Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1782: ? (? Θ?) No ambassador


Barnhardt, the Emperor of the Reckart Empire, was alone at the top of the fortress, and was silently watching the sky in the distance through the spired terrace.

That's right, what he is looking at at this time is the direction of the empire's border.

Of course, the former border.

And now, wherever the heroic army of the Rekaert Empire goes, it is the new frontier of the Empire!

In this world, the strong has always had the final say, and the power determines the truth, and the border line is just a cowardly excuse for the weak like Karthus to hold back.

At least, that's what Barnhardt always thought.

Although the weather today is very good, there is only a scorching sun shining brightly in the sky, and there are hardly any decent clouds above.

However, even if the vision is good, it is still too far from the border before the empire, so no matter how Barnhardt looks at it, he can't see that floating above the border of the empire. The slightest trace of the huge floating island.


For the floating island that inexplicably ripped apart the mountains and floated above the sky, if Barnhardt said he didn't hate it, it would be absolutely false! The first URL m. luoqiuwww

It's a pity that the other party is in the sky at a height of 10,000 meters, and the unreachable height makes him and most of the troops under his command can only look and sigh.

It is precisely because there is a way to get there that he is so anxious at this moment. Otherwise, I am afraid that before this, he would have already stepped down on the island with the handsome army.

da da!

da da! da da!

At this moment, behind Barnhardt came the sound of footsteps and metal collisions from far to near.

Not long after, a knight in blue cavalry plate armor stepped up from the spiral staircase on the terrace of the minaret step by step, and came to the terrace at the top of the slightly narrow minaret, and then stood at attention. , standing behind the Emperor Barnhardt.

"Is it Leon?"

Without looking back, Barnhardt knew who was coming just by hearing the rhythmic metal crash of footsteps hitting the rocky floor.

"Patrol back?"


"The group of rats in Karthus City, who claim to be righteous, haven't there been any big news today?"

After a pause, he asked with a sneer without looking back after he heard the other party's breathing gradually calm down.


"Your Majesty, the defenders of Karthus continue to hide behind the solid city walls today. Except for their flying regiment, I haven't found any signs of their troops being mobilized."


"When we came back, we saw that they seemed to have reinforcements coming. The number was about 5,000, and most of them were relatively elite soldiers."

"Because I only brought more than a hundred horses with me at the time, I didn't launch an attack rashly and let them go into the city."

Leon didn't hide the slightest bit, and directly told a little bit of what he saw, even if it wasn't good news.


"Are reinforcements coming?"


"That Jessica is indeed a little troublesome. If Egbert had burned her to death, then we would have saved a lot of trouble now."

Surprisingly, after hearing some bad news, finally, Barnhardt slowly retracted his gaze from the distant sky, turned around slowly, and gave his confidant love, Leon. A complex and playful smile.

Unfortunately, there are no assumptions in this world.

That Jessica was not burned to death at first. On the contrary, the other party is still alive and well at this moment, and even jumped up and down for a while, and frequently used the spokesperson of the goddess of light Lucilles in the world. Identity and name, use the teleportation spell to go back and forth between the surrounding small countries and small lords.

Because of the other party's identity and repeated lobbying, it can be considered that he successfully instigated a lot of stupid lords and kingdoms to unite together, intending to form a group to resist his imperial army and will of Barnhardt, which made him angry but And some helpless.


"Your Majesty said yes!"

Leon didn't make any comments, just grinned embarrassingly and nodded awkwardly.

After all, that assumption doesn't help the current situation.

Moreover, Leon himself knew that the reason why the 100,000 army of their empire had to be stationed and stopped here to patrol was not because of the number of defenders in Karthus City, but another reason. factors are at play.

And that factor is undoubtedly the floating island of unknown origin that is still floating above the border of the empire!

If they weren't worried about the attack from the rear when the imperial army attacked Karthus, I'm afraid that the elites of their empire's Blue Dragon Knights, Ice Dragon Army, Flame Dragon Army and Black Dragon Mage Army would have already invaded Karthus City. In the city walls, and in the final battle for the final victory.

But unfortunately, it is precisely because of the floating island of unknown origin that their empire does not dare to act rashly, and can only let the four elite corps of the 100,000 empires that originally planned to destroy the kingdom of Karthus do nothing here. Spend money and food.

"Never mind them!"

"Leon, don't worry too much."

"Those are just rabble, nothing to worry about!"


"Sooner or later, we will have to clean them up. Now that they come to Karthus by themselves, it will be even better. After a few days, when we free up our hands, we will go and serve them!"

"By that time, the battle to pacify the mainland will definitely be a lot easier."

Seeing the hesitation on Leon's face, Barnhardt probably knew what Leon was thinking, so he rarely spoke and comforted him.

But he wasn't exactly just comforting.

Because, their empire originally planned to unify this continent, and originally included Karthus and all the surrounding countries and lords as the intended targets of conquest and attack, but now, the great magician Jessica is going to unite When those guys got up, they just made their order of strikes advance and caused a little trouble for their empire.

If it weren't for the floating island, if it wasn't for the group of guys of unknown origin floating in the air above the hinterland of their empire like a throat, he Barnhardt would have marched forward, directly crushing Karthus City and destroying the largest one. neighboring country.


"Your Majesty said yes!"

Leon still didn't refute, he said it loudly, and then he hesitated to take two steps forward and looked at the blue sky in front of him.

That's the direction of the Empire, and it's where Barnhardt just looked out.

