Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1693: (??~??) Join the meal!

Blind Fujitora finally misjudged, perhaps because he was originally blind?

The wretched man wearing the bat mask was not here to make trouble. On the contrary, the other party was actually waiting at the bridge, and when he saw the three of them appeared, he couldn't wait to rush over and beg the three of them to come with them. Guest at the Royal Highlands of Dressrosa.

That's right, it's a guest!

Besides, it’s still the kind of crying and begging, asking the three of you to go with them, and it’s not enough if you don’t go?


Annie saw some kindness, but saw the other party cry a little pitifully, and it seemed that she really planned to see that Don Quixote Doflamingo, and the most important thing was to hear the other party say that the palace was working for her. After arriving and carefully preparing the banquet, she didn't even think about it, and immediately agreed.

Naturally, she went there to help those little squirrels, to help the people of the Dongtata Kingdom solve their troubles, definitely not because she heard that there was a banquet, absolutely not!

Her Lady Queen Anne said no, no, no, no!






"The one over there, hand it over, they still want it!!"


After meeting Don Quixote Doflamingo, who was beaten by his own bear in the Royal Palace Heights of Dressrosa, and ate a big meal, a bad bear child Soon, she completely forgot about some of the little squirrel people asking her.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


Fujitora said nothing, eating his food slowly.

After all, he is a new member of the Bear Boy Pirates, and some things about Captain Bear Boy are not yet his turn to dictate, so he just sits silently at his table and eats his food comfortably.

If nothing else, after joining the Bear Boy Pirates, he felt that he would at least not worry about food and clothing in the future.

Is this not?

Yesterday, I just enjoyed a delicious meal cooked by the little people in the kingdom of Dontata, and today, I came to the kingdom of Don Quixote Doflamingo to eat this court feast, and There are also good wine and good food and a beautiful maid for company. This kind of life is really a very novel enjoyment for him.


Dusky didn't speak either, just sat silently on the other side, but, unlike Fujitora, her face was terrifyingly gloomy.

Before, when she was on the steel bridge, she was still worried that Don Quixote Doflamingo was attacked by the bear children, and she was also afraid that Dressrosa would be too traumatized, but now, when she saw Don Quixote Doflamingo After Quixote Doflamingo took the initiative to invite the bear child with unknown intentions, she began to worry about gains and losses again, and wished that the cheap master bear child who had encouraged her to attack immediately, it is best to kill the two sides as soon as possible. Stuck in relationship or something.

However, that was just her thinking, and she also knew that what the bear child was going to do, she would not listen to her, the little maid who was still a prisoner at the same time.

So, at this moment, besides sitting in her own position with an ugly face, she ate those delicious food like chewing wax, while her eyes kept staring at the leader, Don Quixote Doflamingo, If you want to know what the other party wants to do, you can't interfere.


At this time, Don Quixote Doflamingo was now secretly watching the bear child.

When he saw that the other party was eating happily, seemed satisfied with his reception, and his face was no longer the vague hostility that he had when meeting at the beginning, he finally felt relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he finally began to look at the characters around the bear boy...

The bear was nothing to watch, the opponent was very strong, and the combination of Admiral Aokiji and Akainu was not the opponent's opponent, let alone him.

Fortunately, there should be no conflict between them today, so he doesn't need to mind each other's existence at all.

Sitting on the seat to the right of the bear child is a blind man, seems to be named Fujitora? He said that he had never seen or heard of it. It was said that it was the newly recruited crew of the Bear Boys?

For the blind man, Don Quixote Doflamingo couldn't see the depth or the details of the other party. However, thinking that the other party was the first crew member recruited by the bear boy, he still secretly gave the other party's name. Keep it in mind.

After all, the person who can be seen by the bear children is definitely not a small role.

As for the maid on the other side of the bear child...

Of course he also knows who the other party is, because the other party's information was put on his desk many days ago. It was a female officer of the G-5 branch of the Navy, whose name was Da Siqi. During the raid on the Bear Boy Pirates, he was captured by Bear Child himself. Now, it seems that he has become Bear Child's maid?

However, the other party is still from the Navy no matter what, and the status of the maid is probably only temporary, so Don Quixote Doflamingo can't help but hesitate, not knowing whether he should make the decision he will make in front of him. Say it to the other person's face.




At this time, all the members of the Don Quixote family who were present and accompanied, such as the disgusting sticky man Torrepol, the giant Pica of the stone fruit, Diamanti, Jorah, and the bear wearing a crown The little girl with a shawl, Shatang, etc., also sat silently in their respective seats. They were waiting for their young master's reaction with complicated expressions, and they did not dare to speak without permission.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Different from the various reactions of the guys around with impure purposes, Annie, as the main guest invited, just eats herself without any scruples, and only has those delicious food in her eyes, and doesn't care at all. The reaction of the guys next to each other with different plans.


Just like that, another ten minutes passed...

"Cough cough!"

"Your Excellency Anne Hastur..."

"Are you full?"

Finally, after a long hesitation, Don Quixote Doflamingo could not help but prepare to get down to business.

As for the Dusky female officer, thinking that the other party was just a mere chief officer, and that the other party's skills were sparse and not an important person, he decided to ignore the other party directly.



"Can eat for a while!"


"But tell me, people are listening!"


Annie made a friendly face at each other.

