Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1901: !? (·''·?)? They are not yours...

Annie didn't pay any attention to the 'Tang Ji', and she didn't even think about what the other party would do for herself, because, ah, after eliminating that dark abandoned child, she sat on Tibbers' shoulders and went all the way to him. Before running wildly, he quickly boarded a magic elevator.


When the large magic elevator reached the end, she was shocked to discover that she herself had come to the ground again?



"Why did you come up again..."


Looking again and confirming the view to the left and right, Anne quickly understood where she was: not that Lyenia area?

Moreover, it is not difficult for her to judge from the foggy lakeside area of ​​Lienia in the northwest. She is definitely in the lower left corner of the Lienia area now!



"In that direction?"


"However, since the 'finger' is on the ground, why did that guy rush to the underground Eternal City Nok Stella before that? Isn't that lack of heart?"


Annie was very puzzled by this, and put her hands on her forehead and began to look towards the northwest.

But in the end, Annie had to give up and continue her research. Instead, she sat down on Tibbers' shoulders again, and motioned for the other party to move forward at full speed in the direction of the soul fluctuations of a certain puppet sister she noticed.

Anyway, she has caught up, and she is still here, she must not give up halfway, so moving on has become her only choice at present.


(● ̄?? ̄●)

(And of course Tibbs himself doesn’t care. After all, he also knows that his opinion is useless, and he can’t influence the decision of his poor little master, so he just walks with clumsy and fat feet. , swaying and striding toward the northwest direction and ran.)


ε=(??ο`*))) alas

"It's just killing a 'finger', is it so troublesome to run around?"




Although she said that, Annie still had to sigh and watch her little bear, Tibbs, running wildly across the field at a speed of about 60 kilometers per hour, and then, from time to time, she gave It teleports within a line of sight, allowing it to barely reach a few hundred kilometers per hour.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

In this way, due to Tibbers' full-speed running and the teleportation of the owner of a nasty little girl, one person and one bear chased the direction of the soul fluctuation to a cathedral in less than half an hour.

'! ! ’

'Roar~! ’

Suddenly, not far away, a pyroxene giant dragon roared up from the field.

And then, when Annie thought that the other party would attack them and be prepared to take precautions, she was surprised to find that the other party didn't dare to look at them any more, and fluttered her wings desperately as if to flee. flew north.





"I remembered that it was the pyroxenic dragon I encountered last time near the Three Sisters Pagoda..."


The familiar scene made Annie quickly think of the 'Pyroxene Dragon' Adura, and she probably knew why the other party behaved in that way, she just thought she would eat dragons or something.

"Forget it! Leave it alone!"


Anne didn't have time to go to the other party and say: Her Lady Queen Anne is really not the kind of person who eats dragons!

Although, she is indeed very interested in dragon meat, but under normal circumstances, she will not eat wise dragons. At most, she just burns them for fun. There is no need for the other party to be so nervous, especially now she Under the circumstance that there is something serious to do, it will definitely not be so ruthless to the wild dragon on the roadside.

At least not until the business is done...



Seeing that a bad little girl didn't have time to pay attention to the fleeing pyroxene dragon, Tibbers naturally wouldn't mind his own business and continued to move forward.

Soon, they arrived at a dilapidated ruin with the words "Manus Theris Cathedral" written on a stone tablet in front of the door, and found a fresh big hole in it.



"Is it in there?"


"What a hassle!"


"Going down to the ground and coming up again, coming up and going down again, I have tossed back and forth several times, is that necessary?"


Complaining was complaining, but Annie still had to order her little bear, Tibbs, to carry her and jump into the pit.

This kind of small pit doesn't look very deep, so of course, there is no need for Annie to summon the previous 'Tang Ji'.

Of course, what's more important is that now she has completely forgotten about the 'Tanji' that was thrown away after use.

To Annie's surprise, the cave turned out to be deeper than expected?

Moreover, after Tibbers jumped back and forth a few times, they had reached a place more than a few hundred meters below, not only the air became turbid, but even the light became dim.

But those are all small problems. After Annie summoned a dozen 'fluorescent flashes' at random, the caves near her became brighter than the sun, and there was absolutely no worry about the lack of light and the inability to see the road and the surrounding scenery. Condition.


