Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1689: ?(???)??? Doflamingo's Vision

The weather today is fine, sunny and cloudy.


So, Don Quixote Doflamingo was lying in the back garden of the palace on the height of the king, enjoying the sun and drinking his tea leisurely.

This is the seat of the Palace of Dressrosa, located at the highest point of the Kingdom of Dressrosa. Together with the towering city wall, it protects (monitors) the entire town. It is also the exclusive villa of the King Don Quixote family. Those above the cadre in the cadre have the qualifications to live here, and he himself, Don Quixote Doflamingo, is the ruler here - the king of the Kingdom of Dressrosa!


Looking at the sun in the sky, feeling the fragrance from the flower fields in the distance and the hustle and bustle of the bullfighting arena not far from the town, Don Quixote Doflamingo, who breathed out a suffocating breath, gradually began to sigh. fell into contemplation.

He is thirty-nine years old this year, and he still remembers that at that time, he was born in a family of Tianlong people, and was the eldest son of the Don Quixote family. He originally lived with his family in a holy place, and at the same time enjoyed various privileges of Tianlong people. , life has been good.


His father, Don Quixote Huo Ming, suddenly went crazy one day. He insisted that Tianlong and ordinary people were human beings. He also announced that he would give up the privilege of being Tianlong and live like ordinary people. And left the Holy Land Mary Joa with their family of four.

It was also from that time that the first generals of suffering came to him.

After moving out of the Holy Land, the family lived on their modest savings, but because the whole family lost their former privileges, and the ignorant people who had been persecuted by the Tianlong people in the past vented their grievances on their family, It made life more difficult for the whole family and lived in extreme poverty since then, and his mother died when he was eight years old because of the poor living environment.


Thinking of his mother, Don Quixote Doflamingo's hand holding the teacup paused slightly.

Because, he doesn't remember much about the woman's appearance, because of the poverty in those years, he didn't even have a photo left...

Perhaps, that is why he insisted that all the reasons originated from the stupidity and fault of the man, so he finally shot and killed the other party with a gun, and then returned to Mary Joa to plead with the dragon in the Holy Land with the other party's head. The act of taking people back in, right?

But it's a pity, that man is stupid, and Don Quixote Doflamingo is stupid himself. They played a bitter scene together, but after all, they were not adopted by those **** Tianlong people. That man died in vain. .

It was from that time that he vowed to turn the world dominated by the Tianlong people upside down! !

Shortly after leaving Mariejoa, he met Torrepol, Pica, Diamanti and Vergo, and the four of them gave him the fruit of the thread and made him their king, It was also from that time that he embarked on a difficult and dark road.

What happened after that, he didn't want to remember anymore...

In short, he came here eight years ago, appeared in front of King Liku, threatened him, and finally took advantage of the situation to overthrow the regime of that stupid king after a little trick. Brother Ming became the king here.

After that, in order to facilitate his rule, he asked his cadres to turn some of the residents who opposed him into toys one by one, and brainwashed those residents who were not turned into toys, so that they would lose their interest in those who were turned into toys. memory.

And this is the origin of the current state of Dressrosa Kingdom.

In the eyes of Don Quixote Doflamingo himself, there is nothing wrong with his benevolent approach, after all, rather than directly killing those who oppose him, he just turns them into toys, That is rare benevolence.

He is planning the layout here, making his plate bigger and bigger, and he has always believed that as long as he continues to work hard, he will definitely be able to fulfill his original oath - to make this world dominated by Tianlong people. Turn the world upside down and completely smash the privileges of the dragon people!

He has always been very confident, and believes that he is the one chosen by the heavens, and he must be able to accomplish the great cause of overturning the oppressive rule of the Tianlong people that countless people have been unable to do for thousands of years?

Until the top of the war, he knew that he was wrong, and he was wrong!


For the first time, he discovered that the powerhouses in this world, in addition to the three generals of the navy, actually have more terrifying existences?

Thinking of his helplessness in front of that bear child, Don Quixote Doflamingo's cheeks twitched slightly, and then he took a deep breath before barely recovering his mood.


There is no doubt that he, Don Quixote Doflamingo, is not the opponent of the bear child, and he didn't even have the chance to let the bear child take action in person. He understands what is the crushing of absolute strength and the sense of helpless despair.

