Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1616: ?(*?)? For seafood...Chopper, attack!

The Sonny, or Thousand Miles Sunshine (or Thousand Miles Sunshine), the pirate ship with a nest of pirates, was driving at high speed toward a certain destination in the wind on the sea.

I don't know how long they have been driving, until they noticed the dim outline of an island on the sea level ahead, and the speed barely slowed down.


"An island was found ahead!"

Born in the East China Sea, Nami, who is nicknamed "Little Thief Cat", a navigator from the East China Sea, first discovered the island hidden at sea level, so she summoned Luffy and the others from the bow of the ship for the first time. After Lu Fei ran over for the first time, he handed the telescope in his hand to the opponent's hand.


"It's over there!"

Nami stretched out her hand to show Luffy the direction.

At this distance, if you don't use a telescope to see, you can only see a vague little black spot, which will be ignored if you are not paying attention.

"Where? Where?"

|?˙?˙)? Remember the URL m.luoqiuzwww.



"It looks so far..."


"At the current speed, it may take a while to see clearly."


"I hope I didn't find the wrong place, right?"

Hearing Nami's reminder, Anne, Toriko, Komatsu, and Usopp, Sanji and Robin from the straw hat group also flocked to the bow.

However, with the exception of Luffy with a telescope and a nasty little girl who can see far and far without a telescope, these people just barely saw a black island appearing on the sea level on the horizon. It's just the outline.


"Is that the island we're looking for?"

"It's really hard to find!"

Holding the binoculars, Luffy saw the strangely-shaped island pointed by Nami at a glance, and at the same time couldn't help exclaiming and rejoicing.

If it hadn’t been for the food hunter Alu and Annie, they would have never known that the seafood fruit actually grew on such an island. I’m afraid they are still aiming to the bottom of the sea and that sea area. Stumbled around, and then it is very likely that Chopper could not be found until his whole body turned blue, and then watched Chopper go and helpless?


"I can already faintly smell the scent of the ingredients coming with the sea breeze, there is definitely nothing wrong with it, that's it!"

As the ship turned and accelerated again, as the outline of the island gradually became clear, the Toriko on the side also said with some excitement.

His nose won't lie to him. He was pretty sure that the island in front should be the food they were looking for that had both medical and edible effects such as seafood fruits.


"Why do I seem to see a high wall above..."

"Does anyone live on this island?"

"Then shall we just go directly to the people on the island and inquire later?"

Usopp took the telescope from Luffy's hand and looked towards the top of the island. Then, in addition to the dazzling array of food and vegetation, he seemed to see a door and a high wall.

The high wall is obviously man-made, so when he wants to come, he just waits for someone to ask directly later, and saves time wandering around looking for and wasting time.


"That should be left over from before."

"According to records, this island not only has a variety of Chinese delicacies, but also a lot of beasts. Then one day, all the people who originally operated here were driven away by those beasts and monsters."

"Of course, I'm not too sure about the specifics, as it is said in the book anyway."

Torri rebutted Usopp's statement and slumped his shoulders. He just knew this place and had never really been there. Therefore, he had only heard of some things, and he didn't dare to pack a ticket.


"But, Toriko, why is it like that?"

Komatsu felt a little strange.

It was also the first time he heard about animals driving people away. After all, this is not the food world, and it is unlikely that you will encounter creatures that have a high level of capture that even food hunters can't resist.

"Because of benefits!"

"After all, as I said before, many of the ingredients on this island can be used as medicinal materials. Therefore, a lot of people came here and made the island smack."


"The aborigines on the island couldn't bear the harassment, so they united and drove them away."

"Ha ha!"

"That must be a good thing the food hunters did a long time ago, anyway, that's probably the case."

Torri scratched his head and laughed awkwardly.

He knows that for the sake of profit, food hunters can do everything, but if it is not too far away from the place where humans live, and there are many other alternatives for the ingredients for recuperation, plus there are recuperations. The existence of the holy land of professional treatment in the country, so over time, when the benefits and risks are not proportional, this place is gradually forgotten and abandoned by people, and no one is willing to come here without a commission. .


"If the record is correct, the seafood fruit we are looking for must be on the top!"

After the laugh, Alu said firmly.

At this time, the island was getting closer and closer, and they could already see its peculiar appearance from a distance, which was exactly the same as the photos he had seen in food books. There was definitely nothing wrong with it.


"Since the seafood fruit is on the island, what are we waiting for?"



"Everyone, go get ready, we are going to set off soon!"

Luffy jumped to the railing along the ship's edge, preparing to mobilize before logging in.

"For Chopper!"

"Landing on the island, no matter what monsters are on it, we will fight them all..."


"Ann, Annie?!"

When Lu Fei stepped on the railing along the boat and was clamoring to go to the island to kill the Quartet and grab the seafood fruit anyway, suddenly, he saw a little girl flying first. Then he left everyone in spite of it, and started flying to the island far away.

"Your broken ship is too slow!"


"Wait for you to slow down, the deer-headed villain is probably going to die, so I will set out now and find the seafood fruit for you!"


"That `s a deal!"

?*. ?(ˊΩˋ*)??*.

Annie, who was flying in the sky far away, turned her head and kindly and volunteered to say this. Then, before everyone on the boat said something, she swished and flew straight to the island, and then soon Away from everyone's sight, he disappeared into the dense jungle on the island in the distance.


