Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1614: |????) Uncle Hu, what are you doing here...

For countless years, the food world, which has been called the food paradise, was recently overthrown by a food hunter who had come back from the food world with a bandage wrapped in a bandage at a press conference that caused a sensation in the world.

It turns out that the food world is not a utopia of food. The reason why those who go to the food world never return is not because they settled there, but because the food world is purely a hell!

All the food hunters who went to the food world died there, and that person just managed to survive and escaped back.

According to that person, in the gastronomy world, there are terrifying oceans, violent sky climates, and various extremely absurd natural environments that are completely unsuitable for human survival, plus that extremely cruel, super beasts that are completely ineffective with ordinary thermal weapons, etc. Wait?

At the beginning, a few days before the news conference was broadcast on various TV stations, people were still a little skeptical. But then, when the international food organization announced the emergency closure of various gates leading to the food industry, it was strictly forbidden for anyone to go to the food industry and send After being heavily guarded, seeing the sudden change in painting style and IGO's reaction, people don't know what it means?

Therefore, during this period of time, the world began to become a little turbulent.

After all, this world is a food age based on food, and now it’s good. I thought it was a food paradise, the unexplored endless food world like utopia, but now it has become a hell-like existence. The cognition and the impact of the established world food system are undoubtedly huge and subversive.


Unlike the turbulent world and ordinary people who are at a loss, some people just don't believe in that evil!

For example, a certain self-considered food hunter, Toriko, came to Zebel Island, one of the food world (borders) alone, and came to the cliff called Takihu Cliff.

Then... the first URL m. luoqiuww.

Of course, the arrogant and arrogant he jumped off alone, and was quickly beaten on the spot by various animals and plants from the food world!

Before he landed, he was first slammed by an air cannon by a frog dragon of unknown capture level, and immediately lost his half life!

Immediately afterwards, not long after he fell off a cliff more than 20,000 meters high, before he could recover, the air pressure from low altitude, high gravity environment and poisonous gas emitted by plants began to torment him, and then there was another head growing. Three-headed Asura tigers and a King Kongo took turns tormenting them, followed by the poison of thermal cacti and waterfall trees, and finally, when they were almost eaten by cockles, fortunately, the figure of a familiar little girl fell from the sky. , And finally pulled him back from the brink of death.

Anyway, the desperate Toriko could only see: the other party punched and made a grotesque, and quickly beat those screaming cockles and lay all over the ground, completely out of danger. Rescued back.



"Uncle Alu, what are you doing here?"


"Are you playing the game where you feed yourself to tigers and frogs?"


With one punch, and soon after finishing the large group of strangers, Annie curiously pressed the corner of her skirt and squatted in front of Uncle Alu, and used a tree branch to pull away the other party’s wet blue hair. After revealing those tired eyes familiar to her, he asked with a smile.

She could actually come a little earlier, but she deliberately waited until this last moment, and waited until the other party was dying, and then sent over to relieve the siege without hurriedly, just to see the other party's current misery. Look like.


"Very good!"

"It's Annie..."


Although, the little girl’s smile seemed to be full of gloat, and the action of pulling her hair with a tree branch in her hand was more like teasing a monkey, but at this moment, the prisoner can’t take care of so much. It was the first time that he felt how cordial and trustworthy the other party's existence was to him.



"It's miserable..."


"Don't tell others, I secretly came to the food world to eat alone. Now, Uncle Alu, do you realize your mistake?"


Pretending to be a little adult, Annie just said this one word at a time, and at the same time tapped the other person's head with a tree branch.


Toriko didn't answer, he just lay on the ground and breathed hard to recover his strength as soon as possible.

He really realized that he was wrong. He didn't expect that the monsters and environment in the food world were really as bad as those on TV, and it was just this Zebel Island on the border of the food world?

The lesson is indeed profound enough, he really almost died, this is the first time he has been so embarrassed since he became a food hunter.

Fortunately, he thought before that no matter where he goes, he won’t be called the little girl in front of him, so as not to let the other party continue to scrape away all the food, but now, he finds that his idea is still too simple NS.

"Huh! Huh!"

After taking a breath for a while, seeing the little girl no longer use the tree branches to tease herself, the Toriko who recovered a little bit of strength barely sat up with a very heavy body, and then watched the little girl jump as if unaffected. He came to the cockles who had just passed out by her and started studying.




"Annie, what are you doing?"

Seeing Annie squatting there for a long time without moving, Li was curious and couldn't help asking strangely.

"People are thinking..."


"I don't know if this frog can eat it!"


"Would you like to cut off the meat on their thighs and have a look. Should they be fried or fried?"


Anyway, Annie knows that frog meat stewed and steamed will definitely not be delicious, because it will be very fishy and fishy, ​​and there is no seasoning when roasted, so she is a bit entangled now, don’t know how to deal with it. good.



"Uncle Alu, shall we chop off all their thighs, and then take them back to let Uncle Big Nostrils help with cooking?"




"Annie, forget it?"

He looked at the cockles lying on the floor with black lines, and thought that they weren't any delicious ingredients, so he waved his hand to discourage him.

Because he knew that Xiao Anni was more than just talking. She always did what she said. In order to have a delicious bite, she could even slaughter this life teapot or something, if it was necessary?


"He was right."

"Little guy, those cockles are not very tasty, you won't like it..."

At this time, suddenly a voice came.


"who is it?!"

Alu was taken aback. He didn't expect that there was a third person besides himself and Annie, so he immediately stood up with his tired body and shouted in the direction of the forest.

"it's me!"

Soon, a squinted grandfather with a short stature and a hunch came out of the woods.

