Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1796: |????) Do you want to destroy the world?


"Where's the princess?"

"I've been looking for her for a long time, but I didn't find her in the inn. Where did she go?"

Outside the floating island of Silvermoon City, in this rare place where 'visitors' can come and go at will, after Karthus' flying regiment commander Keith flew to the floating island, he found that place as soon as possible. The lord's adopted son, Scott, asked anxiously.

After all, Keith knows Shirley's temperament. During his absence, he has been worried that the other party will do something wrong on the floating island and make a big mess. In that case, the consequences are very, very unpredictable. Scott was too young to believe that the lord's adopted son could restrain their Highness Princess Karthus.



"Isn't that over there?"

Scott pursed his lips, indicated where Shirley was, and said that he had been following him all the time, so there was no need to make a fuss.

"Huh? That's..."


"What was she talking about with that little girl?"

Seeing the back of the little girl who was sitting in a row with Shirley, dangling her feet, and seemed to be looking at the scenery of the ground under the 'cliff' of the floating city, Keith couldn't help but shudder. , then frowned instantly and asked.

Now, his attitude and impression of that little girl is a bit complicated.

Speaking of which, the other party has also saved the lives of many of them in Karthus. It stands to reason that he should be grateful. However, the other party happened to belong to those arrogant 'robbers' who invaded this world. The big boss, so he didn't know whether he should hate or be grateful, and he didn't even know what attitude he should use to face each other.

"Talk about what?"

"Then I don't know, and I can't hear it so far away."

Because he was not familiar with the little girl in the distance, Scott hadn't followed him since he came here.

"Why don't you go and ask yourself?"

"I can't go."

He forced himself to laugh, and Scott directly reached out and suggested.

Although he had seen each other many times in the castle when he was in Karthus, they were nothing more than nodding acquaintances. He had never cared about that little girl before, and he never He didn't deliberately make friends, so now he definitely won't dare to go forward to disturb it at this time, especially when he knows that the other party is the owner of this floating island, the real meaning of the Azeroth Empire' After the emperor'?


Keith didn't speak, didn't have a real past, just stood there frowning and thinking.


"What's matter?"

"Did my father say something?"

Seeing that Keith was silent, and he didn't think about finding the past or leaving first, Scott, who was a little puzzled, finally opened his mouth to ask.


"Do not!"

"Lord Loren didn't mean to spread the word. He still refused to come here to participate in that conference. You know, he is still like that."

Thinking of the stubborn Lord Loren, the stubbornness of the other party and the strong hostility towards this floating island, Keith couldn't help shaking his head.

To be honest, in Keith's opinion, if this floating island hadn't appeared in time, their Karthus play kingdom would have been captured by the empire and declared its demise long ago. How could Lord Loren stay in Karthus well? Lost temper in town?

However, unfortunately, the purpose of this floating island is the same as that of the empire, even more greedy and domineering than the empire, so they will definitely not be grateful.

"Didn't your father let you come here?"


"What's your business with Shirley?"

"If it's an important matter, then you can go directly. They've been sitting there for a while."

"I don't know when they're going to talk."

Hearing that there was no news or new instructions from Karthus, Scott breathed a sigh of relief, and then signaled that Keith could take care of himself and ignore him.

"It's something big or small."

"But don't be in a hurry!"

"It's useless to rush anyway, I think, I'll just wait..."

If there was only Princess Shirley there, that didn't say, Keith would have to go directly to report it immediately, but... Since that terrifying little girl is still there, he'll just wait for it.

Because he didn't know how to face that little guy at all, and now, at such a distance, just thinking about the identity of the other party made him feel uncomfortable.

"Something big or small?"

"General Keith, this is not your style."

"Can you tell me about it?"

"You also saw that they are over there, and it is estimated that they will not leave in a short time, so tell me first?"

Scott was intrigued.


Keith looked at the two people in the distance, thought for a while, then nodded, then turned to motion for Scott to go the other side with him.


"Is something wrong with Karthus?"

"Did the Empire attack Karthus City?"

"Is that so?"

Seeing Keith's expression, Scott felt a little bad in his heart, and then asked anxiously.

He remembered that when he came to the floating island, the army of the empire was still not far from Karthus City, and the army of the empire was still at an absolute advantage, and during this time, Scott and Shirley both The people on the top have been very occluded, and they have no idea of ​​the specific situation on the ground. Now that Keith is here again, he will definitely be a little suspicious.

Although it is said that there is a new threat to this floating city in their world now, almost all countries and lords have been attracted, and the big battle is estimated to be impossible to fight easily, but no one can guarantee that the empire will not fail. Before that, he will take the risk and destroy their Karthus or something.

"Do not!"

