Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1778: ?(?︶`)(?︶`)? Messengers

Above the 10,000-meter altitude, Scott, Hayne, who represented the kingdom of Karthus on his mission to the floating island, and the restless eagle knights who were traveling with him, can be considered to have successfully arrived at the floating island, and according to the Guided by magic, he landed safely on the ground of the island, and was warmly welcomed by a group of 'monsters' who had been waiting for a long time.


"It scared me to death!"

"I just thought that they would definitely attack us!"

Seeing that those monsters just did a routine check and didn't do more, Hein finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"But they took our mounts..."


"I have a bad feeling..."

Looking at those who looked like murlocs but were not, with terrifying heat all over their bodies, the monsters who looked like monsters took away the flying eagles they were riding, and looked at the huge lava standing on the ground in the distance. The giant, the two-headed lava dog, the little fireman jumping everywhere, and the huge and terrifying fiery flaming eagle flying in the sky, Scott's expression gradually became stiff and pale.

He thinks that this place is probably the home of a group of demons, because there are also many lava giant monsters in the empire, and they are a very terrifying monster, which caused Karthus to suffer a lot of losses.

Then, the most important thing is that this time, these people volunteered to come here on an envoy, I'm afraid it's a little bit fierce? Remember m for a second. luoqiuww

"Don't worry too much!"

"Scott, look at that huge castle in the distance, and that super gorgeous city!"

"I swear!"

"There must be a large group of powerful mages there!"

"These monsters are probably just their servants, so don't worry!"

Compared to the sad look on Scott's face, Ambassador Karthus, Hein didn't know if he was really not worried at all or pretended that expression on purpose.

Anyway, compared to Scott, he is much more relaxed, and looks at the huge city in the distance with excitement and longing, and can't wait to rush over to study the kind of buildings that can make buildings in the distance. Magical magic suspended in the air.

Of course, there are also the various magical races that can be vaguely seen inside?


"Do not!"

"We fire demons are not the servants of those guys with pointed ears and dark circles!"

"In fact..."

"Our fire element family will always submit to the great and omnipotent Her Majesty the Queen!"


However, without waiting for Hain and Scott to continue to say anything, a fire demon leader came over, looked down at Hain and glared at Hain before speaking to them in a loud voice.

This fire demon is very tall, standing at least four or five meters tall, and his body is extremely strong, with red scales all over his body, as well as those fiery eyes, huge weapons in his hands, and terror all over his body. The heat is very deterrent, and with just a shout, Scott and the eagle knights they brought with them were scared back a few steps.


"Female, Her Majesty the Queen?"

Since Hain was a mage, he knew more about the elements, so he was not frightened by the other party, he just swallowed his saliva and his face was a little ugly.


"Who is your queen?"

"Is it also a fire demon element like you?"

He was more curious than afraid.

After all, when he took the initiative to ask Ying to come up, he had already made corresponding mental preparations, and had already put his own life and death aside.

Therefore, he asked curiously, and at the same time filled his mind with a reminder of the terrifying image of the huge and ugly Fire Demon Queen.

He guessed that the creature in front of him, claiming to be a 'fire demon', might be that magical elemental life. Moreover, it was more than the elemental life he had seen before, such as crystal shapers, unicorns, gargoyles, etc. When they got up, the fire demons in front of them seemed more powerful, stable and wise.

Perhaps, the level and power of these monsters in front of them are likely to be legendary creatures like the very powerful and beautiful tide elves that only haunt in the sea?


Hearing Hain's words, the fire demon paused, then turned his head and stared at him several times with some strange eyes.


"Stupid mortal mage..."

Yes, for a creature like the Fire Demon, which also belongs to the long-lived species, who once roamed the ancient world of Azeroth, and was sealed by the Titans in the land of flames for tens of thousands of years, these creatures are weak. The life of this kind of ordinary human with a lifespan of only a few hundred years is really just a group of ridiculous mortals.

"Our queen is not something that a stupid creature like you can easily guess..."

"Let's go!"

"I'll take you to Silvermoon City now and hand you over to those pointed ears?"

But in the end, the fire demon leader didn't explain, he just sneered disdainfully, then waved his hand and ordered the surrounding fire demons to 'escort' these uninvited so-called 'envoys' to Silvermoon City , and then hand it over to the guys in charge inside to deal with it.

As for who is in charge now, it doesn't know, but anyway, just take it to those pointed ears.

Their fire demons are only in charge of the sky, the palace and the defense of the floating island. They were made by them, but they were transformed beyond recognition by those pointed ears, and they also planted a lot of flowers, plants and trees in the city. They are easy to use. I don't want to go in.

Otherwise, if you accidentally burn something, you will have to talk to those sharp-eared people for a long time. Those things are annoying to think about.

"Silver Moon City?"

"Is that the name of that city?"

"However, looking at it, it is clearly dominated by gold and red, so why is it called Silver Moon City?"

Hein ignored the sarcasm of the other party, but when he heard that a mage was coming to receive them, he became even more excited and continued to ask curiously.


"Because those pointed ears directly transformed the great flame city we made into the broken look of their capital!"

"What's so good about those fragile flowers and plants?"

"Those stupid, arrogant and arrogant pointy ears!"

"If it weren't for our queen, they would have gone extinct long ago, and they dared to question the great art of our fire element family?!"

It's good that Hein didn't ask. As soon as he asked, the leader of the fire demon roared cursingly.

At the same time, the surrounding fire demon guards also looked resentful and cursed following the trend. It seems that there is some kind of huge difference between them and those pointed-eared "mages" in their mouths on the issue of urban transformation?

"Cough cough!"


"I think you'd better stop provoking them?"

At this time, without waiting for Hain to ask again, Scott, who was behind him, took a few steps forward, and quietly pulled the corner of La Hain's shirt, and then leaned into his ear and gave a low warning.


