Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1715: |????) Hello, what are you doing?

puff! puff!

Two slight muffled sounds sounded, and the object that had just been swirling finally fell to the ground...



Although the surrounding battle is still going on, and the various voices on the battlefield are still very noisy, for the dog-headed fur Wanda and the bald-furred Garrot, the two in the hands of the horror pirate Jack are under tremendous force. They could still hear the sound of the broken scythe weapon falling to the ground and sticking into the soil.

So, some of them stunned, they also subconsciously followed that Jack, and looked at the two broken blades that were just swirling and inserted not far away.


"what is this……"

Seeing that his weapon was actually broken by the strange red transparent light curtain in front of him, the Beast Pirates' big signboard, the confidant of the "Four Emperors" Kaido, Jack, was a little outraged.

So, the irritable he threw away the lower half of the broken weapon in his hand, stretched out his hand and pressed it towards the red light curtain, and wanted to grab the two fur tribes with both hands and shred them alive. they.



It's a pity that his idea still didn't come true. Instead, the moment his palms touched the red light curtain, he was scalded, grinning miserably, and staggering back.


"not dead?!"


"Not good! Go back!!"

He found that the two of them were not dead, and found that what was flying was Jack's sickle and a red transparent shield appeared in front of them. Even that shield made the terrifying Jack scream and retreat again and again. Finally, the two people who had reacted hurriedly jumped back and used their powerful jumping ability to jump to a big tree behind them, opening a safe distance from Jack in time.


"What happened to the red light just now?"

Then, seeing that the red light gradually dissipated after the two of them left, Wanda, the dog-headed fur clan, immediately asked her companion Garrett.


"I do not know either!"

Garrott, a rabbit-headed fur tribe, said that she is still confused now, how can she know what happened to the red light just now?


However, the two confused fur clan girls don't know what's going on. They are well-informed and the big sign of the Beast Pirates. How can Jack, the confidant of 'Four Emperors' Kaido, not know what just happened? What?


"who is it?!"

"come out!!"

Is this not?

So, Jack did not care about the two fleeing fur tribes or the surrounding battles. He first looked at the gradually dissipating shield, then slowly stood up straight, let go of his throat and roared, It was only then that he snarled and asked around him in that angry and dignified tone.


"Someone helped us?"

"who is it?!"

Hearing the roar of the terrifying pirate Jack, the dog-headed fur tribe Wanda also instantly recovered, and then immediately asked the rabbit fur Garrott beside her.


"I do not know either……"

Garrett came to support by herself first, and she said that she had never seen the red light curtain just now.

Although a monkey fur cub with sparse body had bound himself with that white light just now, Garrett was sure that the white light was the same as the dark red just now and it still looked like it was burning. , and the red light curtain that can scald Pirate Jack's palm is definitely not the same thing!

"come out!"

"Sneaky guy!"

"who is it!"

"Get out now!!"


After waiting for a while, he found that the person who came was still not coming out. Pirate Jack roared again, and with a wave of his hand, he broke a large tree next to him with his bare hands.


"If you ask people to come out, they will come out, but they will not come out!"

At this time, very suddenly, a milky and full of childlike voice came from the woods in the east.



Hearing the sound, Pirate Jack couldn't hold back any longer, he directly picked up the big tree that he had just smashed, and then with an angry roar, he hugged the huge and powerful man. The towering tree that was just broken by him just now, with a diameter of two to three meters and a height of more than 20 meters, smashed violently towards the place where the sound came from.

"go to hell!!"


Under the huge and terrifying movement, the rumbling noise and the sudden bombardment of scattered branches, the cute voice just came out of the forest and the trees, and was instantly hugged by Pirate Jack. The attack knocked down a large area.

As for whether something happened to someone who was hiding there just now, it is not known for the time being.


"What's up?"

"Boss Jack?"



At this time, the other pirates who were fighting around and the members of the Fur Tribe's 'King's Bird' Musket Team were also attracted by the movement made by the terrifying pirate Jack, and then they both The heat of the battle between them could not help weakening, and they all looked at the forest swept by Jack with hesitant eyes.


"Good, what a terrible power!"


