Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1843: -??(???) Stoneville City (4)

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At the gate of Stonewell Castle, Anne once again banged at the uneasy and kind-hearted gatekeeper Gotok, who she had knocked out last night.

However, she still firmly rejected the other party's suggestion to take a path into the castle, and then, regardless of the other party's reaction, a fireball directly burned the gate of the steel castle, and directly crossed the large pool of molten iron into the castle. Inside Stonewell Castle.


Of course, she was stunned to see:

The defending soldiers, who had been completely alarmed by the battle between her and the previous 'Evil Omen Demon' Marchite (let's think it was a battle?), were crowding in front of them and waiting in a dark crowd.

They guarded behind the fortifications of the passage inside the castle and behind the horses, and also aimed at her with a large number of strong crossbows, bed crossbows, and some long-range attack things similar to fire-breathing devices.



Looking at the arrows, javelins, and 'artillery' that were aimed at her, Annie suddenly regretted it.

Because, she never thought that there would be so many people waiting for her in it. If she knew this was the case, maybe she, who never liked publicity very much, might really listen to the uneasy and kind-hearted gatekeeper Ge In Tok's words, sneak into the castle from the cliffside path and cave by the door, and then, while playing that peek-a-boo game with such a large group of sorghums, try to find that greek as quickly as possible?

However, it is too late to say anything now!

Because ah, she has already entered, so it is definitely impossible to exit again, and then turn around and walk the path.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)




Seeing Annie walk in, and after staring at each other for a while, a certain guarding officer in gold armor and a battle robe reacted first, and took advantage of Annie's failure to react. , waved his hand resolutely, and gave the order to attack the crossbowmen who were standing on the commanding heights on both sides of the passage, the artillery and the crossbowmen beside him.


Whoosh! Whoosh!


Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!


In the next moment, countless tiny crossbows, iron javelins with thick arms, and something I don't know what they are, may be magic, or some kind of magical fireballs and fireballs, etc., under the order of the officer, like a pear blossom in a rainstorm. Generally, from different directions, different infiltrating voices slammed towards Annie head-on.


!? (?\'\'??)?


Benedict! Benedict!

boom! ! !

With Annie's jolt, soon, those countless crossbow arrows, iron-made bed crossbow javelins, and unidentified fireballs hit the place where she just stood, and exploded at the moment when the sand and stones splashed. There were sparks.



But after the flames gradually dissipated, the hundreds of soldiers who were waiting in full force saw in amazement:

The little girl disappeared without a trace, and where she just stood, except for the burning wooden crossbow bolts nailed to the ground like a hedgehog, and more than a dozen thick bed crossbow arrows deeply pierced into the stone slab of the castle. Outside the ground, there was no figure of the little girl, corpse, or fragments of the corpse at all.


"Why are people missing?"


"Is she dead?"

"do not know……"

So, including the officer, they couldn't help but widen their eyes and start looking at each other and searching around.

They didn't know what was going on just now, they only knew that the other party didn't seem to have time to evade or defend, but disappeared after the arrows fired and the fire exploded.

And their attack just now seems to be a hit?

However, why did the opponent's body and fragments disappear after the hit, and not even a shred of blood was left, they didn't know the important thing.



"Blame millets, people are here!"


Soon, without waiting for those guys to figure out why, suddenly, Annie made a sound.



Hearing the sound, the soldiers who were at a loss turned around and looked behind the sound.

Then, they saw that on the gate of the inner city wall behind, that little girl, I don't know what was going on, actually appeared there in good time, and was making a face at them?


"How, how is it possible, when did she run to the back?"

"do not know……"

"What kind of magic is that? Is she that kind of stargazer?"

"Supreme will..."

Then, when it was clearly seen and confirmed that Annie was not dead at this time, but did not know when she had easily crossed the strong line of defense formed by their hundreds of people and appeared at the crenel on the gate behind the closed wall, After grabbing the thick steel chain connecting and controlling the inner city gate, the soldiers couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Mills, you said..."


"You said, what would happen if people broke this chain?"