(● ̄?? ̄●)



Not long after, with Tibbers' efforts, Annie discovered that she soon reached the end of the cave and entered a spacious place with knotted tree roots and many scarlet spoilage mushrooms.

Of course, none of that matters!

The important thing is...

She saw the same thing: under the light of fluorescent flashing magic, at the end of this dark cave, at the roots of those knotted trees, a huge monster that looked like two fingers, at this time It's already crooked there and doesn't move!

Moreover, there were several huge gaps in the opponent's body, and the blood seeping out of it flowed directly to the ground, and the ground of the cave was also accumulated into a scarlet pool of blood, which looked particularly terrifying.

At the same time, Annie also saw that the big puppet, Miss Lani, was sitting there motionless with Erlang's legs crossed. The clothes on her body had become tattered, and the hat was missing, which was directly exposed. The inside of the doll and the beautiful face.

Of course, the other party's body is also full of those red blood, and at a glance, you know that it has gone through a big battle!



"Fight, fight over?!"


Seeing this, of course, Annie exclaimed for the first time, and scolded the little sister who was sitting motionless with Erlang's legs beside the corpse of Erlang, who looked bloody.

She didn't know whether the other party was injured or not, and she didn't care. Anyway, she only knew: Her Lady Queen Anne helped the other party a lot along the way, and she hurried all the way, but she never thought that she was still I'm late? !


Hearing Annie's anger, the bloody, snow witch suit she was wearing was all rags, and the hat even disappeared immediately, and the big puppet of Lani still sat there motionless, and then still had Erlang's legs crossed. , two of his four arms rested on his legs, while the other two slumped aside motionless, with blood all over his body and face, and stared at Annie with that dull one eye.

Naturally, the scarlet on the puppet at this time was not Lani's blood, but the ugly alien creature behind her, which looked like a two-fingered 'two-finger'!

At this time, judging from his still motionless state and the blood dripping all over the ground, he was obviously dead.



It is not difficult to know from the expression that Annie must be very angry now.

"You bastard!"


"Isn't it okay to wait for someone to come and fight again?"


"Although people won't necessarily help you, but it's good to show them the fun!"


Annie continued to scold.


It's a pity that, facing Annie's frantic appearance, the adult doll, Lanni, was still indifferent and motionless, as if she hadn't heard it.





With a cold snort, Annie who found herself running in vain in the end, although she saw the second finger, but did not see the battle process, Annie gritted her teeth and planned to turn her head and leave here!





"Here! Is this yours? Give it back to you!"


At this moment, Annie, who was just about to leave, suddenly thought of something, and then she turned her head angrily, took out a ring directly and held it in front of the other party's eyes.


Finally, after seeing the ring that Annie handed over, the puppet Lani finally had a little reaction.

Her doll's eyes, which were originally lifeless, moved at this time, and then suddenly became a little more agile.

"for you!!"


Seeing that the other party was still dawdling, Annie had no choice but to force it directly onto the other party's finger.

Then, she turned around in dissatisfaction and planned to leave here with her little bear.


"I see!"


"So that person turned out to be you..."

At this moment, Lan Ni, who had been silent for a while, suddenly let out a long sigh.

And in that voice, there was surprise, relief, and a trace of inexplicable feelings mixed in it, and she didn't know what she wanted to express.



"What did you say?"


Annie was a little puzzled, saying that she didn't understand what the other party said.


Lani didn't explain.

The next moment, I don't know what magic she cast, her doll became clean again in an instant, and then, she put on the snow witch suit again, and began to sit aside properly, using complicated He kept his eyes on Annie.


"Do you know the meaning of this ring?"

Then, the puppet Lanni asked directly.


∑(??△`)? !

"do not know!"


Of course Anne didn't know.

Anyway, she only knew that at that time, after she turned it out, Aunt Reinara asked her to help bring this hateful doll in front of her, and then she took it with her, and now she thinks about it, she returns it to the other party , things are so simple, how do you know what's the point?


Lani was silent, but soon, she slowly explained again.

It turned out that this ring was called the 'Dark Moon Ring', which had a special meaning.

