light could not help each other, the pink-haired robot stretched out his hand a little anxiously, letting the pink steel hair on his body look like ten thousand bullets, and Qi Qi violently fired at the little girl. Past.



"All right!"


Seeing that the other party was uninterested, she wanted to continue to attack herself. While she took the other party's attack and blocked those steel hairs, Annie stretched out her white and tender palm again, and then shook it fiercely.


The next moment...

Before the pink hair robot could react, it was like being pressed from all directions by a hydraulic press of hundreds of thousands of It was crushed into a ball of elliptical iron **** flashing electric sparks in an instant. .

"People will think of a way by themselves!"

o(′^`)o hum!

After easily packing up another GT robot, Annie turned around and chased after the huge female elephant who was still mad at the front.


Bang! !

The oval iron ball flashing with electric sparks fell heavily from mid-air to the ground, smashing a large hollow pit and making a muffled noise.

It's just that now it's like one of its previous companions, and it can't move anymore.


?(ψ`▽′)o~monthly pass

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