Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1912: (?ω?) A lot of help

The ruins of the battlefield outside the city, the giant throwing spears, all kinds of dilapidated equipment and armor, and half-buried bones, looked a little dilapidated and bleak in the past.

However, after so many years, the towering and magnificent Rodel City Wall still stands there.

From a distance, there were many people moving up there, and there seemed to be a lot of defenders.

In addition, the various divine defenses that have been blessed are also lit up on the city wall. At the same time, the huge tree guard knight statues still stand on both sides of the city gate, and the shining ones can directly pierce the ground. The illuminated golden tree, of course, almost occupies half of the sky, and when you look at it, you can only feel that it is golden.

The above are all the sights that the coalition forces of Stoneville City have seen when they arrived outside the main gate of the inner city of Rodel, the royal city, and laid out their formations.

It has been a full month since a certain bad little girl entered the three-finger sealed cell.

During this period, she has never appeared to anyone or anywhere. In addition to worrying countless people who care about her, she also tires the dragon-suited tree guard and many Rodel knights in the royal city. He was waiting for her and guarded her day and night for a full month.

But to this day, when the 50,000 'Fire Eye' army of Stonewell City plus the Kalia royal family and Gayled's reinforcements broke through the Didas elevator, the three-way intersection of Yatan Avenue, the outer wall of the king's city and arrived at the battlefield outside the city When the ruins began to surround the inner city wall of the royal city, the poor little girl king never appeared again.

No one knows where she went, or whether she is dead or alive...

But anyway, whether it is the coalition army of Stoneville City or the defending army of Royal City Rodelry, both of them know an important piece of information, that is: that key person, the other party entered the Royal City a month ago, and then he There is no news and it is very likely that he is still stranded in the royal city.

So, today, after nearly a month of marching and attacking, Stonewell's coalition forces came here.


'My lovely children...'

'You can become anything, you can become kings, you can become gods...'


'When you do not become any being, you will be abandoned...'

'And, as a sacrifice. ’

First, using that milky but serious tone, and solemnly saying some of the words left by the former goddess Malika with the mental imprint on the ruins of this ancient battlefield, the snow witch little Rani then restarted. After recovering the kind of voice that was still milky, but more indifferent and cheerful, he added:


"It's the motto left by the goddess Malika on this ancient battlefield!"

"What do you think about this?"

After finishing speaking, little Rani who was standing on the boulder raised his head slightly, and looked down at the high-level coalition army and generals present.

Now Rani's body is only about five years old, and it is even shorter and more delicate than the previous doll's body, so it must not be solved by just a few books, but You must stand on a place as high as this rock, or ride on a tall horse, otherwise, she needs to look up at everyone, which is something she can't accept.


"My dear little Rani, I won't say anything about Ratan, as for you..."

"You are not Malika's child now!"

"Anyway, I won't admit it!"

Although he has already recovered and he has learned the fact that Radagang is Marika, it is still a huge stain for the full moon queen Reinara!

Therefore, she doesn't want to have anything to do with that hateful 'woman' at all, especially her favorite little daughter, Rani, who is her reborn existence. Without the slightest bloodline of Radagang, she must be He will not admit that the other party is still the daughter of that Malika.


"Mother mother!"

"Please don't say that kind of question in such a serious occasion!"

Hearing Reinara's shameful words, little Rani lowered her head directly, and then the wide pointed hat of the Snow Witch completely covered her face, so that people around her could no longer see her delicate face. What is the expression on Zhang Xiao's face?

"Oh well!"


"Latan, what about you? What do you think?"

After teasing her little daughter Rani, of course, the Queen of the Full Moon looked at her demigod son named 'the strongest'.


However, Ratan on the side did not speak.

Like a stuffy can, he rode on the back of his 'pony', which was completely out of tune with his size, and stared straight at the inner city wall of the towering and tall royal city Rodel in front of him. .


He is thinking.

Because back then, his 'Broken Star' Ratan also hit here, and almost entered the king's city, just one step away from becoming the king of Eldon!

It's a pity that at the most critical time, the damned Monggot, the other party led those ruthless night cavalry directly to copy his back path, cut off the supply of his Gayled coalition, let him be attacked by the enemy on his back, and finally Had to retreat in embarrassment, and left the ruins of this large battlefield here.

Looking at everything in front of him, seeing those giant throwing spears that were stuck on the ground and hadn't corroded for so many years, he not only felt a little emotional.

But fortunately, he Ratan led his Red Lion Corps to kill again!

This time, they will not run away, and will show the world with practical actions: the knights in the Red Lion Legion who belong to his "Broken Star" Ratan, all of them are brave and good at fighting and none of them are cowards!