"Scott, don't worry."

After comforting the adopted young lord next to him, Keith found a place to sit and explained slowly:

"The city of Karthus was indeed attacked, before I set off."

"But it's not an empire, it's a demon!"

"A few days ago..."

"The demons raided Karthus City. Their attack was very strong, causing us to suffer a lot of casualties. Even Erwin was seriously injured, and Liana was directly kidnapped by the demons..."

"Because the princess is friends with Erwin and Liana, I thought of coming here and telling her the news."

Thinking of the incomparably dangerous demon army raid a few days ago, Keith's expression could not help but become a little dignified.


"Karthus was raided by the demons?!"

"General Keith!"

"Father, is he all right?"

First stunned for a moment, then Scott hurriedly asked about his adoptive father, Lord Lauren, once again.


"Lord, of course he's fine, don't worry about that!"

Keith smiled bitterly and comforted, in fact, if the lord had something to do, he probably wouldn't have this calm expression now.


"Liana is afraid that it will be more fortunate."

Thinking of the poor witch of light who was first hunted by the empire, hid in the east, and finally managed to save her life under the protection of Karthus, but was now kidnapped by the demons, Keith's brows could not help frowning. , very worried.

Because, it is difficult for him to imagine what kind of tragic end he will be waiting for after falling into the hands of the demons.

"I can rest assured that my father is fine..."

"As for Liana, Keith, don't worry!"

First, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then Scott explained to Keith, who was a little puzzled, and told the news he had heard before.


"Liana was rescued?"

"Who saved it?"

"That little girl?!"


"What the **** is going on here?"

When he first heard the fact that Liana was on this floating island, Keith was a little confused, and at a loss, he pointed at the poor little girl who was sitting with Shirley in the distance and confronted Scott. asked.

You know, a few days ago, the demons just raided Karthus and killed and injured many people. Even the lord castle, city walls and city streets were damaged a lot, but now, the light that was taken away The sorceress Liana was rescued, and now she is on this floating island. That kind of thing is too coincidental, and he can't figure it out.

"I'm not so sure either…"

"Liana is still recuperating now, and neither I nor Shirley can see each other, so I don't know what's going on."

After all, this floating island belongs to someone else, and Scott and the others are just 'guests' here. What happened in the master's house, how can they tell them everything in detail?


Keith stopped talking and started frowning at the back of the little girl in the distance and thinking.

He vaguely felt that things couldn't be that simple. There must be some kind of connection or a big conspiracy that he didn't know about.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but gradually became suspicious when he looked at the back of the little girl who was sitting with Shirley.

At this time, Annie didn't even know that not far behind, there were two guys talking about her in a low voice, she just put her chin on her hands, and sat with Miss Shirley of Karthus in this floating space. On the ice-cold and smooth big stone not far from the edge of the island, watching the sunset on the edge of the sky and dangling my feet boredly.

Now, the sun on the ground must have already set, but because the floating island is at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the line of sight must be better and higher than on the ground, so ah, for now, they can still see To the round sunset over the 'horizon' that glows red and isn't dazzling at all.


After the two chatted for a while and watched the sunset for a while, suddenly, Shirley spoke up.



"Just say something!"


Annie was a little puzzled and urged directly.

She could see that she knew that the other party must have something on her mind, so she specially invited herself to come here, but after coming here, the other party kept grinding and chirping, and she felt a little uncomfortable.


"All right!"

"Is such that!"

"Then I said it!"

"You... can't you not interfere in our world?"

"I beg you?"

Shirley mustered up her courage, and finally spoke in that kind of nervous and pleading tone.





"It seems that people haven't interfered much all the time?"


Scratching her head, Annie expressed some innocence.

After all, she seems to have just been playing, and she has done a lot of good deeds, and saved a lot of people, even this Miss Shirley in front of her?

Therefore, she didn't understand a little, what did she do wrong, what did she interfere with, and why did the other party say such inexplicable words.


"Why not?"

"This island, didn't you make it?"

Looking at the innocent-looking little girl in front of her, Xue Li opened her mouth in a stunned manner. Finally, she took a deep breath and pointed at the floating 10,000-meter-long under the two of them. The floating island in the sky said.



"But that's because people disliked that giant dragon for being stinky and stupid, and it couldn't carry the garden and the palace, so they made it out. What's the matter?"


Annie doesn't think there's anything wrong with her making this floating island. After all, she pulled it straight up from the uninhabited mountain range, and it doesn't hinder anyone. She just made it for herself in this world. Just got a slightly bigger house and garden.

Of course, more likely, it may be resentment at the disgusting Grenier and Matthew for their contempt for her omnipotent Queen Anne?