"His Majesty."

"It's been three days, haven't Egbert and the others come back?"

Compared to Karthus, Leon was obviously more worried about Egbert, the head of the Black Dragon Mage Corps and an old friend who represented the empire on the floating island.

In the same way, Leon knew that the Emperor next to him was also worried.

Think about it too, Egbert is a key player in the rise of the Rekaert Empire, like the Prime Minister, and at the same time, he is also the first of the four generals of the empire!

Originally, Leon didn't agree with the other party's personal risk to go to that unknown place, but in the end Egbert convinced them and set off with his adjutant Liat and others.

And now, seriously, it's already the fifth day.

So far, the other party has not returned, nor has any news returned, and if something happens to the other party, it will undoubtedly be a huge and unbearable blow for the empire.


Shaking his head, Barnhardt's face flashed a rare trace of frustration and worry.

"Wait a few days and see..."

"At that time, if Egbert doesn't come back, let's retreat first, and then organize our forces to deal with the floating island first!"

After a while, Barnhardt suddenly squinted and said, gritted his teeth in a very bad tone.


"But Your Majesty, shouldn't you go and destroy Karthus first?"

Leon was a little surprised, and hurriedly stepped forward to persuade.

After all, once the empire retreats now, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

And the most important thing is that, at that time, regardless of whether they can conquer the floating island or not, Karthus will get a chance to breathe and precious time. That way, next time, when their empire wants to attack again, that can It's not that easy.

"Do not……"

"Compared to the known enemies of Karthus, I am more worried about the unknown!"

"You saw it too."

"A floating island..."

"It's just a floating island that doesn't know how much power it has, so the 100,000 soldiers of our empire have to stay here for nearly half a month!"

"That unknown and invisible pressure is the most annoying and destructive!"

"I will never let something like this happen again!"

With that said, Barnhardt clenched his fist and smashed the spire's balcony railing, and cracked the rock railing with just one punch.

"Wait until the floating island is resolved..."

"Leon, I think it's time for our empire to form a new fifth legion."

"We are going to form a super-large corps dedicated to dealing with air missions, with large airships, powerful ancient flying weapons, powerful magic gunships and a large number of elite gryphon knights!"

"As for the name..."

"It's called the 'Flying Dragon Legion', what do you think?"

Now the empire already has 'Blue Dragon', 'Yanlong', 'Black Dragon' and 'Ice Dragon' as a legion. If there is another legion of 'Flying Dragon', then their imperial army will never be caught in the air by a mere unknown origin. The island was so frightened that it shrunk and squatted here, and ignored the city of Karthus that could be eaten at any time!

Although the 'flying dragon' corps only exists in the future blueprint that Egbert briefly described to himself before he left, there is no more specific plan, but that does not prevent Barnhardt. Think ahead of time for this.

"Flying Dragon Corps?"

Leon was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered what Egbert said that night.

"His Majesty……"

"Now our empire, just maintaining the current size of the Griffin Knights is already very difficult."

"The cost of the Flying Dragon Corps must be very high. If you still need those large airships, ancient weapons and magic gunships, I'm afraid it won't be possible in a short time?"

Frowning, Leon tried his best to exhort him with slightly more subtle words.

The idea proposed by Egbert is certainly a good one, but in Leon's view, that kind of thing is very impractical for the current empire.

You must know that in those days, His Majesty Barnhardt was originally just a soldier of humble origin. The other party did not have any background and support, but he built the powerful empire today with his extraordinary bravery and strategy.

In addition, in these years, the empire has been busy in the war between the south and the north, and the focus is all on the military, and almost never really pays attention to the development of the domestic economy and people's livelihood.

Therefore, in this case, with the current financial situation of the empire, it is very difficult to maintain the existing troops and the four major legions, and it can even be said that they are running at full capacity. The 5th Corps, which took so much manpower, material and financial resources and a long time to establish, is really a little too naive.

"I know!"

"I didn't say to do it now!"


"Leon, think about it, after the troubles of the floating island are resolved, and Karthus is destroyed and this continent is unified, we should be able to rest for a while."

"By the time……"

"We can slowly organize this continent while building the Fifth Corps. With the support of Egbert and you, I think..."

Waving his hand, Barnhardt said with a relaxed expression, as if what he said would definitely happen.


At this time, a figure riding a green flying dragon suddenly appeared in the sky ahead. As the other party got closer and closer, it decisively attracted the attention of Barnhardt, forcing him to stop what he had just drawn. That's a somewhat unrealistic blueprint.


"That is……"


"His Majesty!"

"It seems that Liat is back?"

And when the flying dragon knight got closer and closer, and when the griffin knights who took off from the imperial camp came up to them and protected each other and flew towards the fortress, they could clearly see the silhouette of the green armor riding above, Leon finally exclaimed It's him! "

Squinting, Barnhardt quickly confirmed Leon's words.


"Let's go down and see what news he brought us back?"

Then, he and his confidant, love each other, glanced at each other, and then, somewhat mixed, he waved his hand and took a big step towards the spiral staircase of the minaret.


He was also very concerned about what news Liat had brought back, and why Leon, who had not returned with Egbert and the others, also hurriedly chased after him.


And almost at the same time.

In the sky forty miles away from the fortress where the imperial army is entrenched, a huge white flying eagle is also carrying a knight in a hurry. From the sky, it is almost the same as Liat from the empire just now. In the direction of , towards the palace and castle of Karthus City, it landed at a very fast speed.


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