Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1711: ?(???c) Caught 1 big baby


"What's that over there?"


"Over there, look!"



"Big, elephant?!"

"It's really an elephant..."

"Okay, so big..."


"Looking at it, it seems to be much bigger than the Grand Desolo..."


"Correct a little, there is no Grand Desolo now, and now our ship is called the 'Bear Boy'!"

"Oh, look at me! Forgot about it..."


As the 'Golden Mothership of the Bear Child' is gradually approaching, as the huge and slowly moving 'elephant' in the distance is gradually showing clearly in everyone's sight, so, more and more Many Jincheng residents were alarmed.

Then, as a matter of course, people began to flock to the streets, windows, or various high places in the city, just like a certain bear child and others at the top of the Golden King Hotel, and began to stare at or watch with round eyes. It was carefully observed with various telescopes and other equipment.

"It's really an elephant!"

"God, is that true?"

"It's incredible..."

"Be good..."

"How can there be such a big animal in this world?"


"The length is estimated to be more than 20,000 meters, and the height is also 30,000 to 40,000 meters. It is even more exaggerated than a big mountain. You see, there are clouds and mists on it. If the weather is good, you probably won't be able to see it, right?"


"More than that!"

"Look again!"

"On the back of the elephant, there seems to be a forest, a river, and a town..."


"No way?"

"Does anyone really live there?"

"There must be. Those are animals that are several times larger than our ship. We all have a golden city here. Isn't it normal that there are forests, rivers and towns on its back?"

"I really want to go up and have a look..."


"I don't want to go up, you can see it, the elephant is moving, it's alive, not a statue! It just needs a sneeze or a pat on the nose, and we're all done, it's too dangerous. "

"That's what I said..."

"Oh, since our city lord, Mr. Bear Kid, let the boat drive towards it, he will definitely send someone to check the situation, so don't worry about it."

"That's right!"

"It's really spectacular, it's the first time I've seen that kind of thing..."

In this way, people and tourists in the Golden City began to discuss loudly and pointedly at the elephant that was getting closer and closer in the distance, and freely expressed their surprise and opinions on the elephant.

"All right."

"Don't look at it, don't look at it, go to work!"


After a while, when the rarity faded away, some people gradually walked away and went back to their own business, but most people or tourists still stared at the huge colossus and were amazed, for a long time. They don't want to go away.


What ordinary residents and tourists in the Golden City don't know is that before the golden ship of more than 10,000 meters can get closer to the elephant, some impatient bear child has already brought her family's The maid teleported directly to the town surrounded by the forest on the back of the colossus.


"This is the back of the elephant? It's incredible, it feels so smooth, I always thought there was going to be a vibration or something!"

"Looks like..."

"It's really several times bigger than the Golden City!"

When the light from the portal dissipated, and when he found that he and the bear child had reached the destination, Dusqi said in amazement while looking around.

"Follow up!"


"Otherwise, they will leave you alone!"


After reminding a maid who was making a fuss, Annie jumped forward. Although she said that, she didn't mean to wait at all.



"Please wait for me!"

In addition to being surprised, seeing that the bear child had already jumped out to the front, Dusqi hurriedly shouted and then quickly followed with her loose maid skirt.

"People didn't want you to come, but you want to come!"


"I'm sorry, you're just like Bai Xing, can you just look at it with a telescope on the boat together?"


Annie turned her head in dissatisfaction as she walked and complained.

She thinks that the other party is a burden and a drag on the oil right now. Apart from affecting her play mood and efficiency, it is really useless.


(● ̄? ̄●)


Dusqi didn't dare to say anything to contradict, just ran up quickly, and followed the bear child's master obediently.


"Master, why didn't you bring Bai Xing?"

"She seems very sad. After all, she yearns for such magical animals and novel places. She was about to cry just now."

At this moment, Dusky suddenly asked.

"White Star?"


"No! Her goals are too big!"


"Also, her guy walks too slowly on land, too long-winded and too troublesome, so people don't take her!"


That's right, Annie wouldn't choose to take Shirahoshi, the stupid guy who likes to be surprised when he sees everything.

Moreover, the opponent's 12-meter body is really too big, too tall, and too obstructive. Once they get to the shore, they will be inconvenient to move, and even lose their ability to move completely, which is far worse than Naga.

"If it weren't for you, who insisted on keeping up with you, you wouldn't even want to bring it!"

o('^') o Humph!

After speaking, Annie continued to move forward and continued to walk quickly.


Dusky didn't refute it, because she really wanted to follow up on purpose.

That was the last time the CP0 agents specially explained to her. Although all those people are now locked in the underground prison of the Golden City, she is still ready to carry out the task they gave her, that is: Time Keep an eye on the bear's every move and report to CP0 at the right time!

"La la~?"

?( ̄??)???

Just like that, Annie didn't care about the useless maid behind her, she just walked forward happily.



At this moment, Annie stopped suddenly and started looking around.

"no one there?"


Up to now, she has also discovered that there seems to be no one here, and the whole town is still dilapidated. It's been a while, and it doesn't look like someone lives here.


"It looks like there's been a battle here, it's been uninhabited for a while, and now it's an uninhabited town."