Because the three guys thought she couldn't get it out, they all thought she was talking big, so she just took the island directly to the sky, and then it developed into this way accidentally.

"There's nothing wrong with palaces and gardens, and even cities can..."


"There's an army up there!"

"They also said...and said they wanted to rule our world!?"

Shirley screamed a little frantically, and her tone became a little excited.



"That's what you care about..."


Annie blinked, then laughed suddenly, and finally understood the reason for the inexplicable words the other party said.

"However, this is not their fault!"


"It was Sonia who said she wanted a world where all races could coexist peacefully, and that's why people planned to help her fulfill that little wish."


In this regard, Annie did not hide it, and directly told her the causal relationship.


"It's that simple?"

"She thought, and then you're going to help her?"

"How can it be?!"

Shirley's tone couldn't help becoming sharp again, and then, of course, Keith and Scott, who were not far away, were attracted, and cast suspicious eyes towards them.



"It was promised."


"Promise to do it, this is the original words of Amorin's mother!"


Annie made a playful face at each other.

Originally, she herself felt a little troublesome about this matter, and she didn't want to interfere too much, but, since she agreed, it's always not good to go back on it, so she just let that Azshara go directly. Big sister, they will deal with it!


"That's not right!"


"If she wants to destroy the world, do you want to help too?"

If there really can be a world where all races can coexist peacefully, then of course it would be good, and Shirley herself couldn't really say what's wrong, but she always felt that it was wrong for Annie to do so, It can only be a bit crazy metaphor.

"Destroy the world?"




"Although it's not difficult for others, but, Sister Shirley, do you really want to destroy the world?"


"If you want, people may have a way!"


Although Annie has never destroyed any world so far, well, that kind of thing is not difficult for her. If she wants to, she can still do it easily. It is obviously no better than crushing a small thing. Glass **** are harder.


"Do not!"

"I don't want it at all!!"

Xue Li was startled, not knowing whether the other person's face was serious or not, she hurriedly stood up and took two steps back, while loudly denying it.

"Compared to that!"

"I want you to make your people stop all their behavior and let them go back to their own world!"

Then, Shirley hurriedly added.

"I'm afraid it won't work!"

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"Because people promised Sonia first, there must be a first-come-first-served situation in this matter!"




"It's okay to destroy the world. Otherwise, people will help Sonia first, and then, if you are not satisfied, let you destroy the world. What do you think of this suggestion?"


Annie also said eagerly, anyway, it is not impossible for her to restore after destruction, and it seems that she has not tried to create a world in the past, and if the other party wants to play that kind of game , she might as well accompany the other party to give it a try.

"Do not!"

"I don't want to destroy the world at all!"

"You bastard!"

"What are you talking about, that wicked thing..."

"What is this all about?"


"I didn't think about that!"

Shirley, who was at a loss for what to do, was completely mad at this time, and began to be a little speechless.

"Don't you want to?"


"But, if you don't want to, why are you dissatisfied with Sonia's idea of ​​making the world a better place?"


Looking at the contradictory words of the other party, Annie expressed a little puzzled.


"How do you know that the world will definitely be better, not worse, in the future?"

After calming down, Shirley could only quibble and protest so forcefully.

"People know it!"


Annie looked smug, because she had done similar things and was very experienced with it.

For example, in her family's Kepruu star area, before she went, the three races of humans, protoss and Zerg in that world were fighting almost every day. broke out.

And the result...

After her Lord Annie appeared, the world suddenly became peaceful.

Immediately afterwards, the human race, the Zerg race, and the Protoss there, those guys no longer fought, and the star area was peaceful all of a sudden, that's great.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers said, that is really good, the three clans in the Kepulu star area are indeed not fighting, they are peaceful, the human race will not step on those bugs when they walk on the road, and the spear of Aden of the Protoss is also on the top. You can let the Zerg jump around...because, ah, they are all going to beat others now, and they have been sharpening their knives and waiting for some bad little master of his family to open a new portal and send them to them. What about the new world coordinates!)


Seeing Annie with a determined face, Shirley was a little anxious and choked, not knowing what to say.


"It's not right for you to do that!"

Having said that, UU reading www. Seeing that Annie couldn't be convinced, Shirley turned around angrily and ran towards Scott in the distance.

She saw that Keith seemed to have returned from Karthus, so she wanted to ask some questions. As for the little guy behind her who made her a little crazy and helpless, she planned to ignore it for now and wait until she thought about it. How to convince the other party and then talk about it?





"Sister Shirley, don't you really want to play that kind of game that destroys the world? People can really do it for you!"


Seeing the other party inexplicably throw it away angrily, of course, Annie proposed again.


However, Shirley, who was annoyed and furious, didn't pay any attention to her at all.


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