"Annie's magic is so convenient!"

Seeing that Annie was so aggressively taking the lead on the island without waiting for everyone to say something, and flying so fast, Nami couldn't help but sigh with envy.


"You must find it! We will come soon!"

"be careful!!!"

Luffy can’t fly, and it’s impossible for him to stretch his feet to the point where he can step over at such a long distance. Therefore, he can only continue to stand on the guardrail along the ship's edge and then move hard towards it. In the distance, Annie waved her arms in the direction she was leaving and shouted loudly.


"not good!"


"Oh no……"

However, unlike Nami’s admiration, Luffy’s shouting, and the gratification of the Straw Hat group of others, the two people who came with Annie and Komatsu suddenly shook their hearts, and then directly exclaimed and sighed. stand up.


"Strange, Mr. Toriko, and Mr. Komatsu, is there any problem with this?"

Luffy looked at the two of them inexplicably.

After all, he knows the strength of the little girl Annie, who is so powerful that one person can beat them a whole ship! Therefore, he felt that the dangerous animals or monsters on that island would definitely not be her opponents, and he didn't think they needed to worry about each other.


"What's wrong?"

Nami also felt that their reaction seemed strange.

She thinks, if Anne made the shot herself, there must be no problem, just like the last time on Hankrera Island, everyone quickly figured out the true face of the island based on Anne. , And then, their ship also smoothly supplied a lot of food for this.



Toriko and Komatsu first glanced at each other tacitly, and then looked at the straw hats on the boat with an embarrassing smile that was uglier than crying.

"Everyone, it's like this..."

"If there is such a seafood fruit on the island, Annie will definitely find it soon. We never doubt this!"


But what about it, Toriko couldn't say anything anymore, so he looked at Komatsu with some embarrassment.

"But Annie will definitely search for the delicious food and the seafood fruits!"

"Most definitely!"

"At that time, we don't know if we can each get one."

Komatsu next to him was crying and explained to everyone.

I don’t know how many times it’s the first time. The guy Annie is always like that. She likes to take the lead when it’s a critical moment. Then, she always has a way to take the lead in finding the target with her amazing instinct to eat goods. delicacy.

And then……

Then nothing else will matter.

Because, as long as those delicacies can enter her mouth and make her feel delicious, she will definitely pick up, grab all, and collect all of them in advance, and there is still the kind of food that is not left at all, so that others will never be able to eat it again. degree.

And according to that little guy’s statement: ‘People don’t know others well, why should you think about them? ’

Of course, in addition to those words, there must be a face of disgust.


"Anyway, it's probably the same thing."

In this regard, Komatsu and Toriko already have a deep understanding.

But in many cases, they have to rely on each other's magical power to get those food, so they can only be so painful and happy.

"Is that so?"


"She will definitely leave Chopper with the cure, right?"

After listening to Komatsu's remarks and breaking the news, Nami also felt a little surprised.

However, thinking about what happened when she was on Hankelila Island, and thinking about the few sweet whole fruits that she could not even eat, she quickly felt relieved.

Others may not know about it, but if it were the little guy Annie, maybe she would really do that kind of nasty thing, right?

"It's no problem!"

"No matter what, Chopper's treatment, it must be guaranteed."

Holding his arms, Alu nodded, not thinking that Annie would be so bad.

In fact, he thought, if the output of that kind of seafood is enough, the little guy Annie, apart from leaving a portion for Chopper, should still leave some for all of them to try. of.

As for her pocket that can hold everything, even if it does stay, it must be only a small part. No matter what, it will definitely not be too much.

"Then it's okay!"

"Hurry up, everyone, get ready!"

Lu Fei didn't have time to mind the problem that Toriko, Komatsu and others were worried about, but directly waved his arms and gave orders.


"Prepare two small boats for us!"

"I went ashore with Nami, Chopper, Sauron, and Robin to find seafood fruits, and the others were on standby on the boat!"

"Be more energetic!"

"We can't all count on Annie, if she can't find it, then Chopper can only count on us!"

"and also!"

"If we hurry up, maybe we can find it one step ahead of her?"

Holding the straw hat on his head that was almost blown away by the sea breeze, and looking at the island that was getting closer and closer, Luffy began to prepare for the final landing.

"Ha ha!"

"That's it!"

"Among you, Chopper has only seen the illustrated book of seafood fruits, and it just so happened that I was the only one of the three of us who have seen the If you want to come, Annie must not recognize the seafood fruits, right?"

"Maybe we really have a chance to find it one step ahead of her?"

The seafood fruit is not the best food on that island. It is just an ordinary fruit that happens to cure Choba’s deep-sea heat. Therefore, Torri also believes that Annie, that fellow, is likely to be affected by others. More delicious food to attract, not the seafood fruit?


"I don't even know seafood fruits, and Annie will definitely not recognize them!"

"Very good!"

At this time, Komatsu also reacted.

After all, there are many kinds of ingredients and fruit trees on the island. Without knowing it, it may be really difficult to find the fruit.

"Don't guess!"

"Prepare everything, we are ready to put down the boat!"

Luffy didn't care about that much. Seeing that Chopper's situation became more and more serious, he didn't want to wait for a moment.


(?ω?) Monthly pass

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