"Master, do you want to catch this elephant?"

Dusky thought of an important thing, so he asked nervously.

The Grand Desolo has been taken over by the bear children, and this elephant, on its back, can build a base, build a town larger than the Golden City, and even move and attack a large city. If the elephant is captured by the bear children again, the navy and the world government will be miserable.

Dasqi can't imagine that after the bear child already has the golden ship and the huge number of flying fish knights, if he adds this terrifying giant elephant that can walk on the sea and even rampage, then this world still has Who will be her opponent?

Although the bear child himself is indeed very strong now, Da Siqi is still reluctant to see such a terrifying beast that can be instantly transformed into combat power fall into the hands of the bear child.



"do not want!"


"This kind of big animal is very troublesome to raise. Not only does it have to eat and drink, but it also runs around, and it smells a bit stinky, so people don't want to raise it!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie wrinkled her nose, and then cast a disgusting look at the maid behind her.

In fact, when she first came up, she smelled the unpleasant body odor of the elephant, and if it wasn't for the curiosity, if she wanted to see what was going on here, she might have flashed away long ago.


"Yes, compared to the Grand Desolo, this elephant is indeed much harder to serve."

Nodding, Dusky breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she didn't want to continue discussing that Hua topic, because as long as the bear children didn't want to catch elephants and use them as toys and keep them to deal with their navy, everything was negotiable.



Anne suddenly stopped again and let out a soft whistle.


Seeing this, Dusqi hurriedly asked nervously, and at the same time looked around vigilantly.

"What's up?"

However, except for those broken eaves and broken walls, she couldn't see anything, and she didn't know what the other party meant.

"It's nothing."


"People just smell the gas..."

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

Saying that, Annie could not help but wipe her nose.



"I smelled it too, it seems to be a little strong..."

Dusky finally found out at this time.


"Why does it smell like gas?"

After sniffing again, she continued to ask strangely.

"do not know!"


"Maybe it's an elephant's ass?"






Annie covered her mouth and nose subconsciously.

Sure enough, the reason why she never thought of catching this kind of elephant is definitely not without any reason.

In fact, what she prefers is the kind of monsters that are big and hideous, such as the elemental creatures or shadow creatures that don't need to eat and drink, such as her little bear Tibbers and the ancient god, or a certain Some big devil or something.

As for this kind of big creature that needs to eat and drink, she is a little despised. Under normal circumstances, they are only qualified to be food.

"should be!"

Nodding, Dusqi somewhat agreed with her bear child's owner's guess, and also felt that the origin of the gas should have some connection with the elephant's defecation?





"Dasqi, you said, what would happen if someone lit a fire here?"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Somehow, Annie suddenly had an idea and thought of an excellent solution to those disgusting gases in an instant.


"do not want!!"


"They will explode, and we will be affected too!!"

Hearing this, Dusky was so frightened that he hurried forward nervously and tried to stop and plead.

Of course she knew that the bear child likes to play with fire, but when she was still here, in this place with a lot of gas, she absolutely did not want to see the other party playing with fire, it was too much for her. The danger is crazy!

"That's right!"


"Okay, let's stop the fire for now!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

Annie is not afraid of explosions, she just thinks that she just came up and ignited the gas to blow up the place before she finished shopping. Is it really a bit bad?

Besides, she wasn't too sure about whether the gas concentration was enough to cause a big explosion, and if it didn't explode, it wouldn't be fun.



Seeing that the terrifying bear child finally gave up that crazy idea, Dusqi couldn't help but secretly relieved, and her body gradually relaxed.


What, what? !

Suddenly, at the moment when Dusqi relaxed, a vigorous and agile figure suddenly and suddenly rushed out of the corner of the ruined city.

At the same time, the opponent's feet that seemed to have sharp claws suddenly grabbed the neck of Dasqi, who was completely undefended and had no weapons.


Due to being caught off guard and the speed of the opponent's movements, Dusky was a little dizzy, so when she reacted and saw the light reflected from the sharp she could already feel it in her neck. To the slightest coolness and tingling.

She was wearing a clumsy maid outfit, and she didn't have any weapons in her hands, so at this moment, Dusky's eyes widened and she tried to step back, and at the same time, she stared at the terrifying, claws-wielding creature. The feet were getting closer and closer to the skin of his delicate neck, and he couldn't do anything.

It's over, it's over!

After a sigh in his heart, Dusky closed his eyes in despair.

If she had known this was the case, if she had known that the back of this giant elephant would be so dangerous, she should not have followed.

"The Binding of Light!!"


Fortunately, Dasqi is not the only one here now!


Therefore, at the critical moment when she was desperate and closed her eyes and waited to die, with a coquettish voice from a certain arrogant child, Dusky only felt that something heavy hit her hard.


Immediately afterwards, she screamed miserably and collided with the soft and warm body, and rolled into a ball on the ground at the same time.



"It seems that people accidentally caught a big baby!"


"It looks like it's delicious?"


After catching the attacker at once, a certain nasty little boy, regardless of Dasqi's state, ran over with his short legs and stood on Dasqi who was rolling on the ground with some kind of creature. Si Qi said in surprise and excitement.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


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