Although this time, even if he entered the royal city, it would not be his turn to become the king, but he did not regret it, nor did he have any complaints, and was willing to play the role of such a 'servant'.

"It surprised me that…"

"One day we will attack the royal city Rodel..."

While the Queen of the Full Moon and the family were chatting and teasing, not far away, in the camp of Stonewell City, those generals such as the tree guards and the furnace knights were also sighing in a low voice.

"Is this betrayal?"

"All right!"

"Brother, don't think about it."

"After so many years, it's time to end this terrible situation and restore order to the whole world."


"Don't be, that's not betrayal, that's redemption!"


"Yes, not only to redeem ourselves, but also to save the world..."

"Do you think..."

"After the French ring is broken, shall we have a good day?"


After only discussing for a while, those people gradually stopped talking.

Although, when they decided to follow the new King Stonewell, they had imagined such a day, but they never imagined that this day would come so quickly and suddenly, so it was a little difficult for them for a while. Adapted, and then could not help but sentimental a few words.

But in any case, that does not affect their determination to take the city and make their King of Stonewell the king of the entire border.


"Your Majesty the Witch!"

"And Her Majesty the Full Moon Queen of Kalia!"


"Are we going to attack now?"

At this time, a fire-eyed knight not far away saw that his troops had been fully deployed, and that the north and south of the king city had been blocked and sent a signal, he quickly came to this high-level generals They gathered in a place that looked like a handsome camp and asked the queen of the witch Serorina and Kalia.

In fact, he didn't have to ask the Queen of the Full Moon at all. After all, the main force this time was Stonewell's Fire-Eyed Knights. There were a total of fifty thousand of them!

On the other hand, the reinforcements of Kalia and Galid are estimated to be less than 10,000 people combined.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was all elite, and there were powerful demigods such as the Queen of the Full Moon, the Princess of the Moon, and the General of the Broken Star, how could he respect the other party's opinion?

"I don't recommend you do that..."

"At least not yet, don't be too hasty!"

At this time, without waiting for the Queen of the Full Moon and the little witch to speak, the Star Broken General Ratan shook his head with a sigh and rejected the Fire-Eyed Knight's suggestion on the spot.

"I suggest waiting a few days."

"You have also seen that ahead, the ancient battlefield outside the city, which I left behind."

"My people back then were not much less than yours."

"But the result..."

In Latan's view, fighting is not a child's play. They have traveled a full month to get here, and they have just started their army. The soldiers are also very tired. On the other hand, the other side is waiting for work, and now they are rashly Going to attack is definitely not a good idea.


However, the Fire-Eyed Knight was silent for a while, but didn't answer, just turned to look at their titular leader Serorina, wanting to see if she had any other ideas.

"We can't wait a few days..."

"Master Anne is probably in the royal city now. I'm very worried about her situation. We must take this factor into account. Now it's not just as simple as fighting a war."

"We must get in as soon as possible!"

However, the witch Serorina didn't even think about it, and directly expressed her concerns.


"Shall we send the dragon to attack?"

"With the two giant dragons together, they will surely be able to knock down that city gate, right?"

Then, she directly said one of her immature thoughts, that is: dispatch a giant dragon!

Before they came here, whether it was the Digas elevator, the three-way intersection of Yatan Avenue, or the outer wall of the King City, they all relied on the cooperation of the two giant dragons to easily win the levels. Therefore, now that she is in front of the royal city, she naturally wants to repeat the old tricks, and then it is best to take down the huge city gate and enter the royal city today.


At this time, Serorina's proposal was very rarely rejected directly by the moon princess Rani with that milky voice.

"If the dragons attack, they need to lower the flying height, and if they get too close, they will definitely be shot down!"

"Look at those giant throwing spears for yourself, they're not just ground-attacking..."

Then, Lani stretched out her white and tender little finger and pointed to the giant throwing spears that were stuck in every direction on the ancient battlefield not far away.

That kind of thing is made of metal, big, heavy and long. Even a giant is difficult to pull it up. If it really hits the dragon, I am afraid that only one shot will be enough for Smalrag and Yaki. An existence like Er fell directly.

And as far as she knows, the various defenses in the royal city of Roder are very complete, not only the equipment that can fire giant metal spears, but also various ice wizards and flying golem guards, relying only on two giant dragons to fly Attacking in the past would undoubtedly be self-defeating.


"Master has not heard from him for a month, we really can't wait any longer!"

Although Serorina also admitted that it was a bit bad to send the dragon up, she was a little unwilling if she did nothing, especially when she thought that the great little master she served was probably in the city and In an unknown situation, she could not wait to wave her hand immediately to let those Fire Eye Knights forcefully push and rush in regardless of casualties.

