Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1720: (???) Declared War on Bears (4)

After a certain bad boy took the gauntlet from the 'Four Emperors' Kaido carelessly and publicly announced the official battle against the Beast Pirates, that Eustace who came to deliver the gauntlet · Kidd and his Kidd Pirates also expressed their willingness to join the Bear Boy Pirates camp on the spot, and firmly participate in the war of the 'Four Emperors' Kaido.

Of course, their participation is only temporary.

Because, that Eustace Kidd claimed that the reason why he chose to lead his pirates and his subordinates to join the Bear Boy Pirates was just to take revenge on Kaido, one of the four emperors. .

Once the war is over, regardless of whether they win or lose, they should automatically leave the golden mothership of the 'Bear Child'.

Then, on the second day after a certain bear child received the gauntlet, while the newspaper pigeon spread the information of the upcoming war between the two sides to the whole world, the commander of the abyss, Sivara, could not wait to pass the portal from the Wanmi Trench. The fish-man island in the island came to the golden mothership of the Bear Child and began to preside over various co-ordination work before the war.

Sivara had to come. After all, everyone knows that a certain bear child doesn't care even after the war between the two sides. He just wanders around on the boat all day long, and doesn't take the declaration of war to heart at all, so it must be An experienced commander is required for coordination and overall deployment.

As it happens, Abyss Commander Sivara is the most suitable candidate!

Unlike ordinary people in this world who think that she is just a murloc from the deep sea, she, the Naga commander, is actually a master of martial arts and magic. She is only in the deep sea of ​​Azeroth, serving in the eternal palace. For over ten thousand years, she is a ruthless commander who has led Queen Azshara's vanguard to countless victories.

And now, the upcoming war, in her opinion, is not too difficult a problem.

So, under the deployment of Sivara, within a few days, the warships and the soldiers and cadres who originally belonged to the Don Quixote family came to the 'Golden Mothership of the Bear Child' on standby. At the same time, countless sea beasts and soldiers gathered from Fishman Island also began to stand by in the waters around the mothership.

In addition to the deployment of personnel and warships, the Golden Mothership of the Bear Child itself is also actively preparing for battle, and various cannons and war instruments have begun to be integrated into the mothership with the cooperation of Gilder Tezzolo. Within the hull, the golden ship, which was more than 10,000 meters in length, was regarded as a moving island and was quickly armed.

As for the more specific arrangements, it has not been disclosed for the time being. Anyway, Gilder Tezzolo and Don Quixote Doflamingo, the two guys who were originally black market bosses and arms dealers, are here. Shi is doing everything they can to do their part, making various preparations for the upcoming war.

Unlike the top brass of the Bear and Children Pirates who are carrying out various dispatches, at this time, the streets of the Golden City seem a little deserted, except for the murloc soldiers who are still patrolling the streets and the occasional tortoise-powered cars whizzing past. In addition, tourists and citizens wandering the streets have become few and far between.

After all, now that the story of the bear boy and the Four Emperor Kaido's declaration of war has spread, this big ship will definitely become the center and forefront of the war vortex between the two sides. Therefore, those tourists, rich people and free citizens who can walk Basically, it's all gone, just some loyal citizens and some employees who don't want to go, can't go, or insist on staying to fight the enemy to the death.

Of course, if those people are leaving or staying, some bad boy will definitely not mind too much, and even if they run away, she doesn't mind!

Is this not?

When the commander of the abyss, Sivara, was busy dispatching troops and arranging various defenses of the golden mothership with the cooperation of Don Quixote Doflamingo and Gilde Tezzolo, a certain core soul The bear child of the character, at this time, was not aware of it at all, and was still playing with the ill-intentioned maid of her family, the huge mascot Princess Mermaid, and the bunny girl Garrott, etc. in the splendid swimming pool of the Royal Garden on the top floor. write.



"My hair is wet!"

When a certain bear child in the pool waved her hand, Garrot, who was sitting beside him and pulled his long legs into the pool, got wet all over, she stood up angrily and vigorously She shook her body, trying to shake her wet body dry.

"Let's play with you!"

"I don't want to go into the water, I can just be on it!"

Looking at the bikini-clad maid Dasqi in the pool and the huge mermaid princess Shirahoshi, and seeing the little girl who had already climbed onto Shirahoshi's chest just now waving at him, Garret waved his hands in a hurry to refuse.



"Garrot, it's very strange to be together. You have such long hair on your body, why do you still need to wear clothes?"


After patting Bai Xing's tender and soft flesh and motioning him to come to the edge of the pool, Annie asked curiously at Garrott, the bunny who was wet but still dressed and grooming.


"I'm not a furry, we are furs!"

Garret hurriedly waited for those round eyes to correct him.



"'Furman' doesn't sound as good as 'Maomao'?"


Annie thought for a while, compared the two titles, and then came to a conclusion that she thought was correct.


(● ̄? ̄●)



Garrett opened his mouth, somewhat speechless, not knowing how to refute the other party's words.

"Don't be yours and mine!"


"Just take off all your clothes. Look, the sun is so vicious, and you have a whole body of hair. What clothes are you wearing, so you're not afraid of the heat?"




"People use magic to take off all the hair on your hairy people?"


With that said, Annie jumped to the edge of the pool eagerly, and then reached out and started to touch the short and soft fur on the **** of a certain rabbit, and then she took advantage of the opportunity to touch the other's small tail. superior.

She actually thought about it for a long time. She wanted to shave all the fur on the other party, especially the fluffy and cute little tail, and then turn the other party's rabbit tail into a dog's tail?


"No! No!"

"Although I am also very envious of your monkey fur tribe with sparse body hair, but!"


"Hair removal or something, absolutely not!"

Garret seemed to sense the danger, and hurriedly retreated to the side, protecting her tail.



