Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1861: ???(?)???? A big lady

It's been almost two full hours, and at this time, the two academy pyroxenite mages wearing hoods on their heads look a bit funny. From a distance, they look like two 'big-headed sons', and they're still in custody. ' Waiting patiently outside the door of the large library of the full moon queen Reinara.

They didn't dare to open the door to go in easily, and the ban also prevented them, the pyroxene mages, from entering, so there was no other better way than to wait patiently outside.



After waiting for a while, and listening carefully, I heard that there was still no abnormal movement or sound, no fighting and collision, and no speaking. Finally, the two pyroxene mages couldn't help but give a They gave each other a helpless look.

"you say……"

"How are they doing?"


"I have no idea!"

"do not know?"

"Well, I hope it's dead?"



"Who do you wish to die?"

"Everyone is fine, I've had enough of it all!"

"It would be better if they both died?"

The two of them were talking, and one of them, the mage with the hood of the glowing stone, roared in a low voice, as if the long and uncertain wait made him feel a little irritable?

But it's useless to be irritable. The current situation is that the people in the library don't come out, and they certainly don't dare to go in and investigate, so they have no other choice but to wait.


"Have you heard?"

"In the recent period of time, someone has been secretly moving, it seems that they want to lift the seal and welcome back the genius witch from the academy?"

After a few breaths of silence, one of the two hesitated for a while, and finally summoned up the courage to provoke a sensitive topic.


"Genius witch?"


"You should be referring to the 'heretic magic block witch', right? But, what do they think?"

"Why do you want to welcome her back, because not enough people died back then?"

And that topic is obviously not so pleasant, so of course another mage exclaimed directly, looking incredulous.

"I do not know then."

"But I've heard that those people, especially some of Serian's students, think that their teacher was wronged. There were too many strange and bizarre things about that trial. They didn't believe in such a genius. would do something like that.”

"At least, it is not necessary to kill so many people to explore the origin of pyroxene. That is really far-fetched."

"And then..."

"They all thought, how could such a lovely woman do such a thing?"

The pyroxene mage who brought up the topic explained cautiously, and finally shook his head with a wry smile.

However, it is not difficult to see from his wording that he seems to be more inclined to Se Lian's faction, and also thinks that the trial of the year was unreasonable, and even, it is possible, he himself is the one who supports changing the status quo. It's just that I didn't expect the reaction of my companions to be so intense, so I just went to test it in such a subtle way?

"Do not……"

"you are wrong."

"Whether she is wronged or not, or whether she is a heretic magic block witch, but exploring the origin of pyroxene is a big taboo in the academy, even if those people were really not killed by her, she must pay for her reckless behavior. cost!"

"I guess……"

"The professors and judges in the Haimo classroom must also have that kind of consideration. You should have read the relevant literature yourself, and know why the search for the origin of pyroxene is taboo, and you know what it will be. as a result of!"

"Spy on the stars, clear the fog of the dark nebula, and at the end of the stars, you can indeed find the hometown of pyroxene..."

"But no one can go back!"

"That's a road of no return!"

"Don't forget, the existence in the academy that terrifies everyone - the magician's ball, they are likely to be the final result of spying on the origin of pyroxene, and they will be completely assimilated by pyroxene and lose their will!"

"So, the origin cannot be spied on, it is an absolute taboo!"

Seeing that his companion also had a faint intention to turn to Se Lian and support Se Lian's faction to overturn the case, the mage wearing a glowing stone hood hurriedly reprimanded with those relatively harsh words.

Although the current situation of the Magic Academy is really bad, it can even be said that it is bad enough, but it has to come up with a better plan, instead of casually introducing another worse option to overthrow the status quo.

After so many years, the reason why the academy has only continued to extend the application, but has always listed the origin of pyroxene magic as an absolute taboo, there must be reasons they do not know. The Academy was taken to that unfathomable and terrifying abyss, which he did not want to see.


"That said, but you don't have any solid evidence, do you?"


