Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1640: ?(*?)? The bear kids make a big fuss in Advance City (2)

Pushing the underground fourth floor of the city, in this scorching hell, the warden of the Great Prison Magellan was in his office using a phone worm to give a report to the Marshal of the Warring States Period far away at the naval headquarters Malin Vandor.

Magellan is a superhuman person with the ability to poison fruits, that is, a poisonous person.

He can exhale poisonous gas from his mouth, or release a large amount of highly poisonous liquid from his body, and he can also form a poisonous dragon to pounce on the enemy.

And because he himself is a poisonous person, the gas he exhales is also poisonous, and even the food near his mouth is smoked with poison. Therefore, every time he suffers from those poisons that are too strong. No, cause diarrhea,

As a result, he has diarrhea for nearly ten hours a day, sleeps for eight hours, and the average working time is only about four hours a day.

And now, it is his diarrhea time!

However, because of certain things, he had to endure the strong bowels rolling in his stomach, tighten his abdomen, and sit back at his desk.


"Yes, it has been confirmed that there was indeed a foreign enemy invading the large prison. There was originally only one person, but now a second one has been discovered, and the prisoner has also been found to be escaping."


"Except for that Straw Hat Luffy, the other one should be the'bear boy.' That's how the jailers reported it to me. I'm not so sure. I was having diarrhea just now..."


"Yes, I am now preparing to take some time to capture them myself..."

Holding the microphone, Magellan, the warden advancing the city, said a little bored and complaining.

After all, anyone who is forcibly called out to work during diarrhea will definitely not be in any better mood, and of course he, the leader of the prison, is no exception.

So, now he is holding back his bowels, ready to catch the first'bear boy' who broke into Pushing City from the outside, and put him in his prison, and then quickly go back to the toilet and go to the toilet. Pull on for a few hours.

'no! ’

‘Warden Magellan, you can’t do that! ’

‘Don’t you know that even Admiral Huang Yuan and the Science Force are not her opponents? ’

However, at this time, the phone worm mimicked the frustrated expression and tone of the Marshal of the Warring States Period and blocked and questioned Magellan.


"Even the general is not her opponent?"


"I really do not know……"

This sentence made Magellan's true words, and he was also a little surprised.

But think about it, he only works four hours a day, he has diarrhea for ten hours, and sleeps for eight hours. Where is there time to pay attention to things outside the prison? Let alone the other party, that is, the ‘bear boy’ is still a new and cutting-edge little pirate who has just taken off.

And if he hadn't just told him by his subordinates, he didn't know that there was a fierce little pirate named'Bear Kid'!

‘Warden Magellan, I must tell you the following things! ’

'First! ’

‘Be careful of the bear in that little girl’s hand! ’

'Because it may be more powerful than its owner, and the admiral Yellow Ape was defeated by the claws of that weird teddy bear. The ability of the natural fruit ability is invalid for it, and it can directly attack the natural ability. The body of the person! ’

'second! ’

‘According to General Huang Yuan’s confirmation, Hai Lou Shi is also invalid for that little girl! ’

‘He once buckled a pair of Hailou stone handcuffs to the little girl’s arm, but as a result, the specially made Hailou stone handcuffs were easily torn by her. ’

'third! ’

‘In addition to her superpowers to manipulate flames, she also knows many kinds of shock waves such as teleportation, transformation, space-shifting, and air burst, which are very difficult! ’

‘So, I strongly recommend that you don’t have any conflicts with her, please transfer the prisoner Portcas D. Ace immediately! ’

The phone worm relayed the original words of the Marshal of the Warring States Period with an extremely serious expression.


"and many more!"

"Marshal, that little girl, what does she have to do with that prisoner, are she brothers and sisters?"

Hearing what the Marshal said, and thinking about that ‘Portkas D. Ace’ seemed to be also a fire capable person, Warden Magellan asked with some imagination and strangely.

‘It should not be! ’

'It was found out that Portcas D. Ace was the illegitimate son of Roger, the pirate king. At the same time, he was also the righteous brother of the Straw Hat Pirate Monkey D. Luffy. This attack must It was instructed by Straw Hat Luffy to rescue that important prisoner before execution! ’

‘Warden Magellan! ’

‘I order you to quietly transfer the prisoner immediately and hand it over to the navy ship outside the prison for custody. They will immediately **** the prisoner to Malin Vandor, and at the same time, the general of the headquarters will also go to respond! ’

‘This is the first priority and must be performed unconditionally! ! ’

This is the extremely severe and indisputable order of the Warring States Marshal from the phone worm's mouth.



"I see, I will transfer the prisoner immediately, please rest assured!"