"We can't wait any longer!"

After a pause, Serorina reiterated her opinion again, and told those high-level reinforcements with a firm expression that she herself would most likely be the first to order and launch an attack, even if it costs a lot, she must do so as soon as possible. Take the King City!


"Although I don't think anything will happen to Annie, but..."

"I also think it's better to call in as soon as possible to see?"

Just when Rani was about to refute, she was surprised when the full moon queen Reinara heard Serorina's concerns and said in agreement.

"At least…"

"Can we try it out today?"

"Anyway, the troops are deployed, so we can't do nothing, right?"

Leinara is proficient in battle formations and is also the queen of Kalia. She even led her troops to a tie with Radagang. Therefore, although she is not in favor of attacking with full force at this time, if it is just a test , to analyze and judge the strength and distribution of the royal city, but she is not too opposed to it.


"Then you decide!"

Seeing that his mother also helped, Ratan thought about it, and then expressed his own attitude in a direct voice.

"If the situation is right, I will lead the charge!"

Then, after shaking his huge red-haired head first, he was no longer ready to object.

"If you try it out..."


"Can I summon meteorites to directly destroy the city wall?"

"Naturally, the premise is that my brother will release the seal on the stars."

At this moment, Rani, who was standing on the stone, suddenly turned around and looked at Ratan, who looked very funny on the 'pony'.

In fact, that horse is not small. Compared to the current Rani, it is at least three or four times her height!

However, compared to Ratan's huge size, it is not enough to see, and if Ratan is not capable of gravity magic, I am afraid that his legs will be crushed long ago.

"Release the seal?"

Ratan was startled.

"Do not!"

"Don't think about it!"

"That's my duty!"

"I won't let outside gods come in!"

"no way!"

It's a pity that a small idea of ​​Rani was seen through by Ratan at a glance, so he refused directly and flatly, and didn't pay attention to Rani's words at all.


Little Rani was obviously a little angry, but there was nothing she could do.

After all, her new body is still growing, and now she is definitely not the opponent of her older brother Ratan. Even if she wants to go to domestic violence, she is probably the one who was raped, so she is sure They would not and would not dare to argue with the other party or fight and humiliate themselves.

"Then what do you do?"


"Just think about it again..."


"Why don't we send a mage first to bombard the city with a long-distance pyroxene spell to see the reaction of the defenders?"


"The attack range of the pyroxene mage is not as far as those giant throwing spears or bed crossbows. If you go forward without authorization, the loss will not be small."




At this time, the full moon queen Reinara, the witch Serorina, the moon princess Rani, and the broken star Ratarn were discussing how to go to the main entrance of Rodell, which has a huge tree guarding the withered statue. When the tentative attack was launched, a small black dragon flew down from the sky.


"The rear of the royal city!"

"In the east, the Lord's Elevator was captured by the army led by the Valkyrie Malenia!"

And when the general of the Fire Eye Knight jumped off the back of the stopped little black dragon, he immediately reported loudly to the high-level officials present.


"It's that guy Malenia again!"


"You are attacking the main gate here, and I will lead the Red Lion Army to clean up her!"

As it is, it is said that the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet!

Is this not?

When he heard that someone was making trouble at this critical time, Star Broken Rataen couldn't help it, he was ready to turn around on the spot, and then ran to his army formation of the Red Lion Army, ready to lead his 3,000 elites Go around the mountain road to the east of the royal city to find trouble with the Valkyrie Malenia.

"and many more!"

"General Ratan!"

"please wait!"

Fortunately, at this time, the fire-eyed knight who returned riding the black young dragon stopped Ratan.


"She is not our enemy!"

Then, he hurriedly told the Valkyrie Malenia who was actually here to help their coalition, and also promised to lead the Knights of Reverence to the east to attack the acropolis at the easternmost point of Rodel, and help contain part of the royal city's troops. explained in detail.



"What are you joking about, that guy Malenia, how come you're here to help us?"

"you're lying!"

After listening to it, Ratan was the first to disbelieve, and retorted loudly, not willing to accept the fact that the Valkyrie Malenia was an ally.

"In fact..."

"She said..."

"I owe King Anne a favor?"

"So, UU Reading she and her brother Mikaela came together, saying that they helped to conquer the king's city, as a repayment of favor?"


"As for how they owe their favor, I didn't say in detail."

Regardless of the shocked and weird expressions on the faces of everyone present, the black dragon knight with real fire eyes explained it so honestly.

After speaking, she seemed to remember something, and hurriedly took out a letter written by Valkyrie from her arms and handed it to Queen Full Moon and Serorina.


(?ω?) Ask for a monthly pass

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