Seeing Pirate Jack's violent attack, Wanda of the dog-headed fur tribe couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

Because, with that level of strength and almost invulnerable body, plus the two kings of the furry duchy are still seriously injured and unable to participate in the battle, she really can't think of what their fur tribe should use to defeat that terrifying monster. .


"That is……"

Unlike his partner Wanda who was shocked by the power of Pirate Jack, Garret was more concerned about the safety of the person who just made that voice.

She could tell that the sound was probably the sparse monkey fur cub who had caught her before, and then provoked her and the sparsely-haired monkey fur cub all the way!


On the big board of the Beast Pirates, Jack, the confidant of Kaido of the Four Emperors, did not answer the questions of his subordinates, nor did he care about the fur warriors around him, but still clenched his fists and stared at him just now. The forest that was attacked.

He never believed that a guy who could block his attack with a red light curtain, break his weapon, and burn his palm at the same time would be killed by a big tree so easily!


"Hello, what are you doing?"


Sure enough, after waiting for a while, when Jack was a little impatient, a blond and blue-eyed man was holding a ferocious stuffed toy bear in his left hand and a green apple that had been bitten twice in his right hand. He was wearing a red hood. The little human girl in a skirt and a small white apron wandered out from behind a slanted tree.

"She is……"

Wanda, the commander of the dog-headed fur patrol unit, said that she could see at a glance that although the small individual with sparse body hair did not know him, the other party was definitely not from their furry principality!


"It really is her!"

Unlike Wanda's doubts, Rabbit Fur Garrot exclaimed directly.


"Garrot, do you know her?"


"I just met at the ruins of the town, a monkey fur cub with sparse body hair, and an adult, but they don't seem to be Pirate Jack!"

"So that's how it is..."

"So, was she the one who helped us just now?"

"I have no idea."

"But it should be, right?"

There is no one else here. Thinking about the white light that he had just been bound by, although he felt that the two abilities were somewhat different, Garrot nodded hesitantly, thinking that there would be no one other than the other party. That ability saved them at that time.



"You are talking nonsense! They are not some monkey fur cubs with sparse body hair!!!"


Hearing the big bunny on the tree branch not far away speak ill of herself again, Annie was so angry that she waved her fist with a green apple in her hand to protest and correct her.


(● ̄?? ̄●)


Pirate Jack didn't speak, just started to look up and down the little girl who suddenly appeared and ruined his own affairs, because he didn't know what was going on, he always felt that the other party seemed familiar?

However, he was very sure that he should have never met each other, at least not face to face!



"You are……"


"You, you are that big pirate bear child Annie Hastur?!"

Finally, Jack finally remembered why he always felt that the other party was a little familiar.

The other party's iconic little red dress, the hideous stuffed toy in his hand, and the little round face with some baby fat are not the bear child worth 1 billion bells who has appeared in the newspapers and reward orders several times. Who is it?

Therefore, after recognizing it, he couldn't help but shout out the other person's name in exclamation.

"You are talking nonsense!"


"Although his name is indeed Annie Hastur, he is not a little boy!!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah! !

She was just called a monkey fur cub by that abominable rabbit fur Garrot, and now she was called a bear child by the villainous pirate uncle. Of course, Annie was not happy. The green apple in it was thrown away.


"bad boy?"

"That's right!"

"That face, that bear, that's right, she's a bear child!!"

"What, what?"

"Bear, bear child here?"

"We won't be so unlucky, will we?"


"It's really a bear boy..."

"Boss Jack!!!"

Soon, after hearing the words of their boss, the surrounding pirates who were fighting furiously with the fur tribe all looked towards this side, and when they discovered that the little girl who appeared was indeed the one who had appeared many times on the newspaper's reward order After the terrifying bear child, they were instantly terrified, and then quickly abandoned their opponents and gathered behind their boss Jack.



GuAt this time, those fur tribes finally got a chance to breathe and retreated to the other side.

"What's the matter with them?"

"do not know……"

"Hey! What is a bear child?"

"Is it bear fur?"

"do not know."

"Bear fur, it doesn't look like it..."