"You also saw today that such a heretical mage is just a little girl. She entered our Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy by herself and a dragon. There are so many mage here, but in the end she There is nothing to do with her, the feeling of powerlessness in that is really despairing."

"And the full moon queen Reinara back then!"

"She easily learned the ultimate pyroxene magic, but she was not corroded by pyroxene, nor did she have any serious consequences. Since she can cross the stars to meet Huiyue's will and make a contract with the full moon, why can't we spy on it? The origin of pyroxene, becoming a supreme being like her or beyond her?"

"With the talent of Master Se Lian, if she hadn't been kicked out back then, that woman would have been kicked out of the big library long ago, right?"

It's a pity that the other pyroxene mage did not accept his companion's advice, and directly and loudly refuted it with reason, and it was well-founded. At first glance, it seemed to be quite reasonable.

"And then..."

"You can also see that now, the Queen of the Full Moon is crazy, and there is no sign of improvement after so many years! Look at how the academy is in ruins, we can't keep it closed like this, we must make changes. !"

"Mr. Se Lian may be the best and most suitable for now. If she is still capable, I also think it is a better choice to welcome her back."

As he spoke, the pyroxene magician simply stopped pretending, and directly used the title of 'teacher' to call the 'heretic magic block witch' who had been judged and exiled by the academy back then.

"Do not……"

"The reason why the academy has been ruined like this is due to various factors, and it is not something that can be solved by welcoming back a serpent."



Seeing that his companion seemed to be very determined, and thinking about the current situation in the academy, knowing that the old mage who had been surging in private for a long time thought about it, and finally sighed and shook his head and said nothing more.

"That's it!"

"I don't want to criticize too much about your affairs. I won't support it, but I won't oppose it. You can do it yourself."

Although he would like to say that the current situation of the Rhea Lucaria Academy of Magic is mainly caused by the broken Eldun's ring, the pollution of the death curse, the Queen of the Full Moon falling into madness and unable to manage, and the academy being closed for many years, etc. As a result of the combined effect, it cannot be solved simply by overthrowing the Kalia royal family's rule here and driving out the Queen of the Full Moon.


Seeing that his companions seem to have already participated in a certain rapids in the academy, he doesn't want to be a chariot, and he can't say anything more, so he can only protect himself temporarily.



After chatting for a while, he accidentally talked about some kind of sensitive topic. After seeing that the door of the library still didn't mean to open, the two mages stopped talking.

Just like that, they continued to stand side by side by the round platform of the big library, and waited silently by the two braziers on either side of the gate.



However, they don't know how long it has been, and suddenly, the two seem to find that there are several shadows on the ground in addition to the shadows of the two of them being illuminated by the other two pots of fire behind them?

Seeing this, they were so frightened that the hairs on their backs rose, so they immediately raised the pyroxene staff in their hands, and at the same time turned around with their magic power, planning to use the pyroxene spell to attack.



"you you……"

However, when they saw that the existence behind them who did not know when was actually the heretical little girl mage just now and the full moon queen Reinara they were discussing, they were so frightened that their hands trembled, and they almost didn't. He fell to the ground so softly that he couldn't even speak.

It was completely unexpected to them that the two people they were discussing just now had appeared behind them unknowingly?

And ah...

Now, not only have neither of them died, but they also don't seem to have any injuries or conflicts?

Even more frightening is...

The full moon queen who has been crazy for many years, the woman sent by the Kalia royal family to suppress the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy, now she no longer hugs the amber round egg and whispers such crazy things, but With a stern face, he silently stared at them with that gorgeous but very terrifying expression without anger and wise eyes, making them feel as if they were being watched by a terrifying ancient dragon.

Of course, in addition to the terrifying little girl heretic mage and the full moon queen, what shocked them even more were: the incomplete children born by the full moon queen, at this time, there were actually several standing beside the two of them. Behind him, he looked at them strangely with those curious and ignorant eyes, instead of the weird appearance that not only couldn't stand up, but also just giggled like the rumored one?



"You are miserable!"

?(*???)Ha ha!