"It's you?!"

Alu was taken aback, because he remembered it. He seemed to have seen him on the train to the puffer whale cave. Originally, he thought he was just an ordinary old man, but he didn't expect that the other party could still appear in the delicacy. Zebel Island in the world is here, and it looks more relaxed and easy to do than yourself?



"Grandpa, hello!"


Annie clapped her hands and stood up, and greeted each other.

She just talked about frog legs, because these cockles were so ugly, they were still slimy, and she knew that they were definitely not tasty when she looked at them, so she quickly gave up to pack them all. The idea of ​​going back.


"It seems that I am late, and I don't need to go out here anymore."

Looking at the fallen cockle, the old man nodded first, but then shook his head.

He found out that these foodies animals that lay on the ground were knocked down by brute force, not the acupuncture points he had imagined, so he couldn't help but glance at Annie.

Except for the little girl who can do this kind of thing, there will definitely be no one else.


"Little Annie, are you also commissioned by Komatsu to help?"

The old man ignored Hu's confusion and consternation, and walked directly to Annie's side and asked.

He could see that the gravitational environment, atmospheric pressure and poisonous gas in the forest did not have any influence on the other side's city building, which really surprised him.



"Sister Ling called to ask someone to save this idiot!"


"Sister Ling said, if they don’t come, Uncle Alu’s idiot will definitely die, and then he promised to give away a lot of delicious food, and if he saves a idiot, he can get it back. It was a bargain with so many delicious ones, and then I came back."

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Annie didn't care about the feelings of the uncle behind, she directly explained the reason why she appeared here.

That's right!

The reason why she appeared on Zebel Island, under the cliffs of this weird island with a living Takipot, 20,000 meters below sea level, was because that sister Ling bribed her with food. This is the main reason. The friendship between her and that Uncle Alu has nothing to do with it!




"That's it..."


"Come on! This is not a convenient place to talk. There are too many wild animals. When we went to the forest over there, I found a place to return, where there are delicious wood snails."

He glanced at the sluggish expression behind him, who did not know what it was, and then looked at the little girl who was not too big to tell the truth. The old man shook his head, but in the end he didn't say much, just motioned to the two of them to follow. Own.



"Is there really something delicious here?"


When she heard that there was something delicious, Annie certainly wouldn't refuse, so she jumped and ran in the direction the old man was pointing at. As for the uncle named Alu behind her, she was gorgeous. The ground was forgotten by her.

After half an hour, the three of them sat down in an open area in the woods, grilling the wood snails over a charcoal fire, and chatting some gossips to each other.

At this time, Hulu finally learned that the strange old man in front of him who seemed to be close to Annie was actually the second disciple of the food **** Acacia. He was one of the few legends that existed before the start of the food age. The character, but also their teacher, Jiro, the younger brother of Ichiryu, the president of the international food organization IGO?

The other party and Annie met on the beach deep in the puffer whale cave, and they also saw that Annie had captured at least one or two hundred puffer whales, and they were all perfectly processed and preserved?

"Senior Jiro!"

"Why here, I feel like my body has suddenly become heavier several times?"

At this time, Toriko, whose complexion had basically returned to normal, had long wanted to ask this question, so he took advantage of the opportunity of waiting for the delicious forest snail and asked the Jiro.

"of course!"

"This is a place with an altitude of more than 20,000 meters. Whether it is a gravitational environment or an atmospheric environment, it is very different from the place where humans live!"



"Why isn't Annie affected?"

"You said she..."

The old man Ji Lang glanced at Annie, who was waiting for the snails to be cooked by the leaves, hesitated to say something.


"You still don't compare yourself to her."

Glancing at Toriko with an inexplicable look, the old man Jiro still didn't say clearly.

He had heard Setsuno say before that it was the IGO that gave the other party a lot of shares and power for the sake of money, but now, he thinks that statement is wrong.

Anyway, in his opinion, IGO is not just because of the gold that crushed the foundation of the First Research Institute to do it, but there are other factors.

In short, the fellow Yilong, his senior, did a very good job in this matter, very shrewd!

"Uncle Alu!"


"People are much better than you, and they certainly won't be affected by the environment here!"


First he made a playful grimace for Alu, and then Annie finally couldn't help but reached out and grabbed the cooked wood snails, and directly picked out the hot and greasy flesh with wooden thorns. .

"Ha ha!"


"It's delicious! I'm not welcome!"


As she said, Annie reached out her hand and grabbed all the cooked wood snails. She didn't care about a certain old man who was not able to eat and his body was still injured. He was in desperate need of food for nutrition and energy. An uncle.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Ha ha!"

"Don't worry, there are many more here!"

The old man Jiro laughed, and then put more wood snails.


"Tom, there are some things that can't be done by one person, and you are not omnipotent."

"Next time, if you want to explore the food world, don't do so recklessly."

"After all, not every time someone can come to rescue you in time."

"Your teacher asked you to practice with your partner before. UU reading is not completely unreasonable."

Jiro is talking about the chef Komatsu who entrusted him to come here. He is very optimistic about him, because it is the same as his own partner Jena when he was young.


Toriko didn't speak, but just glanced at some greedy little girl nearby.

He obviously misunderstood Jiro's meaning. He thought that the other party said that when he is going to explore the food world or look for food in the future, he must remember to bring this powerful little helper in front of him?

"Don't you eat it?"


"I know!"


"You are definitely not hungry, are you? That's not your kind!"

?*. *.

Seeing that the two were just talking, and when the second batch of wood snails were almost roasted, Annie pulled them all into her arms again, and she didn't even want to be polite with the two of them.


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