After speaking, Magellan put down the microphone a little annoyed after saluting.

This is the advancing city of the world’s first prison. The security measures are extremely strict. The overall structure is a huge tower-like structure submerged into the sea. Its foundation is on the bottom of the sea. The cells are made of sea stone. The entire advancing city is surrounded by huge sea king sea animals. At the same time, there is a fleet of naval warships defending outside the prison, and it has never been invaded by foreign enemies.

And now it's alright. Two people succeeded in invading here on the same day, and they had to move the prisoners ahead of time. This kind of thing is a shame to him, the warden!

So, he quickly made a decision secretly, and looked at the deputy warden in the office.


"The order of the Marshal of the Warring States: You and Domino will immediately take the prisoner'Portcas D. Ace' away, and hand him to the naval fleet outside the prison, who will immediately **** the prisoner to Malin Fondo. !"

"Make no mistake!"

With a sullen face, Magellan gritted his teeth and ordered his two subordinates.


"What about you, the warden?"

After Hannibal and Female Deputy Warden Domino looked at each other, they asked strangely.


"I will meet those two intruders!"

"I want to see if it's that bear kid's flames or mine?!"

Speaking gloomily, Magellan walked out from behind the desk gloomily.

Although the Warring States Marshal did not mean to blame him on the phone, when he was the warden, the prison was invaded by foreign enemies, and they had to move the prisoners in embarrassment in advance. That is undoubtedly a resume for him. Of course he couldn't wait here in the office and just ignore it.


"That's great!"

"If the warden died in the hands of that bear kid, wouldn't I be able to get a full correction!?"

Upon hearing the warden's words, the deputy warden Hannibal exclaimed happily.

Then, realizing that he had accidentally exposed his ambition to usurp the throne, he hurriedly covered his mouth.


However, Magellan did not pay attention to the subordinate who had been thinking about his position all the time, and just glared at him severely.

"You guys do it now!"

"The prisoner must be safely transferred to the navy. If there is a problem, you are the only one to ask!"


After speaking, Magellan's stomach rang again, and then, holding back his bowels, he no longer planned to say more, but walked straight out of the office.

The two pirates of the Straw Hat group sneaked into his big prison, and there was such a big disturbance. He must come forward to let the two guys know that this is his Magellan site, and he is the boss here. , Everything here is up to him!

Those two pirates, especially the bear boy, don't think that defeating the admiral will be great. Magellan is a poisonous man, and he will soon let the other party know how good he is.


"The warden, you can go with peace of mind!"

Deputy Warden Hannibal said excitedly, but no one could see that his eyes and the tone of speech seemed to be the kind of gloating taste?


Magellan didn't say much, but walked out of the office door with a sullen face, and soon disappeared into the dark passage of the prison.


At this time, Annie was walking along the dark passage with an uncle the clown who she had just met and the name was ‘Buggy’.

Because, the other party told her that he knew where Ace was locked up, and that he had seen Ace at the same time, and even knew the intersection to the next floor, so she directly asked the counter party to lead the way and planned to take a look. .

Although she knew that the other party was uneasy and kind, she didn't care too much when she was eager to complete the boring task of saving people.




Many prisoners saw Anne and Bucky, but they did not speak, just stared at them in the dark.

This is the second underground level of the Great Prison Advance City, which is the Hell of Beasts.

It is said that the jailers have placed a variety of ferocious beast monsters on this layer, including chickens, snakes, human-faced lions, poisonous scorpions, etc., and the boss of those monsters is the Sphinx, a huge human face. Lions, once the prisoners on this floor leave the cell, they will become food in the mouths of the beasts?

And this is the real reason why the prisoners did not dare to ask for help even though they saw the two passing by.

In their opinion, the outside of the cell is much safer, so instead of asking for help at this time, they will stare at the little Annie and Ba who are walking in the aisle with the same look of the dead. The two of them.



"Monsters, monsters!"

Suddenly, Bucky spotted a small and cute hippopotamus rushing over behind the two of them. Then, he shivered with fright, and yelled about going forward.



"What's so scary about a little hippo?"


Annie was a little baffled.

However, Anne soon knew why the clown uncle was so afraid of a hippo the size of a pig, because when the little hippo ran up to her, it opened its mouth abruptly. Then he wanted to swallow her along with the masonry on the ground?



"Burn you to death!!"



The other party is about to eat herself, how could Annie be polite to the other party?

Therefore, after a flash left the area of ​​the other party’s weird big mouth, in the next second, a blaze burned from the palm of her hand to the cute and cute little hippo, and instantly enveloped it completely. !

Soon after Anne's flames passed, a roasted hippopotamus, which was charred on the outside and tender on the inside and still sizzling with fat, came out of the oven.


