Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1675: ?(*?)? Bear Child and Fishman Island (8)

Dragon Palace City, which is located on the top floor of Fishman Island where you can see the sun, is a large and luxurious palace built of large coral reefs, shells and other building materials, and a giant dragon is entrenched in it. In the din of shouting and killing.

However, because there is no sunlight at night and most people are sleeping, and there are bubbles that block sound and water, so at this time, what happened here is not caused by fish-man island. The five million people who know it.

Even the garrison headquarters of Fishman Island did not know that the palace was attacked. After all, it was the night of Fishman Island, and in the gloom, none of the officers in Neptune thought of going there at this time. The palace or want to use the phone bug to contact something.



"go ahead!!"

"Kill all those guards!"

Bah! Bah!


clang! !

"Ugh wow!!!"


In the main hall of the palace, the hundreds of pirates were fighting against the Nautilus guards led by the three Neptune brothers and guarding the throne.

Although the pirates are somewhat outnumbered, they are still fighting hard, because, they know, they have no way out, and only if they succeed can they have a chance.



"I see!"

"The switch for the water gate is over there!!"

"Rush over!!"

When the battle was in full swing, suddenly, a pirate found what they were looking for. Then, realizing that there was hope of victory, they once again gathered up their courage to fight against those murlocs who had an advantage in both quantity and quality. The elite soldiers of the island launched a decisive counterattack.


"Stop them!"


"Don't let them come here!"

Seeing the reactions of the pirates, the eldest prince of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island, the eldest of the three Neptune brothers, and the eldest prince of Sharkstar still don't know the purpose of those stupid pirates?

So, as before, under his command, the elite Nautilus guards quickly formed a solid formation, once again successfully suppressing the enemies who wanted to counterattack.


"How is Bai Xing, does it really matter?"

After seeing that there was no suspense in the battle, the Shark Prince walked to the throne and asked their father, King Neptune, with some worry.

Up to now, they have basically figured out the reason why the human pirates appeared in the palace, and they knew that they were thrown in by Van der Deacon IX as a weapon, so as a brother, he was very worried at this time. Worry about what's going on on the other side of the tower.

They were still careless just now. They didn't send someone to check it out after hearing the intensive collisions. They thought that, like before, that Van der Deaken was just throwing things to vent his anger. After all, that kind of thing It has happened for a full ten years, and they have long been accustomed to it, but how can they think...

This time, the other party directly threw in a human pirate for the first time, and successfully completed the raid?


"Do not worry about it!"

"Let's take these pirates first!"

King Neptune looked at the battle circle in front of him that was being compressed by the guards, thought about it, and finally just shook his head in a trance and said.


Seeing that his father was a little indifferent, the great prince Shark Star wanted to say something more.

"Don't worry..."

"Are you afraid you don't know?"

"Our honorable guest, that bear child, she lives with Bai Xing now."

Neptune sighed softly.

This is the reason why he is not worried about his daughter at all. After all, the bear child is not even the three major admirals of the Navy, and the other party and Bai Xing are close to him, but he can't ask for it.

It's just a pity, that human being, that bear child and big pirate is just a little girl, and if the other party is an adult male human, maybe he might have the heart of betrothing Bai Xing to the other party at this time.


"Where is Lord Anne Hastur?"


"It turns out that this is the case, then I am relieved!"

Nodding, hearing that this is the case, the Shark Star Prince was relieved a lot.

After all, they would not doubt the real strength of the bear boy. From the various 'deeds' in the newspaper, the series of reactions from the Navy, and the exaggerated reward amount of 10 billion Bailey, he knew that the bear boy was capable. It's definitely not a joke.

That kind of thing, they discussed before the other party arrived on Fishman Island, so now they won't doubt more.


"not good!"


"Break the bubble!!!"

Suddenly, King Neptune, who was sitting high on the throne, exclaimed and hurriedly ordered the Nautilus guards who were holding steel forks on the periphery.

However, by the time the guards received the order and burst the bubble, it was too late...

It turned out that next to the important channel switch, a lump of mud that was originally inconspicuous suddenly jumped up and turned into a pirate. Then, the other party knocked out several guards there with three strikes and five divisions. He pulled down the three expansions, and opened the channel connecting the Dragon Palace Palace to the top of Fishman Island.


After accomplishing a feat, the pirate whose body could be turned into mud actually gave Nipton a smug smile.

Immediately afterwards, while the Nautilus guards in the palace smashed the bubbles in the hall with harpoons, the sea water rushed in frantically and instantly wiped out the large group of pirates who were still trying to resist, the cunning mud pirate was fierce The ground drilled into a bubble and rushed out of the hall with the current to escape.


"You guys, go after that pirate!"


"The passage has been opened. I will immediately take people to the entrance for defense. You and the ministers better prepare to evacuate as soon as possible!"

The Prince Shark Star first ordered a team of warriors to chase the pirate who had just escaped, and then told the King Neptune to the side, and then, without waiting for the order, he hurriedly took the rest of the staff and his own two. A younger brother ran to the entrance of the palace.

At this time, the pirates just now were all drowned and crushed to death by the sea water they were involved in, and they didn't need to be concerned for a long time.


"Have you contacted the garrison headquarters of Fishman Island yet?"

Neptune didn't stop his three sons from moving, but looked at the right minister Haima worriedly.

"Not yet..."

"There seems to be a problem with the phone bug!"

Minister Seahorse continued to fiddle with the phone bug over there, but that thing did not get any response.


"I have a bad feeling."


"We should have burst the bubble earlier..."