Annie suddenly said thiefly, and began to **** for the iron chain thicker than her thigh with her white and tender hands, as if she really wanted to break it?

Because, at this time, she was condescending to understand that this place in front of the castle like an inner courtyard also has the same function as an urn city, and once the iron chain in her hand is put down, then she will The heavy steel gate of the inner city gate under her feet will be put down. At that time, she will not be trapped as an intruder. She doesn't know, anyway, she only knows that the hundreds of people outside want to continue to pursue. She's definitely not going to be easy.



"Shoot her down!!"

Although I don't know how the little girl suddenly ran to the city gate behind them, and I don't believe that her small arms and legs are like breaking the thick chain, but I don't have time to think about it. The officer who was there, while rushing back with the people, did not forget to order the crossbowmen.

Now the enemy suddenly ran to their rear, so those bed crossbows and artillery with limited corners are definitely useless. After all, when making those large defense devices, they will not be careless in order to prevent them from being used by the enemy. Let those big machines have that big corner.

Of course, now is not the time to think about those things. Now their primary purpose is to kill or catch the little girl mage who broke into the castle and defeated the 'Evil Omen' Markit!

That's not just an order, but also their duty. If they don't want to bring trouble and cruel punishment to themselves, it's best to take them down before they disturb the demigod 'Limb' Greck.



"People won't let you in!!"


Seeing those soldiers turning their heads and rushing towards her, and seeing those crossbowmen hurriedly loading crossbow arrows while running towards her, Annie didn't delay any longer, and her little hands instantly turned red. stand up.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the castle soldiers rushing towards this direction, the chain thicker than her legs slowly turned red and quickly melted into iron where it touched her palm. Drops of water fell under the city wall.

boom! !

Immediately after, as the chain broke, the huge and heavy steel gate, probably weighing more than ten tons, smashed to the ground with a bang, and completely destroyed the inner city gate. blocked up.


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

And at this moment, the crossbow arrow was long overdue and shot towards Annie.



It's a pity that Annie didn't want to entangle and waste time with those guys at all. She just jumped to the wall beside the city gate after burning the chain, so that all the crossbow arrows that could only be shot flat but couldn't be thrown were all lost. , and never saw a trace of her hiding behind the battlements at the parapet.



"You! Find the ladder, or find a way to climb it!"

"Others, detour!!"

"hurry up!"

Seeing that the gate of the inner city was really closed, and seeing that hateful little girl disappearing from sight, the general couldn't help but get a little furious. Take a detour and try to get ahead of the nasty little girl to stop him.

Fortunately, they are the defenders, and there is only one enemy, so even if the gate of the inner city is closed, they don't have to worry about being surrounded or attacked by the enemy, and they don't have to defend themselves. They can slowly find a way to overcome. Go through the wall of the inner city and enter inside.

And now the main problem is: at this critical juncture, most of the defenders in the castle went out to search in the dilapidated city, and almost all the rest were called here by him, and now in the castle There are not too many people. Once the opponent breaks in and disturbs the demigod Greck, the consequences are really not something they can bear.

"a bunch of idiots!"


She glanced outside the city wall again, and found that the soldiers couldn't find the ladder in a hurry, and then they didn't know how to take a human ladder up, but started to carry those stones and wood clumsily, she pouted, Jumped directly into the wall.



However, it wasn't that there were no enemies inside. On the contrary, Annie saw that not far away there were several **** birds with sharp blades tied to their feet, looking like eagles, but like vultures, they were aggressively moving towards Did she fly over?

Swish! !

Soon, a big bird that flew the fastest arrived first, and with a dive and shaking its tail, the two terrifying sharp blades tied to its feet slashed towards her head.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

It's a pity, that kind of boring attack can't stop Annie at all.

She just turned her head slightly, and the opponent's move was easily avoided by her, and the two terrifying sharp blades just blew a wind from her ear.





