Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1702: ?(ψ'?')o Golden game middle game (4)

"Is it them?"

"Of course!"

"Look! That's not a mermaid. She is sitting on the shoulders of the mermaid. Look, the one in her skirt is not a fish tail?"

"That's right, everyone, get ready!"


"I heard that they seem to be the people of the bear children?"


"What about the bear child?"

"She's staying in the King of Gold Hotel! As long as we catch that merman and hand it over to the Heavenly Dragon Man Kamal Saint, they'll pay us 500 million Bailey, that's 500 million!"

"In that way, each of us can get at least 10 million baileys. With that money, we can pay the ransom and leave here. When the bear boy finds out, we may have gone far away!"

"That's right!"

"No matter how powerful the bear child is, she is not here, why should we be afraid of her?"

"Then let's get started!"


"Everyone, I heard that the blind man and the fishman were in the amusement city just now, but they made millions of Bailey's chips!"


"Don't hesitate, one of them is a murloc, the other is blind, and the bear child and others are not there. This is a golden opportunity!"

"I almost forgot to mention that the fish man Xiaoba also has a bounty of 10 million Baileys. He is an important gang in the Bear Boy Pirates. Taking his head can also make a lot of money!"

"Go together!"

"Come on, I'll let someone help disconnect the surveillance of this alley, but only for five minutes!"


"Quick fight, as long as we kill the worthless blind man and the 10 million murloc, and then take the merman, we will be free!"


Soon, a group of people who had already made plans picked up various weapons one after another. Taking advantage of the perfect opportunity when the street was empty and the lights suddenly 'accidentally' went out, they stepped forward and surrounded the three who were talking. There are murlocs Hachi, the blind Fujitora, and the mermaid Kemi who came over with a smile.

"not good!"


Seeing that the lights suddenly went out, and seeing a group of unkind people coming out of the darkness and grinning around them, the fishman Xiaoba and the mermaid Kemi on Xiaoba's shoulders all subconsciously. exclaimed.


"They are..."


"Damn! Didn't you say this is an absolute neutral zone?!"

Seeing the person coming here holding a weapon and pressing him step by step, no matter how sluggish Xiao Ba is, he knows that they are going to have a big event today!

Then, he hurriedly put the mermaid Kemi on his shoulders on a chair on the side of the street, then immediately took out his weapon and took two steps forward on guard.



"Xiao Ba, there has always only been absolute power in this world, where is there absolute neutrality?"

At this time, the blind man Fujitora on the side of course heard Hachi's ridiculous thoughts, and he couldn't help but shake his head with a wry smile.

"Benefits are charming!"

"In this world, there are too many filthy people who can't bear to look at!"

"That's it!"

"You step back, let me come..."

After he finished speaking, he signaled Hachi to step back and protect Kemi. The blind Fujitora held his cane in both hands and began to meet the villains who were also intimidating them step by step.

Fujitora wouldn't say that because of his blindness, his ears and his strong sense of domineering make him hid those in the distance and plan when Hachi and Kemi were still talking and laughing. The conversations of the villains who were ambushing them were all heard in his ears, so at this moment, having learned the cause and effect, he no longer needed to question those who came.

Anyway, those people have already disconnected the surveillance phone bug and the lights on this remote street, so he only needs to get rid of all these people in front of him within five minutes, and no one will know that they did it.



"A blind man dares to speak madly?"


"A guy whose road is not smooth, dare to join the Bear Boy Pirates. I remember that the reward given to him by the navy seems to be only ten Baileys?"


"If he hadn't joined the Bear Boy Pirates, I'm afraid ten Baileys are not worth it, right?"


"Hey! Who's going to chop him? Don't waste your time, it's less than four minutes now, be quick!"

"I go!"

"And I!"


"Others, follow me to deal with that murloc, that merman will be caught alive, don't get hurt, or it will be worthless!"

"We're running out of time, hurry up!"

Soon, the group of guys first laughed at Fujitora, knowing that time was running out, they quickly divided into two groups.

Among them, two guys who were bullying the soft and afraid of the tough walked quickly towards Fujitora with a grin, while the other group of thugs with more than 20 or 30 people walked towards the fisherman Hachi and the frightened Huarong. The pale mermaid Kemi rushed over in a hurry.

"Don't think about it!!"

"I will never let you touch any of the scales on Kemi!!!"

Hearing that those people had the idea of ​​catching Kemi, Little Eight roared angrily, all six arms grabbed sharp knives, ready to fight with those people for their lives.


"Little, Little Eight?!"

At this time, Kemi, who was a little frightened, wanted to do something, but now that she was on the shore, and her combat power was basically zero, let alone help, she couldn't even escape, so she had to sit On the chair, she watched helplessly as Xiao Ba stepped forward to stand in front of her again, ready to fight for her life with the villains who rushed forward.