He is a big ring made in the image of the dark full moon. It was originally the cold contract ring that her 'Princess of the Moon' Lani was going to give to her partner. king.

That is the 'King Eldon'!

However, because Lani chose the dark path of the gods, she always thought that the ring would not be used. For this reason, she left it in the large library of the Magic Academy and her mother Reinara. beside him, and engraved two warnings on the ring:

'All characters are not allowed to take this thing. ’

'All the loneliness on the other side of the night belongs only to me. ’



"and then?"


Annie said she didn't see the warnings at all!

Besides, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it, even if she did see it, could it be that it said that if she was not allowed to take it, she would not take it?

She wants to take it, so what?


(● ̄?? ̄●)


"Just what I just told you..."


"It's the king I destined..."

Having said that, Lan Ni sighed softly again.



Annie was still at a loss. She didn't quite understand what the other party was trying to say.


"I am very happy."


"If my king were you, I think I would gladly accept it?"

Lan Ni said in a tone of joy and exclamation, obviously, she originally refused to do something, but now she is very satisfied, especially the 'two fingers' has been eliminated by her, and never again. Anything like this could stand in her way.



"What the **** are you talking about?"


Annie said that she understood every word the other party said, but when they put it together, she didn't know what it meant.

Also, she didn't like the other party laughing and talking to her in that puzzle-like way! !

"You are my king..."

"That is..."

"The meaning of the partner."

Lani didn't know how to explain, so after hesitating for a while, she could only say this.



"Do not!"


"It's not you, but the bear!"


Blinking, and soon, Annie pointed to the little bear standing beside her with great confidence and corrected herself.

Companion also means company, and she deserves the company of Queen Anne and is willing to let her be by her side. There is really nothing else but the bear.

As for the puppet sister in front of her, whether it is this big puppet or that small puppet, Annie said that it is absolutely impossible for her to keep her with her, absolutely not!


(● ̄?? ̄●)


"I'm going to the night sky..."

"That's where my law is."

"Annie, just keep walking on the king's road, and we'll meet again when we're done with each other's affairs."

"I am looking forward……"

After speaking, without waiting for Annie to answer, the big puppet Lanni instantly turned into a little bit of starlight fragments and disappeared, apparently teleporting somewhere.

However, she didn't know why, but she left a big sword in place.

"Dark Moon Great Sword?"


Annie walked over and picked it up. Although she didn't need such a boring thing, she couldn't deny that this broken sword seemed quite important.

"Is it left over from the battle just now?"


"Forget it, take it back to Aunt Reinara!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

After struggling for a while, Annie finally did not choose to throw it away, but reluctantly put it away.



"What kind of night sky do you want to go to, that's not easy!"


At this time, Annie didn't know what she was thinking, but she took out a small doll from her pocket.

That's right, that's the little doll I picked up in that Ansel River before!

Obviously, the big puppet of Miss Lani just left, but the other party's puppet is still in the hands of Her Lady Queen Anne, and, ah, there is the other party's soul imprint on it, touch it. It is no longer cold, so that she can operate more space.



In any case, the other party killed her **** in advance, making her Queen Anne busy and running around in vain, and letting her Queen Anne not play, the other party must pay the due price for that kind of hateful thing!

"Let's go!"


"Tibbers, let's go back to the Magic Academy!"


Seeing that there was nothing left here, just a boring 'two-fingered' corpse, Annie jumped on Tibbers' shoulders again, and with a thought, she instantly teleported away.

Now, she is going to go back to the academy to find Aunt Reinara to do a big thing!

As for the inexplicable words that the puppet, Miss Lani, just said, she didn't take it seriously at all, and she didn't take it to heart at all.

Now, all she can think about is the kind of thing that strikes and retaliates against the other party and makes the other party pay the price!


Soon, with Annie's departure, calm and darkness returned to the cave, and only the corpse of the **** "finger" remained silently there.

On this day, the messenger of the 'Supreme Will', who had supreme power at the junction, and even the 'two fingers' who could control the fate of Kamito, the King of Eldon, and the goddess died so quietly.

And, still in that kind of obscurity that few people know about...


??(ψ`▽′)o If you have more monthly passes, a certain puppet will be bullied a little harder!


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