However, after seeing the pirates stop and gather around Pirate Jack, they also stopped, and then spontaneously gathered under the tree of the kobold Wanda and Garrot, and watched vigilantly. with the Jack and the new sparsely-haired monkey fur (bear fur) cub.

"People are not some bear fur!!"


Hearing the comments of the humanoid animals, Annie hurriedly glared at them, indicating that she was definitely not some kind of bear fur!


"Are you the bear boy?"


"Exactly, I went looking for Don Quixote Doflamingo a few days ago and couldn't find it. Since you brought them here, I'll just ask you to settle the account!"

The pirate leader Jack didn't care about the bear child or monkey child. After confirming that the person who came was the little girl Annie, he grinned and walked towards the other side step by step while talking.



"Boss, don't go, that's a bear child!"

"Yeah, the three admirals of the Navy are not her opponents, why don't you go?"

"Dangerous! Boss Jack?"


Seeing that the boss of his family took the initiative to provoke the bear child, the pirates behind him were so frightened that they wanted to stop it.

"To shut up!"

"A bunch of trash!!"

However, Pirate Jack ignored them at all, and instead turned around and roared at them fiercely.

Of course he knew that the bear child seemed to be very powerful, but who was he himself?

He is a saddle-belted grouper, nicknamed 'Drought' and one of the famous 'Three Disasters' in the New World. He is also a big sign of the Beast Pirates, and he is the confidant of 'Four Emperors' Kaido. Bailey, whose bounty has already reached 1 billion, has the ability of fauna, elephant fruit, ancient species, and mammoth form. He is the captain of the Mammoth and the 'local manager' of the Kuri region of Wano country. He will be afraid A mere bear child who has just emerged for less than half a year?




After being stopped by their boss, those pirates had to shut their mouths instantly.

Then, they just stood there in fear and trembling, watching their boss Jack step by step towards the innocent looking man in front of them, but that little round face alone could terrify them. These unmoving bear children walked away.


"Our account should be calculated, right?"

He stopped in front of the bear boy, relying on his height of eight or nine meters to look down at the other party, looking at the little guy in front of him, Jack, who felt that he could crush the other party with just one lift of his leg, was even more confident. enough.

I didn't know it before, but now after seeing the real person, Jack feels that even if the bear child has some abilities, it is more just rumors. For such a small tender girl, he can do it with just one finger. Bombing the opponent, even if he has the ability of some kind of devil fruit, how can he be so powerful?





"Uncle, people don't seem to know you!"


Looking up at the big man in front of her, Annie was a little puzzled. She didn't know why the other party suddenly told her something to settle accounts.



"It's because of you that Don Quixote Doflamingo refuses to sell weapons and animal-based devil fruits to us!"

"Now, do you know why I'm looking for you?"

Jack suppressed the anger in his heart, then slowly clenched his fists and growled in that suppressed growl.

A few days ago, after hearing that Don Quixote Doflamingo had joined the Bear and Children Pirates and stopped all black market transactions, he also learned that his order had been cancelled and the deposit had been swallowed up. Unhappy and furious, he killed Dressrosa on the spot, but unfortunately, the sly Don Quixote Doflamingo was not there.

As a last resort, unlike him who fought against both the country of Zou and Dressrosa, he had no choice but to run back to the country of Zou in annoyance and resentment, intending to deal with the matter here first, and then go to find that one. Don Quixote Doflamingo settles the accounts.

Well now, Don Quixote Doflamingo didn't find it, but he met the bear boy who was the initiator. If he can take down the bear boy who dared to run to his great pirate Jack alone , Presumably, that Don Quixote Doflamingo's expression must be very exciting, right?

At that time, he Jack can not only get the bounty of the bear boy's full 1 billion Bailey, but also use it as a threat to let that Don Quixote Doflamingo compensate him ten times the deposit, and even You can also order the other party to supply all the Devil Fruits to his Beast Pirates. At that time, he will replace the dead Whitebeard and become a new new world 'Four Emperors' just around the corner.


Thinking about it, the more you think about it, the more beautiful it becomes, and the more you think about it, the more feasible Jack the pirate stares at the bear child in front of him with that ferocious, cruel and greedy gaze.


∑(??△`)? !

"He doesn't sell, you go find him yourself, what are you looking for?"