This delicious meal was much richer than the little squirrels of the Dongtata Kingdom entertained her, so now she is not in a hurry to pursue the matter of catching those little squirrels and forcing them to work.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


Hearing Anne's words, Don Quixote Doflamingo couldn't help feeling embarrassed, not knowing how to answer.


"It's like this, our Don Quixote family is very optimistic about you and the forces under your command, so..."

"After negotiation, we plan to join your force, that is, to become a member of your 'Bear Boy Pirates'. I wonder what you think?"

After pondering for a while, he looked at the bear boy again. Don Quixote Doflamingo, who felt that he couldn't drag it any longer, finally spoke up. At the same time, he kept his figure very low and straightforward, and did not say any more. Do any kind of temptation or say that side-scrolling thing.

"Bear Boy Pirates?"


"Is there such a thing? Why don't people know about it?"


Annie never thought she was a bear child, it was completely made up by others, it was the name made up by the navy, so when she first heard about the 'Bear Boy Pirates', she herself was a little unresponsive. come over.



Hearing this, Don Quixote Doflamingo directly closed his mouth, and the senior officials of the Don Quixote family around him were even more stunned, not knowing what the bear child meant.


At this time, Dusqi, who was beside him, stared at him and sucked in a breath of cold air.

Obviously, she never imagined that Don Quixote Doflamingo and the others had the idea of ​​joining the Bear Boy Pirates?

This kind of thing is too crazy and too shocking, and the stakes are very important, so while she is shocked, she has made up her mind: this news, she must do everything possible to get it to the Navy, and the sooner the better !


"Is such that……"

Seeing that the expression on the bear child's face did not seem to be fake, as a last resort, Don Quixote Doflamingo had to bite the bullet and began to patiently express his meaning, that he wanted to join the bear child and 'conspire for a great cause' ' The idea was explained little by little in words that a child could understand, clearly expressing his true intention of eagerly wanting to join the 'Bear Boy Pirates'.

"So this is ah?"




Finally, after figuring out what kind of trivial things the other party wanted to do, Annie nodded and agreed to the other party's request without thinking about it.

Anyway, from Annie's point of view, she has too many forces under her command, and she can't count them or remember them. Since the other party wants to join, then join!

After all, she ate this delicious banquet from the other party. It would be too stingy if she refused to agree to such a trivial matter.


(● ̄?? ̄●)

(Indeed, Tibbers knows that in the heart of the wicked little master of his house, except for eating, drinking, and having fun, it is all trivial! And that short-haired guy, that Don Quixote Dover Brother Luming just happened to do something to the appetite of his poor little master, so all the problems are not problems.)



So casual?

Don Quixote Doflamingo almost bit his own tongue when he saw the bear boy nodded in agreement without even thinking about it.


"Aren't you going to mention some conditions?"

Therefore, he opened his mouth in disbelief, and finally asked such a question carefully in disbelief.





"There are no conditions, do you have any conditions?"


In fact, there are still some conditions, such as, to make her Queen Anne happy? And now, she was having a good time eating, so naturally there would be no such troublesome thing.



Everyone in the Don Quixote family, including Don Quixote Doflamingo himself, was shocked by Anne's words and shut up, and they were speechless.

Anyway, although things are going smoothly now, it is even unimaginable that it is going so smoothly, so that, in their opinion, it seems that some are too childish and some are not real?





"People remember, there are some things, you should talk to another guy, because people don't care about these things!"


"You wait first!"


With that said, Annie first stretched out her hand and wiped the grease stains on her little bear Tibbers's bear skin, and then she pondered. As soon as she stretched out her hand, Don Quixote Doflamingo was waiting for the group. Under his gaze, a large portal opened.


Soon, a huge monster with shrimps or crabs on the lower body and a female Naga on the upper body almost the size of the mermaid princess Shirahoshi, the abyss commander Sivara slowly walked out of the portal.


"Great Lord Annie, are you calling me?"

"Excuse me……"

"What can Sivara do for you?"

Abyss Commander Sivara first looked around and found that he was not going to fight and then gradually relaxed, and walked to Annie and gave a salute.

"No one!"


"It's them. He said he wants to join us. It's up to you to talk to them about such boring things. Shouldn't it be a problem?"


Annie directly explained the reason for calling the other It turned out to be like this..."

"Little one understands, great leader, please rest assured!"

Nodding, Sivara knew the intention of the great existence in front of her, and after humbly bowing again, she slowly turned around and looked at Don Quixote Doflamingo and the others.

"I'm Abyss Commander Sivara!"


"I heard that you want to join us?"


"What qualifications do you have to give me a high look?"

Squinting slightly, the commander of the abyss, Sivara, used that condescending attitude, and spoke very arrogantly and coldly to Don Quixote Doflamingo and the cadres of the Don Quixote family around him. questioned.



At this time, seeing the huge murloc, feeling the strange energy surging from the other side, and somehow hearing the other side's tone that didn't take them seriously, Don Quixote Doflaming Brother and the others are not only not angry, but secretly relieved.

Because, this seems to be what it should be like when negotiating with the bear children's forces to join?

"Of course!"

"Ms. Sivara, since our Don Quixote family dares to propose to join you, we naturally have our confidence!"

After staring at the abyss commander Sivara for a while, and after confirming that the other party was indeed a strong guy, Don Quixote Doflamingo slowly put his intentions, the chips he had in his hands, and used In that formal way, it was said slowly.


??(????????)?? Monthly Pass


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