Seeing that the two of them were so frightened that they directly held back the brewing spell, looking like they were shaking and unable to speak when they were standing, Annie made a face at the two of them decisively and made fun of it with schadenfreude. .

They all heard what they just said, but Annie didn't mind the other party's malice towards them. After all, she beat them up before, and even burned down the south gate of their academy. I wish they died together or something, that's not surprising at all.

But it is a pity that her Lady Queen Anne not only did not die in it, but she also healed the full moon queen next to her. At the same time, she also found a cure for all the young ladies and sisters who could only lie on the ground. Method!

Although, because of the long-term closed life, the current intelligence of those young girls is only about the level of a three- or five-year-old girl, but their defects have been repaired, and they will naturally grow up slowly in the future. That's not much of a problem.


"Go, tell everyone, just say, I'm back with a full moon!"


"I can let go of all the things that happened in the past... But, from today onwards, if any of you dare to do small things in private, don't blame me for being ruthless!"


"Let someone prepare a sumptuous dinner and send it to the palace before me!"

After speaking, the full moon queen Reinara waved her hand, and then, knowing what power or unknown spell she used, the two of them didn't even have time to resist, so they were directly teleported away from the door of the big library. Know where to be teleported.



"Aunt Reinara, who is Se Lian they just mentioned?"


Seeing the two of them being driven away, Annie naturally turned to the side beside her and asked Leinara, the full moon queen who had a tense face and didn't know what she was thinking.


Hearing Annie's words, Full Moon Queen Reinara's originally frosty face gradually softened, and then she first glanced at Annie with that kind of indulgent and grateful eyes, and then slowly recalled it.

Man Yue also has a little impression of the mage named 'Selian'.

It is said that Se Lian, who was in his youth at the time, became a freshman of the Magic Academy Rhea Lucalia. His beautiful appearance and outstanding talent made Se Lian attracted the attention of all teachers and students in the school, and after a period of time After the study, Cer Lian was given the title of 'Witch' by the academy and the Witch's Glowing Stone hood, which symbolizes an outstanding magic apprentice.

That student, who combined talent and beauty, entered the world like a star in the hearts of apprentices, and became the focus of the academy for a period of time.

Unfortunately, the other party later touched the taboo of the academy, so he was exiled.

It's just that, unlike the situation discussed by the two mages just now, touching the taboos of the academy is not just as simple as being corroded and assimilated by pyroxene or turning into a 'magic ball'!

The status of those two people in the academy just now should not be too high, maybe they are just juniors, so of course, they will not know the terrible disaster that the Eternal City suffered!

It is precisely in order to avoid the reoccurrence of the tragic invasion of the star alien Estee in pursuit of the hometown of pyroxene, that the remaining night people of that year listed this as an absolutely inviolable taboo during the Selia period!

And back then, when she helped and supported her demigod daughter Lani to meet the, she was also cautious, and ordinary mortal pyroxene mages, who dared to spy on the origin, would Which one has a good ending?

However, with the passage of time, the taboo reasons for pursuing the origin of pyroxene have long been forgotten by people, and there are very few people who can know the reason like her.

"I vaguely remember..."

"Selian was escorted to the Weeping Peninsula by the witch hunter Jellian and imprisoned."

"I don't know what the situation is now."

"But that doesn't matter, let's go Annie...I'll take you and the kids to my palace, and we'll chat over time?"

Se Lian or something, in Man Yue's eyes, he is just a reckless mortal student with a little talent.

Although, what happened back then was not necessarily the other party's doing, but the other party's heart was still too high, and he wanted to spy on the secrets of the stars so early. That kind of reckless behavior was doomed to be impossible in the pyroxene magic. If she goes too far on the road, the result will definitely not be very good. She shouldn't let her waste time and energy for the other party when she just woke up.





Annie didn't know each other anyway, so when she heard that there was something to eat, she forgot the guy named 'Selian' in the blink of an eye, and followed Lenala and the group of curious little boys. The sisters walked towards somewhere in the academy together.


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