Hearing that it turned out to be that kind of bullshit, Annie scolded the other party angrily.

You know, that Don Quixote Doflamingo only reluctantly agreed to the other party's request to join because he invited her to eat and drink for a few days, and it was the abyss commander Sivara during the negotiation. She is solely responsible for the specific matters, and of course Her Lady Queen Anne does not care at all, but now, the other party has come to her to settle accounts, that is really the wrong person.

"Shut up!"

Jack has always been very disdainful of bear children.

He believes that a little girl can never be too strong, and the reports in the newspapers must be exaggerated. He even thought, could it be a conspiracy of the Navy?

So, now he plans to try each other.

If it is not strong, then he will laugh at the other party's bounty of 1 billion Bailey and the honor of beheading the bear child.

"I do not care!"

"It's all your fault, take your life!!"

So, after roaring again, he raised his foot and stepped on the other side fiercely!


!? (??\'\'????)??

Boom! ! !

A loud bang sounded suddenly.

The pirate Jack, who was strong and huge, with a height of eight or nine meters, just stepped on the place where Annie stood just now. It was as if that place had just been bombarded by a solid shell.


When he raised his foot, he didn't find a small figure who was trampled in the big pit.


"Where did you run to?"

"come out!!"

Seeing that he stepped on the air, and then turned his head to look around, the pirate Jack, who could not find any trace of the bear child, roared and roared.


"You can't come out, do you?"

"Can't come out..."

"I'll tear them apart!!!"

After waiting for a while, his patience was gradually exhausted, and when he found that the bear child seemed to be just like that, Jack grinned and looked at the dozens of fur clan 'animals' gathered not far away.

Moreover, he did what he said, and when he found that he couldn't find the bear child, he resolutely charged, and rushed towards the group of fur tribes who were a little overwhelmed.


"not good!"

"Everyone is spread out!!"

Seeing that the terrifying pirate Jack couldn't catch the monkey fur cub with sparse body hair, he wanted to vent his anger on himself and others. Wanda, the commander of the dog-head fur tribe, first gave a coquettish scolding, and then prepared to go forward to intercept the violent Jack, give her kin and subordinates time to escape.



However, just as she was halfway through, she had to stop abruptly.


She saw it, and she didn't know what was going on. A piece of magma suddenly appeared on the ground. Then, a red and huge magma arm came out deep, and then it rushed the huge pirate who was charging. Jack was clenched in the palm of his hand.



As the monster-like pirate Jack let out an inexplicable pained roar in the huge palm, then, a lava giant with a body size of hundreds of meters gradually emerged from the huge magma pool-like magic circle. Crawled out slowly.



"They didn't run away!"


"Aren't you bigger? Look, is this lava giant summoned from the land of flames bigger than you?"


Looking at the big sign of the Beast Pirates who was struggling in the palm of the lava giant's hand, Jack, the confidant of the 'Four Emperors' Kaido, stood on the shoulders of the lava giant, and little Annie, who was not afraid of heat at all, moved towards The other party made a big grimace.



"what happened?!"


However, a bad boy hadn't been complacent for a long time, and hadn't had time to figure out what to do with the wicked pirate who wanted to crush her, but she only found that the whole world began to shake violently Get up, as if there was a ten-magnitude earthquake in an instant?

"not good!"


"Monkey fur with sparse body hair, the fire giant you made hurt the elephant lord!!!"

At this moment, the bunny fur Garrot, who couldn't take care of the shock, hurriedly shouted at the bear child at a height of 100 meters.

It's a pity that her voice is still slow.

The next moment, as the violent vibration gradually calmed down, all of them saw that a huge elephant trunk with a radius as thick as a thousand meters and a length of tens of thousands of meters was seen. The southern sky curved over, and then...

The terrifying sea water poured over the head of a certain bear child and the lava giant at the foot of the bear child.

rumbling rumbling...

That exaggerated movement is no longer as simple as simply wanting to put out the fire. Relatively speaking, it may not be watering at all. In that case, it is basically like a sea smashed directly at everyone!



"What a big elephant trunk..."



??(??^o^??)???? Ask for a monthly pass??


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