Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1879: ??????King City Rodel


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In the royal city of Rodel, in front of the throne of Eldun under the golden tree, a man is carrying a ferocious dragon claw battle axe made of a large ancient dragon claw on his right shoulder, and he holds a dragon claw also made of a large ancient dragon on his left and right. Shield, wearing a special-shaped Longkai composed of dragon ribs and full of dragons, wearing the same special-shaped dragon helmet on his head, and even the war horses are similar costumes, it looks like The extremely ferocious and terrifying dragon-suited tree guard slowly rode his horse, walked more than ten steps before the empty throne with that terrifying and impressive posture, and stood still.


He is the guardian of the big tree in dragon costume and the knight of the golden tree, so he is qualified to come here on horseback, and before coming to the throne, he will meet with the golden tree or the throne of Eldon, who is still unclaimed king!

At this time, the throne was empty, only a crown was placed there, and around the royal court of the throne, there were rows of motionless Rodel standing with guns, wearing golden armor and holding golden shields. knight.

Those knights are different from their big tree guards. They are the golden knights affiliated to the royal city. They have been guarding the royal city as the elite of the royal city. Of course, they also naturally include the golden tree.

The crown of the crown that represents the glory of the guardians of the golden tree, the golden shield they are holding, and the pattern of the golden tree painted on the badge on their left chest is the best proof.

But those things don't really matter...


Then, the dragon-suited tree guard on horseback first looked at the Rodel knights on the left and right, then at the empty throne in front, and finally looked up at the still huge golden tree. After realizing that its light was still so dim, he slowly lowered his head and sighed in his heart.


"Dragon costume big tree guard, come to see the blessing king!"

Then, without dismounting, he directly shouted loudly towards the empty throne.

Blessed King Monggot is the hero and savior of their royal city Rodel. I think back then, when the combined rebels led by the general Ratan of the Broken Star attacked the king's city and were about to invade the city wall, he was the Blessed King Mongol. Te led a large army to come to aid, and in the name of the Blessed King Menggot, he commanded the upper and lower part of the royal city, repelling the attack of the most powerful demigod Ratan in one fell swoop, and guarding the royal city and the golden tree!

Since then, King Blessing has been guarding under the golden tree, making great contributions to the stability of the royal city and being widely supported and loved by the soldiers and civilians in the royal city of Rodel.


Over the years, the dragon-suited tree guards have also vaguely heard rumors of taboos...

Some people say that their 'Blessed King' is actually the 'Evil Omen King'. They say that Monggot is the son of a bad omen born under the curse of the golden tree royal family. Exist, so you have been afraid to show your face?

And usually, the evil omen demon Malquith who rules the night cavalry is actually a clone controlled by the 'bad omen king' Menggot?

There are even rumors that the "Blood King" Munger, who doesn't know where to hide, is actually one of the evil twins of the Golden Tree royal family, just like their "Blessed King" Mungert?

In this regard, although the dragon-suited tree guards have always been somewhat scornful, they are reluctant to believe that the blessed king who is supported and respected by them will be such a cursed and filthy existence.


I don't know why, but he can't help but have some doubts in his heart?

Because, he knows better than anyone else that their blessed king, Menggot, has indeed never shown his true face in front of anyone... let alone him, even the one who is standing guard around at this time. The Rodel knights who were guarding the throne in rows had also never seen the Blessed King.

In fact, if someone with the will to investigate, it will not be difficult to find out: Except for the night cavalry and the evil omen, Markit, who is active outside, there seems to be no one in the entire royal city. The Blessed King Mongot who has been to them?

Perhaps, because of that, in the dark corners of the royal city, those vicious and slanderous rumors spread?

If possible, the dragon-suited tree guards really want to suggest that their blessed king make a public appearance, even if only once, so that those despicable people will be speechless!


Just like this time he came here for an audience, the throne is still empty, and just like countless times over the years, their blessed king still refuses to show up, still stubbornly maintaining his share of a royal city like them. The secrets that the core guards don't even know, are still hiding in the passage of the golden tree, and they don't know what they are doing.


In this regard, the dragon-suited big tree guard has no good solution. He can only lower his head slightly, no longer look directly at the throne of Eldon under the golden tree, and patiently wait for the blessing of the king's reply.

"Well, it's you..."

"Come to the throne, what's the matter?"

"Tell me..."

Just waited for a while, and as usual countless times, behind the throne of Eldon, on the steps, in the deep passage of the golden tree that only the king of Eldon was qualified to enter, finally passed the message. The hoarse and thick voice of their blessed king, Monggot, came out.

"Bless the King!"

"New news from the south!"

Hearing that voice, the big tree guard in the dragon costume shuddered, then hurriedly turned over and dismounted, and then knelt down on his knees and saluted, not forgetting to speak loudly.



"In the South..."

"Is it about those faded ones who are not blessed and manipulated by the fire of ambition...or the little girl of 'Storm and Fire' who usurped the throne and came out of nowhere?"

The voice of Blessed King Menggot came out from the entrance of the golden tree and from the steps behind the throne.


At this time, the dragon-suited tree guard boldly raised his head and glanced at the stairs, but unfortunately, he still didn't see anything, not even the shadow or outline of the other party.


"It's a message from Galid!"

"The night cavalry has just returned, and the star-shattered general Ratan of the Red Lion City has been rescued from the madness of scarlet corruption. Now the Red Lion City is holding a large-scale celebration that lasts for seven days!"

The dragon-suited big tree guard did not dare to hide anything, and directly reported the important information he had just received aloud, and waited for the response of one of their blessing kings.


"This is impossible!"

"Absolutely impossible!!"

Sure enough, in the next second, everyone present heard the surprised, unexpected and angry roar of King Blessing.