Blind Fujitora, who was underestimated by the enemy, did not speak.

He just stood still, and slowly raised his cane in front of him with both hands, and then, when the villains who were rushing towards Xiaoba had just passed him, when the other two villains were about to use The moment the knife swung towards his neck...

He moved suddenly and pulled out the long knife hidden in his cane!

"Gravity Knife Tiger!!"

It was too late to say that, the blind Fujitora accumulated gravity on the knife, and instantly slashed it out. At the same time, it released a powerful horizontal gravity to the trajectory of the swinging knife, making it go straight to all the villains present. Rolled over.

Swish! !

In an instant, darkness enveloped the neighborhood...

Five minutes came quickly.

The brilliant lights came on again in this remote block, and then the surveillance phone worm also resumed the surveillance screen.

And in the screen of a monitoring room, the block is still normal.

At the end of the picture, only Fujitora, the murloc Hachi, and the mermaid Kemi were walking on the street without haste, walking towards the next block, as if nothing had happened.


At this time, the night has gradually deepened.

Even in the Grand Desolo, even in this golden city known as the city that never sleeps, there are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the streets.

Since Hachi, Fujitora and the others don't know where their captain, the bear child, went crazy, and there is still no news, so after winning the millions of Bailey's chips, they decided to first Just relax, go to a luxury hotel for a good meal, rest until noon tomorrow, and then do something else.


"Uncle Fujitora, why are you so powerful? With just one move, you smashed all those people to smithereens?"


"Fujitora, that trick is too scary, even Luffy and the others don't seem to be as powerful as you..."

"Before, Dibalu and I were still wondering why the captain insisted on recruiting you. It turns out that you are so powerful. It seems that Kemi and I decided to follow you before!"

While walking forward slowly, the murloc Hachi and the mermaid Kemi were still in disbelief and praised Fujitora in a low voice.

"no no!"

"Xiao Ba, and Kemi..."

"do you know?"

"Our captain is really powerful. You said it just now. Before, I almost never took a serious shot, but the captain can see my details at a glance."

"That kind of insight..."

"I can't even imagine what kind of existence she is?"

Talking, Fujitora shook his head, and then closed his mouth directly, not intending to say more, just following the two of them, walking slowly towards their destination with a staggering pace.

Now that Fujitora thinks about it, their captain is really smart. Even if the other party ordered free activities, it also predicted that the murloc Hachi or the mermaid Kemi might attract trouble, so he specially asked him to follow these two people.

Looking at it now, things really developed to the point where he needed Fujitora's efforts, which made him feel a little embarrassed for a while.

"Ha ha!"

"The captain is very powerful!"


"Uncle Fujitora, you are also amazing!"


In this way, as the three of them went farther and farther, the conversation between the three of them gradually became inaudible.


At this time, behind the three people, in a window of a street building that had just been restored to light, there was a man wearing a white suit, a white coat behind him, and a Clivia flower on his chest. , The guy with a beard on his chin and a **** pendulum shape is clenching his fists in grief and indignation, staring at the backs of the three when they leave.

As his body trembled slightly, a pink dove in the same dress was standing on his shoulder, and looked at him with a puzzled look.


"That blind man..."

"I am afraid that the strength is already on the level of a naval admiral, right?"

"It's unbelievable!"

"How on earth did the bear kid recruit such a terrible character, can we CP0 deal with her?"

At this time, behind another window in the room, a young man who was also wearing a white but with a funny nose, finally couldn't help but exclaimed and sighed.

Okay now, I don't know how to deal with the bear children, but I found that there is still a person in the bear child pirate group who is no less powerful than a navy admiral. This kind of outrageous situation makes him feel that the future of these people is really good. One is getting dimmer.

"We can't control how she recruited her!"


"The plan to use the mermaid to intensify the conflict between Gilder Tezzolo and the bear boy is probably not going to work anymore."

"Go, go and report truthfully to the officers of the intelligence team!"

"As for responsibility..."

"Even if it's mine!"

After closing his eyes and saying such a few words, the CP0 who was wearing a white suit with a white coat behind him, a Clivia flower on his chest, a beard on his chin, and a **** pendulum shape. The members waved their hands in frustration and left the windowsill.

Now that it is known that there is a figure comparable to the admiral of the navy next to the mermaid and the murloc, then they must have no chance. Therefore, the plan is obviously completely bankrupt in advance.



"Then I'll report, Mr. Lu Qi, you should rest early too!"

After speaking, the long-nosed CPO member hesitated and stood for a while, then finally gave a salute, then turned around to open the door and left, leaving only the 'Lucci' he called Chief in this darkness alone. in the room.


|????)?????????? Where is the monthly pass? ??


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