"You really don't want to try it and turn into a rabbit fur with sparse body hair?"


"If you lose your hair, you might look better!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Annie continued to instigate her. She wanted to see what it would look like if she shaved the rabbit who was clearly in human form but was still wearing rabbit fur.



"Absolutely not!"

"Also! I haven't asked you to count the evil deed of tricking me into eating a big rabbit. Are you still thinking about eating my rabbit fur?"

It's okay not to say the last sentence. After Garrett heard that sentence, she thought about what she had seen in the kitchen downstairs before, and she was so frightened that she jumped out another step in an instant.



"Then why did you eat it just now?"

∑('△')? !

"The main meal at noon was also a big rabbit!"


"That, that..."

"You've already eaten it anyway, so what if you eat a little more?"

Garret, who didn't know how to defend himself, could only be so arrogant.



"Didn't you say or, Tutu doesn't eat Tutu?"



"Did I ever say that?"

"But it doesn't matter if there is, I'm not a rabbit, I'm a rabbit fur tribe, and I'm still different from animals like rabbits!"

"I don't eat meat and fish like the mermen like Shirahoshi!"

In fact, under normal circumstances, Garrot and the others don't eat similar animals, but... but the big rabbits are really delicious, plus they will magically split on their own, no matter how you eat them, you can't finish them. And it's so delicious, so... She thinks that eating that kind of monster should be an exception?



"All right!"

'ο'*))) alas

Looking at the fluffy little tail behind the other party, and the vigilant look on the other party's face, Annie felt that the idea of ​​fooling the other party into shaving all her hair today might not come true.



"Sister Bai Xing, why don't someone help you transform into a shape, and then make an extra-large fishtail with chopped peppers from the useless fishtail, what do you think?"


Seeing that Rabbit Jing was too vigilant, Annie had no choice but to look at the huge mermaid in the pool and the fish tail that looked delicious.


"No, no!"

"Don't come here! I won't agree to give you food!"

Seeing the terrifying appearance of a certain bear child, the mermaid princess Shirahoshi was so frightened that she instantly shrank into the corner of this huge swimming pool, holding her fish tail tightly.


Eustace Kidd and his men were on the top of a building in the Golden City, and consciously or unintentionally stared at the King of Gold The top floor of the hotel.

At this time, by his side were his subordinates, such as Kira, Hitt, and Wa.



"You said, can that bear boy win?"

"She doesn't seem to take the war to heart at all..."

Although it is not as high as the King of Gold Hotel, they can see a little far away with the naked eye, and can see the general situation in the royal garden, so one of Kidd's subordinates suddenly smelled .

Because they were defeated and captured by Kaido very early, what happened during this period was only recently known, and there was not much intuitive understanding of the strength of the bear child.


"I have no idea."

"But I really can't think of the possibility of her losing."

After looking at the King of Gold Hotel in the distance, Eustace Kidd then lowered his face and spoke slowly.


Kira next to him asked again.


"Let's not talk about how powerful the bear child is, just the forces we are in contact with now include Don Quixote Doflamingo and his family forces, one of the seven kings of the sea, and Gilde Tai Zorro and his financial and human resources, and the reinforcements from Fishman Island and those terrifying Naga, and even..."

"I heard that the Whitebeard Pirates and the Revolutionary Army also used the phone bug to send a communication, saying that they would also come to participate in the war against Kaido. With so many helpers, how could she lose?!"

After telling what he had learned when he went to the commander's headquarters in the abyss before, Eustace Kidd suddenly grinned and grinned.


"Whitebeard and the Revolutionary Army are coming too?"


Kira and the others exclaimed and asked, wondering when Whitebeard and the Revolutionary Army also had an affair with the bear boy.

"Isn't it because of the war?"

"Although Whitebeard died of illness, that Fire Fist Ace inherited most of the power of the Whitebeard Pirates, whether it was to repay the kindness of the bear boy at the beginning, or to find the bad luck of his nemesis Kaido, they all Impossible not to come!"

"Of course, so are the navy and Tianlong people. I heard that the navy in the new world has been assembled by CP0."

"As for the Revolutionary Army..."

"I don't know about those guys. I just heard Commander Sivara say that at the time. Maybe, is there any connection between them and the bear children?"

Eustace Kidd said in a deep voice, and felt that they would soon have their revenge!


"Is this about a world war?"

Hearing that so many people and forces were involved in this war, finally, Vana behind Kira exclaimed.


"Isn't it a world war?"

"Let's recharge our Prepare to have a big fight with that guy Kaido!"

Eustace Kidd's expression became more ferocious, obviously, he was very much looking forward to what was going to happen.


"Boss Kidd!"

"That bear boy doesn't do business all day, is that really okay?"

At this moment, Hit, who looked a bit like a zombie, had his mouth sewn with thread and had blue-purple thorns on his body, suddenly asked.

They have just seen that the bear child is playing with her maids, bunny girls and mermaid princesses all day long, and if the other party is not a little girl, but an adult man, they must be because of the commander. Debauchery and morale plummeted, right?


"That just shows that she has nothing to fear!"

"Let's go!"

"We've done everything we need to do, then, just wait and see..."

After finishing speaking, Eustace Kidd took his men to leave the top of the building quickly, and then went to continue to familiarize himself with the terrain of the Golden City according to the arrangement of the commander of the abyss.

According to the commander's instructions, when the enemy landed on the ship, the Golden City would obviously become the first line of defense. At that time, they would have to lead the troops and the landing enemy to fight in the street!

And now, it is absolutely necessary and necessary to be familiar with the terrain. It is very important for the large-scale war in the future. They can't be sloppy, especially since they have all seen the true strength of the 'Beast' Kaido and know the two sides. the gap between.


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