"okay then!"

He looked at the tall fire demons who were still swearing and led the way, and then looked at the solemn and vigilant expressions on Scott and the others. In the end, Hain had no choice but to temporarily put out his thoughts of exploring to the end and put his own All kinds of doubts and questions are buried in the bottom of my heart, and I am ready to wait until the opportunity is right to ask them again.

In this way, the envoys of the Kingdom of Karthus, who no longer spoke easily, were under the 'guardian' of a group of passionate fire demons, along the straight avenue covered with gorgeous street lamps for a few miles. Outside the luxurious city called 'Silver Moon City' walked unhurriedly.


"What's so strange?"

"Look, Hein, this floating island is high in the sky, right?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Why doesn't it feel cold here at all?"

Not long after the march, Scott and Hein suddenly exchanged low voices in the team, but their voices were very low, so they did not alarm the terrifying fire demons who were leading the way.


"It's simple, look, did you see that huge fireball at the top of the castle?"

"I saw..."

"That should be a huge source of magical energy, it's providing huge energy and heat to the island, so of course it's not cold, that's a great device!"

"If Teacher Jessica sees it, she must be amazed, right?"

"Is that so?"

"I see……"

Nodding, knowing the approximate reason, Scott quickly shut up and stopped talking.

After half an hour...

When they finally reached the outskirts of the city, they all saw:

Aside from a group of tall, handsome, delicate-skinned, unidentified races who were wearing mage robes or exquisite armor, who were waiting for them beside a certain flower hall, there was another one. These people are very familiar figures?


"Are you okay?!"


"It's Shirley!"

After seeing it clearly, Hain and Scott rushed over with a shout.

That's right, who is the figure they are very familiar with, who is not the princess Shirley of Karthus?

Of course, in addition to Shirley, there is the smiling General Keith standing behind Shirley, but at this time, the other party has been automatically ignored by the surprised Hain and Scott. .


"Why did you come here too?"

"And Hain?"


"Have you been arrested too?"

After the greetings and greetings, Shirley of course asked in surprise.

You know, when she got the news that someone from the Karthus Kingdom was going to be brought here, she also worried for a while, thinking that the other party was like her, being escorted by a group of fire demons, and then being whipped with a whip A hard beating!


"We were not arrested, we came here by ourselves, and now Scott is the ambassador of Karthus, we are here on a mission!"

"By the way, let's see if I can save you back?"

When Hain said the last sentence, he looked around first, and then lowered his voice and whispered to Shirley's ear.

"Help me do what?"

"I'm fine, I don't need your help!"

"If I want to leave, I can leave at any time!"

She was startled for a while, and then, Xue Li did not mind at all and said Hein's whispers, not worried about being heard by the surrounding high elf mages and the fire demon guards who were in the process of handing over. .



"What exactly is going on?"

Hearing Shirley's words, Scott was a little puzzled, so he could only look at the Keith beside him.



"In short, since you are here with the mission of being an envoy, let's wait until you settle down first and then talk about it in detail!"

Shaking his head, Keith, who smiled wryly, didn't explain, just said so.


Opening his mouth, Scott was about to say something, but suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he seemed to notice something.


"It's from the Empire!"

As soon as he turned his head, he found a group of guys in green armor. Scottie was so terrified that he pressed the long sword on his waist for a while, and Hain, who was beside him, quickly clenched the wand in his hand and followed behind them. Together with several knights, they were prepared almost instantly.

"Don't get excited!"

"They seem to be here as ambassadors, so you can't fight them here!"

Fortunately, without waiting for them to make more moves, Keith, who was standing behind Shirley, hurried forward and stopped them, while not forgetting to remind them.

"What the **** is going on?"


"Uncle Keith, Shirley, please talk about it?"

Scott and Hayne were a little confused. I don't know why Shirley and Keith were so calm when they saw people from the Empire appear here. So, their doubts became even heavier, and they couldn't help but start to be suspicious. stand up.


"You may not believe it, this is Anne's territory, and she is the biggest queen here!"

In order to prevent Hain, Scott and others from making some inappropriate actions, Shirley quickly told what she knew.

However, she didn't say the fact that there were two or three queens here, because, after staying on this floating island for so many days, she still couldn't figure out the difference between the messy races above and that little guy. of affiliation.

Because, sometimes, some people call that little guy the queen, some call it the leader, and some call it another way, and she is still at a loss!

"Mr. Anne?"

"She's the queen here?!"

Hearing this, Hein was instantly shocked. This news was indeed something he never thought of.

"What about her?"

"Where is she now?"

Since Annie is the master here, things are much easier to handle, so Hain can't wait to meet the little teacher who has been separated for a while.

Although, that little girl Annie is not his teacher in the strict sense, the other party has never agreed, and has repeatedly denied him face to face, but because the other party has taught him magic, sometimes, he still subconsciously Di likes to call the other party as a teacher, especially now that he knows that the other party is the owner of this floating island, he wants to take the initiative to climb that relationship even more.


"She was busy with something She hasn't come back today, and I don't know how things are going..."

Shirley suddenly remembered the guy named Gnier, who seemed to be average, but he was lucky enough to receive a red dragon, and he couldn't help but feel jealous and envious. sour.


"Don't ask, just come with me!"

"It just so happens that the mages of these high elves have arranged you in my other garden. I will take you to rest now, and then I will give you a good introduction here?"

Saying that, after exchanging glances with the wizards of the high elves and obtaining permission, Shirley did not hesitate, and directly acted as a guide, leading Hein, Scott and others to the man named 'Silver Moon'. 'Walk around town.

At this time, the wizards of the high elves brought their followers to greet the messengers of the imperial messenger group who were also in shock.



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