When Annie dodged the opponent's sharp blade and was about to reach out and grab the opponent's claws to pull him down and smash it to the ground, she was surprised that the head was an eagle and a vulture, and the strange bird with bulging cheeks turned out to be a strange bird with bulging cheeks. Turning his head, he sprayed a flame towards her, and directly wrapped her in it?

'Chirp~! ’

Seeing that the attack worked and that the enemy was sprayed on the head by its own flames, the big bird that looked like an eagle and a vulture thought that the 'enemy' had been eliminated by it, so it cheered and was ready to fly high into the sky to meet it those companions.



However, behind it, Annie slowly emerged.

"People are angry..."



(* ̄▽ ̄)o─═≡※:☆

Annie didn't like that vulture's smell of bad breath, and at the same time she felt that her majesty was being challenged?

After all, the other party dared to burn her with flames, which was too contemptible.

So, without thinking about it, she raised her hand directly, and the flame on her body slowly dissipated. When the black vultures were in shock, she resolutely sent her burning magic into the sky, letting the fan-shaped The flame directly enveloped the black initiator and the opponent's companions in her shadowy flames.




Those **** vulture-like birds who wanted to hunt down Annie didn't even have time to let out a scream, they were instantly burnt up, and turned into a little black coke and fell on the ground.



"Are you happy now?"


To even want to play with fire with her Lady Queen Anne, that really doesn't matter!

"Let's go!"


So, after burning those disgusting big birds, before the stupid soldiers and uncles outside the wall had time to climb in, and before there was any chance of a new enemy appearing in front of them, Annie hurriedly hopped towards the front. past.

It's a pity that Annie was too happy too early...

Clang! !



Is this not?

She had just turned around an uninhabited staircase and was about to run to a certain gate above the castle, when she instantly discovered that there was a silver-armored knight in an ambush around the corner?

Then, the moment Annie discovered him, the other party stabbed the long and sharp halberd fiercely towards her neck.



Fortunately, Annie escaped again.

Moreover, not only did she dodge, but she also reached out and grabbed the pole of the halberd that the opponent stabbed, and then suddenly unloaded when the opponent started wrestling with him and was about to withdraw the sharp halberd. Force, let the other party pull her back with a gun, and at the same time kick her on the almost completely closed helmet visor of the other party.

Ouch! !

"go away!!"


A crisp sound!


There is nothing then!

The knight who hadn't had time to report his name, the guy who was estimated to be the number one person in Stonewell Castle, was directly hit by a heavy blow and flew out sideways in a gorgeous manner, and slammed into the wall and slowed down. Slowly slipped down and slumped to the ground, completely fainted.



However, that's not the end!

Because, when Anne glanced at the knight with her shoe print on the helmet and was about to move on, she was startled to see that in the courtyard in front of her, there was another paw with the same A gigantic lion with a sharp blade, an abomination with an enormously ugly dog, and... a gigantic, eyeing giant?

"All right!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas.

Anne knew that it was not easy for her to enter the castle and find a certain 'joint' today?

So, she resolutely grabbed the halberd that was snatched from the knight's hand with one hand, and pointed at the guys who were blocking her way:

"If you're not afraid of death, let the dog come over!"


Annie spoke out provocatively, and sent a signal to those monsters to invite battle.


‘Wang! ! ! ’

as expected!

The next second, the ugly looking really released his dog, let it growl, and opened his mouth to attack her. Quickly rushed over.

next second...

'! ! ’

'Ow~! ! ’

With a little cold mang coming first, then, a rapid whimper sounded!

Immediately afterwards, the big ugly dog ​​was pierced through the mouth by the spurge in Annie's hand, and his limbs twitched and he received the lunch on the spot.




And seeing that Annie was so vicious, first kicked the lost knight, and then shot the vicious dog without even using magic, the huge lion, hatred, and the The original momentum of the giant could not help but stagnate.

Then, Qi Qi was a little dumbfounded, they couldn't help but hesitate, and they hesitated and stopped in the distance, as if they didn't dare to continue to rush forward.


?( ̄??)??? It's the end of the month, and the monthly pass is doubled, so come here!

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