But fortunately, King Blessing quickly controlled his emotions, and his voice gradually calmed down.

"Scarlet corruption..."

"That is an existence that cannot even be cured by the blessings of the golden tree. How could General Ratan, who was tainted by the bloom of the corrupt flower of the Valkyrie Malenia, be cured?"

"That's impossible!"

Above the steps, at the inner entrance of the golden tree, the blessing king Menggot's voice was trying to keep calm, but everyone could hear it. It was different from the rush at the beginning. Now it seems a little irritable and angry. However, even then, he still had no intention of coming down the steps and showing himself.



"Not only was the broken star general Ratan healed, but even... even the full moon queen of the Kalia royal family at the Rhea Lucaria Academy of Magic, Reinara, she seems to have returned to normal and appeared in the red at the Lion City celebration."

Seeing their Blessed King seemed a little hysterical, as a last resort, the dragon-suited tree guard hurriedly told another important and exciting news.


"Full Moon Queen Reinara?"


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"She's back to normal too?"


Sure enough, after hearing this equally explosive news, the Blessed King Menggot, who had been bombed twice by the king, calmed down suddenly, and there was no sound for a long time, and he didn't know if he was thinking. something.

"Go on!"

"What the **** is going on then?"

Finally, I don't know how long it took, when the Rodel knights who were present were all listening intently with bated breath, the Blessed King Mongot, who really couldn't figure out the reason, spoke again.


"Your Majesty, according to legend..."

"The scarlet corruption of Star Broken General Ratan was cured by the new king of Nimgford, Anne Hastur, the Queen of Storm and Fire of Stonewell City!"


"In the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy, there is also a pyroxene mage who ventured out from the enchantment to pass information to the king city, saying that it is..."

"The Queen of the Full Moon, Reinara, also woke up with the help of that little girl, the King."


"The Kalia royal family and Stonewell City have concluded some kind of covenant!"

"In addition to the current Red Lion City and Moen City, which was shot down by Stonewell not long ago..."

"So far, what has been basically confirmed is that the Royal Family of Kalia, the Lienya Region, the Magic Academy of Rhea Lucaria, and the Red Lion City of Galead have all been in a certain way. The new King of Stonewell City in Magford is united!"


"Three of the five continents on the border, more than half of the land, and the most fertile and relatively complete area, have all fallen into the hands of that Queen Anne of Storm and Fire!"

"What's more terrifying is..."

"The road to the king's city has been opened by the other party, and they can lead the coalition to reach Rodel's city wall again at any time!"

This is what makes the dragon-suited tree guard the most worried and uneasy.

You must know that in those days, only Gayled's Red Lion City coalition forces almost fell the royal city of Rodel, but now, most of the border area, including the power of the Kalia royal family and the Magic Academy, is unknown. Juejian was taken over by the little girl queen who appeared out of nowhere. God knows what will be waiting for Rodel when the next battle of the royal city starts?


After the Dragon Dressed Tree Guard finished speaking, for a long time, the Blessed King Menggot, who was hiding in the entrance of the Golden Tree, did not speak.

Obviously, he also seemed to be shocked by the shocking information.


"Send the order down!"

"From now on, King City Rodel will raise the alert level and send heavy troops to the Didas elevator!"


"Send out horses to conduct a comprehensive investigation in Lienia, Nimgef, and Galid, and be sure to keep an eye on the Magic Academy, the Kalia Royal Family, the Red Lion City, and Stonewell's every move!"

"Especially that Stonewell City, there must be no mistake!"

In the end, the Blessed King Menggot spoke up, and said decisively, giving a relatively conservative order.



"Follow orders!!"

The dragon-suited tree guard didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly responded loudly.

Then, he raised his head and looked again at the empty throne and the golden tree steps behind the throne.

When the Blessed King who discovered them learned of this important information but still had no intention of appearing, he couldn't help but sighed in frustration, then stood up, turned around and straddled his dragon Pretending to be a warhorse, he trotted off to the outside of the royal court.




Behind him, the Rodel knights in golden armor exchanged vague glances, and then looked at the passage behind the throne.

But in the end, they still didn't dare to say anything, just secretly remembered what happened just now in their hearts, and then continued to stand silently in their posts around the royal court.


At this time, a certain bad little girl didn't know that the royal city Rodel, far under the golden tree, was already paying attention to her.

Of course, it's useless to know, because, under the guidance of a certain dog who led the way, she came to the underground world of Nymgef without much effort, and came to the so-called eternal city 'Norkronen ' at the bottom of the well of the Shivra River.


"Queen Anne here we are."

"From here to the north, is the eternal city 'Norkron'!"

"Go west, cross the bottomless abyss and the underground river, you can reach the spiritual temple where the blood king 'Mengge' is said to be entrenched, that guy is very strong, you better not go over to provoke him, although I know, you There must be a way to get there..."

"And in the northeast, there are many altars and wells. Since you can teleport spells, you must be able to go back easily, and you won't rely on that kind of thing, right?"

With that, the werewolf Blazer turned around, ready to say something to Annie.



"Ann, Queen Anne?"

"Are you still there?"

At this moment, when the werewolf Blazer finished introducing the situation of the underground world and turned his head to look, where can he see the trace of that nasty little girl who took him as a guide dog?


"Is it directly teleported away?"

Then, raising his head, he sniffed the air in the underground world with his wolf nose, and found that the only scent of the other party was this place and the passage they walked through when they came, and Blazer knew that the little girl , he must have been impatient with his explanation and teleported directly to somewhere in this underground world.

"That's it!"

"Even if she's gone, I'm going to carry out my mission too."

Saying that, Blazer looked left and right, and after confirming that Annie was no longer there, he grabbed his Kalia royal greatsword and groped towards the east of the dark underground world.



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