Thinking, Don Quixote Doflamingo subconsciously reached out and stroked his chest. Now, the chest that was full of muscles is now full of terrifying claw marks, and they are on the top of the war. The giant bear left him.

It doesn't matter that he is not the opponent of the bear child, because, as far as he knows, all the people who face the bear child, whether it is Wang Xia Qiwuhai or the Vice Admiral, have all lost, and they are defeated one by one. Sadly, he didn't feel there was anything to complain about.

Of course, it certainly wouldn't be complacent.

It was also the top war and the bear children that let Don Quixote Doflamingo know for the first time that sometimes, no amount of planning and arrangements are useless, because absolute strength is in any situation. Enough to crush and sweep everything!


Thinking about his plans for so many years, and then thinking about the arrogant child who turned the world upside down at the age of eight and left the Tianlong people helpless, Don Quixote Doflamingo couldn't help but laugh at himself. , and put down the teacup in his hand, and sighed directly and lay down on the reclining chair.

Looking at the sun above the blue sky that was covered by dark clouds, but soon emerged again, Don Quixote Doflamingo felt that it was actually very like a child, and those dark clouds were like the navy, the world government , Tianlong people and pirates like them, no matter what they do, it is still in vain.


They will never be able to block the light of the sun, which will eventually illuminate the world completely, and wherever it reaches, everything will succumb to its light.


At this time, a tall and burly man in golden armor and a helmet with a cross guard on his head approached Don Quixote Doflamingo.

"Little Lord!"

"There is a junior cadre below who wants to come to see you, and he said that he has a very urgent matter!"

The person here is Pika, a member of the Don Quixote family, the top cadre of the secret service "Pika Army", and one of the top three cadres under Don Quixote's command.


"Let him come here..."

Turning his head slightly, Don Quixote Doflamingo saw the wretched guy wearing a ridiculous black bat mask at the entrance of the palace garden. Then, he didn't make things difficult, but just waved his hand at will after taking back his thoughts. .


Soon, the wretched low-level cadre was brought to Don Quixote Doflamingo by Pika and reported nervously.

After a while, the other party took the bear children to Dressrosa City, and ate in a hotel of the family property, and then had a conflict with them, and even partnered with a blind man to smash their place, causing them to lose A lot of money things are said a little bit.



"You mean..."

"Is the bear child here?!"

However, after listening to the other party's words, Don Quixote Doflamingo didn't pay attention to what the other party said about the mess, but was shocked by the fact that the bear child was coming. He sat up directly from the reclining chair, and even When I touched the table, the tea in the teacup splashed out without realizing it.


"Little Lord!"



"Take someone to find her!"



"Young Master, rest assured, your subordinates will surely come to see you with her head!"



"what did you just say?"

Hearing that the wretched guy dared to say such a thing, Don Quixote Doflamingo shook his hand, and he didn't even bother to continue drinking the tea he just picked up, and hurriedly called out to the other party.


"Can you beat a bear boy?"

To be honest, he didn't understand a little, that arrogant child was a terrible existence that almost wiped out the three generals of the Navy and the 100,000 elites. Even his king, Qiwuhai, was beaten to the point of doubting his life. Why do you dare to say that you are going to meet the head of the bear child?



"Young master, didn't you say that your subordinates should lead someone to find her?"

The wretched guy wearing a ridiculous black bat mask asked back with some grievances.



"I asked you to take someone to find her, and then..."

"Good words, please invite her to the kingdom!"

"Why don't you go soon?!"

Don Quixote Doflamingo viciously slapped the teacup in his hand on the table, and scolded the little scoundrel with a bad look on his face.



Hearing the original meaning, the wretched man with the mask first looked at the terrifying face of their young master, and then didn't dare to ask any more questions. Then think of ways to invite the other party to the palace. Valley

"Little Lord?"

"You want to..."

"Bring her here and do it?"

At this time, when the wretched guy just left, the family Pika cadre walked over and asked.


"The navy is helpless, how are we tender?"


"Your plan is to..."


"Pika, you know what?"

"I have foreseen that the biggest 'supremacy competition' in history is coming, and the Tianlong people will be pulled down from the altar. The gear of fate has begun to turn, and we must choose a team."