Perceiving the fire and temperature behind him, Bucky the Clown turned his head and glanced subconsciously, and then he stopped in shock.


"so smart?!"

Bucky's eyes almost didn't come out!

You know, it's the dwarf hippopotamus, a monster that cannibalize countless people. I don’t know how many vicious prisoners here have entered each other’s mouth. Is it cooked?



"It doesn't seem to be delicious..."

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Coming to the front, she sniffed in front of the ‘corpse’ of that cute hippopotamus. After finding that the smell didn’t seem to be very good, Annie slapped her lips and sighed, giving up the idea of ​​eating the other side.


Bucky swallowed, then his eyes rolled, then turned and walked back.

Of course, he was not attracted back by the smell of the hippopotamus, but was frightened by the brutal means of the little girl!

What's more, he suddenly discovered that it seemed to be a little safer to follow the other side now than to go around chaos by himself?


‘! ! ’

'Hey! ’

‘Hurry up and let us out! ’

‘I beg you! ’

'Hey! ’

'uncle! ’

‘Little girl? ’

‘Don’t go! Let us out! ! ! ’

At this time, the prisoners in those cells saw Anne’s methods, and when they saw that even the monsters couldn’t help her, they immediately yelled and yelled, wanting Anne and Bucky to try to get them out of those seas. Released from Loushi Prison.

It's a pity that neither Annie nor Bucky, the ill-intentioned and selfish clown, paid attention to them. They just walked forward one after another.

And shortly after the two left, the prisoners saw that there was another noise in the aisle ahead, followed by the screams of fire and beasts, but then, the noise and movement gradually began to fade. Calm was restored.

A few minutes later, Bucky the Clown finally led Annie to a huge human-faced lion.


"Master Anne!"

"You, look!"

"That's the prison on this floor, the human-faced lion sphinx, behind it, is the stairs leading to the upper level or the lower level."

Bucky the clown carefully lowered his voice and pointed to the huge lion sleeping in the aisle to remind him.

"It seems to be sleeping, maybe we can sneak over?"

Although, this terrible little girl in front of him on the road has already performed to him the roast hippo, roasted human-faced lion cub'Maticola', roasted snake ***Sirisk', roasted sickle mantis and combined scorpion. Wait, there is nothing she can't solve in a flash.


The human-faced lion sphinx is still a bit too big, so he is not sure if the little girl can handle it, so he still hopes to sneak over quietly while the other party is asleep, and then, He can part ways with each other.

He continued to go back to his negative level to sway, and whether the opponent went to the negative third floor or the fourth or fifth floor, it had nothing to do with him.



"People shouldn't go over secretly!"


With that, Annie strode forward and walked towards the huge human-faced lion.


Under the gaze of Buckina the clown who was hiding behind her with rounded eyes, she kicked towards the scaly abdomen of the huge lion.

"Get out of the way! Don't get in the way!"

ヽ(ヽ`д′)┌┛★) Boom! !

‘! ! ’

‘Oh ooh~! ’

A sad scream sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the human-faced lion Sphinx, who was kicked in his sleep in his sleep, roared angrily and jumped up, then roared, and then opened his blood basin and vomited. Nibbled at Annie.

‘Jianjiang noodles! ! ! ’

It's not difficult to know the way it stretched its beard and hair, now it must be very, very angry, and the little girl who disturbs its sleep in front of him will definitely not be let off easily by it.



"Let you fried noodles!!!"


boom! !

In the next second, a dark red fireball was hit by Annie into the open blood basin of the human-faced lion Sphinx and exploded at the same time.

Then, the huge recoil formed by the fireball that exploded in the mouth and the terrifying temperature made the monster too late to scream and scream, so it turned over to the back with its mouthful of flames, and After twitching his limbs for a while, he was motionless again.

"Smells like... burnt!"


Stepped forward and kicked the other party’s scaly belly, and found that the other party was open-mouthed, black smoke and burnt smell coming out of his mouth, and she couldn’t move anymore, then Annie clapped her hands and turned her head towards. Bucky, the clown behind him, asked:



"Uncle! What does it mean to say ‘jajang noodle’?"



"Then, that should be what the prisoners usually say, but then, after being heard by it, I wrote it down, right?"

"This kind of lion..."

"Like a parrot, I like to learn to talk. There should be nothing, nothing else..."

After wiping the cold sweat from his head, Bucky the Clown could only explain so stutteringly.

"So this is ah……"


"Well then! Now it will definitely not stop us, let's move on!"

??*. ??(ˊΩˋ*)????*.

With that, Annie jumped onto the huge body of the lion, and then jumped into the opposite passage again.