King Neptune sighed, but now it's too late to say anything, the passage has been put down, even if it is closed, it will take a certain amount of time, and now, I am afraid that more intruders will come soon.


Yes, what Nepton thought was right. At this time, at the entrance of the passage, above the fish-man island, two huge bubble sea beast spaceships were already waiting impatiently.



"finally come!"

"It seems that those human pirates are doing pretty well!"

Seeing the movement above his head, and seeing that the passage was filled with sea water, Hody Jones, the initiator of the New Murloc Pirates and the initiator of this "uprising", stood up with a grin.

"hurry up!"

"Rush in!"

"Crush them!!"

After waving his hand, the two huge sea beast bubble boats suddenly accelerated towards the waterway connecting the imperial palace, Dragon Palace City, after waiting impatiently.

At the same time, in a remote corner of Dragon Palace City, before the hard shell tower, the fighting and noise here finally subsided completely.

Of course, it might not be too accurate to call it a battle?


"Annie, are you safe?"

Hearing that there was no more movement outside the hard shell tower, after a long time, the mermaid Bai Xing timidly revealed half a pretty face from the crack of the two sturdy and huge steel doors and whispered to the little Annie outside the door. asked cautiously.

"Of course!"


"You don't think about who they are?"


Annie clapped her hands proudly, not paying any attention to the stupid pirates who were scared to flee when they heard her name.

At this time, all the pirate minions outside were put into tenacious bubbles by her and suspended in mid-air, letting them roar, plead, struggle hysterically and gnaw with weapons, nails or teeth, Those bubbles will not be damaged in any way, and they will not be deformed.


Soon, Bai Xing saw the situation outside, and saw the corpses of the human pirates who were killed and the living people in the mid-air bubbles, so she couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaimed.


"Annie, did you coat them?"

After slowly turning out from behind the door and seeing the situation outside, Shirahoshi asked in surprise.

"It's not a coating!"


"It's the 'Bibo Prison'. Although it looks like a bubble, if they are trapped inside without the consent of others, they will definitely not be able to get out!"


Annie likes to watch those guys locked inside, constantly struggling, attacking and shouting hysterically but they can't get out, not even making a sound.

"That's great!"

"I was too scared to sleep just now..."

Those people just banged on the door for a long time, and the noise was very intense. Bai Xing was so frightened that she shrank on the bed and shivered for a while, but, unlike her anxiety, at that time, a certain person was lying in the ravine of her chest. The little girl slept soundly.

"Should be safe by now, right?"


"What about the guards?"

"Why didn't they come and take them?"

There was such a big movement outside just now, but the guards didn't see a single one. There were only two unlucky **** lying on the ground beside the door in a coma. This really made Bai Xing feel a little strange.

"They just don't have time to come."


After confirming that all the pirates were locked up by herself, Annie said indifferently.



Bai Xing was a little puzzled.



"There seems to be a war going on in the palace!"


Annie just mentioned it casually and didn't say more.


"Then father, are they all right?"

Hearing Annie's words, Bai Xing immediately began to worry about her father and three older brothers.

"I do not know!"

ε=(ο`*))) alas

"However, I'm awake anyway, Big Sister Bai Xing, let's just go over and have a look together?"


As soon as she said that, Annie jumped to Bai Xing's chest with force, and re-drilled into a warm and soft place, and then signaled that Bai Xing, the mermaid 'mount', could start moving.


However, Bai Xing was still a little hesitant and timid, wondering if it was right for him to leave the hard shell tower now.

"Do not worry!"


"People will definitely protect you!"


Seeing how daring a useless mermaid mount is, Annie, who was squeezed in the warm and soft place, had to raise the small claws of Tibbers the bear in her arms and said comfortably.


"It's settled!"

Finally, with Annie's comfort and assurance, thinking about the fact that Annie blocked the axe in the daytime, and that the intruders in front of her were indeed cleaned up by Annie alone, even Shiraishi was reluctant. With a little bit of courage, she first wrapped a bubble around her and Annie, and then rushed towards the main hall, which had been completely submerged by the sea, at a high speed.



"Let's go! Big Sister Baixing, hurry up!!"

*. (ˊωˋ*)*.

Annie likes this big sister Bai Xing very much.

Because the other party is very competent and soft as a mount, the seat is also very comfortable, the package is very strong, and the operation method is also very intelligent. At the same time, the other party can also provide 24-hour automatic constant temperature heating service. As a bed, it simply doesn't get any better than this.


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Tibbers also thinks that this mermaid called White Star is very good, and it should be very suitable for its uncle bear's appetite? So, it has already begun to brew, and he is thinking, whether to find a better opportunity, take advantage of it Its poor little master didn't pay attention, and directly ate the other party?

After all, the other party is so big, if it is inconvenient, it must be able to eat for a long time, right? )



"Annie! Look! The palace seems to have been breached!"

Swimming around, suddenly, the mermaid princess Shirahoshi stopped and looked in horror at the group of terrifying fish-men pirates who were storming the entrance to the palace hall.



"It doesn't seem like the group of people just now..."


At this time Annie also saw it. The people who were fighting in front of them were indeed not the idiots who hit the wall and the door on the side of the hard shell tower, but another group that seemed to be more powerful. little guy?

That's right, it's just a little bit powerful, really can't be more...


"It's Brother Shaoxing and the others!"

"Ann, Annie!"

"what to do?!"

Seeing that her older brothers were struggling to guard the gate and were besieged by a large group of murloc pirates, Shirahoshi became anxious in an instant, but it was useless for her to be anxious because she didn't know what to do.



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