"Stand, stand in line?"

"But, young master!"

"You didn't always intend to..."


"It's useless, I'm more optimistic about the bear child than myself!"

Don Quixote Doflamingo didn't let the other party continue, he reached out and stopped the other party.


"I think, the world government and the navy, they also see the potential of the bear children, and now, they are just pretending to be confused, and maybe they even think they have a chance?"

"I guess……"

"Up to now, they don't even know that the advance city was incorporated by the bear children, right?"

"It's ridiculous!"

After reaching out to stop Pika, the cadre of his family, Don Quixote Doflamingo continued:

"I have received information some time ago..."

"Now, Fishman Island has taken the lead. If we are too slow, there will be nothing left."

"In the past two days, haven't you seen the latest situation of Fishman Island?"

"There are more and more powerful creatures named Naga. A terrible force is brewing in the deep sea. The storm will arrive in the near future. It's time for us to make a choice, otherwise..."

Otherwise how don Quixote Doflamingo did not say.

But he only knew now that the bear boy himself came to his Dressrosa with a high profile, and it was definitely not without a purpose. If he didn't react and make a decision, I'm afraid there would be no chance.

Therefore, he is going to take the initiative to attack while the other party has not yet started, and strive to sell himself at a good price!

You know, he is the king of Dressrosa, and he is also one of the seven seas under the king. He can eat both black and white. He has an official background and dark forces. He also runs a lot of business in private, and even He is engaged in the arms business in the underground world, and his influence spreads all over the world. He is a famous figure in the underground world. He also secretly supports the evil scientist M. Caesar Courant. The artificial animal type devil fruit Smile produced is also useful. extraordinary.

Therefore, Don Quixote Doflamingo felt that no matter how bad it was, after he joined the pirate group of the bear children, his status would definitely not be lower than that of the foolish king of the fish-man country!

Although, he himself was a little afraid, but thinking about what he saw and encountered when he was at the top of the war, and thinking about what the bear child did during this period of time, he finally strengthened his determination.

After all, that kind of thing should be sooner rather than later, and he has heard that Monkey D. Long of the Revolutionary Army is also trying to contact the bear boy. He really can't miss this opportunity in front of him, otherwise, it will be late. If he took a step, he might have nothing to do with him.


"Young Master, I understand!"

"My subordinate, let someone arrange a banquet!"

Opening his mouth, Pika, the tall and burly family cadre, didn't say much in the end, just turned around silently and left the palace garden.


What Don Quixote Doflamingo didn't know, however, was that some bad boy came to him for no purpose, she really just dropped by to see and eat and drink and It's just a stroll, there are really not as many twists and turns as he thought.

Is this not?

Now the bear child with her bear and maid and a new blind crew arrives at the door of the bustling bullfighting arena in Dressrosa.

This is a large-scale arena. It is said that there are martial arts competitions for sword fighters. It is said that it is very beautiful. Therefore, after asking, Annie came here under the guidance of the blind Fujitora.

Although, her dignified Lady Queen Anne still needs a blind man to lead the way, it is indeed a bit strange.



"There are so many people..."


"Never mind, let's go in!"

?( ̄??)???

With that said, Annie intends to go in, but...


"Children are forbidden to enter here!"

"What's so good about fighting and killing, go back!"

"Get out of here now!"

A one-legged toy soldier suddenly appeared and stopped in front of and even pointed the toy gun at Annie's head.



"Is there such a rule?"


Surprised, Annie looked directly at the newly recruited blind crew member and waited for the other party's explanation, wondering why the other party brought her to such a place that seemed fun, but did not allow children to enter.


"It's a toy soldier!"

"over there!"

However, without waiting for the blind man Fujitora on the side to speak, two human guards suddenly appeared in the distance. Seeing this, the toy guard could no longer care about intercepting the little child Annie, and directly activated the pulley on the one-legged, fast speed. fled far away.


"Grab it!"

"Don't run!!"

Soon, two soldiers followed.



"Isn't he the guard here?"




"Just now, people thought that children are really not allowed to enter here!"


After finishing speaking, Annie no longer cared about the weird toy soldier who ran out to intercept the child for no reason, but just patted Tibbs Bear on the head and let him quickly carry her in to watch the fun.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

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