"and many more!"

Looking at the human-faced lion sphinx, and thinking about the fate of the monsters and blue gorillas before, Bucky the clown suddenly felt that he should follow the little girl and move on, and then wait until the other person saves the person and leaves. Is that the best way to escape?

"Master Anne!"

"Wait for me!"

Therefore, he hurriedly climbed onto the body of the Sphinx, and then chased him forward.


At this time, the actions of the fugitive Bucky and a certain ‘bear kid’ pirate were all seen by the jailers in the surveillance room.

Looking at the countless monsters on the screen that were either burnt into coke or grilled into a barbecue, the jailers were dumbfounded for a long time before finally reaching out with difficulty and trembling, picking up the microphone on the phone worm next to them and dialing a certain number.

"Report, report!"


"Yes! Warden Magellan!"

"This is the monitoring room..."

"The monster guards on the second layer just now have basically been wiped out."

"Yes, it was all done by the bear kid alone. Now the bear kid and the fugitive clown Bucky have confirmed that they have entered the stairway, and they are about to reach the negative third floor."



"We will continue to monitor..."


"We will notify you when those two arrive on the fourth floor!"

And when Annie and Bucky were moving into the third floor, in the surveillance room screen, on the first floor, someone who was running and taking off his jailer’s costume revealed the thin body inside and put on a straw hat again. The mental boy is being hunted by a group of jailers and blue gorillas.

At this moment, he passed away in a flash, and then the clothes he took off and discarded fortunately blocked the sight of a surveillance phone worm.


"Quick! Catch that spy!"

"catch him!"


Huh! Huh!

That's right, at this time the group of depraved prison guards was chasing after, and it was the second foreign enemy who sneaked in, that is, Luffy!

At the beginning, Luffy got into the big prison smoothly, but when he arrived at the negative floor, when the jailers began to line up and compare the codes, they didn’t understand anything and didn’t know where to stand. , And his clothes looked a little unfit, so he quickly revealed himself.

Thus, this scene happened now.


"How come I was discovered on the second floor, **** it!"

Luffy ran away embarrassedly to avoid the bullet from behind.

However, what he didn't know was that this was not actually the second layer, but the negative layer, and the first layer he thought was the sea layer.

Of course, those things are not important, anyway, no matter how many levels it is, he wants to break in and find someone he is looking for.


"Where is Annie?"



Luffy turned his head and looked around as he ran.

Finally, when he avoided the guards and the crazy blue orangutans, he saw at a glance the large pool of molten slurry in the front passage and the coke burned by a few blue orangutans.


"I saw it!"

There are stairs in front, and traces of Anne's magic flame, so it must be there!

Luffy jumped over quickly, and made his feet long and easily jumped over the magma pool. The jailer and the blue gorillas who were chasing him in the back could only stop and roll into a ball in desperation. The magma was isolated on the other side and could not be chased immediately.

"Ha ha!"

"Goodbye everyone!"

After making a grimace at the jailer and the blue gorillas behind, and successfully angering each other, Luffy rushed down the stairs.

Before long, in an aisle on the third floor (negative second floor), he saw a charred hippopotamus. At this time, it was lying in the middle of the aisle with a hint of meat.


"It's meat!"



"This smell must have been caused by Annie!"

Luffy tore off the two hind legs of the roasted hippopotamus. Then, Lu Fei, who was gnawing while running, was shocked and hurried to chase forward.

He ate hippo must be Anne's masterpiece without a doubt!

Because it has the familiar and special flame smell of Anne's magic flame, there is definitely nothing wrong with it. He has eaten the flame barbecue of the other party many times and is very familiar with it. Therefore, he firmly believes that as long as Following the traces of the barbecue, you must be able to find Annie and rescue his brother Ace together!



"Wait for me!!!"

Putting the roasted hippo meat into his mouth and chewing, Luffy yelled loudly as he ran forward.

But unfortunately, no one in front responded to him...

It didn't take long before he came across a huge roast chicken, and then, of course, he tore off one of the other's back thighs and continued to eat while rushing forward.

He had already seen the reaction of the guards. Next, what awaited them was bound to be a big battle, so he had to seize any opportunity to replenish energy.


"Intruder found!"

"He's here!"

"Quickly chase!!!"


"Life or death!"


"Stop him!!"

Turning around, Luffy, who was looking at a huge roasted chicken leg, was quickly spotted by a large group of guards chasing up from behind, so the head-and-face bullet hit him.

Unfortunately, most of the bullets were easily avoided by Luffy, and only a few of them hit the huge drumstick on his shoulder.


??*. ??(ˊΩˋ*)????*.

?? The end of the month, ask for a monthly pass??


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